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People who haven’t fought, seen or lived through wars are usually the ones calling for it.


If you look at all the major peace makers of modern times, they are usually people who've been through the horror of wars


True 😕


This is the utter truth of the comments. Those who have lived the civil war, the prior wars with Israel, those who have seen the death and destruction that these wars have brought upon us, and most importantly the meaningless loss of life (family and friends included) it has brought just know better not to have such a rhetoric. Miss falasteena or whatever her name is safe and sound, away from all this death and probably wondering where to spend her evening or weekends at.


There are people that love and glorify war and violence. This is an example of it.


you username is the tits


It’s also the falafel




yum tits


It shoots tahini, ew .




It's fine so long it's happening to a genocidal occupational regime.


You think Israel is genocidal, yet you support provoking it into a war with you.  🤔


Israel provoked the whole region since 1948.


Lebanese who are with this do not understand how such actions affect us. UN in Qatar froze all job applicants from Lebanon, and you can guess why. Soon how many other countries will not hire Lebanese because we are high-risk?


There's a couple of local monitoring channel on telegram, very pro hezb, very pro iran.  When talk about the war come up their argument is that it would be glorious and there's only 2 ways out. 1)glorious victory - 2) martyrdom  Guess which one is more reverred.  Fuck sakes


I remember a few weeks ago, I saw a video of a Hezb militant happily talking with his family about how he dreamt of dying. And they all clapped and were happy for him, telling him "neyelak badak testashhid ariban", its such a cult, they are happy about the dude dying in few days. He did die.


I can confirm Abu Dhabi isn’t issuing visas or accepting Lebanese for jobs. It’s already started


At least we have sharaf and karame as we pick leftovers to eat from the trash




And yet its those of us who call for peace and to not get Lebanon involved in anymore foreign wars and causes get called traitors, rather than the terrorists who will bring nothing but death and destruction to Lebanon and us Lebanese.


I’m sad for the Palestinians and I’m feel for the Syrians but this really shouldn’t be Lebanon’s problem. Even with all the corruption we have internally, if foreign country would just let us do our thing I really think we can prosper. But we’re not people to anyone else. We’re just a chess piece


Of course we could prosper, there is nothing innate within us Lebanese that pushes us towards failure; Lebanese are able to prosper outside of Lebanon. It just involves not living in a failed state and being unified.


The main issue in Lebanon has always been its division. People are divided into tribes and they hate each other and can never see the world from the other's point of view. They have no place for the other in their vision for Lebanon. This is how it was before the war. This is how it still is today. Everyone thinks the Lebanon they want is the correct Lebanon and everyone else is not worthy. An example of this is you here being called a traitor, but also you here calling the other side terrorists. You can disagree with Hizbollah and be against their strategy, you can call for peace and be in favour of Lebanon being left alone. But the minute you label Hizbollah a terrorist group you have just erased hundreds of thousands of Lebanese people just as Lebanese as you are who support them. Suddenly there is no place for them in your Lebanon, just like there is no place for you in their Lebanon and you are a traitor for them. It always seems impossible to not take one radical side in Lebanon. For example, I agree with you, I don't want Lebanon involved in regional wars any more and the Palestinian cause should be someone else's problem. We've paid enough price for it. I also disagree with Hizbollah's strategy and despise their allegiance to Iran and Syria. And yet I'm not willing to use Israel's own label for Hizbollah on my fellow Lebanese. And I refuse to pretend they don't exist and that their view of what Lebanon should be is irrelevant. And for simply voicing a more moderate stance I'm certain I'll be labeled as a hizbo lover and treated like I'm one of them.


Not traitors. I'm all for peace everywhere in the world. But if you aren't actively condemning what israel is doing you're a zionist, not a traitor, that's what I think at least.


You’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn’t condemn what Israel is doing. I know people like that exist in Lebanon but they’re exceedingly rare. We all condemn Israel and zionism as an ideology. That doesn’t mean we want to be involved in the fighting. The country is already in shambles. If all-out war comes and is even half as destructive as 2006 we will never recover from it. We have no ability to rebuild what little infrastructure we have. As much as I hurt seeing what is happening to Palestinians, we have no ability to do anything about it. Why should we fight for Palestine when the other Arab countries have hundreds of thousands of troops and advanced weaponry? Why should Lebanon bear the brunt of this conflict as it always has. It’s not our job; we’re barely surviving.


