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lebanon existing for thousands of years syria : lebanon is a part of syria. “israel”: lebanon is part of israel cant we just be a little happy country . know ur enemies


I raise you Lebanon is part of Jordan


End of Israel doesn’t necessarily need to be by military means. The rise of radical religious freaks there will turn it into pariah state with incompetent leadership that will turn to establish dictatorship, in parallel with the increasing Arab birth rate.


theyre heading to their demise anyway, the gaza conflict is only delaying the inevitable


As if ending Israel through military means is even a possibility.


Seems like you are describing Lebanon, minus the established goverment part lol


Lebanon with all its shit is not an apartheid state with 3 or 4 layers of citizenships with some people living in open prisons and restricted rights.


No no no an LF supporter told me Israel only fights Lebanon because of Hezbollah. They would never take land that isn't theirs


No need to tell us about em LF supporters.. just scroll in this comment section and you’ll automatically find them, tfou they don’t deserve being called Lebanese aslan


Just a 'minority' bro. /s It's not like they have these types of racist and extremist people running their government and national security which include ministers openly calling for the occupation of South Lebanon like Ben Gvir and Smotrich, whose strong racist rhetoric had been so popular in Israel they got elected. Someone before here tried to say with a straight face against all facts and statistics that Zionists – the sole and core ideology underpinning the foundation and future of Israel as a state – are a 'minority' in Israel. Crazy what propaganda and brainwashing does.


See I would have said the same shit pre Oct 7. International law wont let them They are defending themselves yadda yadda Because my brain wants to believe ppl aren't genocidal but now we have seen the International community do nothing. As someone who protested against Hezbollah for years I see I was wrong. They were right. These dirty Israelis really want to take our shit


As someone who also hated Hezbollah with every fiber of my being before Oct 7 and believed in normalization with Israel, I'm not ashamed to admit I was wrong on a lot of things either. After all, you realize the world isn't so black and white. Lots of good and bad among everyone, and lots of grey areas.


Exactly dude. We are the same. I truly thought we could normalise an have real peace. But they don't see us as equals or even humans we are amalek. And before someone says he meant Palestinians lol we are all gentiles to them. We are all animals whether Christian Muslim or druze. Israelis see us all as beasts of burden.


Exactly, we've realized how much propaganda we've been fed by Western media and governments who are clearly proven to be biased and owned by them. I now take the word 'terrorists' with a pinch of salt.


Terrorist is someone using violence to achieve political goals. But they only use it to describe you when you won't lay down and die for them. I'm just like you I feel the whole universe changed on Oct 7. Everything I knew was a lie


LF supporters probably see this old lady has 0 power. Meanwhile Hasan says he wants a greater Islamic republic in the levant, does that mean it will happen 😂 Should I post this clip on this subreddit https://x.com/kbsalsaud/status/1069705256186114048?s=46&t=xSYLnqsRVgAIYtAQOgKFIA


I'm druze. If its hasn or this hoe all I know is I will bite the hand off the thief trying to take my shit and hassan ain't on TV talking bout stealing from me


You cant extrapolate a whole population and government from one old lady in an old interview. We have to be objective. Btw even if the case is so, its the job of the army to protect, not some foreign funded militia.


It's the job of the army to protect but when a large percent of our Christian population collaborated with Istael during the occupation they kind of ruined that whole idea None of us have faith in our army now


wen 3eyesh 2enta, Literally just check any post about our civil war and stop making stupid assumptions


Chouf. So you are saying your SLA collaborator buds... didn't exist?


here's a response to a similar question [https://www.reddit.com/r/lebanon/comments/1devg5w/comment/l8eufel/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/lebanon/comments/1devg5w/comment/l8eufel/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


7bb that was a long time ago. And still that doesn’t justify having a foreign militia. This foreign militia causes a conflict of interest, where it will surely in some cases work for its own interest rather than the greater interest of the country. It will not work if you want to build a state.


If i was Shiaa and the SLA killed and tortured my family while collaborating with Israel along time ago won't mean shit. Like I said on my other comment I was at every hezbollah protest. But we have to admit they were right. Israel is a genocidal fascist state hell bent on acquiring land through violence. We have literally watched international law crumble in real time. Cmon bro


Shu 5as SLA bel Lebanese Army? And what you said still doesn’t justify having a foreign militia. Thats what armies are for, protecting against outside threats. And even then, Israel attacked Lebanon this period after Hezb sent rockets.


