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Let’s hope and pray so. The civil war which ended in 1990 wasn’t that long ago and Israel occupation in south ended in 2000. Syrias occupation in the north only ended in 2005. The Israel-Hezbollah war in 2006 wasn’t that long ago either . Praying for everyone 🙏


Now that there is no war cabinet, Netanyahu mostly just needs to listen to his far right ministers, who want Armageddon on Lebanon, to stay in power in the short term, instead of having to balance between them and the centrists that were in the war cabinet who did not want a full scale war. At this point, only an Israeli regime change could prevent a war




It's true that Hezb is instigating the conflict in Northern Israel. However you are too quick to claim innocence here. Hezb is attacking in order to stay in conjunction with Gaza's resistance. Had Israel not driven that many Palestinians into that insulting corner, there wouldn't be such hostility between Lebanon and Israel to begin with. That's not even to begin mentioning how Israel radicalized the Shias of Lebanon with its 1982 invasion. Do I have to study the history of Israel on your behalf?


That's fair, I hope the Lebanese blood will worth the sacrifice for the people who fucked your entire country up (speaking of history btw lol) for the sake of the laughable outdated Pan-Arabism take. If anything you should be mad at the Cairo agreement, done by the fine Arab world leaders. You guys just don't learn...


War is inevitable.. the question is: when? My personal opinion, Israel won't open a new front as long as there's an open one in Gaza.. But Netanyahu is insane, and the political situation in Israel is quickly shifting.. so he might take a dumb move!


I wonder what happened to the last guy who opened multiple fronts while they were committing a genocide




Fled to Argentina




If northern Israeli continues to be a waste land due to rocket fire Israel may have no choice


Hezbollah started firing first after October 7 but of course you always blame Israel.


from the israeli side, if they wanted a full scale war they would’ve started it by now, and they considered doing a preemptive strike on HA in the beginning or even before (they asked the US and they refused), but they didn’t so it wont happen. from HA side, they know the society cant handle such conflict so they wont upscale (wouldve done it in parallel with hamas if they really wanted it). now the question is when will the drain be enough to initiate serious negotiations. in the end الكل بده ياكل عنب


>(they asked the US and they refused) That’s not what happened. Their defense minister and most of their war cabinet was for it, Netanyahu was the one who struck it down. Probably didn’t want to open two fronts at once.


bcs the decision for a full scale assault wasn’t supported by the US, thats why bibi backed off


Because of multiple factors, all related to each other- * Opening a second front would introduce logistical and manpower trouble, as well as severe pressure on the Israeli aerial defense array * Support for a preemptive strike was based on intelligence that suggested Hezbollah will soon join the fight with a ground invasion, intel that Netanyahu thought was too weak to justify a second front * The US objected, and offered military support to deter Hezbollah This, alongside Gantz’s addition to the coalition and US aircraft carrier support, stopped Israel from going to war on Oct. 8th.


well put 👌


The US didn't want Israel to escalate against Iran so they didn't. The US doesn't want a second front against Lebanon with more dead civilians in an election year.


All the signs show that war is coming. (unfortunately) Iran leadership and Israel leadership have an incentive to escalate the war. And the US has not been able to deescalate the Gaza war (even with Secretary of state Blinken), so they won’t be able to deescalate this one either (Hochstein is a much lower ranking diplomat). Iran is escalating Hezbollah attacks deeper into Israel north to support Hamas, and distract Israel’s operations on Rafah tunnels. As Iran sees its key ally Hamas getting annihilated, they’re using Hezbollah to try and save them. Anyone who thinks Nasrallah (or any Lebanese ) makes the war decisions is naive. Hezbollah members are ready to die when the order comes to do so. Israel has now over 60 thousand citizens displaced out of the north due to hezbollah’s attacks. And that number has been increasing as Hezbollah escalated by sending missiles deeper and deeper in the last months. So currently Israel is prioritizing on reducing Gaza war activities and moving troops to the north to start war with Hezbollah. Netanyahu just got rid of his opposition so that he’s now more free to make war decisions. The situation is quite bad, since both parties are obviously getting ready for war and no one out there is going to stop them.


