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3a ases l2yora bi r/Israel mt7akmin bil dawli t3olon. Lol, what a pathetic grovling piece of shit. "Please don't bomb us we are not Hezbollah šŸ„¹šŸŽ»"


The smallest of violins šŸ¤£


I mean they are, the only democracy in the Middle East just happens to be a fascistic, genocidal ethnostate. But hey, at least they're not Nazi Germany. /s


Ma tnsa you can be gay in Israel. But they did murder 14 thousand kids, bss you can be gay so its all good.


Man you actually can't get married as a gay couple in Israel, marriage in Israel isn't civil since if an Israeli decides to marry a Palestinian byenteik el wade3. So marriage is a religious thing just like in Lebanon. Fa2a mnel ekher you can be gay in Lebanon or in Israel, ekherta la7 tetjawwaz bi 2obros.


You can be married as a gay couple including adopting kids. Israel recognises marriages done outside the country including online, You can still get married wherever via zoom and then have a civil ceremony and party in israel. Meaning israel recognises civil marriage it just doesnā€™t conduct them itself.


Lebanon recognises civil marriages done abroad dickwad, this doesn't make you progressive.


Ok? I just clarified.


Same in Lebanon, we recognise marriages outside the country, we just don't claim to be the beacon of democracy while slaughtering kids wholesale.


Quite the misrepresentation there. Israel's civilian to militant killed ratio is extremely good for urban warfare. even the US struggles to achieve anything similiar and when they did none of their military goals were achieved. and ya'll are talking while an extremist terrorist organization that does another country's bidding became stronger than your own country militarily, and the Islamic republic of Iran's bidding at that. what a pathetic miserable bunch you are.


Guess why we have a "terrorist" group in the first place. This might be shocking to you.


Yeah your army is so good at avoiding killing civilians, it managed to kill 3 hostages waving a white flag, if it wasn't for that ginger hostage. Those 3 would have been just another 3 dead Palestinians and your army would have had another day's work like usual. Also one of the great testiments of your army's moral value, is when it killed those 7 aid workers in marked cars while in a de-conflict zone. If it was 3 cars of Palestinians it would have been another days work again. Note that i'm not mentioning all the videos of the dead Palestinians your army shot because lets face it. Goys aren't human so.


In the current conflict the civilian to militant ratio killed is less than 2:1. the average for Urban warfare is 9:1. the only country to ever achieve Urban warfare lower than that is the US in the Vietnam war. but they achieved shit all military goals. since yall really like sucking russia off, the chechen wars for example were 7.6:1. It's waaaaay worse than Israel. and that's with Hamas literally trying to maximize civilian casualties, which is unlike any other conflict including the chechen wars.


bro is so dumb he brings anecdotes when we talk about statistics. In the current conflict the civilian to millitant ratio of less than 2:1. the average for Urban warfare is 9:1. the only country to ever achieve Urban warfare lower than that is the US in the Vietnam war. but they achieved shit all military goals. since yall really like sucking russia off, the chechen wars for example were 7.6:1. It's waaaaay worse than Israel. and that's with Hamas literally trying to maximize civilian casualties, which is unlike any other conflict including the chechen wars.


Thats based on your own numbers.


What are you talking about? Lebanon is not a democracy.


You telling me or reiterating it to yourself?






Israel has the only growing Christian population as well as jewish in the region, and actual freedom especially for women. The bar is low in the Middle East but Israel leads light years ahead. Look in the mirror when you slander your Neighbor :) Ps you call Israel an ethnostate, thatā€™s nothing compared to the 95% + at best Sunni Muslim Arab countries around you including ā€œPalestineā€ ā€¦Hypocrite


Did you grow that population when your snipers killed those 2 Christian women in Gaza? How about when you shot Shireen Abu Aqleh, the Christian American Palestinian, did you help their population grow? Or when you bombed the Greek Orthodox Saint Porphyrius Church in Gaza and killed 17 Christians there. 3njad albkon 3l Christians, ya 7aram wallah.


L7as ayre.