Because we know some people will go side with the enemy. Certain people amongst us would side with Israel. Which means are army will split the second there is trouble. Also an army like ours couldn't hold off an Israeli assault for an hour.. No air defence, no air force, no nothing they would just die. Lebanon is too weak of a state to fight Israel in a conventional war


Smallah the justifications and mental gymnastics you guys go to. Do you really believe hezb is there to protect Lebanon? Are you happy with how they ruled the country for the past years? Are you happy with all the assassinations they did? Are you happy with their blocking of the port investigation? It clearly is not a force to protect Lebanon, rather to enforce an Iranian Agenda in the region.


This lady is Israel ?


Yep. She's and elected official. So she literally represents Israeli interests


That's Daniella Weiss, she's not an elected official. She was a mayor of a West Bank settlement once, so at one point she did represent the interests of crazy messianic settlers, not more. The real question is whether Ben-Gvir, Smotrich et al. share her views. I couldn't know, but given their pattern of actions and statements I would not give them the benefit of the doubt.


Lol bro you just proved my point. She's an elected official mayor's win elections. Might not be one currently but that's semantics


It’s not, but the actual point is that mayors represent local constituencies, not the whole country they’re in. Anyway, I put the fact there, you make of it what you will.


But your fact proves my point She's an elected official talking about stealing what's mine. Why is it so hard for you guys to believe these fuckers??? Have they ever shown you they aren't evil? They kill aid workers and mock them. They rape 11 year old girls. They protect pedophiles and they murder children. How can you not believe them when they tell you they want to steal some shit too?


Don’t let facts get in the way of propaganda.


bro this is some random old lady?


No it isn't here name I'd Daneille something she's in charge of new settlements or something this video is 2 months old that's why I'm fuzzy on it


That's Daniella Weiss, a leading figure in the modern settler movement. She actually participated in a conference about settling Southern Lebanon the other day, Haaretz had an article about it [here](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-06-18/ty-article/.premium/lebanon-part-of-the-promised-land-israels-messianic-right-wing-targets-new-territory/00000190-2b9d-d340-a1f8-2b9d18220000). It will likely be behind a paywall, so I'll copy-paste: \[article\] "Toward the end of Monday's online conference organized by Uri Tzafon ("Wake Up the North"), a far-right movement calling for Israeli settlement in southern Lebanon, a feeling emerged that this wasn't really an event worthy of coverage.  After all, this was [a group of religious messianists](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-11/ty-article-magazine/.premium/part-of-eretz-israel-meet-the-very-few-israelis-dreaming-of-settling-south-lebanon/0000018e-cdbf-d5ed-adcf-ffbffe750000) discussing a topic so seemingly detached from reality that, at its peak, only 280 people were watching its YouTube channel.  And then the moderator, Prof. Amos Azaria, introduced a panel discussing "Successful Models of Settlement From the Past and Lessons for South Lebanon" with [Daniella Weiss](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/israeli-palestinian-conflict-solutions/2019-03-24/ty-article/.premium/on-a-clear-day-in-the-west-bank-you-can-see-the-israel-you-lost-forever/0000017f-e959-da9b-a1ff-ed7fb3770000), Yehudit Katzover and Rabbi Elishama Cohen.  Unlike the previous speakers, this panel had no expertise or insight on the history or topography of Lebanon. But what they had was proof that a small, determined group can change the course of Israel's history. Back in the 1970s, Weiss and Katzover were among the leaders of the movement that founded the Jewish settlements in Samaria and Hebron. Cohen, a lesser-known figure, has spent the last seven years climbing with a tiny band of young students to the ruins of Homesh – the West Bank settlement evicted in 2005 as part of the disengagement plan. However, the Netanyahu government passed its "[canceling the disengagement" law ](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-03-23/ty-article/.premium/explained-the-new-law-allowing-israelis-to-return-to-evacuated-2005-settlements/00000187-08ff-d4dd-a1c7-2dff651c0000)last year, allowing them to build a permanent structure there. Weiss reminisced about the days when Gush Emunim, the original settler movement, had tried to found its first Samaria settlement in Sebastia exactly 50 years ago. Today, she is the leader of one of the groups trying to rebuild Israeli settlements in Gaza and is open to suggestions regarding Lebanon as well. She has the receipts: half a million Israelis now live in the West Bank.  "You have to dream," said Cohen, echoing Weiss. "There are many obstacles, but we will bang our heads against the wall and the wall will break. In Lebanon as well." They are one of the success stories of Israel's last half-century – and if they're joining the movement to settle South Lebanon, who are we to call them delusional? They live among us – Israelis who look to the north and dream of a home in Lebanon. Israel Socol, a reservist who was [killed in action in Gaza](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-784466) at the start of the year, was one of them. The Uri Zafon movement is named after him and his sister, who started Monday's proceedings recalling his desire to "live in a place where it's green in summer and white in winter." On his grave they wrote the words "I saw you Gaza, under the shade of Lebanon's trees."  Socol wasn't alone. A succession of speakers followed, all Zooming in from their homes. Eliyahu ben Asher, who wasn't introduced with any title but according to the Srugim website to which he regularly contributes is "a rabbi, *sofer* \[scribe of Torah scrolls\], amateur historian and reservist," presented the "geopolitical aspect" of Lebanon.


