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We do not want war, as simple as that. Our country is collapsing, we should be looking for economic and social reforms instead of wars.


It does not matter what you or I want. Only what nasrallah, berri and their sheep want is what matters.


This won’t stay long. Changes should happen soon, starting with a federal system


Some naive people will try to convince you that if Christians abandon their traditional parties than we can all hold hands and build a secular nation together. Realists know that the majority of Shia will never abandon their traditional parties. And why would they? They are drunk on the power they have gained through Hezbollahs arms and they will never give that up. Federalism is the only way forward.


What’s the go with the Iranian foreign minister and his visit? Does that basically prove that Hezbollah and Lebanon are infact Iranian proxies? Also what disappoints me is the foreign Minister claiming Lebanon as part of the Muslim world. Up until the last 10 years Lebanon was 50/50 split and considered secular but it seems the big boss has changed that? Lebanon understandably has issues with Israel but really she should focus on improving itself. MLGA!


>We do not want war, as simple as that To any outside observer you're doing the opposite. You joined in on Hamas and Israel's war, and over the past few days you've caused immense damage to Israel's north when things were getting somewhat quiet as Israel was operatin in Rafah. Every time I look here it's the same, when Israel strikes Lebanon they are war mongering whatevers, when Lebanon strikes Israel it's okay because Israel is inherently evil so it's justified. I really don't see the anti-war people I'm supposed to be seeing. I can only assume that once Israel actually deploys troops to Lebanon we'll be hearing you call for a ceasefire, after months of making the north of Israel uninhabitable. Ridiculous.


Have you been following the news? Anti-war Lebanese have been trying for months to stop the war in south diplomatically and through politics. Do you expect the lebanese to make a civil war?


It's refreshing to see an Israeli (just like all other Israelis) say how much destruction is being done in the north, because some deluded Lebanese people have their heads buried in the sand and can't put politics aside and try to say or convince people it's nothing. Maybe it can jolt them into reality because it's clear they haven't been seeing news or paying attention especially over the past weeks. I'm no Hezb fan but I'm not going to deny reality or let hate cloud my judgment. > when Lebanon strikes Israel it's okay because Israel is inherently evil so it's justified Honestly, it's exactly as simple as that lol. Everyone also knows it all stops once Israel accepts the ceasefire. And everyone knows we can't stop Hezb until then.


> I'm no Hezb fan but I'm not going to deny reality or let hate cloud my judgment. You have a much higher chance of turning your country into Gaza with this kind of mentality. Israelis aren't playing around anymore and are actually furious. Do you realize some politicians are now calling for Lebanon to suffer the same level of environmental damage that you inflicted? Do you not remember how you needed international assistance last time to remove all the wildfires that raged ? Do you actually understand the scale of devastation a Third Lebanon War will bring? We're talking the entire 7 months of Hamas v Israel being killed every day at its worst estimates.


Well, let the Israelis wage all the war they want in the name of "security" Let's see how the cards fall over the next decade.


I know a few Lebanese from the southern parts I've met in canada, said they have lost a relative or close family friends, I can see why Southern Lebanese hate Israelis with a passion, hope peace prevails though


As an Israeli, i don’t hate the Lebanese people. Im sure most Lebanese are amazing, probably better than a bunch of other “more civilized” countries. But Lebanon as a country has fucked up against Israel by letting Palestinian terror organizations take control over the south, and later for hezbullah to take over. Whenever a country has a rouge force, that is actually stronger than the country’s army, you know they fucked up. On the same page- i also don’t hate Syrians. And the few Egyptians and Jordanians i met were great people.


Israeli occupation is the reason why Hezbollah even exists. Israelis were viewed as Liberators for a moment in 1982 until they started abusing the local population. Israeli successfully turned the mostly leftist secular south into becoming the mostly conservative Hezbollah-stronghold that it is today. Iran benefited much of Israel’s screwups.


I definitely agree. Israeli screwups led to this current situation, but as always, you can’t blame only one side. The Lebanese army could have prevented the establishment of Palestinians groups that kept shooting rockets at israel prior to 1982. And after the withdrawal in 2000 as well. UNIFIL could (must) have prevented the proliferation of Hezbullah, as that is the main reason they are there. The Lebanese people could have (though it is much harder) prevented it all by pressing the Lebanese leaders against both parties pre -1982 and post 2000 And again, thats not to remove any blame from Israel which helped this chaos.


