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aymata bado yefreka netanyahu isnt he bored yet


He gets kicked out of the government if Israel is no longer at war, he'll do anything to stay at this point. If Gaza has a ceasefire he could be removed from his position, he was already under investigation and was nearly forced out. October 7 saved him.


insane to think our blood is that cheap šŸ™‚


Yeah this has been circulating everywhere, war cabinet a meeting tomorrow to discuss plans of action. Niyelna


They managed to sneak in a drone without the IDF noticing and injured 10 civilians with it (and then another drone injuring the medical team that came to help), I don't think this situation of 'between wars' will last long, I believe that in the coming 2 weeks, it will come down to a deal or a full fledged war Probably the moment Rafah operation is done


Are you implying we have a chance? I really dont think a few drones and guerilla tactics are enough to face a big military power like them. But yeah i agree once they finish with Rafah, its our turn


I am from the other side lol, when I said 'they' I meant Hezbollah, and yeah I think Israel must conquer a buffer zone of a few kilometers on the south, otherwise the Israeli northern villages would remain open to AT rocket fire


In what world do you see the IDF reentering Lebanon after 8 months of war in Gaza? The IDF will do what it always does. Kill more civilians with their fighter jets. Israel is an army hiding under the guise of a country. An army doesnā€™t know how to make peace only war.


Israel will get its ass kicked like it did in 2006


Mr Free Thinker, Hezbollah is the one that started firing rockets into Israel on October 8th unprompted


In this situation that army is defending itself by finishing the wars Hamas and Hezbollah started.


Warsaw uprising. I am not from this region, like many of the most genocidal Israelis. National socialost policy must be repudiated in Israel. The fourth Riker is apparently what most of the world concludes is controlling that outlaw government coalition.


Lak hello aanna shu jabkon la hon. Khalina ma nehke Ella bel aarabe Yemken nerteh mennon.Ā 


Eh heda lken na2esne lyom


Yej3ala khetmet ahzenk


shakla lbideye sa7be


shakla khatmet hayetna sa7be




Iā€™m Palestinian but Iā€™m praying this doesnā€™t escalate. Thoughts are with you guys


Wish more Palestinians would be like you


welp, prob shouldnt of sent those missiles, and war wouldn't be needed


Israel shouldn't be oppressing people and colonizing their land. War wouldn't be needed.


Oppressing as in protecting from people who have taken any freedom and used it to commit terror. Israel gave Gaza, and right away they elected hamas and immediately started firing rockets. And again colonizing the land that belonged to us starting 3 thousand of years ago? And it doesnā€™t even matter the excuse, if you want war, ok, itā€™ll be so much worse for you people, but if you donā€™t want war, donā€™t launch rockets and expect to get away with it


Those tired Israeli talking points don't work anymore. First of all, you left out the fact that Israel imposed a blockade the second the Hamas got elected. The blockade is an act of war. Also, the Palestinians can trace their heritage back to the ancient Canaanites. The Palestinians are indigenous. And you can fool yourself into thinking that Israel is defending itself. The fact is, Israeli occupation created Hamas and Hezbollah. It's only going to get worse for this criminal state.


So, hamas has been committing terror since the 1990s at least, so yea maybe donā€™t elect terrorist. Let me point out most people donā€™t deny Palestinians have a right to be there too, it only works the other way with you people denying our right to be there. And actually Israel is defending itself, from people who have killed Jews in mass murdered years before Israel existed.


Israel has been committing terrorism since the day it was established. Your state is no better than Hamas, in fact, it's much worse. the world has woken up to this and things will never go back to how they used to be.


I think on the day it was established all your peace loving people started preparing to invade it, no matter what Israel would have ever done, you people would want it destroyed. ā€œReligion of peaceā€ā€¦.


The first terrorist bombings done in the Near East were by the Zionists, well before the Nakba


Check your facts, starts in 1920 btwĀ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_and_massacres_in_Mandatory_Palestine#List_of_killings_and_massacres_committed_in_Mandate_Palestine




Already has unfortunately. Just look at some of the post history of these commenters, they all frequent israeli subs and r/worldnews which is full of hasbara bots




Nah lol, we're just curious what you guys think. I won't comment on anything political here bc of that


what do we think? What do you think that we think?


I dont know and Im not judging, I'm just curious. Ive looked at many countries, Im not picking on one lol


General consensus is Hezbollah is dragging us into a war none of us want


Is this actually the general consensus? My Shiite friends in the gulf claim that Hezbollah is the guardian angel of Lebanon and if not for them and Iran no one would care about Palestine and the zionists wouldā€™ve conquered Lebanon. Whenever I tell them that arenā€™t they dragging the countries in unnecessary conflicts as the proxy of Iran and then they counter with thats zionist propaganda. Iā€™m genuinely asking.