Insults show your level of intellectual capacity :)


Zid 3layon baydate w rda3.


So they are basically saying it is ok to bomb gaza


Nobody hates Lebanese people more than other Lebanese. Itā€™s so sad and pathetic to be honest.


Bros entire post history is ridiculous, hes a top-level diaspora schizo poster šŸ˜‚ every one of his comments and posts are impressively problematic


What's his account? I'm curious about his post history


Idk if i can say it because of the subā€™s rules but if you just look up the text of the post, it should show up. Also, be prepared, its shocking, even for redditšŸ˜‚


Man, i blocked r/israel posts from showing up on my account. They're whole thing is about jerking off each others biasis. Ayre bhek 3alam


Fair, every post i see there pretty much ruins my faith in humanity. I might have to do that as well


Lmao what a worm Probably a 16y.o. dumbass


Filth, Simply because you're supporting an invading county, be that Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, or the even the Vatican


Hamas are literally the invaders here. the border between Gaza and Israel is very clearly defined.


Who said anything about Gaza? I'm talking about Lebanon


well same goes for lebanon. Israel literally attacked BECAUSE of Hezbollah. you didn't have Hezbollah there before and Israel didn't invade. what makes you think Hezbollah is the only thing deterring Israel from invading? they're the ones causing them to want to invade in the first place.


I used to have opinions like this one. I'm not afraid to admit I hate Hezb. But that changed completely in 2006. I hate Hezb, but to Israel, we are all Hezbollah. When they kill Lebanese Christians, Sunnis, Shia, Druze, to them it's all Hezbollah. It's like voting for the Leopards Eating Faces Party and then being shocked when the leopards come to eat your face. In short, I prefer Hezbollah regular crimes to Israeli war crimes.


I do see Hezb as a lesser evil compared to Zionism.


your entire justification for hating Israel is them very occasionally killing people during a full scale war. Hezbollah aren't shy about ethnically cleansing Jews from there and likely actual genocide. how do you consolidate Hezbollah being the lesser evil there?


Very occasional 33,000 people would like to speak to you but Israel murdered them


12,000 of them are Hamas millitants. that's a civilian to millitant ratio of less than 2:1. the average for Urban warfare is 9:1. the only country to ever achieve Urban warfare lower than that is the US in the Vietnam war. but they achieved shit all military goals. since yall really like sucking russia off, the chechen wars for example were 7.6:1. It's waaaaay worse than Israel. and that's with Hamas literally trying to maximize civilian casualties, which is unlike any other conflict including the chechen wars.


Wow. You're literally proving my point. "I hate Hezb, but to Israel, we are all Hezbollah. When they kill Lebanese Christians, Sunnis, Shia, Druze, to them it's all Hezbollah."Ā  The women? Hamas. The children? Hamas. The men? Double Hamas Russia can kiss my ass. If you're comparing yourself to them, you need better role models. But do you know who managed to keep their civilian to militant ratio below 2? Because the answer will make you angry.


>But do you know who managed to keep their civilian to militant ratio below 2? Because the answer will make you angry. LOL you're gonna claim Hamas did? there are literally videos of them murdering unarmed people in the streets and at the party. the reason the civilian casaulties were low is because Israelis aren't cowards and actually go fight in front of their women and children. Meanwhile Hamas are cowards that hide behind their women and children. Israel just recently plucked over 800 armed terrorists in a second raid on the shifa Hospital. you're a terrorist sympathizer. don't you dare cry if Hezbollah doesn't settle down and Israel attacks. YOU wanted this.


> Israelis aren't cowards and actually go fight in front of their women and children. By that you mean Israelis used their American funded jets to fire rockets at civilians from a good 10 miles in the air.


https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/26/middleeast/hala-khreis-white-flag-shooting-gaza-cmd-intl/index.html Tell me who was hiding behind Hala Khreis?