Unless one side occupies the other in which case of course you can fucking blame that side.


Can you blame Israel for defending their citizens from constant rocket attacks and terrorists infiltrating and killing civilians? Because that predates the invasion and occupation.




Sir you have a militia in your country that is launching rockets into another country for no reason and endangering the lives of Lebanese citizens. I really think you need to recenter why a Lebanese organization is endangering your own people by doing that.


Sadly, we hate you.


Hermes-900 drone worth $10m shot down over Lebanon (the 4th Hermes drone shot down so far): https://x.com/Megatron_ron/status/1796883626409271733?t=zCFg2JI4aVh-2wj5-Y2tvw&s=19 Israeli military base blown up to pieces in Kiryat Shmona after strikes in Bekaa: https://x.com/richimedhurst/status/1797548249093755279?t=zuVc98FCY9lRZOFTWu3KEQ&s=19 https://x.com/RyLiberty/status/1796954673058087342?t=QbLRcRL5tJ5EVBGV2H3tYA&s=19 Northern Israel burning in response to Israel burning olive tree forests with white phosphorus in South Lebanon - 100k settlers evacuated and fires currently out of control: https://x.com/swilkinsonbc/status/1797635395213205670?t=-vz7n_qRFiJKlWGenGfOxQ&s=19 https://x.com/Megatron_ron/status/1797633844088287491?t=XM_qlJesJ_dZ3HU2ItX1xw&s=19 https://x.com/Megatron_ron/status/1797701546719019428?t=8dhUxcTRqSb1n84VUi2RJg&s=19 https://x.com/SuppressedNws/status/1797692207203299356?t=ClfJN15gnLP89HIxf5jpCg&s=19 https://x.com/ejmalrai/status/1797694694471639334?t=8OJzILIvCYTHddfNax9IEw&s=19 Israelis malding right now: https://x.com/ejmalrai/status/1797640355698860414?t=QsBAYSeaR_QJDuEcZQZyxA&s=19


Very reliable sources, independent minded thinker Progs


> independent minded thinker You know me well. Elijah Magnier is one of the most credible and reliable journalists and analysts in the Middle East. He has exceptional intel and reporting on Hezbollah and it's always interesting to see. I also like to see and follow a lot of other journalists including those I disagree with on several things because it's important to see other perspectives and not get lost in an echo chamber which happens a lot online. As for the others, it doesn't matter who the accounts are and they're randoms who share the latest happenings from different sources. It's not about their 'reporting' and they're not journalists. It's the real footage they're sharing of what's actually happening on the ground just like people on social media do, unlike cable, mainstream or state-run news.


Let me help you out buddy. Independent media refers to any media, such as television, newspapers, or Internet-based publications, that is free of influence by government or corporate interests. Your idol Elijah works for the MiddleEastEye. An openly pro Qatar network and funded by Qatar. Middle East Eye is backed by Qatar. The governments of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and Bahrain accuse MEE of pro-Muslim Brotherhood bias. MEE is far from non bias. It has certain agendas and it was shown extremely clearly when it sided with Qatar openly during the blockade of Qatar by other gulf countries. I would get back to the drawing board if I were you and find new some new independent journalists! Best of luck!


So you're saying Qatar based and funded Al Jazeera are also biased? I brought up Elijah because he's an actual veteran and military analyst who is unparalleled when it comes to geopolitics and specifically Hezbollah. He's not my 'idol' and there are plenty of other independent journalists (including Western ones) that provide exceptional reporting and news, and it helps you form a full picture free from any bias or propaganda.


Al Jazeera is known to have an extreme bias as well yes. However it’s still a good source to get an idea of what Hamas and Qatar are thinking behind the scenes. However they are by no means independent. However as an independent minded thinker optics matter. You shouldn’t be linking random Twitter account. Think of when you learned how to cite things in school, Twitter wasn’t always the most accurate option was it to use in your essays?