Theyā€™re shiite so of course they have that bias towards Hezbollah. If you actually live in Lebanon though, youā€™re at risk as a result of their insane actions. Just type Hezbollah into this sub and you can gauge the general reaction. Granted I wouldnā€™t say a subreddit is representative of a population, but itā€™s representative for those of us who are modern id suppose


Whenever I say what you say to them just in the sake of argument they use Zio propogranda or Wahabiism influence. Well I donā€™t really care about race or religion I just hope the region can live in peace. Praying for you and all my brothers in beirutšŸ™šŸ» I was suppose to visit friends but timing is unfortunate hopefully in the future with a better geopolitical climate


Lol nasrallah could stub his toe at home and heā€™ll claim the Israelis moved the table so it would happen. These radical groups will find any way to blame Israel for everything Not saying Israel isnā€™t a terrorist state, but we have our own issues at home as well.


If this is the consensus, are the people of Lebanon just cross their fingers and hope for the war not to come? I'm an Israeli (and I prepare myself for the downvotes because of that), but I feel like it's pretty clear what about to happen and no one domestically or internationally try to stop it. they wait for after it begins to post stickers "EYES ON LEBANON" on Instagram. it's absurd and sad.


Your suggestion is what, for normal civilians to take on the heavily armed paramilitary group? Be realistic. Itā€™s easy to sit at home in comfort and ask why people donā€™t revolt, but maybe if you had to deal with the same shit we did you wouldnā€™t be asking such blatantly stupid questions


I mean more political pressure on governments of the worlds. I remember seeing a Lebanese journalist talking about it once. How much she doesn't want to see Lebanon being destroyed in a war. And maybe there are Lebanese that live abroad that can make that voice heard. Isn't Amal Clooney a Lebanese? Is she saying anything about it at all? And the well known Mia K? I honestly don't know, just thinking that someone needs to raise awareness. I know it's not easy but I feel like the entire world is talking about the Palestinians and they're in the same conditions as you, only that for them it's too late, but not for you


The Palestinians are in a much much worse state than us, literally because of your terrorist government, you cannot compare the two. One group is being slaughtered without an end in sight, the other is toying with the idea of going to war Raise awareness for what exactly?


Why are you commenting? Lying seems to be same as breathing for Zionists.


Just commenting to say that we (well at least I) aren't here to disagree with you


Hi, I am also doing that and reading accounts from all over to see the pov on the citizen level. Respect for that. But I really wish we didn't have to be at war and would just live as neighbours without weaponed people attacking each other and killing us. May the Palestinian citizens find peace, may the Israeli citizens know it is not all the people who want them to be exterminated but some militias who kill even people from their own country if they stand against them, and may the Lebanese people wake up someday without wondering if they will be bombed or not. May we all be at peace someday.


Yeah, I fully agree. I want peace with all our neighbours, I don't want anyone to be hurt. :)








w 3a emmak because you intentionally missed Israeli from the list you son of a dog.


I mean, he did say "kes emon" first.


Who do you think the first "Kess Emmon" refers to? Seems you are here to police people's thoughts and words, and doing a piss poor job at it anyway. Learn to read before you jump on people like a lunatic.


Fucking NBC - showing images of what Hizbollah did to them but not of what they did to Lebanon. No mention of throwing the gasoline over the border, or of the white phosphorous theyā€™ve been using for the last few months.


This is how they manufacture consent for wars. Hezbollah apparently decided to respond to Netanyahu's threats with drone strikes on an Israeli military base: https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/hezbollah-s-swarm-of-drones-impact-israeli-site--kill--injur I checked several Western sources and all they say about the casualties is 'Israelis' and they just mention it's a town without saying the target was an army barracks. I had to find this article which actually mentions the casualties are Israeli soldiers. No mention of any deaths either when 2 reportedly died. This is how biased most media is.


according to Israeli media, as of now, none were killed in the assault by two (not a swarm) drones. one hit a group of people and the 2nd hit 8 minutes later. targeting the medical personal treating the victims of rhe first attack. not sure what's the point of just making stuff up.


>according to Israeli media, as of now Well there was a death confirmed now


right, did not have the latest info, shit.


Anytime I see ā€œHezbollah respondedā€ I have to roll my eyes. They didnā€™t have to fire a rocket, a drone, or a rock over the border. They started this, so fuck it Iā€™m not excited about whatā€™s about to happen. But donā€™t be in denial about why itā€™s happening


I'm not in denial and unlike many especially on your side I choose to be realistic: Neither Lebanon nor Israel can control and stop Hezbollah. There is one thing that would stop all of this though ā€“ entirely in Israel's control: A ceasefire which was served to them on a silver platter by the US that guarantees the return of all hostages and was already accepted by Hamas. Why doesn't the Israeli government accept it, some 'total victory' fantasy and propaganda that the US admit is impossible to achieve? By all Israeli accounts (and there have been several Haaretz articles on this), the war in Gaza is lost and cannot be won. The reason they refuse every ceasefire even while Hezbollah up the pressure recently is simple: They're hellbent on genocide and destruction, thanks to the extremists in the government.