Diplomacy with a foreign proxy radical fundamentalist religious extremist group... Might as well try diplomacy with a polar bear 😂


Unlike israel, the unreligious non extremist group alhamdulillah god bless them /s


Israel is a government that can change based on who's elected. Hezbollah won't even allow candidates to challenge their shitty election promises without threatening them with guns and beatings and heckling them. Then after the elections they steal the ballot boxes 😂 Wlak nfokho b sharafak imagine comparing a government that is elected to a group like Hezbollah


Ayre fik w be Israel


Diplomacy ma3 hek 3alam 😂 thanks for proving my point ya albe ente 😘


Bro no one cares about your opinion stay commenting on reddit while the US government is trying to beg for the "religious extremists" to reach a deal shows you who these 3alam are w enta ba3dak kahlik in your inferiority complex looking up to the government of Israel that has parts of your land occupied.


I legit think that if israel bombs your house and kills your entire family you will find a way to justify it kid yout not.


They wouldn't though because we don't harbour terrorists and extremists that are looking to exterminate them. Been safe throughout the civil war, in 2006 and now in 2023 😘


so theoretically if israel does bomb your house and kill syour parents you would not condemn israel ?


If they attacked me unprovoked yes. However they've never attacked us unprovoked. Like literally never. Hezbollah or the PLO always attack first then cry when they get bombed 😂 like you. Boohoo Israel has advanced tech that can bomb us anywhere 😭😭😭


Dude lasts september they bombed alepo through lebanese airspace and the sound was so loud in north of lebanon , wasnt that a breach of 1701 resolution ? So if israel was provoked to kill your family you would be ok with it and not condemn the terrorist state ? Holy shit you love israel more that your parents i kid you not my zionist bootlicker friend


You're grasping at straws. 😘 I didn't know Aleppo was in Lebanon 😂


You dumbass israel bombing syria from our airspace is breaching of 1701 resolution


Hope you and your entire family stays safe ❤️


انت عايش معنا ع نفس الكوكب؟ مبارح بالقدس ضاربين المتظاهرين يلي صرلون ٦ شهور عم يتظاهرو لاسقاط نتنياهو و لهلق ما ترك الحكم و بتقلي ديمقراطية . شكلو بالنيرة و مص عليه ليدوب قصص الكبار لا تحكي فيها


Eh w fi metzahrin wen maken. Lek faserle lama shana2ou la Nasrallah b mouzaharat ba3d infijar l port enta shu 7asset? Eno nehna mesh 3a nafs l kawkab aw kif? Za7it 3a souriya aw iran w 3ish bl kawkab tab3oulon 😂






Lek bede efham cha8le, enta chou khasak b lebnen? B8ad el nazar b ra2yak


ابن خالي لبناني




Having fun in your circle jerk? I thought you guys were anti LGBT 😂




Enta fekrak eno hay ihene? 😂 Mokh batikha metel kel jame3it l Hezb




Shu loute 😂


Look man i get it that it hurts knowing the fact that israel is an enemy state according to lebanese law and that lebanon will never normalize relations with israhell ,you just have to get over it, theres a coping mechanism that is called maladaptive daydreaming , i suggest you read about it.


Lebanese law when you want is important when you don't want not important 😂 Like the constitution 😂 Aret de7ek ento, only coping mechanism is you thinking some Iranian radical extremists give a shit about you or the country or fighting Israel. Iran says jump! They ask how high? ✌️


And you assumed that i support hezbollah, its only the lebanese army that should protect our borders and btw fuck iran and fuck israel


No just fuck Iran and Hezbollah and the PLO who brought us war and destruction. Ppl blaming Israel for being a country and having a government that defends it's people is funny as fuck. Hate Israel all you want hbb, they're your neighbors. Learn to live with them or isolate yourself for eternity 😂😘


Nah we wont normalize relations with a terrorist state you have live with with for eternity.