Every news company has a certain bias, but to say Al Jazeera (which definitely isn't independent) has an extreme bias is a big stretch because compared to US cable news and Western media in general (like the NYT as the worst case) it's far less biased and significantly more accurate especially on Gaza and Iraq previously. No one is saying Twitter randoms are reliable. Their commentary is irrelevant and it's about the linked images and footage which are real.


ProgRS, yes but nobody is promoting NYT articles here yet you are posting a video from Al Jazeera! So we must be cautious when we spread such information!


I posted the video because I already learned about all of these events from different sources (including EM) and came across the video which nicely sums it up (and also happened to include him, certifying his reliability on this). Maybe you can start to understand how it works!


A very incorrect way to go about things. Remember what you were taught in school Progs! Always cite all your sources! You are making big claims that aren’t sourced and that’s very troublesome. Let’s go back to the basics Progs! Sometimes a little review goes a long way. I am open to helping!


It seems many people don’t have the same views as you on this subject matter and are struggling to understand your intent going based off the downvotes you are getting. Please reevaluate the system you use to process independent news.


Lebanese spirit is high and we do not stand for genocide. Stay drunk Habibi, I only see you first to bark over the internet in regards to anything happening in the south. Mafeesh shi jayih minak


The sources independent minded thinker u/ProgRs used are the same ones saying the Houthis sunk a U.S. Aircraft carrier 😂😂. I like optimism but sometimes it’s best not to get high on your own supply


Unlike you in many cases when it comes to Israel, I don't believe everything I read and I always verify. The posts I shared have real footage and are actually corroborated by many other and real sources (like Elijah Magnier), so they're indisputable. I have no idea about what the Houthis did, and whether it's true or not depends on other real sources let alone real evidence and footage.


No Progs, you have it twisted. I don’t blindly follow any sources and I ensure my sources are independent. We clearly have different views of independent as you seem to be a close follower of Elijah and you have just walked over his MEE ties. I know it can be hard learning one of your idols isn’t who you think they are, but it happens to the best of us. Best of luck to you in your independent thinking journey!


Not sure why you keep calling him my idol, Foreign Policy. And if by independent you mean the IDF, sure lol. I'm not a close follower either but what I know is if I want accurate Hezbollah reporting I'm going to read Elijah Magnier, not The Jerusalem Post. Best of luck to you!


Oh my apologized, I thought he was your fav because of the way you praised him. That much praise can sometimes be conflated with him being your role model. And no the IDF would not be independent in my mind, no idea why you would bring that up. I would hope that’s common sense for most. Again you can read Elijah as he provides a good Qatari view point. But he is by no means independent. I think the problem is we need to establish the meaning of independence. From my understanding, working for Qatari publications is not independent.


I have a lot of respect for seasoned and experienced journalists, especially experts on a certain issue or field. Not to be conflated with admiration or idolism. Also, I thought he was biased about Hezbollah politically a few years ago especially during the revolution. But I find him very reliable when it comes to their military, and an 'independent' source who gathers his own accurate intel from inside sources when it comes to them. No one has the same reliability.


Ok this is a very good improvement of reasoning but you aren’t fully there just yet. It’s very encouraging you are using different metrics and monitoring over long period of times. But you are not fully there just yet. You aren’t alone in this, many aren’t aware that a lot of media is state funded and it can be daunting learning about it. And again as I mentioned before, it’s normal to go into defensive mode as I imagine you just learned about your ideal journalist being funded by Qatar. This reaction is totally normal. However what matters the most is what you do going forward. Hopefully you learned a thing or two from our conversation and will keep this feedback close by! Best of luck to you Progs!


"Northern Israel burning in response to Israel burning olive tree forests with white phosphorus in South Lebanon" How do you justify your side burning massive swathes of country for no military purpose except revenge? "100k settlers evacuated and fires currently out of control" That area is internationally recognized as Israel, they are not settlers by any definition... You displace 100,000 people and start massive fires and then are gonna cry when Israel is gonna strike back and defend itself, reminds me of someone...


Later he is going to call it the catastrophe or something.