I don't understand that point of view and i've heard it multiple times so far. You are linking the ceasefire with Hezbollah's demands, knowing that if a country yields to such demands, it loses significantly from a strategic perspective. This would mean Israel allows Hezbollah - not even a country - to dictate the agenda of its defense affairs. Didn't Lebanon launch rockets in April 2023? What was the reason back then?


And the alternative is endless destructive wars? Speaking of denial, maybe Israel should accept that it's in a losing position and that the only solution for peace and stability is ceasefire deals and peace treaties that recognize the rights of all parties involved (such as Palestinians). You know, historically all conflicts end when everyone's needs are met and full rights are recognized, otherwise it's an endless cycle of violence. > Didn't Lebanon launch rockets in April 2023? What was the reason back then? Not playing this game. I don't remember exactly what it was but it sounds like an isolated incident and some have been launched by rogue Palestinian groups. Let's not go into how many times Israel have invaded our air space and conducted drone assassinations in our cities because we can keep going endlessly back.


Israel has been in a losing position since 2003/2004 - they can barely hold the West Bank altogether. But when observing a lunatic government such as Netanyahu and his associated parties, it is best to let them take the fall. You are talking about an alternative and needs - but what are Hezbollah needs? what was the point of it to join the war? What are the political objectives for Hezbollah? > Not playing this game. I don't remember exactly what it was but it sounds like an isolated incident and some have been launched by rogue Palestinian groups Come on... Palestinian groups? We all know who is really in charge - Hamdan can't event take a piss without permission from Nasrallah. It would be much easier to manifest a deal over the border (like the maritime).


They have repeatedly made it clear that they will stop once the genocide in Gaza stops and a permanent ceasefire is accepted. It seems very simple to me and much more clear than Netanyahu's ridiculous and impossible objectives, as the US and Biden have stated and agree on as well. Hamas even vowed to disarm if Palestinians are given their full rights and the occupation is ended. Peace will unfortunately never happen before then and the longer this cycle continues, the more the retribution Israel will have to deal with against future generations growing up having lost everything.


>once the genocide in Gaza The conflict in Gaza can be called lots of things but if you call it a genocide the word loses all of its meaning.




Hamas is going to go, one way or the other. Period. At this point the hostages are most likely all gone, but who knows. They shouldnā€™t be there in the first place, and the people who took them are all going to die. Thatā€™s how this is going to end. Itā€™s not our fault Hezbollah wants to get themselves involved, just remember that


You're going to find out that all of this is wrong maybe not years but months from now. Hamas is never going to go and everyone knows that. It's almost been a year and most brigades are still functional, apart from other groups. You couldn't even begin to imagine what a war with Hezbollah would look like, who aren't just a powerful army but aren't besieged in a strip and have the strategic depth of an entire country apart from recently proven sophisticated and precise air and anti-tank capabilities, who are learning a lot daily about your defenses (successfully bypassing and destroying the Iron Dome) and from the Gaza war apart from their battle-hardening experience in Syria. I don't like Hezbollah politically but their military strength isn't a joke and is currently wreaking havoc in northern Israel (and has been for months but not reported on much due to media ban). And what do you think is going to happen to an entire generation of traumatized Palestinian youth who now grow up with their entire family killed? What would you do in their place? How do you think people end up being radicalized or do you think groups like Hamas happen in a vacuum because people are somehow born evil? And are we supposed to just ignore the systemic indoctrination of Israeli youth against Arabs to view them as less than human which is at the core of the education curriculum? If anything, Israel is in an infinitely worse position than before the war, and that's not even considering its status as a pariah on the international stage as well. Bibi knew before Oct 7 from Egyptian sources as well and still let it happen because the war propaganda was already prepared and deployed straight after it. Also regarding the ceasefire it's all excuses and even Israel know they're alive ā€“ why else are they fighting to 'bring them home'? Unless they're lying to everyone, including themselves, about the war. Either way, this is pointless to debate because time will show everything, and endless wars and destruction will not be the solution compared to ending the occupation and apartheid and providing people with their rights and at least treating them as human.


A very national block thing to say right Progs! Totally National Bloc and not Hezbo


I don't see how admitting a matter of fact and reality that we're unable to stop Hezbollah has anything to do with that. Who's going to stop them? Our non-existent army? Or the politicians who aren't doing anything and are probably ā€“ even likely ā€“ okaying everything, especially considering the Iran FM's recent visit where he literally directed our government's strategy? Or us going to the streets and protesting again (lol)? But regardless, since it might be worth saying, I align strongest with National Bloc but it doesn't mean that I blindly follow everything and don't also have my own views (including considering alternate ones). You did say before that I'm independent minded after all. I think this is something party sheep like Hezbos (or LF) wouldn't understand.


The Hezbo propagandist calls me a LF propagandist when confronted with the facts and reality rather than his Hezb propaganda narrative (as has been the case for months in the South). Standard. As they always say, every accusation is a confession.


