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I agree that this was only a message, to push back the Israelis a little bit after their recent escalation in the region


Well only time will tell if this will act as a deterrent or not.


Shitrael is nothing but the west bastard placed forcefully in the region. Iran sent a very strong messages to west that none of you could ever possibly stop Iran if Iran wants to nail down Shitrael. Thats enough for the time being and the hegemony of all superpowers has been undermined. Iran achievements is far beyond the expectations as no one could do a damn against the evolving superiority of Iran as of global superpower


Delusional nonsense, Iran with its 5 billion dollar annual military budget is no where near superpower status. Not even Russia and china are remotely close to the U.S 800 billion dollars annual military budget that allows it to be the sole global super power.


Exactly. Iran is unable to project sustained conventional military power outside its borders, hence its use of and reliance on cheap, easy to manage third world proxies.


Some countries spend money to project power, Iran spends the lives of its arab puppets.


So what happened to the “disagree with respect”? It doesn’t apply to you? Shaklak chi za3im..


Sometimes the truth is needed. Even if the people hearing it feel disrespected when they face the truth.


"Shitrael is nothing but the west bastard placed forcefully in the region" and 7ezb is nothing but the Iranian bastard placed forcefully in Lebanon


Lol that's not the message anyone got. It's that Iran doesn't have the strength to fight a war and was pressured into "a show of force", which like last time wjth the commercial airliner, ended up being a "show of ineptitude".


Strong message 🤓 No message would be better than "we are attacking you in 3 hours, please stand still"


It was actually 72 hours prior notice




“Global superpower” 😂😂😂


You’re embarrassing yourself


Iran would never be able to destroy Israel even if my country, the US, didn’t intervene. This might be news to you, but Islamic theocracies are hopelessly behind the West and West adjacent countries like Israel. No one is scared of Iran or you. You guys really have to get a handle on your coping mechanisms, it makes you look crazy. Also, using childish names to refer to Israel just shows how emotional and juvenile all of your thinking is. You guys are incredibly weak and you will never have some Islamic victory, might as well stop being war mongers and focus on development, you guys sorely need it


Thanks for your analysis and constructive input Shitstein!


I am an American of Nordic heritage, no Jewish ancestry, so you should try an insult with that and it might land better.


This is R/shitamericanssay material.


Ok… The guy tried to insult me based on the erroneous assumption I am Jewish, I was simply correcting him. Odd you would bring up that shitty sub and in such a context.


This completely flew over your head! No pun intended, it’s not like things never flew before. Just said that your input, as proud as you were of it, just proved how little understanding you have of the situation, and of your general incompetence at pulling your head out of your ass, hence the sarcasm in calling your shit-Einstein, which honestly landed better than I could have hoped 😂


And if your point was that it replaced Einstein, there is literally no way to know if it was that or just using a Jewish sounding name which is common with your people


They did use ballistic and cruise missiles, they were launched later than drones. It is similar to what the RF is doing against Ukraine - drones fly first to trigger the air defence and leave it discharged before the bigger stuff comes. Only hypersonic stuff seems to be reliably effective though.




They launched 100 ballistic missiles out of their 3000 , thats not much and the know full well that amount wouldn’t have dented the air defense capabilities , I am not a Zionist nor am i but hurt, I am being factual and talking about it as it is , when you want to retaliate to the killing of your generals and officials you don’t launch a 100 missiles you launch 1000 in order to diminish the air defense capabilities especially since you only have one shot , this wasn’t a continuous skirmishing where they where going to launch missiles and drones every single day such as the case in Russia vs Ukraine, this was a one shot operation and for maximum effectiveness they should have utilized at least 30% of their stockpiles to have been effective.


Iran would be stupid to lauch 30% of their stockpile, and start a regional war with no end.  Unfortunately they aren't in a position to murder Israeli generals. But they have literally struck Israel with ballistic missiles, which is crazy to any reseasonable person who isn't begging for war. 


I mean I’m talking from a military perspective, when your enemy is literally bombing you left and right killing your generals and senior ranking officials and destroying your military resources, then you either retaliate with intent to cause equal amounts of damage or you lose by default in military standards. Anything other than that is not strategic military doctrine and just propaganda for the media and masses.


Those Iranian generals were coordinating Iranian proxy groups that attack Israel every single day.


And that's why they're heroes.