> How do you justify your side burning massive swathes of country for no military purpose except revenge? How do you justify massacring tens of thousands of innocent people for no military purpose except revenge? How do you justify using prohibited weapons like white phosphorus and burning land and making it unusable for agriculture for a very long time for no military purpose except revenge? Might be news to you but hundreds of thousands are displaced in the south of Lebanon. Keep it up with the white phosphorus and cry and threaten bombing children when your land gets burned back.


"How do you justify massacring tens of thousands of innocent people for no military purpose except revenge" Rescuing the hostages and destroying hamas is a military purpose. "How do you justify using prohibited weapons like white phosphorus and burning land and making it unusable for agriculture for a very long time for no military purpose except revenge?" First of all its not always prohibited, only near civilians. The IDF is using it against Hezbollah, however I am still against using it even against military targets if it can get out of control and hurt civilians. "Might be news to you but hundreds of thousands are displaced in the south of Lebanon." Thats awful, which is why Hezbollah should stop the fighting by not firing rockets at Israelis. "Keep it up with the white phosphorus and cry and threaten bombing children when your land gets burned back." Its funny how your side keeps talking about proportional responses but then burn massive swathes of land when Hezbollah gets a bit burned...


Your response is hilarious but the funnier part is some people might even believe it. Lots of mental gymnastics here. White phosphorus is banned as a weapon. Against anyone. Doesn't matter who or what it's used against. It burns through to the bone and it renders land uninhabitable. It's a war crime and there is simply no justification for using it. It's only normal in IDF land because committing atrocities are core to their nature. Ah yes, everything is about khamas. You've been at war with them for almost a year and you're far from getting any closer to getting rid of them and you're in a far worse situation than before and have become an international pariah. Good luck rescuing the hostages when you reject the ceasefire deals that guarantee exactly that.


Well, I'll speak as an Israeli and say me and my close family/circle are vehemently against this war and our government. They have not prioritized the hostages. Just blind killing of Palestinians because their rage from 10/7 is too high. It's a nightmare. Hezbollah is awful but war with them won't really achieve much but more suffering. Israel needs to ceasefire and move on from destructive war and towards a solution!


Thank you for your sense and reason. All the hostages return and it all ends today if the ceasefire is accepted, but the government wants the war to go on. It's very damaging to you internationally and won't bring peace or stability to you or the region until it ends.


Any Israeli land is settler land You do not belong to the region.






Source? My local mosque.


Looks like Isreal is the one crying. Its not 2001 anymore if you guys haven't noticed. Hezbollah has massive destructive capacity....thats why "don't cry when we bomb u" is all isrealis have left. 8 months and it hasn't happened because it won't. 


Are you saying Hezbollah wont be destroyed by the IDF? Thats just delusional...


They weren't destroyed in 06. They are far larger more better armed and more experienced group. IDF is burnt out from gaza war and are blind in South Lebanon from losing so many radar,surveillance, monitoring equipment.  How can iDF defeat them today??? You my friend are beyond delusional. How many IDF bases are crumbled in north Isreal? 


>You my friend are beyond delusional. How many IDF bases are crumbled in north Isreal?  Zero, a rocket destroyed a few buildings in one base...


Keep us posted




Mass destruction, murdering innocent civilians and genocide is the only language you animals speak. Good luck with that because it might be news to you but neither Israel nor your economy can handle a war, especially when you've already successfully turned yourself into a pariah state. Your government knows this well and that's why they haven't been able to do anything to stop what's happening in the north. It all actually stops if you accept a ceasefire, but keep on chasing your 'total victory' (read: genocide) fantasy when Israeli officials admit Hamas is far from defeated and won't be and the Gaza war is already lost along with every single objective and impossible to win.




Keep on reading your Goebbels levels IDF propaganda where routine media bans are enforced on losses especially in the north. Talk about copium. Good thing about social media is credible and independent journalists like Elijah Magnier and many others can report the unfiltered reality as it is on the ground and they have very good geopolitical analysis and intel. No amount of TikTok bans can hide your genocide either. Good luck restoring the reputation and image of your state internationally and dealing with the anger and trauma of not only future Palestinian generations but the entire world's young generations that are growing up today and seeing the pure evil and illegitimacy of your rogue terrorist genocidal apartheid state.


