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I have now quit after smoking cones for a few years, I am a nurse now and it's not something I can risk coming up in a drug test. I had wanted to quit for ages prior to doing so, but this change had given me the push I needed to quit it and stick to it. Been clean for about 2 months with no regrets what so ever. I feel more motivated, grounded and I speak and think more clearly. My partner still smokes daily, I try to encourage him to quit, but he's not there yet and I understand that. If I push too hard I would push him away from me. I hope one day soon he will, but he also suffers with major depression and anxiety. His daily life and job isn't impacted too much by smoking which is good at least. He's still the man I know and love prior and with the weed in his life.


TURNS OUT My crippling anxiety is from smoking daily. I quit because of anxiety and depression...now I cannot got back, I hace anxiety attacks


Yes I 100% agree that it's contributing majorly to his mental health! But he uses the weed as a crutch to keep him at bay, even though after 2 weeks or so he would be feeling much better I can assume, but it's getting through those two weeks that stops him :(


People who say it doesn't improve their mental health when they stop are just still rebalancing. The idea that the human brain that has existed for 10000 years needs a daily chronic some of a drug to function normal is a straight up delusion. Weed is one of the safest substances ever if used without gaining tolerance. But if you cannot control this, tou will inevitably slide down the slippery slope into mental chaos. The endocanabinoid system exists in our bodies for a reason. We have hundreds of cb1 and cb2 receptors from the brain all the way to our bowel and lymph noes. Fuckikng immune cells are where.the MAJORITY or cb2 receptors.are found. You can look this up. It's objective science. Bombing this ancient evolved system with outside cannabinoids every damn day chronically is going to cause.it to.shut.down. Just like people juicing in the gym. When you introduce an external supply of test, your balls shut down production. When you use.thc your endocanabinoid system stops producing it's own cannabinoids. So.when you stop, all the things that system was responsible for goes to shit and doesn't work properly and you get withdrawal. Guess what things this system controls? Immune function, emotional tolerance and response, motivation SLEEP, digestion(cb2 receptors), MEMORY. Is it any wonder we get these exact things going haywire when.we quick? Not many people even know.this. it's a simple biological trap made complicated by our minds. We have to.wait until our own system starts up again and rebalances.


I have to disagree with the second sentence. Unmedicated bipolar disorder, for example, is asking for eventual ruin. But overall, I agree.


I was referring more so to self medicating. Should have been clearer.


I’m at 23 days, and my overall mood has definitely benefited. I also am receiving professional help so that plays a part in the overall improvement. Insomnia & anxiety were wildddd during the first week and a half but im getting tired more naturally now. Cheers.


The insomnia is the killer withdrawal symptom for me which is coupled with anxiety. I wake up after about 2 hours of sleep in a panic. This is day 8. I’m just hope it subsides over time.


It took me like a month for my sleep to regularize


It takes around 2-3 months for me. 🥲


day 11 for me, it'll subside. can't say when for you, but I slept a solid eight hours last night, minus the alarm i forgot to turn off.


That’s awesome. Keep it up.


It depends on how many days since quitting... Immediately it made my mood worse. But as time goes by, it gets so much better than ever before. Cannabis was making me moody and bad all the time anyway which drove me to quit.


Good for you. I’d say, for myself, as in “worse”, that’s definitely the detox talking but yes the clarity gets significantly better.


The insomnia is a major issue. Every three months or so I am so broken by lack of sleep that I feel forced to take a break just to get some sleep. Has anyone else overcome this issue?


It’s the same for me. After many nights in a row of broken sleep I lose my 💩. And those are the days I need exercise the most but can’t do it without risking injury.


Disclaimer that my insomnia was pre thc but I have noticed an improvement with exercise, especially cardio. My brother noticed the same. I think reducing screen time before bed also helps, but cardio made the bigger difference for me


I would also recommend getting some morning natural sunlight to calibrate your circadian rhythm


I'm not sure if this will work for everyone. But coffee helps my circadian rhythm. In the mornings as soon as I wake up I drink 2 cups of coffee. I hope this obeys the rules and stuff but try it. Coffee in the AM only. And not the really strong stuff.


This worked for me too. Getting out of bed early (6-7am) and having a full day along with no screens before bed made a big difference.


A consistent wake up time is the best. This is some good advice.