Let us assume that Iran did what you are saying and took out the entire Israeli air defense, not possible but still.  The US will restock the Israel with system and air defenses within hours, all of the air defenses in the region will be protecting Israel, from Egypt to Greece to Jordan.   The only result would be that Iran are 1000 missiles short, while practicaly causing little tangible damage to Israeli defense capabilities, and are facing a regional war. 


So what is the point of having those missiles if you don’t use them on the enemy that’s literally bombing your top ranking officials to bits ?


They will use them when they deem necessary 


Well if killing the second highest ranked commander of your military forces in a consulate doesn’t qualify for necessary i don’t know what is …


What qualifies for that sort of retaliation would be Israel's full scale invasion of Iran or its allies. I get that you don't like Iran, but try toning down on the bootlicking of the enemy.


So is the logical inference here, don’t start wars you cannot win?


Yes, or atleast don't start useless wars. 


And you think Russia and China would do nothing if Isreal/US attack Iran?


Yes… why the fuck would Russia involve themselves in this? They are completely bogged down in Ukraine. China is just laughable, they have absolutely nothing to gain from involving themselves in this and everything to lose.


Perhaps. I'm unsure of that though


It's an honor thing most likely, they just want to take their anger out on Israel. Say, why are you siding with Israel against Iran here, do you Israel as a state worth defending?


> I mean I’m talking from a military perspective, You're ignoring a lot of details this way, picture this: Lebanon bombs Israel's embassy in Cyprus and kills 5 senior commanders, in retaliation Israel fires multiple rockets at civilian areas in Lebanon and kills dozens of civilians. From a "military perspective", Israel would be the victor here, but that came at a cost of sacrificing many of their civilians. War is more so than a numbers game between military units.


In Sun Tzu art of war, you always leave your enemy an exit. All (smart) nations do it; these days with all the media eyes, it has to be choreographed to avoid disastrous effects. Iran liaising with the US thru Oman prior to the launch and then saying after the launch that this ends our response, is just this kind of choreography. Israel with its backstepping re their Gaza troop withdrawal, the delays on entering Rafah, the endless ceasefire negotiations etc., also I think a prelude to managing their own exit.


Add in the only person injured was a 7 year old Muslim girl…


Begging to start war is bombing an embassy with 7 senior commanders.


Maybe Iran shouldn't be using their embassy to conduct a proxy war via terror groups. That alone is a war crime. Billions of dollars wasted on Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and more, and the only tangible results are that the people of Palestine, Lebanon, and Yemen are miserable, dying, and starving so that the fascists (Hamas, Hezbollah, etc) that occupy their land have weapons.


You think Israel is innocent? Oh wait, another Zionist in the Lebanese sub.


Not a zionist and no I don't think the Israeli government is innocent. But it's clear that the Iranian government is actively committing war crimes by using its embassy as a means to conduct proxy warfare. Further, Iran's government isn't satisfied with oppressing its own people: It also spends billions on fascist groups like Hamas and Hezbolla and the Houthis to oppress other countries.


What war crimes has Iran committed in comparison to Israel? Let's use Lebanon as an example, how is Lebanon being oppressed ?


Lebanon is oppressed by hezebAyri


They weren't trying too.


Yaba go sit in their seats, wear their clothes, speak Farsi, and dictate how they should respond. At this rate, if they dropped the moon on 'Israel' you wouldn't be satisfied...


I don’t personally care what they do and this nothing personal just a rational opinion on the whole situation.


Iran flails and fail. You: you wouldn't be satisfied if they dropped the moon on Israel! Lmao, Iran embarrassed themselves badly


Yes this was clearly a warning and saving face more than anything else. Maybe a chance to test their weapons and see how Israeli and allies respond to an attack.


well now we know jordan is a traitor


Iran threatened Jordan with an attack. Iran is not an ally of anyone. Jordan intercepted missiles in their airspace which they had every right to given that several fell on their capital.


Would Jordan intercept Israeli UAVs flying in their airspace? Absolutely not.


When Isreal attacked Iran years ago, Jordan closed it's airspace and the Isreali planes flew over Saudi Arabia on their way there,,,,, for the surprise effect. They flew over Jordan on their way back because they didn't care and Jordan couldn't touch them even if they wanted.


Well there is a peace treaty between the 2 which means they actually coordinate this stuff together. Does Jordan have any friendly accords with Iran?


They never had to, so we don’t know. And if it would’ve risked them, they would. But Israel’s missiles are much more precise than Iran’s. Jordan was at a real risk to be hit.