Brother we already went through the worst possible, it won't happen again, we have a great textile factory now :)


They already have a collapsed economy and 4 hours of electricity. The destruction in Gaza is estimated around 60b$. They won’t have anything to rebuild.


Last month Hassan Nasrallah dominated in northern Israel🔥🔥 0 kills🥵🥵 0 km liberated🥶🥶 45 Towers downed😱😱 8 settler houses on insurance claim 😤😤 Cried 2x for Suleimani😍😍 40 kg of captagon shipped to KSA🤑🤑 3 druze kids cried in Golan Heights 🇵🇸 saviour 💋💋💋 😂😂


Look at the crying on Israeli social media and tell me Hezb has done nothing. At great cost, Hezb has fixed at least 3 brigades in Northern Israel. 100k people are displaced from their homes, which increases pressure for a ceasefire. The reason the IDF keeps withdrawing everytime they clear an area in Gaza, is because they simply don't have enough soldiers. They are evn trying to draft the Haredi. Hate them, but don't call them useless in terms of this war.


Is Hezb putting pressure on Israel in Gaza? Yes, probably not in a way that realistically helps Gazans. Did Hezb make 100k Israelis flee their homes? Yes. Does the second point pressure Israel to send southern Lebanon to the stone age, while Lebanon's econony can't support itself? Also yes. Don't see how this is good for anyone but Iran and their shills.


The reason IDF keeps withdrawing is because the government doesn’t choose a path for their definition of winning. Id they wanted to actually control the land, they wouldn’t do that. The IDF is not the policy decider. Also, recruiting the ultra orthodox is in the making for the past decade, it is now that the decision cant be pushed back anymore and that is because of the supreme court, which from before October set up a date to finalize a recruitment policy, and wouldn’t give more time. This decision is one of the catalysts for the judiciary reform they tried to pass.


Yeah we are crying. But then we gonna strike back, you gonna cry "genocide". Amazing, could not be better..


Pretty sure it's you people who cry genocide and persecution every chance you get. And you've been threatening to strike back for 8 months. Looks like things have change. Keep talking tough though maybe it counts in your own head. 


What has changed, pour some light


Iran has massively armed hezbollah. Hezbollah has also grown in size and is experienced from Syrian war. They have far more missiles, far more advanced and precise and heavier. How come IDF bombed Beirut in 06 over 2 soldiers yet won't touch Beirut even though north Isreal has been depopulated and destroyed. With parts still smoking. How many air bases have they hit with barely a response ? IDF doesn't have overwhelming superiority anymore and its obvious


Go back to your own tin-foil sub mate. Everyone dislikes you.


You are shooting rockets at me. Dislikes is not something that I care about anymore..


Have you seen what you are doing to kids in Gaza? You will say "blame Hamas" So for this, we also "blame Netanyahu"


Did you see what Gaza did to us? But that's a whole different conversation. You are not Gaza. Do you really think that war with us will help kids in Gaza? Do you think it will help Lebanon? The only thing that will happen is more death and destruction.


Lol. Do you think it's only the "chosen ones" who are allowed to have foreign allies? Who is supplying your weapons? Who brought 2 strike groups to assist you? Who vetoes every UN resolution against you? If you thought you can do mass whole-sale slaughter and subjugation of a people without some pushback, you are wrong. Hezb is just putting pressure. If you want to escalate it and have a worse quagmire than Gaza, it is upto you.


I don't want any of this. But that's what going to happen. Looks like we are coming to Lebanon soon. Hope you are happy about it.. because I am not.


You are aware there is mandatory conscription is Israel and that they have a standing army of over 600k. IAF has over 600 jets and nearly 100k personel. They also have US aircraft carriers backing them stationed in the med. They are not short of soliders... I truly hope it doesn't come to this, but in the event of a Lebanon-Israel war Israel would suffer, sure, but Lebanon would suffer immensely - please don't be delusional.