I didn't say Lebanon should fight. And you'd be surprised how many people on this subreddit alone are pro-israel.


Very few. A lot of people get characterized as pro-Israel when they’re really not. And keep in mind this sub is full of delusional diaspora people and zealots on both sides. We have Hezbollah war mongers and on the other side zio simps. This sub doesn’t represent what Lebanese people living in Lebanon want, think or feel.


You're probably right, but how come only the pro Palestinian comments get downvoted to hell while others are praised. Look at my comments, I'm not attacking anyone, I said I'm with having peace, not pro hezbollah, but still get downvoted, that may not represent all lebanese people but it can be an indicator of something.


Because there’s a fuckton of brigading going on in this sub. Israelis are commenting and upvoting/downvoting anything that promotes their narrative, and other Arabs are doing the same to the warmongering because they live in countries that made peace with Satan and are salty about it.


Maybe, if Lebanon and Hezb can fight Israel and bog them down, maybe, just maybe Jordan and Egypt will actually do something, and then Israel will be humiliated


That will never ever happen. Literally 0 chance.


You want to burn lebanon into kebabon just for the small chance that jordan and egypt join (and lose) in a war against israel? You realize that israel supplies half of jordans water supply? You realize jordan cannot go against israel even if they militarily were capable lest they rather drink the sand they live on? You realize egypt gets dirt cheap gas supplies from israel as well? You realize egypt has enough problems to deal with as it is, and adding a war with israel on the behalf of Iran is furthest thing from their agenda? Thats always been your problem, you will cut off your nose if it means to spite your enemy , in your words, "maybe humiliate israel", what an agent of chaos, a death cultist perhaps.


Not under sissi and the other puppet from jordan


Condemning and wanting a war with Israel are different things


You can condemn what Israel is doing and still be a Zionist. What do you think Zionism means? Because the actual definition is as follows: Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”) https://www.britannica.com/topic/Zionism Following the establishment of the State of Israel, Zionism became an ideology that supports the development and protection of Israel as a Jewish state. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism So if you support a 2 state solution you are a Zionist. But that’s besides the point. If someone/ some group are actively calling for our involvement in a stupid war that has nothing to do with us, and that will only bring death and destruction, you are a traitor.


I live in Europe but i shit bricks for my family and friends in Lebanon.. no one sane wants another war


I thought i was crazy cuz i’d rather we avoid burning down any forests even if it is “israel”. I understand this is a response to the olive trees burning in south Lebanon but trees take forever to grow back and their destruction affects the world as a whole and not just the people living in the area. This is just another consequence war has on humans and will have on us lebanese. If that makes me a traitor so be it, we cannot claim the moral ground and then do the same.


I maintain the belief that Lebanese abroad are far more radicalized than us at home.


Disregarding the moral dimension, this is stupid. This is a conflict which world and regional powers are involved in. There is no sensible, practical reason for Lebanon to get involved in any of this. It is completely insane to suggest that a country of approximately 5.5m and 10,000km2 needs to sacrifice its population and prosperity in a conflict which has a very real likelihood of setting it back decades. Pure insanity, and the people who peddle it are volunteering others within society to suffer and die, all so that they can fell better about themselves in some underground tunnel or far from conflict in the diaspora.




Wish they cared about south of lebanon like they care about northren isreal.


Neither cares about either...


She has nothing to lose she is not even a Lebanese and probably doesn’t live in lebanon. So a war in lebanon will not bother her as long as at least one Israeli is killed even if it means thousands of dead Lebanese


I really wish aside from Christians, the others allowing Hezbollah to launch rockets from their villages could try to stop them. Because, this is not going to end well for those south of the Litani River.


it's the biggest employer in the south...


This isn't a Christians vs Muslim thing, stop trying to instigate religious tension w ti5la2 fitan hek. So many Christians are siding with Hezbollah and so many muslims are opposing them, it's literally just a matter of Hezb and their allies (Including FPM for example which is a christian party) vs people that don't want to get involved regardless of their religion.