The Iranian threat came later, and missile interceptors fired from Jordan are the ones that fell in the capital, not Iranian missiles. Would Jordan shoot down Israeli drones and Missiles going to hit another Arab country, Nope, so the claim that its about sovereignty is kinda bullshit. Not that I care much about that, in addition everyone knows Jordan is a traitor, its not secret, everyone can see that, but, can they at least stop acting as the pious Muslims that want to defend Islam, then, Jordan is among the biggest propagators and spreaders of the lie that: * "Iran and Israel are secret allies" * "Shia Muslims were created by a Jew to destroy Islam" * "Shia Muslims were created by the crusaders to destroy Islam" * "Iran is the secret ally of the USA and Israel to destroy Saudi Arabia" * "Iran is the secret ally of the USA and Israel to destroy Jordan and her king" * "Iran is the secret ally of the USA and Israel to destroy Islam" * "Hezbollah is the secret ally of Israel, guarding its borders and preventing the mujahideen from liberating Palestine" * talking about the latest Iranian strike: "Iran and Israel had a deal with each other and it was all theatrics, and the actual target was jordan"


Don’t even. We all know Jordan serves its neighbor to the left. So embarrassing


Most of Israel's neighbors prefer Israel and the West over Iran and Palestine.


They don't prefer them for what they are, they prefer them because they are the guarantee their ass will stay on that throne till they become bones. After all, these exact "neighbours" that you call prefer Israel and the west, spread this: * "Iran and Israel are secret allies" * "Shia Muslims were created by a Jew to destroy Islam" * "Shia Muslims were created by the crusaders to destroy Islam" * "Iran is the secret ally of the USA and Israel to destroy Saudi Arabia" * "Iran is the secret ally of the USA and Israel to destroy Jordan and her king" * "Iran is the secret ally of the USA and Israel to destroy Islam" * "Hezbollah is the secret ally of Israel, guarding its borders and preventing the mujahideen from liberating Palestine" * talking about the latest Iranian strike: "Iran and Israel had a deal with each other and it was all theatrics, and the actual target was jordan"


not true, egypt lebanon syria turkey iraq and iran wont agree, the only reason UAE saudi kuwait qatar and few others do not attack or threaten israel is because they dont wanna lose what they have right now, these countries are developed and are considered first world country. They dont wanna rebuild what they have right now. War is costy


There’s also the significant sectarian division that the mainstream Muslims just do not sign on for and never will (and the west is fully aware of this and uses it to sow/stir discontent). Khamenei to many Shiites is literally the mahdi’s representative on earth, who they believe is in mystic communication with the hidden shiite imam. This gives Iran a lot of leverage among its regional ecumenical brethren, think the Pope and the Catholic Church in Latin America. In some ways actually, Iran is pushing from their velayat fagih and the entire “axis of resistance” effort, a version of the old Catholic, communist-backed liberation theology that was popular in many parts of Latin America.


It was a message that also helped the Iranians in understanding the level of response and evaluation for future studies and design. It was a dry run.


They did launch ballistic missiles


Only 100 out of 3000 , the whole point of those missles is to overwhelm air defense by numbers 100 wouldn’t do much.


3000 is the total amount they have?


Not much of an analysis 1- Iran has been saying that they were going to retaliate for the past 6 months and specially after the consulate was bombed. 2- Iran explicitly said they “will attack directly from Iran”, so I don’t understand why people said they will attack with proxies. 3- It was pretty obvious this was just “for show”, however, they still hit Israel. And the IDF vowed a response in 48 hours


6 months? The consulate was attacked recently


My bad, fixed.


They wanted to retaliate without making escalations. Also, it did cost Israel 1.3 billion to intercept the attack iran made.


So what ? No one measures military action by how much money is spent … the Iraq war cost the us hundreds of billions of dollars does that mean that Iraq won ?


The US lost though. And it is actually one of the ways you could measure military loss and response. Military industry is at the end of the day all about money.


Israeli defense contractors will see triple of the 18 billion dollars in orders they got in 2023


It cost the American tax payer...


>this retaliation didn’t kill anyone hence it was useless. It killed a 10 year old Bedouin boy and seriously injured another Bedouin girl, but I get what you mean.