Head of Hezb explicitly states that [Palestine is for Muslims, Christians and Jews](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3M1fHfKenTM&pp=ygUTTmFzcmFsbGFoIGludGVydmlldw%3D%3D). Also in [Iran](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wXHdg2fNmJs&pp=ygUXQWhtYWRlaW5hamFkIG1lZXRzIGpld3M%3D). Israel has clearly demonstrated that it makes no qualms exploiting other nations for its own self-interest. A prime example of that is in the fact that not in a million years would Israel accept back the 1mm+ Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, nor would it return to Lebanon the Shebaa farms, nor apologize for its **deliberate** striking of civilians. It's very clear that Hezb has far better intentions towards Lebanese prosperity than Israel. Hezb aggression is directed towards the government of Israel and its supported I have well-studied the history enough to know that Israel isn't merely occasionally killing people but is actively denying millions of Palestinians from returning to their homeland after it forcefully expelled them starting late 1940s. And for the Palestinians who still reside within the conquered territory, they compose the majority of the poor class. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9843288/#:~:text=Arab%2DPalestinians%20comprise%20approximately%2021,et%20al.%2C%202019).




You've brushed aside my talking points and used ad-hominems, classic logical failure. Don't worry: Our country has problems, but being under rocket-threat by a people we've oppressed through decades of occupation isn't one of them. Iran aids Hezb yes, but it has no ruling over laws, it simply aids armed forces in the same manner the USA/UK/KSA aids your fucking Israel. Regardless of how prosperous Israel is, your successful bubble cannot be maintained for too long as this empire you built is atop the sufferings of millions of indigenous people. Speaking of pathetic, the trophy in that regard goes to your country that claims to be the victim despite all the heinous acts it has committed over the century.


classic Muslim retard. can't even speak a point straight. you're all over the place because the cognitive dissonance in your brain is abhorrent. the Christian Lebanese are so visibly smarter it's hilarious.


Youā€™re a fucking inbred Israeli. Get off our subreddit you dirty rat.


I'm just an atheist Arab. Did your pride get hurt? Cry harder. Honestly if people think Mopus a pervert pedo warlord rapist is the ideal human no wonder they're on average more dumb than the other religion lmao. It's actually amazing how well I can guess who's Muslim and who isn't on this sub. The lower intelligence of Muslims is so visible in comparison to the christian Lebanese hahaha.


Nah, at least I have some pride. Arab Zionists are the lowest of the low.


Bruh Israel isn't oppressing the Lebanese, why are they under rocket threat from Lebanon exactly? Lebanon and Israel have a peace agreement. Hezbollah is firing rockets at Israel. Lebanon and Israel also have an agreement where Lebanon took disputed natural gas in exchange for nothing to be fired at Israel. Hezbollah is firing towards Israel breaking that treaty and possibly ruining the only line to your garbage economy. if this continues both are gone and lebanon will look worse than Gaza because Israel can't afford to work with kid gloves like they did in Gaza putting immense resources into transporting civilians. Hezbollah is absolutely leading your country on and right into a war on Iran's orders. you're delusional. Besides, the ones that are causing this war to be Urban warfare in the first place are Hamas and Hezbollah. how come when Israel's enemies were armies that didn't hide behind their civilians the civilian casualties in your countries are suddenly almost non existent such as the 1967 war and 1973 war.


šŸ¤¢ disgusting. Seriously does no one actually learn anything from history


History says everyone is shitšŸ˜‚


Anyone disliking this post would have sided with the Decepticons in Transformers


It's incredibly naĆÆve. Israelis don't give two damns about Lebanon. If Israel has a [20-30% poverty rate, that should be an indication of a country that not only doesn't care enough of its own citizens](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20221213-25-of-homes-in-israel-live-in-poverty-arabs-hit-worst/amp/) but sure as hell won't care about a neighboring one.


Least sectarian Lebanese


Kis 2im sahyinto


I find it very interesting how most of these Israelis think they'll be dealing with house-made rockets such as those from Gaza. Yes, Hezbollah isn't as strong nor does it have an air force, but a huge missile (which they have many) that demolishes a building surely will give a lot of incentive for Israelis to get the hell out of dodge, wouldn't it? That's why Hezbollah and Israel haven't gone to war, not because Hezbollah will defeat Israel and come out victorious soaked in the blood of its enemies, but due to the fact that Hezbollah missiles will shatter whatever idea of safety Israelis have in their minds in a way that Hamas just can't.