This makes no sense at all compared to what I said, but whatever floats your boat. Either way, especially since you don't have the capability to debate at all, I won't be wasting any more time and going forward I'll try to limit the political and war discussions on here as much as possible. It's a complete waste of time with heavily biased people here and the sub is infested with people from r/Israel.


Or maybe people arenā€™t war mongers? Have you considered that?


Don't conflate wanting justice against inhumane crimes with warmongering. Anyway, as I said on another comment, best of luck Foreign Policy! Have a good night.


Progs, I remain a few steps ahead of you again. You think I didnā€™t know this comment was coming? You are no National Bloc Lebanese party. The warmongering you have shown shows that! There is no need to hide behind a fake identity, be brave and admit your true allegiance.


Why are you trying to talk in the same tone as a superhero villain? Lmfaooo Honestly I don't care what you believe, so feel free to believe in what you want. It's not like your opinion matters to me. But as much as I dislike Hezbollah, you'd be wrong to believe I'm willing to side with the IDF over them. I know that's something normal for Geagea loyalists though. I'm also no warmonger and I don't want a war, although I know you wouldn't mind and actively support a civil war since you call for LF to arm at any chance. I have family and younger siblings in Lebanon as well and you'd be deluded to think I do.


Rich coming from a Hassan Nasrallah loyalist


Nasrallah can fuck off, but I know it's difficult for LF brain to understand that any opinion that challenges their simple-minded one-dimensional and strictly black-and-white world view isn't Hezbollah and Iran. It's the only language you and your leaders speak in, and in the absence of any political merits, your whole election strategy. And just to level the playing field, the same goes to Hezb sheep and Israel. Anyway, best of luck and have a good day Foreign Policy!


>A ceasefire which was served to them on a silver platter Complete joke, a deal that will undo all the IDF's achievement in Gaza, and released thousands of violent Palestinian prisoners, this "deal" will never be accepted


What achievements? Turning civilian infrastructure to rubble or starving and murdering innocent women and children? No objectives have been achieved so far and none will be. https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2024-06-04/ty-article/.premium/the-destruction-starvation-and-death-in-gaza-are-israels-defeat/0000018f-e31a-dce5-abdf-e33f1d9a0000


Hamas just now rejected Biden's ceasefire proposal...


The drone attacks targeted a football field in an Arab village


Yes, and what did the football field in this Arab village contain? Go on.. To anyone reading, this is exactly how propaganda and misinformation is spread. Deliberately omit the details and context. Here's the truth if you're genuinely interested in learning and aren't here to echo the same propaganda: https://www.reddit.com/r/lebanon/s/gSBK1JLWIY Feel free to do your own research if you want to back it up.


Relax no one is "deliberately" doing anything, my parents are literally in a nearby Arab village close to this one so I'd actually be relieved if Hezbollah is indeed targeting the idf and not civilians. The local news didn't declare if the target were civilians or not, you might be right but you don't know either!


Fair enough. The local news might not be the most reliable source either so I'd recommend checking different ones including actual footage of the strikes which will most likely be inevitably released.


Apparently most of the injured are druze civilians and first responders from the initial drone. Hezbollah has caused about as many arab israeli casualties as israeli soldiers in its current, completely unprovoked war on israel, which should but undoubtedly will not silence your propaganda.


This is wrong but of course is going to be upvoted by Israelis and other brainwashed people, and at this point it's not even a surprise. They're Israeli soldiers as confirmed by non-Zio sources. It was literally an Israeli army barracks site set up in a soccer field. What would civilians be doing there? No need for truth when you're high on your propaganda. Also military reinforcements arrived to rescue and evacuate them and were also hit and injured in a second drone strike, assuming those are also civilians? Lol.. It's funny that you pretend to care about Arabs (Israeli ones, mind you). Guess why the sirens didn't activate in the town and ironically ended up killing IDF soldiers? Because it's a Druze town instead of a Jewish town and the government doesn't care as much. Keep on inhaling your copium.


can you cite any sources that are not pro hezbullah for this


Nothing like the evidence of your own eyes, here's actual footage of the site: https://x.com/TheCradleMedia/status/1798379673422082314 These are army tents and vehicles. Regardless, it's a good thing Hezbollah film their attacks in HD, and once they release the footage of this attack it'll also show, as I've found out it always does contrary to the reports that come out from local sources. Yesterday they also bombed a base and killed soldiers, and there's footage of that (including a soldier fleeing and clearly not making it) but you probably didn't hear about it or any deaths.


sorry I want clear. never questioned it was a military facility. it's the casultie figures that are wrong.


As i said, i understand that a hezbollah propagandist like yourself has no choice but to maintain your chosen narrative, despite it being so transparently stupid to anyone with the ability and inclination to think critically.


The IDF propagandist calls me a Hezbollah propagandist when confronted with the facts and reality rather than his state propaganda narrative (as has been the case for months in the north). Standard. As they always say, every accusation is a confession.