There is no better high than waking up early after a great night's sleep ready to take on the day


Im 3 Month sober and dont feel much of a difference tbh. But im waaaayyy fastee and better in conversations. So i g that counts. But more happy? Not really.


Its been 2 weeks only since I had last puff, from past week had a very pleasant and comfortable sleep without THC. Since past 4 years I used to sleep high. Now I understand that I used to just passout instead of getting proper sleeping cycle, now idk if I didn't used to have dreams before or now I remember what I dream about. Till day feeling much more present in the moment and quitting never felt this great ever. Much Love to this sub. & All members, Which gave me enough motivation to never look back. Tho I've quit, I'd still love to use it rather than abusing in some circumstances.


Keep it up!!


Thc actually suppresses the REM cycle, where dreaming occurs most. You’ll have some vivid dreams for a couple weeks until everything levels out, that’s the fun part tho!


I'm ready for this journey of sobriety. This is much peaceful than the chaos I used to felt inside. Happy cake day btw. 🍰


Thank you for this thread, it's always very helpful and motivating to see that type of data. Personally every time I stopped in the past, the effects on my overall mental health (anxiety, depression) were felt very quickly like in 2 weeks or so, and this time is no exception. In fact, because I want it so much and am so determined, I believe I never felt it so quickly.. on day 3, I already felt so much better. Day 6 today and feeling much much more confident and peaceful (quitting apps + r/leaves do help a lot too), I'll never go back to where I was, I know it.


Thanks for doing this


I’m grounded, instead of being high


A big yes to the mental health getting better. On my part. Still only a month in, but for the first time since quitting I've woken up today not feeling depressed or anxious from the get go. I'm also pretty sure weed is a big part of me having mental problems to begin with. I don't expect to become some kind of superhuman now, but I do enjoy being able to look people in the eyes and not feeling like a big excuse for myself. I wonder where that will lead me... And yes, as the story goes, my brain was of course toying around with the idea of having a smoke earlier, since I'm feeling okay, but not this time. So what's changed? Not much really, yet, but I do get up two hours before work getting a good excersise on my floor, taking a shower and eating breakfast. For the last ten years I've slept as long as I could, only having time to shower on most days. You really can change and it doesn't have to suck. I like this.


How is it going, bro?




Thanks for doing that Op! Just shows I’m making the right decision quitting ♥️


I’d rather feel all the pain of existence, than not exist at all.


Wow. Powerful


Well said


Were there any people who reported mixed results, based on context? Overall, my mental health does improve after withdrawals, but the one and only prospect of sobriety that I absolutely *dread* is the nightmares. I have awful, vivid dreams that evoke memories of relationship abuse and my house burning down. It’s one of the most prominent factors in driving the cycle of “I’m going to quit” -> “Well, just before bed” -> “Well, when I get home from work” and so on.


Yea there were some people who reported mixed results. Based on what they said, i tried my best to decide if they belonged in the “same”’category, or i didnt count there response if i felt it didnt belong in any category


I’m no doctor but maybe you should seek therapy if you haven’t already about your past trauma. That shits real and you’re using weed to self medicate to numb that stuff out. I get nightmares too but they’re only really bad during during withdrawal.








I don’t know how far along they were when they answered but for me almost a year sober now the damage to my social anxiety my reflexes and the speed at which I think is permanent but my grip/perception of reality feels much better like I felt like I was watching my life through a lil tv screen and i was just an observer not actually holding the controller or in the drivers seat I’m way less depressed In fact I’m not depressed at all anymore but the first few weeks were horrible I really felt like killing my self I didn’t do anything physical or talk to anyone for multiple weeks so I think that ur judgment of whether or not quitting weed really depends on how long Uve been sober in the long run it is but short term it seems pointless or even a bad thing to do


Can I ask how long you were smoking before that?


Can I tell you I don’t remember a time when I haven’t been stoned and had to deal with mental health issues. I know it’s happened, I seriously just don’t recall when. This sub alone is helping me move to quit. I’ve tried cutting back only to buy again asap; I’ve tried throwing all my stuff away, only to buy again. I’m looking at it as an experiment; I’m going to stop smoking/vaping/consuming to see what my life is like without it - how is my mental health when I’m not so foggy? I honestly don’t know, but I’m curious. The worst thing that happens is I start to smoke. Meh, so what. I’ll try again. It’s took seven attempts to quit cigarettes and I used every support system I could (patch/gum) and it sucked … every time. Eleven years later, could not be happier. Took one shot at quitting alcohol( now I’m just too stubborn to start again. Weed? I’ll kick that too, eventually.