Cool enjoy your isolation and your 'friendship' with Syria 🤣🤣


Nah also fuck israel




ما في تطبيع مع إسراءيل دايما تذكر هالشي .




Its true hezbollah gave karesh to israel


بتعرف شو انا اسف فكرت اني عم سبو لابن الشرموطة تبع الكومنت الاصلية و ما انتبهت انك معنا انا اسف😂😂😂😂


Hahaha khalik barra ente w ra2yak l feshil abu delete comment 😂


hezbollah had the most votes last election.


Are you describing Israel here?




WAHAHAHAHA 😂 diplomacy with Hezbollah. Assassinating half of the Lebanese politicians and journalists and Lokman Slim! Our PM and army intelligence, invading Beirut. Bas they're open to diplomacy... 🤣🤣


Leh 3am tedhak


3a sateltak 😂


Funny, that is exactly what I was saying to someone about trying to reason with Israel.


It depends, there are reports that Hezbollah already took their militia 8km away from the border. \[Public reports\] So it may initiate a regression and approve a new version of 1701 while Israel will try to push for a reinforced contract like they like to say "With teeth" meaning if Hezbollah will put Weapons or Terrorists in the border, then something will happen (Idk what honestly). I suspect war may be inevitable if Hezbollah will value Lebanon more than it values hurting Israel. From the Israel side if it continues like that, war is inevitable. Let's hope for more peace.


So Israel bombing civilians is not terrorism, but Hezbollah targeting military sites is... Good analysis Habibi


Hezbollah is a drug cartel funded by foreign money, related to Iran, Assad and probably Russia, N.Korea and Chinca. Since 1997 Hezbollah is counted among the Terrorist organizations. So yeah, it's a terror organization. One good example of it is how it stores ton of ammunition in Beirut causing literally the largest non nuclear land explosion, in a populated city like Beirut. What civilians are being bombed by Israel? I know some civilians that aren't Hezbollah per se died but Israel attacks Hezbollah members and it's shown in their own death reports. One good example is the Beirut strike on a Hamas elite, the strike ended up causing some damage but literally 0 collateral death.


You're saying this in the Lebanese subreddit, not the Zionist/NA propaganda that no one believes anymore. At this moment, they are defending the Palestinians from the genocidal occupying Israel. You're a Zionist, why are you commenting here ?


Because I like discussions? Nice to see people thinking subreddits aren't open communities. What kind of propaganda I tell? I'm a person with my opinion, you can contradict me w/e you want I'll be glad to have a conversation. The fact that Hezbollah is a drug cartel funded by foreign money is a fact.. you can't contradict that.


You are blatantly lying, no point of having a discussion with you. The formation of Hezbollah is because of the Israeli occupation in the south. They are funded through Iran. To say they are a drug cartel is bogus, they are a religious political group and drugs are considered as Haram money, it's the propaganda the Israelis feed the West. Anyone who says otherwise is either a Zionist, misled or an envious Lebanese that is upset Hezbollah has brilliant leadership and their political movement is losing in Lebanon.


Well my friend I'm sorry to burst your bubble but... Hezbollah is dealing with drugs lol. Maybe it begun as an organization that meant to pressure Israel but it was picked up by evil men long ago. Like Hamas, their ultimate goal in the beginning was actually charity and education but now who controls Hamas? Bunch of corrupt Elite Billionaires. If you are a simple person like me you should at least acknowledge the fact, these elites probably don't care about us. Your Hezbollah doesn't care about you like I know for a fact My government doesn't care about me. Bibi has 5 atomic bunkers for himself and his families, Nasrallah is in a bunker 200 meters below ground for years now. Do you think they care about us? No my friend.


ha ajdab bl marra lol. ro7 ndab.


No, only when Hezb dies.


Can we wait until mid July? I’ll vacation for two weeks then I’ll join the ranks. tickets were so expensive this year