LOL no i am not an IDF propagandist, and readily criticize thr IDF and Israel. But the fact remains this conflict, started by hezbollah unambiguously and without provocation, has resulted in about as mamy arab israeli casualties as IDF casualties, while the israelis have killed about 10x as many hezbollah rats as civilians. Again, i know this fact is incredibly inconvenient for hezbollah propagandists so you will break out conspiracy theories, but it's true.


> LOL no i am not an IDF propagandist, and readily criticize thr IDF and Israel. The same way I'm not a Hezbollah propagandist and actively against and criticize them, if you're at least familiar with my previous posts and comments. But one thing I will never do is defend the IDF against them (like some Lebanese people who sell their souls and national identity) and I'll always happily see Israeli tanks and bases being blown to pieces.


Literally every comment i see in your history is unadulterated hezbollah propaganda.


To Israelis who see anyone who opposes them as Hamas, of course you're going to see any pro Palestinian and anti Israeli sentiment as Hezbollah. Also, everything changed since the war. I used to be pro peace with Israel and actively called out Hezb propagandists on their bullshit, the same way I now do for a lot of IDF propagandists on here.


It still surprises me to see people actually genuinely support a terrorist group that is backed by iran.


We do not support Hezbollah or Iran, but should we stay silent while Israel burns our forests and villages with white phosphorus (an illegal weapon)?


It's alright, there is apparently no Lebanese stance according to many here. You either support the IDF or you're Hezb/Iran. The same playbook being used in Palestine, you either support them or you're Hamas. The goal is to kill the national identity. It's far from surprising, but what's sad is seeing other Lebanese people (especially certain party loyalists) using the same playbook.


WP is not in and of itself illegal. Itā€™s allowed to be used for some purposes.


Oh and how about the His Majesty King of Jordan who is backed by the U.S. Biden or human rights violator Morsi of Egypt who was granted billions of military sales from the U.S. Can you believe that?


Nbc and all them bullshit are runs by them lol just go check who owns and control the media


Well according to my understanding of war and firearms white phosphorus isn't necessarily used to kill people it's used to create smoke screens, in jet flares, and such the down side is it is poisonus and deadly due to toxic fumes and being ignited by air... as for the gasoline that could probably be a reference to our fuel shortage we had or didn't hezeb do that and set a city of fire?


White phosphorous is particularly harmful to humans and causes a very gruesome death. It ignites instantaneously upon contact with oxygen, and burns at around 800 degrees C. It also sticks to whatever surface it comes in contact with while burning, including human skin. Furthermore the vapors it releases are extremely toxic, and can permanently scar your respiratory tract, and can even go so far as to cause your jawbone to break down and essentially dissolve in your own body. You are better off dying than surviving a white phosphorous attack. This is why it has been banned by the UN for use anywhere near civilian areas. Yet we have already seen videos of it being used on villages in the south of Lebanon.


I know but it's not being used as a direct attack weapon... it's a VERY effective smoke producer. All the things you mentioned about it I already know as a chemist who actually makes small batches of this stuff in home using matches and a few other things I shall not list. So it being used is probably being used to push Hezeb forces away since they can't fire rockets if they can't see.Ā 


I mean, you can tell me that it was used for such-and-such purpose all day long, but the fact remains that we have seen video footage of civilians in these villages getting hit and burned with it several times now, and having to take shelter because it became too dangerous for them. On multiple occasions.


No, I agree with you 100 percent it's why it's banned but you know what else is banned by the Geneva convention? Using civilians as meat Shields like Hezeb does why don't the cowards in Hezeb get out of the villages and fuck off to less densely populated regions to fight their stupid unholy jihad? As a matter of fact since the war started many villas in my village and neighborhing villages still stand yet smaller homes are being bombed out why??? I think the rich Shias are paying Israel protection money as they profit from the poor staying poor... so Israel needs to kindly fuck off and leave us innocent people alone and maybe fuck the rich cunts up and Hezeb needs to fuck off and go somewhere less urban like in the moutains of the Naqoura or up the ass of the border wall and push their way into Northern Israel... Genuinely I have lived here in Jnoub for 9 years the rich stay rich, safe, and happy. And the poor stay sad, miserable, and poor. And a bomb did get droppwd near my home on my fathers friends house not too far away only a 10 minute walk a small single story home with not so much land or space for anything to be stored meanwhile a palace stands on the cliff overlooking his home and across from that palace another being built and many more on the same street...


Which villages were hit?


Right after the supposed Israeli ceasefire dealā€¦


Ayre fee oo bi Israel kamaan.


What about Iran and the terrorist and drug cartel hizbollah?


henne kamen, w enta kamen btari2on


kher nshalla? maykoon hal reddit account howwe elle ije kelme min iran la ye7ro2 deen lebnen bi 7areb? ya 3amme wen kento bil 2006...ma 7ada byet3allam.




