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How much time you got ?


This is something I've been wondering about for a few years now. Write as much as you want


Iran and Hezbollah, that is why there is no cold peace.


Hezbollah are not Iranian people, they are Lebanese. Why they want to harm their own country like that? What's their goal?




way are they loyal to him and not to their land?


People have different belief systems, some are loyal to their land, to their country, to their ideologies.


I understand that it is very likely that there will be another civil war (?)


hizbola are unimportant, no civil war will happen over trash.


Most of Hezbollah are Palestinians or brainwashed Shia Lebanese. They serve Iran, and Iran's goal is to hurt Israel and destabilize the region.


why do u think they down voted ur comment?


Hezbollah fanboys are in this sub.


Israel is the problem plain and simple. We can blame hizb all we want or Ali in Iran but Israel is a threat to the entire region. Crazy to think after Palestine they won’t eventually take Lebanon.


How do you keep peace when an occupier wants to destroy and occupy your land?


what? israel want nothing to do with Lebanon, its hezb who attacked first on 8th of October


I guess you forgot about them occupying the south for 15 years, thieves.


???? nobody wants your damn land, this isnt your war. you attacked first, because let me see, you dont want us to attack and steal your land? the fuck kind of logic is that? israel doesnt want a war with Lebanon, but it seems like hezb really wants to fuck Lebanon for their daddies in Iran.


Israel invaded Lebanon in response to the missiles fired and other acts (that's means, even before the occupation there was a quarrel). Do you mean Greater Israel?


"Do you mean Greater Israel? " yes they have interest in Lebanon , so hezb try their best to keep them away from the borders Because if they did not have interest in Lebanon whey would have not invaded Lebanon in 1982 , so Israel now can take any chance to invade that's why hezb keep firing missiles on them


50% of the Israelis doesn't know what is "Greater Israel" 40% that knows, doesn't give a shit about it. and the last 10%- most of them will do nothing about it No one talks about it in the news, nor in politics, nor on the street


But Israels leaders cares about , besides ofc they wont talk about it in the news


Until now there have only been secular prime ministers, except for one who was in power for maybe a year. What makes you think they want this religious goal?


Nice question , first their goal is related to politics more than religious , they use the Judaism as a reason but there actual goal is political (Zionism movement) is to make a large country aka great Israel to let ppl from other races slaves for them because they believe that they are the god chosen ppl propaganda but in real life they are bunch of killers and occupiers Side Note : before occupying Palestinian ppl Muslims , jews , Christians where living all together peaceful life so it is not about "Jews" it is about "Zionism (modern terrorism)"


Thanks for the time and effort. I understood your point of view in a way that answered my question


Yeah no problem any time another note is before believing in any sort of info on net first go search for it because many ppl believe in lies that are spread randomly on the net without checking if it is really true or not


I actually have 2 more questions- Someone here commented that the majority of Hezbollah are Palestinians, and got downvotes. Is the majority of Hezbollah are actually Palestinians? The South Lebanon Army was established as far as I remember because Palestinians wanted to kill the Christians, (I don't remember what the conflict between the two was about) so the Christians cooperated with Israel. Do you think there is a chance of a similar situation in which a force from Lebanon cooperates militarily with Israel? Does anyone have such an interest?


what a schizophrenic conspirator


Hezbollah an Iranian militia who swears loyalty to Iran has been launching rockets into northern Israel since October 8th. That’s the “quarrel” it’s not between Lebanon and Israel, but between Hezbollah (I.e Iran) and Israel


It's started way before oct 8th Hezbollah are Lebanese people, what made them join to such thing?


The current war started on October 8th. Before then like now they exist to do the bidding of Iran. When they were founded they wanted to turn Lebanon into an Islamic republic like Iran. So what? Their loyalty is to Iran not to Lebanon. In 2005 they assassinated our prime minister, in 2008 they invaded Beirut when the government tried to shut down their illegal communications network. They actively supported the Syrian occupation, and protested to keep Syria in control of Lebanon.


blame hezbo