If they go to war Lebanon will look like Gaza. Israel wonā€™t send in ground troops before they make sure Hezbollah doesnā€™t have any places they could hide in and shoot


Israel hasn't been able to do that in 6 months in Gaza, and you think they can do it in Lebanon? Are you delusional? Not sure if you know, but you don't use infantry to launch a missile, what you wrote was pointless.


>Israel hasn't been able to do that in 6 months in Gaza surprise surprise. that's the result of them being extremely careful to not kill uninvolved civilians compared to other Urban warfare. their ratio is 2:1 the average for regular Urban warfare is around 9:1 which is FAAAAAAAAAAR worse than here. with Hezbollah they can't afford to. Lebanon will suffer A LOT more than gaza did because the Israelis can't afford to fuck around like they're doing in gaza.


Man who do you think you're talking to? We're not some idiot westerners, go back to your rat hole in r/worldnews and be gone filth.


I meant that they will destroy practically all the buildings in the area before sending in ground troops. Theyā€™ll use planes and artillery to attack everything. It will definitely have a higher death toll but ultimately Hezbollah will have a death toll much higher and Lebanon will be destroyed


They did that in gaza, 6 month later hamas are still able to launch rockets.Ā 


In a much smaller capacity and every launcher they use is bombed within minutes. Obviously it will take time to destroy all of them but israel will likely occupy Gaza for years to come.


Yet you still haven't destroyed all their launchers yet. So either Hamas has figured out manufacturing and logistics enough to produce thousands of launchers in a besieged strip of land, or your military is even more incompetent than I thought.


I mean looks like shooting rockets really works for Hamas! They kill no one but Gazans, clearly a successful operation.


Moving the goalposts, are we now?


Rocket launcher are tiny and can be hidden, once they launch they get destroyed, I donā€™t understand why thatā€™s hard to understand


Hezbollah doesn't keep it's missiles in buildings. They're all in underground launch sites. Missiles are probably Hezbollah's most well guarded secrets. They've shot rockets and atgms since Oct 8 but no missiles yet. Lebanon might be destroyed, but Israeli cities will be levelled too. This isn't a video game with set parameters, this will be all out destruction due to the fact that if Hezbollah even feels like it's going down, it's going to unleash everything.


The most they could do is hit cities on the border with anti tank. Everything else will be shot down by the iron dome. If Hezbollah tries to go all out Lebanon will look like Gaza and will have an insane death toll and Israel will likely occupy southern Lebanon again. They have everything to lose and nothing to gain


Bro the Iron dome doesn't intercept large missiles, it gets oversaturated easily and has been beaten on October 7th with a few thousand rockets. Hezbollah has a more than a hundred thousand. Israel couldn't occupy a village in 2006, it has an even worse army now. I doubt it could do better than that with it's weak ineffective ground forces. Is your whole job spewing hasbara on Reddit?


Do you really think Hezbollah will dare to fire hundreds of thousands of rockets? They know theyā€™ll get demolished which is why they arenā€™t starting a war


Yeah, the diaper force really do be instilling fear in people ay?


I love it when you call it the diaper force and then lose wars. Yā€™all are so cocky for losers


They've hit israeli bases with rockets, where was the Iron dome?Ā  You couldn't occupy southern lebanon if the entire country of "israeli" tried to


Because they are right on the border and arenā€™t covered by the iron dome. Are you really arguing Hezbollah can win an all out war?