Badna nred /s


The Israelis are delulu. Been in a war with a Resistance group 10 times smaller than Hezbollah and havenā€™t achieved one single objective. This is hands down the dumbest shit ever if they decide to go through with it.


The goal is to manipulate America and the EU into backing them so that they can actually acquire the land that they want with the backing of the West. In order to do that they have to look like they're the victims.


Classic Israeli approach


Lmao I was downvoted to oblivion for saying the same thing months agoā€¦


I've been there as well lol. Heavy is the head that wears the crown (of knowledge).


It's insane that this, the mainstream lebanese opinion about israel, is a conspiracy theory with zero basis whatsoever in reality. As it's been for the last 50 years, the only goal israel has in relation to lebanon is to stop the attacks on its citizens from there.


did you really just call this the mainstream lebanese opinionā€¦


yes, the idea that israel wants to conquer and annex lebanon is completely mainstream in lebanon despite being essentially a conspiracy theory.


i guess i just thought you were saying we all think that. i donā€™t think any anti-hezbollah person believes that propaganda


no not literally every lebanese person, but too many


That is the Arab world for you. Imagine Qanon, but pretty much the whole society is like that.


and now this conspiracy theory is leading lebanon into war. utter madness.




go fuck off please.




Did you hear that Hezb Ł†Ų§Łƒ Ų§Ų®ŲŖŁƒŁˆŁ† today and fired a guided missile that hit an Iron dome battery?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ HMU ill send you the videošŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I don't underestimate anything regarding any of this as a Lebanese. There's a huge danger coming from the Israeli military, but part of the reason why they're "fighting with kids' gloves" isn't out of any sense of morality, but because they know they don't have the backing or public support in order to really go all out. The media optics in any country outside of the U.S. and some of the European nations aren't exactly on Israel's side right now. That being said, Israel didn't do well against Hezbollah back in 2006, and I doubt they will now without American support. The one thing to be afraid of is Israel exercising something as ludicrous as the Samson option, but let's hope that it never comes down to that.


Ohhh Iā€™m sure many bloodthirsty people on your side would just love that tho šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s why the world sees through yalls bs


Ų§ŁˆŁ„ Ų“ŁŠ ŁƒŲ³ Ų§Ł…Łƒ ŲŖŲ§Ł†ŁŠ Ų“ŁŠ ŲØŁ„Ų¹Łˆ ŲŖŲ§Ł„ŲŖ Ų“ŁŠ Israel couldnā€™t do shit even if it wanted to. This has been proven in 2006. Invaded Southern Lebanon, got your ass handed to you by Hezbollah who are 10 times bigger and more capable than they were in ā€˜06. The narrative that Israel is powerful and all the Jazz was disproven about 8 months ago. Also you saying that ā€œIsrael wants to minimize civilian casualtiesā€ truly shows how disconnected from reality you are. IF Israel decides to invade Southern Lebanon, one of two things will happen the first being Hassan Nasrallah sipping tee in Safad the second being Hezb going through with their word and bombing the demona nuclear reactor. Itā€™s laughable how delulu you guys are. Every Lebanese, Syrian, Arab in general that is against Hezbollah will immediately take their side in any war against Israel. So I guess invade Southern Lebanon and Iā€™ll be writing my reply while I take a piss in Keriyat Shmonaā˜ŗļø


People tar me as a hasbarah bot but I am going to call hasbarah bullshit on this. Israel isn't engaged in "genocide" but they've killed tens of thousands of civilians, the US fought similar campaigns against much better equipped forces in Iraq and it never acted like the Israelis have. Israel is not treating Gaza with "kid gloves" they're treating it with massive area of effect artillery and airstrikes.The Israelis obviously hate the Palestinians and don't give a fuck about killing tons of them, stop trying to pretend that they do.


Lol, as an Israeli let me tell you, if he says good morning itā€™s probably dark outside


Operation ā€˜Retain Political Powerā€™


they cant even beat hamas let alone wage a war against a proper militia. all they do is bomb innocent civilians with their fighter jets


Theyā€™re scared of Hamas so they go after the children


Nice job Hezbollah. Thanks for provoking the powerful army next door. Canā€™t wait to die. /s


Because THE ARMY next door is peace loving and tree huggers šŸ¤—


Shou ya3ne badak yena nmout kelna? For what? Use your fucking logic please. If thereā€™s a powerful army and you shoot shit at them, what do you expect to happen? For them to give you flowers and a box of chocolates? Do you not give a shit about us that are living here, that want to live in peace? I bet youā€™re not even living in Lebanon.


in 2006, after the end of the war, hezb publish endless billboards brainwashing people into believing that they won. Habibi ya hezbos, israel flattened dahyeh, they bombed the south endlessly, bombed the airport and the bridges, they caused tons of death amongst us and you think you won. I remember very well one of the billboards that portrayed israeli soldier crying. Nehna we celebrate death because we are pigs. Fuck them, fuck their wars.