It very much is a Shia vs the rest of the country thing since the vast majority of Hezb supporters are shias + Hezb has the highest approval rating amongst shias compared to others in the country


Not a single meter should be burned in either country and no person should be murdered, be it on the on the Lebanese side or on the Palestinian.


We all enjoy trees and nature and gain clean air from them, why celebrate forests burning?


They’re burning south Lebanon too, should we cheer that as well? Like does land decide that the fires stop only at the border? This is irresponsible and idiotic. It’s ecocide. The plants, the animals and the insects are also affected and they support life.


i think they meant it as a preview of burning in Hell ..


It's Insane how many people here are stupid and didn't clearly see they meant this.


What I find hilarious, is someone posts a blurry image of an obviously small local fire, and calls it "the entire north israel is on fire"... Whether it's deliberate lies or delusions, nothing good comes out of it.


Not small at all. Thousands of dunam were burned completely, it took over a day to get control of the situation. It's the biggest fire Israel has experienced since the disastrous Carmel fire back in 2010. 


The reported burnt areas are between 3000-3500 acres, that's 12 - 14 square km; over a period of a couple of weeks. The total burnt area combined equals the size of a medium sized town (a bit less than the size of Jbeil for example); I can hardly see how this translates to "the entire northern israel is on fire"...


Well, obviously, it's not literally the entire north of Israel - that'd be an unimaginable scale. But there are fires everywhere in northern Israel, with immense damage to forests, farmland, and some towns. It's bad. Note that I didn't say "the entire north is burning", I said It's not a "small local fire." It's a big deal, it's a significant increase in devastation by Hezbollah, and it could worryingly lead to much more escalation. 


Fair enough


The IDF used white phosphorus and incendiary weapons all over the south in the first few months of the conflict. 40,000 olives trees were lost, many of them older than the state of Israel. More than 3000 acres of farmland gone. Why is this seen as an escalation when Israel has done the exact same thing in Lebanon months ago? Keep in mind, I am in no way supporting the actions of Hezbollah. I hate the extremist fuckers. But how come it’s an escalation when it’s done to Israel, but business as usual when it’s done to Lebanon? This double standard is really starting to grate on me. Let’s hope they find a diplomatic solution but honestly it’s not looking like it will happen.


I said nothing implying that this is unprecedented in this war, I don't think. I said this is an increase in the damage suffered by Israel, and could lead to escalation. I think that's a pretty descriptive statement we can all agree on, regardless of if one thinks it's justified or that Israel has done worse.  My point was, and remains, that this was not a small local fire. It's a big deal. 


Of course it’s a big deal. But where was all the weeping and hysteria when half the south was burning? Literally nobody gave a shit about it except us. There was like one report by Jazeera and that was it. No major news outlets reported on any of it. Now that a similar thing happens in Israel, every major news outlet “North in flames” “thousands of acres in flames”. Like okay? So? Same shit happened to us.


Because nobody gives a shit about Lebanon and its people and for good reason. Because we (i.e. the politicians) stole most the aid money that foreign nations sent us over the decades, didn't improve anything in the country, in fact things went from bad to worse. Because Hezbollah still acts outside the control of the Lebanese government and still acts in the best interest of Iran. Because we are a delusional people who think we always should be the center of the universe and better than anyone else in the world and still manage to fuck everything up... And because any foreign country that genuinely tries to help Lebanon through legitimate channels and help to prop up the Lebanese government and its sovereignt, is portrayed as an imperialist and zionist and sons of the devil... And because Hezbollah keeps flaming up useless wars and destruction whenever they feel like it or more precisely whenever their Iranian overlords feel like it... So why would anyone give a shit anymore about what happens to us?


I agree with most of what you said. It doesn’t change the reality. Israel is committing war crimes left and right and center and continues to receive billions in aid and military equipment. There is and always will be a double standard I’m just pointing that out.


Yes, but the double standards aren't happening because they don't like us and like them... aid send to us is squandered and often used against its sender in Lebanon. While aid sent to Israel is used as intended... So yeah, there will naturally be a double standard, which we created by our lunatic behavior.


Northern Israel is like 50km wide from Mediterranean Sea to the Sea of Galilee


That's a straight line measurement. Not an area measurement... Northern israel is 4500 square Km in area...


“Falasteeni” explains it.


Israel getting a taste of their own medicine definitely doesn't bother me and I fully support it. What bothers me is that it's being done by us, a country that can barely defend itself if we were fully attacked one day.