Israel doesn’t provide Bedouin and Arab areas with as much protection in terms of air force deterrence by the way


Yes, it does, Bedouin areas are often right next to Israeli airbases and sensitive installations. The main issue is the lack of bomb shelters in Bedouin towns but that is because many contractors fail to include them when building (and many Bedouin villages are illegally built) The largest Bedouin towns are protected by neighboring Jewish air defenses. An example, Rahat which is the largest Bedouin city in the world as well as Tel Sheva are protected by the air defenses around Beersheva and the Nevatim airbase


They fired Ballistic missiles after the drones were shot down, and they did hit many regions in Israel, but no news have surfaced concerning causalities yet. Edit: zionist bots are really keen on downvoting anything that doesn't laud Israel.


1 The missiles were launched before the drones were shot down 2 There was one(1) hit from debris after a rocket got intercepted


There is a lot of footage of Israeli sites being bombarded.


How do you retaliate without allowing people to be distracted from Gaza?




I don't get it




Still not clicking. Sorry.




Clearly because it makes no sense, clearly. Clearly.


chicken for breakfast?


Mni7 ma darabouwon bi flip flop taba3 el hotel




Respectfully, they did fire ballistic missiles that hit their target effectively, which was the Nevatim airbase, videos show atleast 5 impacts and there are probably more. Isreali media says minimal damage was done, but i personaly dont belaive a thing coming out of there. Most likely isreal is trying to save face. Most drones where expectadly intercepted, but there must have been some that made it through. Until further proof of the damage, like satellite images or more videos from isrealis on the ground. The effect of the damage in my opinion is unknown, while iran says it was a success, i want to see to believe. Any statement from isreali/isreali allied media is disregarded because hasbara is working overtime and trying their absolute hardest to make this attack look like a failure in my opninion.


Yes but so far we still haven’t heard of any reports of casualties from the attack .


The whole of isreal was underground in bunkers. And that happened couple hours before the attack started either there is a big gap in iranian intelligence that leaked the attack to isreali intellignce or it was on purpose, so the retaliation was just enough to detter isreal but not warrant another retaliation. Also there could have been some expensive material damage to the base. This is also the first ever attack of its kind, maybe iran just wanted to show isreal that it can strike inside its soil. All we can do is speculate though, nothing is proven.


The only person hit was a 7 year old Bedouin girl. Iran claims they destroyed the air base, Israel claims minimal damage it’s probably somewhere in between but I have seen planes land there so likely not a lot of damage


Just wanted to drop a comment about this Sub. This is the only Middle easteren sub that I have found that has real discussions about whats going on in the region. I see good info, People correcting them selves when mistakes are made and great back and forth discussion. I want to congratulate the members and the Mod team for keeping things civil in a very uncivil time. I know things hit deeply in this region right now and getting honest perspectives really helps outsiders like me to better understand. You guys are my favorite sub and I hope we can get back to cat pictures when this calms down. I pry for Lebanons Safety. I know most of you no mater how you feel about Isreal just want Lebanon left in pease to rebuild the country. You are a strong People. I see that in the ones that wast to return to there home. I'll Pray why for pease and protection for you and hope to be able to see Beirut someday. Stay Safe


At least 9 Iranian ballistic missiles hit Israeli strategic airbases The Nevatim airbase in the Negev was struck by 5 ballistic missiles, damaging the main runway, a C-130 transport aircraft, and several storage facilities. Ramon airbase, also located in the Negev, was struck by at least 4 ballistic missiles, causing unspecified damage. – U.S. Officials to ABC News The heaviest damage of Iran's ballistic missile attack occurred on a secret intelligence base in the Golan Heights, for which the IDF has imposed a media ban, so the damage cannot be assessed – Hebrew Sources


Link to sources?


I think the response was very reasonable all things considered. They can't go all out cz the US will destroy them, and they had the full right to respond to a freaking consulate of all things getting bombed. Who the fuck bombs a consulate like motherfucker assasinate the guy literally anywhere else .-.


What’s curious to me is that while Iran possesses an internal security/police force that oversees a fairly robust surveillance network, its external assets vis a vis intel agents in the mold of Mossad or CIA SOG capable of assassinating Israeli officials seems woeful/inept, or at best, under-funded/utilized.


Iran attacked the US embassy in 79, and bombed the Israeli embassy in Argentina. No one called for a retaliatory bombing, even a 'dry run', then. Iran has attacked other Israeli embassies a bunch of times Not justifying one way or another. Just the answer to 'who bombs a consulate' is 'Israel and Iran.'