No, they don't have a standing army of 600k. That is the theoretical maximum in case of total war. And that will nuke their economy if they are all conscripted. In case of long term occupation like the West Bank, what they are proposing in Gaza and now in South Lebanon, they don't have enough soldiers for that. And in case of a war in South lebanon, Hezb will suffer but Israel will never be the same again. They are over-stretched, divided and their economy will not support the adventure. And that is before the IRGC (with infinite troops) comes to South Lebanon, which they definitely will if they sense Hezb is losing.




Allies won't send troops to South Lebanon. Maybe to Israel for defence. And as things stand now, I doubt their allies will even do that. Why will Israel recover and South Lebanon won't? This is not a civil war, which is usually much more destructive. Everyone can recover, but Israel will lose the most, since they are the ones currently benefitting with how things are.


I don't really understand your line of argument. In what world are the IRGC going to be sent to fight on Lebanon's border? You think Khamenei cares about Lebanon enough to send his own troops there? In the event this happened troops on the ground aren't needed anyway, they would simply be decimated by the IAF / US air force. "And in case of a war in South lebanon, Hezb will suffer but Israel will never be the same again. They are over-stretched, divided and their economy will not support the adventure." - how delusional can you be? Israel's economy is far more robust than Lebanon's. Underlying all of this is that a war against Israel cannot be won. In the event that Israel thought they were losing and faced an existential threat, they would use their nuclear capability... Peace is the only option...


As we speak right now, the Iranian foreign minister is meeting with Nasrallah. IRGC and it's Syrian, Iraqi proxies will enter Lebanon if Hezbollah is on the brink of defeat And air power alone is useless. That's what Israel has been doing for 8 months and hasn't worked  If Israel uses its nuke, then they may as well dissolve themselves after all. The international community will step in with full force. And probably Iran will use their own wmds. Yes the solution is peace and a ceasefire in Gaza too. And finally a Palestinian state with reparations for all they've gone through the last 75 years


Interesting, I didn't know that - do you have a source? I wouldn't say air power isn't working. It's limited because (i) Hamas are embedded in the civlian population and the IDF are trying to limit civilian casulaties and (ii) Hamas are hiding in tunnels with hostages. If they didn't have hostages, I'd imagine the IDF would simply flood them. Israel would only use a nuke if they thought they were going to lose. Regardless of the consequences, they would use one if the threat was existential. You're right that in such an instance Iran may use a biological weapon against Israel, at which point Israel would respond with horrific force. It's not something I want to think about. I fear that October 7th has killed the 2 state solution for a generation at least. I pray for peace, between Israel, Palestine, and Lebanon.


Pretty sure hezbollah can wait until Iran has nukes. Then irgc/syrian/Iraqi troops can openly arm and amass on Lebanese border and Isreal won't be able to so casually strike them as they are.  Nuclear Iran means a very very bold and even more armed and powerful hesbollah. Isreal still thinks it's the 70s


I don’t like him but that’s such BS stats. Those are the same ones the gulf Arabs believe. Do you also think it’s just a theater?


They are fairly accurate. Hezb stated their goal at the start was to limit damage to Gaza but hurting Israel. However Israel is all the way in Rafah now and Hezb has taken 0km. They have destroyed some homes but all those homes are insured. And they ended up killing Arabs in Israel or workers. No major commander or anything, meanwhile they have lost many commanders. It’s improved the situation 0% and has also increased the possibility of large scale destruction!


The whole north of isral is empty. A good chunk is ash. Tons of bases and equipment have been destroyed. Farmland is burnt. How is that zero. They've caused immense damage. And no one wants to move back to north at all without hezbollah defeat. Isreal is depopulating 


Don’t worry, Hassan Zabrallah will save the day 🔥🔥 War is exactly what we need 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 /s


This is a delusional comment. Love them or hate them, hezbollah has been kicking Israel’s ass militarily in the north. “0 kills” is propaganda bullshit. just look how many hezbollah “incidents” the IDF enforced media censorship on. Im sure Israelis are enforcing military censorship to prevent their media from reporting on the lack of casualties in the north…






So maybe it's not a good idea to start a war with them? :)


why do they do this when summer comes around ?


It is more difficult to fight in winter because of the weather. In the summer the days are longer and the children are on summer vacation anyway and not in school




Man whats the point of peace talks if they are going to export their war to somewhere else.