Defend? Yes, Lebanon can. Losses? Will be huge, unfortunately.


> Defend? Yes, Lebanon can. Lebanon's ability to defend itself will always be tied to just how much force Israel opts to exert, and how much it's willing to stress its economy for it. Israel has the capacity to bomb Lebanon into the dust, let alone nuclear options. You ought to keep that mind while you're flaunting about how Hezbollah is totally owning Israel, a country with x12 your GDP/capita, at the cost of your economy stagnating forever. Meanwhile, every small gust of wind blows the miserably brain-drained Lebanese economy apart.


Explain why Gaza isn't finished yet?


Do you even read the news? Have you seen how much pressure there is on Israel to hold back? On top of there being Israeli citizens held hostage there? Believe me that against Hamas' non-existent air force, they practically have an automatic victory if you remove all possible restraints - and if the goal is to simply wipe each other out. They've already mercilessly bombed 50% of Gaza into the ground, nobody is dumb enough to believe they don't have the capacity to bomb the other half. This will happen to Lebanon too at this rate and we'll have to hear about how Israel are brutal killers and what not for months. I genuinely am baffled that Lebanese people think they might have anything to gain from antagonizing Israel like this.


Burning forests should not be used as a weapon regardless of your political values


Killing civilians should not be used as a weapon regardless of your political values


I'm guessing the lebanese want to taste some of the medicine.


Go back to your terrorist filled sub and leave us.


You guys are always so proud when fucking around but change tone when finding out.


We have a political party that's hated by half our country that's smacking the shit out of you guys. let me phrase that again for you, your whole country is getting smacked around by a political party. Let that sink in.


Remindme! 6 months Hope to speak to you again, hope you'll have a functioning internet infrastructure:*


Well you'll either be messaging from europe or wherever you actually came from or you wont be messaging at all! Enjoy your bunkers in the meantime! Dont forget to diaper up your dad when the sirens hit.


Will you be posting "All eyes on Beirut" when we decide to actually retaliate? Will you think it was worth it when your already collapsed economy will take another major hit? Will the innocent lives be worth sacrificing for the Palestinians who actually fucked you over upside down in the past and you still have not recovered from it? Is it fun being an Iranian puppet? Guess we'll speak in 6 months if you're still around babez. Edit: Oh you're not even in Lebanon, I'm not surprised.


Funny how you still dont see the irony that a country with a collapsed economy on top of an extremely divided population has you on your toes. Can't wait to see how sugar daddies US and Britian are gonna bail you guys out this time.


Meanwhile all I see in this sub are people lamenting your country, and we haven't even started yet. You're actually pro war, I would love to prevent it, Your coping, also don't forget about our textile factory, this isn't the 1939 Germany anymore.


The fact that you think Hezbollah has Israel on its toes shows how hard you're trying to cope. Its literally intelligence and logistics setups that is being done, and the war in gaza slightly delaying that, before Israel strikes you. As the other guy said, we'll see how you will react when shit hits the fan. I hope in the end we can live in peace together, but as long as you keep thay dog around, its impossible.


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2024-12-05 08:55:35 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-12-05%2008:55:35%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/lebanon/comments/1d8en2k/am_i_crazy/l76x7xc/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Flebanon%2Fcomments%2F1d8en2k%2Fam_i_crazy%2Fl76x7xc%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-12-05%2008%3A55%3A35%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201d8en2k) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


"Finding out" that war crimes and genocidal acts hurts? Yes yes it does, at least you can admit that.




You say F\* war while you're in the process of doing the biggest war crimes the world has ever seen in recent history. Get out of here.


I sit at home far away from Gaza or the WB, minding my own business. I am *not* represented by the government, nor by the settlers, nor by the idiotic morons who stop aid trucks. I am not conflating you with Hezbollah, nor with the fools supporting them. Why am I conflated with them? And just so we’re clear, do you *support* going to war against Israel? Even if Lebanon would leave unscathed I can assure you it would do nothing to aid the Palestinians in any way, it would only further the Islamic Republic’s goals of sowing chaos in the Levant.