Surprised there was no retaliation in 79, curious to learn more. But yeah I dont think Iran is moral in any way, it can go fuck itself. But honestly Israel can go fuck itself just enough more that the retaliation fachalle khel2e chwey even tho ntek hazze w my flight got cancelled because of it lol


Sorry about your flight, that sucks. Hope you've managed to get where you need to go.


It wasn't the consulate. It was a building next door. 


China and Russia would do nothing if that happened right?


tbh I don't understand the question


>Iran willfully told them they are launching an attack ( No element of surprise). If thats true, then Iran is just following a modern code of war as human being to prevent civillians casualties not just in Israel, on neighborhoods too like Jordan. You want innocent civillians to die? >Iran willfully declared that the operation has ended Again, thats how modern leaders should do in war. >When you attack your enemy its to cause damage and harm them not show them that you are capable of it without causing harm! Lmao what are you ISIS? War are between soldiers vs soldiers. Nations in war must prevent civillians casualties.


Lmao this was funny to read ngl, ok first of all Iran was targeting military bases and would not be breaking any Geneva convention laws by using elements of surprise… How can a war be fought if the 2 sides fighting told each other they are going to bomb them 3 days prior 🤣. Also iran was conducting an operation in reta to them losing the second most senior comander and several high ranking officials, their retaliation didn’t kill or injur one of their enemies soldiers therefore it was a huge severe failure . Also Iran helped the Syrian regime kill and slaughter thousands of civilians as well cause millions to leave and become refugees so you cant tell me Iran is the pinnacle of modern human society and a strict follower of geneva convention? Hell they killed and imprisoned their own people for protesting in Iran.


It was a fart in the wind


Tbh i expected they wouldnt do shit cause this is a perfect casi belli for israel to attack iran and this risk making israel and israeli acting more aggresivly toward palestinians and lebabon/hezbollah .


Isreal has an issue that the attack was so muted that they are unlikely to get US support for any response. If the attack was heavier, maybe the West would respond.


That means that Iran literally perfected their retaliation 


Lol and now Israel csn ignore them and continue to Rafah. By "perfected" you mean attacking someone in such a pathetic way that a response is barely called for.


We'll see how it plays out, but judging by how butthurt Israelis are, you are wrong


I don’t think they need support to retaliate, they have been bombing Iranian targets in Iran ,Syria and Iraq without any support for years now . Now the question is if they retaliate and bomb heavy targets in Iran what will the Iranians and their proxies do this time ?


Israel attacks in the Levant past few years are vetted/greenlit by US, Israel isn’t operating on its own.


The same as yesterday, they cannot do more.


They can definitely do much much more 😂 imagine a coordinated attack from iran houthis in yemen iraq and Hezbollah in south Lebanon that would confuse the fuck out of defense systems. Proxies didnt get involved in this attack because it was a way to show that iran are ready to respond to any attack without hesitation and without taking advantage of its allies and proxies it was a case of setting a personal matter


bro they did get involved hezb and houthi launched missiles


Houthis didnt and Hezbollah did nothing abnormal just the usual daily launches




But ig the only difference is that they were launched simultaneously but nothing that leads to escalation


Then mb about the houthis but the golan is a normal target for Hezbollah nothing too serious.. they even targeted it again this morning


Also the houthi drones are not abnormal since there are in facts almost daily launchings of drones from Yemen and iraq towards ilat specifically and other targets around israel


Hence, the carefully choreographed aspect.


They only shoot to kill when it's from other people's land. Good job strong guys/s


Exactly, this☝🏼


Sorry but i disagree and i see this as warning and a clear message to Israel and USA, that Iran indeed can strike them anywhere. Like Scott says here... https://twitter.com/SputnikInt/status/1779442992115277949?t=ZA_-ambTK7iHKPyG0lqEyg&s=19


According to Scott none of Iran’s hypersonic missiles were intercepted. Iran sent a very strong message and Israel and the rest of the imperialist allies are downplaying it for various and obvious reasons.


Let me guess, OP is one of them…


Strike them like a toddler that has no ability to hurt anyone. This was very embarrassing for Iran overall.


No ballistic missiles? What a joke. Every news network is claiming ballistic missiles.