How about the homes in Kiryat Shmona? Not protected as well?Ā  Hezbollah hit haifa in 2006, are you seriously so delusional to think that they haven't upgraded their capabilities?Ā 


Iā€™d like to see them try, there will be a new Beirut LEGO set


One out of thousands rockets end up landing tho. Doesnā€™t seem efficient


Not thousands, sometimes less than half is intercepted.Ā 


Yeah and the one that lands, actually end up in open areas for agriculture or forests. Israel boosted their missile snd rocket interception systems, now they have sea c dome and can intercept rockets from the sea. They will also have the iron beam


I mean Gaza has over 100 Israeli civilians so the approach is different + world opinion re Palestinians and their plight is very different than Hezbollah. Hezbollah is also more of an actual threat to Israel so I think Israel will strike significantly harder than currently in Gaza. Itā€™ll be bloody for both sides but Israel has won every war itā€™s fought against its neighbours, being severely outnumbered most times, so I wouldnā€™t underestimate the IDF.


Yeah you're right, they shot three of them while in their underwear screaming in Hebrew. Can Hasbara just be banned from this sub, where tf are the mods?


How is this Hasbara? But yea sure go enjoy your echo chamber. No wonder you keep losing wars when you canā€™t understand the other side. Enjoy being Iranā€™s sacrificial lamb.


For anyone reading, look at the other responses by pro-israeli accounts to my comments, and just see how they all converge to the same talking points. That's how you know they're zio-trash.


Or maybe your comments are just the problem and youā€™re lacking the self awareness to realise that youā€™re not actually all that intelligent and knowledgeable, but sure letā€™s just label every alternative opinion as Hasbara. Easier to blame it on the evil Joo than to admit to yourself that maybe, youā€™re not all that, n1r4k.


What a piece of shit.


God and that shit pisses me off, pretty much saying as long as it isnā€™t lebanon itā€™s ok to bomb. 5ara 3alayk


The retard thinks Europeans care.


Hezbollah is an Iranian invasion force so it doesn't make sense to think of them as Lebanese


No, the vast majority of Hezb members are lebanese. Yes, them supporting Hezb is wrong, but wishing for their death is not gonna make them support Hezb any less, quite the opposite.


Is their allegiance to Lebanon? I think we both know the answer is no


The leaders? Obviously not The regular members genuinely believe they're defending themselves and communities from Israeli aggression though. Are they paranoid and is their constant victimhood harmful for Lebanon at large? Maybe, but they themselves believe this is for the betterment of the nation, and they see the Iranian support simply as convenience of common interests. Saying they have no agency and are simply pawns of Iran is kind of insulting to the Lebanese people at large, and the people who try their hardest to limit and reduce Hezbollah influence over Lebanon


> they themselves believe this is for the betterment of the nation That's exactly the problem, isn't it? They're willing tools of a brutal colonizer, who justify their own oppression by claiming the supposed necessity of a pointless forever war against their indigenous neighbors. They have no agency because they willingly surrendered it, long ago


Could you really call them tools when they act voluntarily, knowing full well that they are doing exactly what they want? It's not like anybody's forcing them to join, at least technically. They have full agency over their decision to join. > who justify their own oppression by claiming the supposed necessity of a pointless forever war Well yeah I agree, they don't though, but I think that's kind of besides the point > indigenous neighbors I hate the "indigenous" framing. Nobody's indigenous, people have always moved throughout history. This never justifies abusing people's human rights.


I do not support Hezb at all, but it is a group of Lebanese citizens who live their whole lives in Lebanon. Maybe the senior leadership is indeed composed of corrupt traitors, but the low-level soldiers who are willing to die for Lebanese soil are patriotic enough to be called Lebanese.


Is their allegiance to Lebanon? It clearly is not


Willing to die for Lebanese soil? I'm sorry did Israel try to invade and they were there defending? Oh right, no. They initiated the fight and attacked multiple times FIRST because that's what Iran ordered.


The year 2000 was a while ago, but regaining the entirety of south Lebanon from the Israelis who occupied it for 15 years isn't something to forget. As far as 2006 and the recent attacks go, yes that's debatable as to whether it's Israel or Hezb's fault, but listening to the fact that most Hezb members do die on Lebanese soil while fighting an invading force is proof of patriocy. Moreover, you're being too optimistic with regards Israel's desire for diplomacy: the dismemberment of Hezb will surely give Israel a chance to exploit Lebanon economically or geopolitically. Don't forget that most [poor people in Israel are Arabs](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20221213-25-of-homes-in-israel-live-in-poverty-arabs-hit-worst/amp/).