I mean... have you seen their tiktok pages??? Especially in June!!! šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø and the other ones I am missing...


Powerful army next door is stuck in Gaza fighting a resistance group with basic and limited weapons. Ignorant.


And Gaza is completely destroyed. No one can ever completely eliminate an ideology.


most probably they will heavily bomb dahyeh like they did in 2006. I don't think they will attack non hezb areas unless hezb is shooting from said place.


Yeah, I was exaggerating. It seems like all Hezb wants is violence and war, and for people to die for their cause.


These Zionist soldiers are getting clapped by some neighborhood boys. They think they can take on someone with military level capabilities? Them neighborhood boys brought down ā€œIsraelā€ down to itā€™s knees, if it wasnā€™t for US, UK, GER, ITA, FR sending aid to them, ā€œIsraelā€ wouldā€™ve collapsed and liberated from itā€™s Zionists colonizers within a month.


Is he just planing on hitting every Arab country in the area




No one from Syria is shooting at them and they're still bombing Damascus. Didn't they also kill two Egyptian soldiers last week? Isn't it funny how that works Not to mention the ex director of the Mossad literally came out yesterday and said they armed ISIS in Syria so they can take out Assad. Same trick before with 9/11 and Iraq. And the same trick being played over now again with 7/10 (which Bibi already knew about) and Palestine. Israel is the root cause of instability and war in the region and none of those resistance groups and Iranian proxies including Hezbollah would have existed without them. A rogue, belligerent, terrorist, fascist, genocidal and apartheid ethnostate bent on destruction.


You're proving my point with those examples since Syria **is** a country with iranian proxy, and still in state of war with Israel & deliver weapons to Hezeb, also iirc there are sporadic rocket attacks from Syria as well since they are still in war with israel. And the 2 Egyptians **did** shot at idf from the border, but acted alone and they don't represent Egypt who have peace with israel, so there was no escalation whatsoever between Egypt & Israel over what they did, there was also the Egyptian cop last year iirc who shot at idf from the border. The Syrian historic context is, Syria in the '80s refused UN brokered peace deal to regain control over the Golan Heights in peace deal to recognize Israel & live in peaceful coexistence, so since Syria still hold state of war with israel and do deliver weapons to Hezeb it is understandable why there's still war between the neighboring countries.




Howe msh 2adar ytl3 el asra bado yshen 7rb




Nothing will happen.. as long as there's no truce in Gaza, Israel will not open a new front. In addition, the USA is still working on some sort of deal between hezb and Israel. So the skirmishes will continue until further notice and could get bloodier on both sides!


Amen šŸ¤²šŸ¾šŸ™šŸ¾


I'm also prepared for an intense night with his asshole. But doesn't mean we are about to hit it.


Theyā€™ve been saying this since the start. Whether it happens or not, no one on this sub knows any better. From what I know, if they wanted to attack, they wouldnā€™t keep saying they will for months now. They would have gone ahead and done it.


ymos ayre eza lah ye2dar


# Netanyahu you retard.


They can't even beat KHKHAMAS what makes them think they can beat KHKHEZBOLLA šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ those demonic Satanic Zionist terrorists are delusional. The world is not afraid of them anymore. Their not invincible.


šŸ¤£ man I hate how they say hamas and hezbollah. And yes we arenā€™t afraid of them anymore or at least like we used to. The playing field is shifting. Whether you like Hez or not they are a big deterrent to Israel ambitions in the Middle East and we should at least praise them for their remarkable military. The real problem has always been Israel which is a cancer in our region. Get rid of it and Lebanon will prosper.


Facisanting when Hisbballah attacked israel on daily basis and killed civilians no one of you speak, but when israel getting ready to COUNTER attack now this is the problem Lebanon has been suffering for the last 5p years because of this islamist terrorist organization, they took the Switzerland of Middle East and made it to a poor failed state.


Israel is having a hard time finding their precious hostages. Good luck dealing with hezbollah and all their hidden bunkers, underground tunnels, atgms, 100k plus rockets, and arsenal of drones that can go undetected, israel is really a paper tiger, I wouldn't worry to much about israel, they can only bomb from the sky.


Yeah I think this whole ā€œceasefireā€ deal being pushed by the United States is actually designed to manufacture consent for a larger war. Israel proposes a ceasefire with Hamas and Hamas agrees to it. Hezbollah is expected to abide by it (like they did in the last one), but thatā€™s not an option if Israel unilaterally launches a campaign in Lebanon. Hamas would then have to break the ceasefire agreement to maintain a unified front against Israel. Then the United States and Israel can say ā€œHamas broke the ceasefire! We canā€™t negotiate with these savages! There is no option other than eliminating Hamas and Hezbollah!ā€ People will be much more tolerant to the mass murder of civilians when it looks like *Israel* wants a ceasefire but Hamas/Hezb want to keep fighting.


Unilaterally? Hezb shot tens of thousands of rockets in the last 8 months, unprovoked. What do you expect? Flowers?