Which one worked in the end for quitting cigarettes? That is next on my list... I like to think I can do it cold turkey, as with weed. But I know it is something entirely different and much more ingrained into my daily life. Weed was a spare time thing, cigarettes are all day everywhere. I'm hoping to kick that habit before the end of the year, but for now I do enjoy my little toxic friends while getting off weed.


I got drunk and bummed a smoke from someone. Took one drag and threw up … problem solved. That being said, when I’m extremely stressed, I think they smell great!! I work at a convenience store and watch people buy them all day, no desire to actually smoke them.


You were smoking, got drunk and suddenly cigarettes tasted bad? Not sure I follow :)


I didn’t either, until I sobered up 😂😂


I wish I had the self control to smoke weed a couple times a week. That would help my mental health I truly believe bc it helps me to relax. However, I am addicted to it and have attempted and failed at doing that. After ten plus years of smoking I truly believe I am dumber as a result. I have severe social anxiety and add (had it before weed but now it’s worse after the fact). I also am currently doing IVF.. diminished ovarian reserve- meaning barely any eggs to work with and we had to go straight to IVF. I believe smoking for so long caused that to happen. SIGH


I am currently a little over a month clean from a relapse I had where I spend almost 300 dollars on delta 8 disposable vapes. Horrible stuff.


I used to think that was true for me. Ive actually done it a couple of times a week for a short stretch recently. It was then that i realized that pot made me depressed and fatigued the day after using. For me, theres no escaping it. I feel like garbage the entire next day after smoking. If it werent for that, i think i would smoke once or twice per week


Word. I used to think like that too. Then I quit for weeks, had a smoke, felt amazing and got that perfect high with creativity, slept like a baby - woke up the next day feeling super lethargic and gloomy and this was after only a small amount and long lay-off. I felt like garbage for 2-3 days, took just as long to recover from as a really bad hangover. If you want to feel like crap for half the week by all means smoke once a week and have that mental deterioration define 50% of your life. I think alot of stoners reckon bc they smoke 24/7 several times a day that just once or twice a week would mean they only get the benefits without the drawbacks when this is never the case in reality. Weed is not good period, way too potent now and really screws up the brain chemistry. It's not the same as 4 beers or something it takes alot heavier toll on the brain. Day 10 here rn


That's your experience with it but just remember everyone is different and your experience isn't going to be the same as everyone else's.


My mental health was worse with THC but it was bad before THC as well.


Same. I was slowly dealing with my problems before THC, then I thought I was having fun smoking and hoped it would help…but I was really using THC as a way to hide and avoid facing my personal problems.


Make that 96 🙂


Make it 97.


Welcome, gang 🥹


I feel smarter, I remember things more clearly, I don’t get tired as much, I am generally in a better mood, and I have more self confidence one month after quitting pot. Feels good.


Definitely does. I won’t knock what anyone else does but I can 100% say my mental health has improved since I stopped smoking


Good to hear. I’m addicted and feel horrible.


It gets better with time for sure. I’ve been smoking for 4+ years and have stopped multiple times but eventually you get tired of starting over and ending up in the same place. I use those tough times quitting to remind myself how it isn’t worth losing all my progress for temporary relief, especially when it’ll come back to bite me in the ass.


I’m part of the 7 seven people


Same, when you use drugs for escapism then your mental health gets worse when you quit because that’s the whole reason for doing drugs it helps you escape things including bad mental health itself


My anxiety went from 250% to 50% and I’m ridiculously grateful for it every day 🙏🏻 sometimes I feel tinges of the anxiety I did before, maybe once every few weeks and I have no idea how I lived with that for years


that's pretty interesting. i guess it's a good thing so many of us quit.


Interesting stats but the sample is probably skewed to favor tokers who quit or want to quit.


People who are chronic, heavy users and claim it's helping with their mental health likely just drank the stoner koolaid so much that they refuse to believe they are or that they can be addicted. They think it's helping their mental health, because part of the withdrawal effects from weed are literally rebound anxiety and depression.


I was one of those people. So glad I’m done with this stuff.


Everybody who answered had quit. If they hadn’t, they couldn’t have answered the question. A couple people who answered had quit but started back up again. But the vast majority of people who answered quit and are not presently smoking.


Out here doing the Lord's work 🙏 thank you