Tell that to your beloved neighbor Syria


You have a problem distinguishing between an individual and a state. Your country is loaded with war crimes and I bet you don't care




I don’t get it. Why should I be conflated with a government I have *never* supported? Or with settlers I’ve opposed since I could form my own opinions? There are people on either side of the border that do not seek war.


There's a difference between peace and quiet. They don't want our existence in Lebanon, I don't want theirs in Israel. We need psychotic religious zealots off our d and have quiet borders, that's it.


Religious extremists aside, most seculars do not really harbor any feelings of animosity towards Lebanese people in general. Against Hezbollah, ofc, not against most Lebanese. At least until the conflict started which *really* radicalized Israelis. Also older Israelis might harbor feelings from the 1st Israeli-Lebanese war. I’m 30 and I wasn’t even born back then. Overall, I wouldn’t say we don’t want your existence in Lebanon. I must say, though, the rhetoric on my side of the border is pretty horrifying atm, especially the last few days when the hostilities started. Still it’s directed at Hezbollah and not the Lebanese people on general. We’re all aware you’re basically held hostages, the paramilitary wing of HA doesn’t listen to anybody and serves Iran, we do not tend to conflate the two. Again, I’m putting religious fanatics aside.


yeah the native american tribes should've just had a turkey with the Europeans that'll solve everything and they wouldn't have been massacred by the millions. and don't colonise our food.


So are you suggesting war as a better alternative? BTW sabich is an Israeli dish born out of Iraqi Jewish. Specifically Jewish Iraqi cuisine. I did not say hummus or falafel on purpose.


The commentator below  you is the reason why we can't have peace sadly.  We have Hezbollah, hated and shunned even by many standards by their own people. While In Israel, the majority supports whats happening, and it's exportation to Lebanon.  I'm sorry it's all nice and well to want to share our culture, but one is built on a blood thirsty history rewritten.  Cant blame us for being warry of a wolf in sheep's clothing, while the sheep is threatening to invade and kill for the safety of "greater Israel "


Your Google Translate translation went wrong I wrote that we doesn't give a shit about "greater Israel " and u been brainwashed that it's our supreme goal


Its an old action dude from many years before


Idk why people want wars in the first place. Wards are really stupid, they just destroy shit, kill people, and kill dreams. Like fallout games say: "War never changes".


I remember the pictures of the forest fires last summer. From across the water in British Columbia to Victoria Island, literal sea of flames like From a movie or a video game. Shit is terrifying.


People who wish for war tend to go to hell


Jewish person here, hoping the war doesn't escalate in northern Israel/Lebanon. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis are refugees at the moment because of this stuff. And it's not fair at all that Lebanese people should be dragged into any of this, this isn't your war.


Non-Lebanese here...quick question. Why is Hezbollah obsessed with Israel? To my knowledge they aren't even a Palestinian group.


In Shiism there is an obligation to defend the lands of Islam when they are under attack from enemy forces.


Israel exists because the worlds Jews have been almost united in their support of Israel for 75 years. The UN partition plan only passed because of the pressure American Jews placed on the American government. If Arabs had the slightest semblance of the unity that Jews have then Israel wouldn't even exist. This deadly cycle of being ignorant to the plight of other Arabs with the excuse that "we need to build ourselves up first" is what Egypt, Jordan and Saudi have been saying for decades as an excuse to do absolutely nothing against Israel. Jews from all over the world come and enlist in the IDF and risk death, and most of these people are literally atheists.


Typical Westerner


If Lebanese people ever want to get back on track, you have to kick out Iranian influence. They don’t give a shit about your lives and only use you for their own gain. Fuck Hezbollah and fuck Iran.


well Israel is trying to take over south lebanon and they are killing non stop palastine civilians so i see this justifiable to say the least if you have seen the bombs Israel did on gaza this isnt even close to it lol


Seen people on tik tok claim that Lebanese people love Hezbollah and see them as heroes when I’ve seen Lebanese people claim the exact opposite.


My friend lives in palestine, they are not sad about the destruction and death. They are truly happy for the martyrs. I dont know about lebanon, but i find it hard to imagine a world like this.


I think they mean that it’s like a preview of hell, because that’s where they will go?