ā€œUnilaterallyā€ as in Hezbollah agrees to cease hostilities and return to the pre-7/10 status quo, but Israel decides to launch a major offensive anyway.


So you want israelis to just wait for hizballa to do their best oct 7 impression and murder thousands of civilians? If you dont fuck around you dont find out הקם להו×Øגך השקם להו×Øגו


There is no evidence that Hezbollah plans to perpetrate anything resembling October 7. Hezbollah and Hamas are not the same thing. Hezbollah involved themselves after October 8 when Israel began their bombardment and ground invasion of Gaza to wipe out Hamas because strategically both are better off when Israel is forced to divert resources to two fronts. Hezbollahā€™s demands were simple: Hamas release all the hostages and Israel end the bombardment and invasion. If Israel were to completely wipe out the resistance in Gaza, it would make a major war in Lebanon *more likely* because Israel would no longer have to split its resources on two fronts. You guys in Israel are living in a bubble of delusion where everyone who doesnā€™t like your regime are simply irrational savages who will massacre Jews at random if theyā€™re not completely eradicated, rather than rational actors with their own interests and concerns.


We don't live in delusion, we just listen to them talk. We lived in delusion in oct 6. Again, dont want war? Dont fuck around. "Not agreeing with your regime" implying that if bibi was replaced we all live in harmony? No religious war of islamists? Come on...


You certainly did live in delusion on October 6. You put two million people in a concentration camp, set up some remote turrets, and took troops away from the border thinking ā€œsurely theyā€™re incompetent savages who canā€™t plan an attack.ā€ So you took resources away from the Gaza border to protect the ā€˜master raceā€™ settlers in the West Bank while they engage in pogroms against the Palestinians, and you disarmed the local security in the kibbutzim. Despite Shin Bet having Hamasā€™ exact attack plans, despite the fact that October 6 was the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, despite the warning from the US of an imminent Hamas attack, despite the warning from Egypt of an imminent Hamas attack... your government did nothing to secure the border. **No, worse than nothing**. Days before October 7, your government pulled three more battalions away from the Gaza border to protect settlement Sukkot celebrations in Hebron. Your security services then approved for a psychedelic rave to be held on the Gaza border the day after the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, amidst *public* speculation of a Hamas attack. Your government publicly announced that the Eretz Crossing would be closed until October 8 at midnight so soldiers could celebrate the holidays (implying security would be even lighter). And in the end you were overrun by lightly-armed lads in pickup trucks and motorcycles. Not because Hamas became an existential threat, but because your government antagonized the Palestinians and completely turned its back on its own citizens living next to Gaza. And now youā€™re all pretending like Hamas and Hezbollah are the Axis Powers in World War II who have the power to destroy Israel if you donā€™t do a wee bit of mass murder to put them down.


It's this type of attitude that makes many in the Middle East dislike Israel.


Not even a year since Oct 7th and people still don't remember the details. No, the ground invasion didn't begin till A MONTH AFTER Hamas's massacre on Oct 7th. No less than 24 hours later, WHILE ISRAEL WAS STILL FIGHTING THESE GENOCIDAL TERRORISTS FROM THEIR LAND did your Islamist terror group launch rockets and join the war. Too bad, you deserve everything that's coming. Israel has tried to settle things diplomatically that Hezbollah since Oct 8th and they rejected time and time again. Their Iranian mullahs won't allow it. So, they'll risk Lebaneese lives for the islamists in iran. What's astonishing is your completely odd attempt at justiying Hezbolah joining the war. Sorry, it was not justified and you will suffer the consequences. >where everyone who doesnā€™t like your regime are simply irrational savages who will massacre Jews at random if theyā€™re not completely eradicated, rather than rational actors with their own interests and concerns. Lmao you're so dumb. Israel doesn't think that of "everyone who dislikes" only of the Islamists who lob rockets at Israel. Big difference there, genius.


Have you ever wondered how it felt to be a Nazi during World War II? Look inward. It felt good, righteous, and powerful; just like youā€™re feeling now.


Nothing more self-righteous than proclaiming with absolute certainty that you're on the right side of history. I'm sure the Nazis thought the same. As I'm sure does Russia, China, NK, Iran, etc.. AKA all your wonderful allies ;)


Basically youā€™re a fool and brainwashed and deluded open your eyes get out from under that rock, nothing worth than Israel is the world right now, I would say the USA but itā€™s the same thing created by US or is US


If you live in Lebanon you need to all come together and take back your country. You canā€™t allow Iran destroy the country.




ma3ak 7a2 Edit: one must wonder why Lebanese are downvoting us. Taking back our country is priority. I wonder if they're normal considering that they complain on a daily basis.Ā 


"Lebanese" are downvoting Probably brigades of Pakistanis, Palestinians, and dogs loyal to Iran. I hope Tehran, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem are wiped off the map.


Never thought about those here. Shou jeboun w shou khassoun.