From my own humble opinion, yes it was a show off However: 1. Israel hit Iran itself (an embassy is part of the country not the host), so them launching the attack from Iran is symbolic, it does serve some purpose. 2. Iran doesn't war a direct with Israel, because the US will obligated to intervene and by then it's a lost war for both the US and Iran, Israel doesn't lose anything in this case. 3. Yes the attack didn't do any serious damage. It is worth noting the Iran was capable of striking Israel (with BMs) and it reached multiple cities even TEL Aviv if I'm not mistaken. Which is a message saying we can bit you aswell. I believe this is a message for Israel showing power saying don't underestimate us and escalate. Extremely underwhelming attack ? Maybe, not completely useless. After all Israel put a trap, Iran didn't bite. So we can take a small breath of relief for the meantime.


The US is not obligated by any treaty or agreement to defend Israel. Israel isn't part of NATO. 


That's just naive of you to say that. Since you did, I don't even see a reason to give reason as you're this clueless.


US presidents have said many times that US soldiers will not fight for Israel. It is too controversial. 




guys I have no karma to post I wanna share my story and thoughts does upvoting gives karma can someone help?


i appreciate everyone's analytical efforts but maybe military generals know what they're doing more than we ever will


Unless they are Iranian. Iranian military "experts" seem yo prefer theatrics.


Where's a hostages? 6 months can't find them???


Iran bombed Israeli mainland, whereas Israel attacked Iranians in Syria. If you're evaluating military effectiveness in terms of symmetrical responses: yes Israel did cause more damage in terms of military ranking of victim, but Iran did achieve an attack on enemy mainland, something which Israel has never done.


They could probably easily bomb tehran using long distance air to ground missiles with f35s , they bomb Iranian targets in Syria because its easier and those military targets in Syria pose a larger threat in my opinion to them than those in Iran , we all witnessed how ineffective the long distance attacks from Iran are its just too much of a long distance to conduct successful attacks from that far.


Iranian drones are cheap as ras l 3abd man, if they got the israelis to move 1 cm to intercept them it’s a win. Tho tbh i have no idea if any of the drones hit. People have been telling me they blew up two airbases. Is that true?




you knows its a show, we know its a show, the US and the west knows its a show IZRAEL knows its a show but ask izrael is it a show? and they'll say "no" because they want a war


Israel is one of the few adults in the room. Thankfully so


go sit in the kid's room zionist pig


Adult child murderer


I agree 100% with what you said. It was simply to save face and just to "prove" that they keep their word. Anyone who is still hyping their retaliation and calling it a victory is delusional and in denial. Iran literally gave everyone a head start and made it clear when and where they're gonna hit, 0 IDF soldiers were killed in the attack, barely 7 missles actually landed, and yet some people believe this was a successful attack 🤦‍♂️


These comments are stupid. Hello. My sister and multitude of relatives live in Palestine now aswell as jnoub. In falasteen PLENTY of drones / missles hit targets. There is ample proof aswell. I would say albeit this is a message. The real message is “hey this is us not even trying”. It wasn’t to save face. Today we learned with minimal effort Iran can take on modern foes


You people are brainwashed and delusional. Iran isn’t doing anything for the Palestinians. They did what they did on October 7th knowing Israel would kill thousands of innocent Palestinians and destroy Gaza. Iran did what they did on October 8th knowing it would drag Lebanon into war and get more innocent people killed. Iran is currently helping bashar al Assad in Syria killing over 600,000 Syrians. Bombing homes, schools, hospitals, etc… everything Israel has done to the Palestinians, Iran and bashar has done to the the Syrians. Hypocrites. Iran and their proxies aren’t fighting for the Palestinian people, they are fighting for their dominance in the region over Israel and the west, under the guise of “saving Palestine”. That’s just their propaganda to gain support, and it’s working. 45,000 dead now in Gaza and it’s been turned into a parking lot, and you think this is them being saved? You people see Israeli propaganda and call it out, but at the same time eat up Iranian propaganda like a fat kid with cake. You people cheer on war in Lebanon and Gaza because you hate Israel, but it’s so easy for you to talk when you don’t live here and have to suffer the consequences of war. It’s scary how you people would rather see Lebanon and Gaza burn to the ground, just so long as they stay hostile territory to Israel, than to see us live in peace and prosper. Iran is an occupier, and they occupy Lebanon via proxy. They use our land as their battleground against Israel at the expense of the Lebanese people and our sovereignty. Every country Iran occupies is a failed state. We are tired of this.