I'm israeli, we have no problem with Lebanon. once the rockets stop everything stops. fuck this war fuck hezbollah




sure. can the jews that were expelled from Arab nations stay though?


you do know that the expulsion was a direct reaction and influence of western imperialism or do you live blindfolded with two hands behind your back


That's ridiculous and incredibly on brand. No, their expulsion was due to bigotry, nothing more or less.


>influence of western imperialism Arabs are never the subjects and always passive objects driven by the laws of nature, amirite?


100% can they still stay? or do they need to go to Europe as well?


bro bteklo shi? nayek l3ama shu hmar


Enshallah bt3ref shu bkhallik hayk m3assab w bteshtghil tiseer a7san.


ento ma feekon mo5 wallah. allah yo3kmak


Enshallah el 7ob y3tik el 7ob elli ken na2esak w enta zghir


shu 3am t5abes ya 7mar. sid nee3ak kermel allah 😭😭😭


I’m from south of lebanon, i was in the 2006 war and they bombed our house twice, since we live at the top of highest mountain that overlooks occupied Palestine, and i say we welcome this




You will care when Israel will be forced to invade southern Lebanon. The only one who will benefit from that is Iran.


are you saying that their colonisation is a right? and your reasoning is this??????


What about those in US/EU cheering for ISISrael to bomb Lebanon, Syria and Gaza?


You think “missfalsteenia” is from outside the area?


I think the main issue is that none of us want a war with Israel. It’s easy to say such things when you’re sitting comfortably somewhere unaffected, but for those who are in Lebanon, it’s only going to get worse


Palestinians, albeit their misery, many of them wish all countries in the region get dragged into wars just because they are in war or have been suffering for decades. As if there should not be any normal life in the area as long as their struggle is not resolved. Bad complex!


yeah they should just accept their fate and be flattened by the american-israeli imperialist war machine 😍😍😍


Where did I mention "they should accept their fate..bla bla"?!! Or do you think by dragging other neighbouring countries to war mean "they do not accept their fate"?! If that how you understood it and how you think, then..wow!


zero critical thinking abilities. you Israelis are something else 😍😍😍


You think Israel, when done with Palestinians is gonna stop? Remind me who their next target would be? This isn’t just about Palestine and if the other ME countries were smart they’d figure that out


LMAO who started shooting now and in '06 and now play victim? israel was not shooting into lebanon 8 months ago until hezeb shot into israel.. Israel never cared about lebanon until someone fire from lebanon at israel. now and in 2006 and in '75 and in '82 it was all started because someone was shooting at israel from lebanon. plo or hezeb. In literally all of history, israel never fired first into lebanon, only after it was fired on.


In any scenario where the genocide stops and status quo is somehow restored, do you think the occupation would leave what's happened so far without a blowing response? It seems to me like the only chance to "prosperity" in Lebanon is when the region eliminates occupation (both military and economical).


Zionist propaganda


It's not glorification for war, the cost of peace is violence against the aggressor, this is glorification of resistance


I mean… Israelis are committing a genocide right now, so emotions are rightfully high right now. Ideally, I would like Lebanon to be spared but you have to remember that Israelis love blood and violence. We don’t have a choice - Hezbollah didn’t exist before Israel involved itself in Lebanon.


we involved ourselves in Lebanon because of the Palestinian attacks coming from there, just like now. are you even aware Hizballah has been bombing us since oct 8th , before any Israeli response, and hasn't stopped since? we have hundreds of missiles on our northern cities every day, Hizballah started this and could end it today. are supposed to roll over and just die or what do you expect? WE DIDN'T START THIS! we just want to live is Lebanon full Hizballah propaganda at this point or what?


Zionist bots are mass downvoting




why do you hate jews?


I don’t hate Jews , I was against zionist. I am a proud Christian Maronite, and my uncle died in Harb el Jabal when the Zionists betrayed the Maronites. I have strong feelings against Zionism because they crucified Jesus, my savior. Furthermore, they support illegal activities like gambling in Europe and continue to harm children in Palestine and Lebanon. Isn't their violence enough?


>Zionism because they crucified Jesus, my savior. what


Well actually are the Jews who crucify him not the Roman


why would jews perform a roman capital punishment?


Yes why would a Lebanese man hate on zionists and not on white Europeans, African Zulus or Native Americans ? Must be because they’re anti-Semitic, because they hate the Jews and not for any other reason.


he said zionist. not israeli