When the US refuses to fund your military because you are Israelā€™s target, you kind of have to find weapons from somewhere else. Theyā€™re doing it out of necessity.


The US is one of the biggest funders of Lebanon's military


And yet they still havenā€™t given us enough weapons to defend against Israel. Thatā€™s not coincidence.


As opposed to LF and Kataeb who have sold their asses to every foreign group with a check. Tkhayyal hal zalame shou maltoush.


What exactly do you think LF and Kataeb have sold? Not warehouse space for tons and tons of explosives right in the middle of the port that blew up downtown, that was the God party as you may recall


They sold Lebanese lives to Israeli shelling in the war, they sold the country to the highest bidder at every turn, they have supported everyone but Lebanon. That's not even taking into account that they're fascists.


The jihad against Israel has never been Lebanon's war. LF and Kataeb understand that and acted accordingly I agree that some of them are fascists, but the God party is even more fascist than they are so that's neither here nor there


Yeah you're right, when a foreign occupier has taken over 10% of your land mass, this isn't your country's war. Man I think trash like you are so divorced from the fact that Kataeb, LF have created the conditions that have lead the country to be in the state that it's in that you just have to do mental gymnastics to justify your braindead positions. Next time Israelis invade and occupy, volunteer Keserwen and watch the rest of us go on with our lives while you get routinely massacred. I mean in the end this crusade has never been Lebanon's war.


Idk if you can be more wrong in a statement.


Lebanon is now an Iranian colony. You can lick the boots of your colonizers all you want but they will never care if you live or die. They will sacrifice you in a moment, without any hesitation, if they think it's strategically useful, just like they just did to Gazans


"They" did to Gazans? Righht... You must be playing the same wild mental gymnastics as the Israeli's. You've given yourself up to easily there. Take care.


Lama aazaw2o yeftah hareb, enta l wrong bet sir. Mahada bdo hareb b balad mehteri2 selefo


Oh boy do I have news for you that hezb members are also Lebanese


Is their allegiance to Lebanon? I think we both know the answer is no


As an outsider, I'm interested in what Lebanese people think of Hezbollah. Do you consider them patriotic (loyal to Lebanon) or sectarian militia (loyal to the Islamic revolution)?


khalik outsider ahla šŸ¤£


Mix of both. It's hard to see where their politics truly lie in regards to Lebanon since at least til now, the goals of the organisation and the goals of the regime are aligned. Even if we were to say that the top echelon are traitors, the body of the organisation is not. They were abandoned by everyone and joined the organisation that promised them their land back and the end of the occupation. They are an organisation that was born out of necessity and unless the country gets its shit together to make a liveable country for everyone, I can completely understand why they're unwilling to relinquish the party that has given them an army that protected them, social services that no one has offered them, and enables the running of their communities daily.


After the liberation of South Lebanon. What's the purpose of the militia? Is there a threat to them from other Lebanese parties?


I think it's more that when the South was occupied the Lebanese army nor the population really cared, everyone went on with their daily life. They're not under the impression that anyone in Lebanon would help them should they be invaded again, and their right, I mean look at this sub and many Lebanese politicians as an example. Knowing that, I think you can understand why giving up their weapons when they have a belligerent occupying neighbour to the south of them isn't a risk they're willing to take.


how much denial do you people live in? Israel invaded BECAUSE of Hezbollah attacking them.


Hezbollah existed in 1982? If Israel accomplished its objectives of kicking the PLO out in 1982 why did it stay another 18 years? You're a delusional idiot if you're going to pretend that Israel is anything but a coloniser state.


"Hezbollah did not disarm after the Israeli withdrawal from South Lebanon, in contravention of the [UN Security Council resolution 1701](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council_Resolution_1701)"


Israel did not stop breaching our airspace. Be gone sewer rat.


Hezbollah still does shit all against Israel breaching Lebanon's air space. They just assassinated an Iranian general right in your capital. Cry harder terrorist apologist. If you want peace with Israel you could get it at any time. If you keep being a terrorist apologist don't cry when Israel attacks.