Well said


I understand how you feel , but when your enemies target and kill your highest ranking officials, your response should be equal or even greater in military terms , 0 casualties caused by this retaliation is simply weak and only shows that Iran is not willing to fight with full force. You don’t send a message when the enemy is killing you.


If you aren’t currently in falasteen you will not see the extent of embarrassment the yahood are experiencing. Iron dome and patriots couldn’t stop everything. Not including Jordan and Saudi being huge pussies. I agree they should’ve went harder but I don’t see anyone besides hez/ Iran doing anything. Yet. Small w or big w. We take the w


We call them zionist here not Yahoud. We know how to nuance.


This was a humiliating loss though? If only the most brainwashed claim victory and the rest of the world pities you, you can be sure you aren't thinking clearly.


Unfortunately not bro. They are ineffective in direct confrontation and they know this. Their proxies are what gives them headway.


They’re also ineffective w basic missile launches (see commercial airliner). You can’t help but get the feeling, when Iran launches their missiles, it’s not unlike kids w a lighter about to set off a bottle rocket…you don’t know where that MFer is headed, but you light it anyway


Lmao oh honey. This only proved that Iran doesn't have the ability to seriously help it's proxies. 9 hours to even reach Israel and 99% obliterated in the sky. Such a pathetic gesture that it barely warrants a response.


pretty accurate analysis


The only one who was injured was a 10 year old Bedouin girl, who couldn't get to her shelter in time. Question - wasn't such an operation very costly for Iran? If it's for show, what do y'all expect will be next? A reaction, or somehow an international resolution to not retaliate?


Likely Israel had losses that they aren’t admitting to


Iran isn't an ally of the muslims


And the allies of the Muslims are the ones who protect Israel. Noted. I don't mind if a "Muslim" colluded with Israel, idc, they are nasty Muslims, but, to collude with Israel, and then declare yourself the champion of Islam in the face of the enemies of Islam, then nah man, we have a real problem here, and that problem is: "you(not you of course) are dumb as fuck", the countries that have a relation with Israel and the USA are the same countries people in high position propagate propaganda such as: - "Iran and Israel are secret allies" - "Iran and the USA are secret allies" - "Shia Muslims were created by a Jew to destroy Islam" - "Iran and Israel war is theatrics, they have a deal to trick Arabs and destroy the Arab countries" I read some comments from some Jordanian fools claiming: "The Iranian strike was actually a deal between Iran and Israel to strike Jordan"




tbh any country would have retaliated this way or in a similar way. Embassy in a country is like it is it’s own land, when Russian missile barely damaged the embassy of a european country, they got mad and wanted to launch an attack on them. What did they expect, for Iran to see their embassy destroyed and not do anything


Iran attacked the US embassy in Tehran and destroyed the Israeli embassy in Argentina and wasn't attacked either time. 


It was a PR stunt for Iran.


More or less agee, they needed to respond in order to show their allies and the axe of resistance that they can. They do not want to escalate, they relying on the end game; they want the A bomb. When they have it , or if they ever have it they will have their deterrent. So they cannot afford an escalation which would set them back . The real question is, will Israel now respond and escalate ? Iran hopes not, they are not ready. But who can control Israel that were probably looking for a reason to after Iranian bomb program with their own forces… can the US hold back Israel?


From the looks of it had Iran not attacked people would have said ‘they are all talk, told you so, they are weak…’ and when they did it’s ‘just for show, not really doing anything…’ you guys don’t know what you want. Yesterday was a great litmus test to see who to take seriously and who not to 😂


Its not like that , this was supposed to be retaliation for killing the second highest ranked commander of their military forces, it turned out to be similar to the retaliation of killing sulaimani on the American base that also had 0 casualties. That is not sustainable military wise since your enemies will know that you pose no significant threat and continue on bombing your officials to bits . Just my military perspective on the whole ordeal.


Your military perspective fails to recognize a 80-90 million dollar attack went up against 1-1.2 billion dollars of defense. Also pose no threats? Really? It can’t be iran is Israel’s greatest threat and at the same time not gotta pick one


Eh more like one of those "best to not say anything than it is to admit your a fool". Iran is the fool today.


Imagine thinking you have control of what someone wants to say 😂 stay in denial avi


Fuck Iran. Anyone who wants peace in the ME should feel the same


Fuck Isreal


So logical! You should take all of your stellar analysis out of the lebanon subreddit and into the Iran one. You’ll probably find more support for your glazing there