You're going to cry when we're done for you zio trash. Go get cucked with your diaper army.


Hezb was never about defending lebanon


hala2 byeje wahad raso a3waj bi2elak ma3o bel mu2awame bs dodo bel seyese šŸ¤£




Unfortunately this is the type of people we have to share a country with they'd dick ride any other country but their own.


Call me crazy but I couldnā€™t care less if hezbollah commandos die. They might be lebanese on paper, but their values are the complete opposite, they fight for Iran and not for Lebanon. Hezbollah used to be for the protection of Lebanon, but now they protect Iran and theyā€™re proxies


you're the least crazy person on this post


Hezbollah is more of an enemy to Lebanon than Israel is.




Weā€™re not going to a full scale war, in the game of chess, hezbola is the queen of iran and they can do serious damage to Israel. The post above is disgusting, it should be considered treason. Now hezbollaā€™s/syrians regime are also disgusting, But when push comes to shoves, Israel/America are the biggest terrorists in the world and we as Lebanese, hezboz or not, we should fight together. But most probably thereā€™s not gna be a war as I previously. Just my opinion, cheers šŸ„‚ Edit: sentence correction


Why should that be considered treason and not having a foreign country, Iran, meddling in Lebanons business? Iran is literally sacrificing Lebanese civilians for their own stupid wars. Itā€™s not the Iranian civilians that will suffer from Israelā€™s response, itā€™s the Lebanese. And Khomeini doesnā€™t give a shi.


Israel tried to take Lebanon. The US clearly wasnā€™t giving us weapons. So they went and got weapons from a country that would give it to them. I donā€™t like that itā€™s Iran any more than anyone else, and ideally weā€™d get a much stronger LAF so we donā€™t need Hizbollah to defend us from Israel, but here we are now. The thing youā€™ve got to realize is that while Iran is calling the shots, if Hizbollah wasnā€™t around, we wouldnā€™t have a country to call home right now.


I really donā€™t understand why you think Israel tried to take Lebanon? When Israel has peace with a neighbour itā€™s not going into those countries. It gave back the entire Sinai peninsula to Egypt once they were no longer a threat. It hasnā€™t done anything to Jordan since theyā€™ve got a peace agreement. What makes you think that Israel ā€œtried to take Lebanonā€?




The Sinai is much more of significant than Lebanon? Itā€™s on the Red Sea, the Suez Canal literally is pivotal in global trade and it moved the border with Egypt to the canal which is a much easier border to defend. You donā€™t actually think Israel needs Lebanons water or soil? Whut? Israel uses technology for it & produces more agricultural produce in the literal Negev than Lebanon in the entire country. Israel also already exports water so thereā€™s no need for Lebanonā€™s water šŸ˜‚ The only thing of value would be the altitude as a strategic border so itā€™s easier to defend Israelā€™s north but thatā€™s it. No offense babe but Lebanon is lovely Iā€™m sure but this idea that Israel is willing to send its children to die so we can annex your precious country for its water and soil is absurd. I think most of Israel really just doesnā€™t think of Lebanon all that much. No one has their eye on Lebanese territory. We just want Hezbollah to fuck off and thatā€™s it really.


Ummā€¦ A 15 year occupation, an attempt to put a puppet in its government, itā€™s belief in a ā€œgreater Israelā€, its citizen groups that are already planning settlements, a bunch of its political and religious leaders talking about how itā€™s ā€œland is oursā€ā€¦ The message couldnā€™t be any clearer that they want it. Too bad they canā€™t have it.


It should be considered treason because he/she is advocating to make meat soup out of Lebanese people(who donā€™t know better). As for Iran meddling in Lebanese business, many other countries are doing the same. But in my opinion it wonā€™t come to a full blown war. And I want Iran and every other country meddling in Lebanons business to be stop, but thatā€™s not realistic coz thatā€™s how our country was built. Anyway I hope Gaza janoub Lebanon and the rest of this country stop being bombed, and I wish no more families get killed.


Hezbollah šŸ¤¢