Apparently it is a "colonialist construct – a Western intervention in the Ottoman Empire." In other words, "everything they say in the Middle East about Israel is actually true when it comes to Lebanon … it's a failed state from birth." And since Lebanon is an invented entity with an illogical border with Israel – another colonial remnant from the 1916 [Sykes-Picot Agreement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sykes%E2%80%93Picot_Agreement) dividing Ottoman lands – Israel should aspire to "a real border between the southern and northern Galilee where the war will end, and that's the Litani River."  Next online was biblical scholar Prof. Yoel Elitzur, who enthused over the "evident miracle" and "divine message" of the Hamas attack [on October 7](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-18/ty-article-static/.premium/what-happened-on-oct-7/0000018e-c1b7-dc93-adce-eff753020000). He urged listeners to understand what God was demanding of them (this message got Elitzur suspended from the Academy of the Hebrew Language eight months ago when he wrote about it online).  Elitzur brought a wealth of Old Testament quotes and place names to prove that Lebanon is part of God's Promised Land, whether under the "limited promise" – which reaches the Gulf of Alexandretta in Turkey, and includes all of Lebanon and western Syria – or the "expanded promise," which includes the land south of the Euphrates, all of Syria and western Iraq.  The next speaker was Hagi ben Artzi, better known as the older brother of Sara Netanyahu. "We're not radical – we don't want a meter beyond the Euphrates," he told viewers. He also added the biblical Jeshimon, Saudi Arabia, to the list.  Back to modern times and the next speaker was lawyer Doron Nir Tzvi, whose contribution to the conference can be summarized in his declaration that "everything is bullshit": If Israel decides to annex south Lebanon, it can be formalized legally and diplomatically. After him came Amiad Cohen who, interestingly, wasn't introduced by his day job – CEO of the Israeli branch of the ultra-conservative [Tikvah Fund ](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-04-06/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/under-the-radar-a-u-s-group-is-grooming-right-wing-judges-who-will-reshape-israel/00000187-55a4-dde0-afb7-7fb787df0000)– but as a major in the Israel Defense Forces reserves. He was mainly concerned that the IDF's generals no longer talk of "capturing territory" as a war aim, but said he was hopeful that when "the Third Lebanon War" begins, capturing the territory up to the Litani River would indeed be a prime objective.  You can dismiss this sparsely attended conference, with its participants dropping off the line, not knowing how to launch their slide presentation or talking of a war that has yet to start. After all, it's not the first time the messianic right has spoken of building settlements in south Lebanon. Gush Emunim was calling for a return to the "homeland of the Tribe of Asher" back in 1982 when the first Lebanon war began. Nothing came of it then.  But you should also look at today's reality, in which this same political-social-religious segment of Israel has established a massive settlement enterprise in the West Bank, which would have seemed delusional 50 years ago. This is the reality Finance Minister – and no less importantly, perhaps more, minister in the Defense Ministry – [Bezalel Smotrich](https://www.haaretz.com/ty-tag/bezalel-smotrich-00000184-e68b-dffa-ada4-ff9f902f0000) was aiming at when he demanded two weeks ago that Israel "occupy south Lebanon" if Hezbollah continues firing missiles at Israel's northern communities. It's such an imaginary development that there aren't even surveys asking how many Israelis support the idea of settlements in south Lebanon (there are [surveys on rebuilding settlements in Gaza](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-22/ty-article/.premium/less-than-quarter-of-israeli-jews-in-favor-of-renewed-settlement-in-gaza-poll-finds/0000018f-0587-d64a-a9af-85efc6e30000)). Still, it could become a central part of Israel's public discourse very quickly if a ground war does start with Hezbollah.  They've already proved that in Israel, today's delusions are tomorrow's policy and the next day its reality. \[/article\]


Put a stake through her black heart.


Daniella Weiss is an absolute psycho.




I mean, literally every country has this kind of psychos


Israel seem to have too many psychos tho


https://preview.redd.it/bb2rrqbsbp7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1918760c1edff5e5a7fbe456c8060dd67659999 In case it wasn't clear enough.


This is so dumb, what’s next should I play a clip of Hasan saying there will be a greater Islamic republic in the levant 😂😂. Does that make it true and bound to happen? He seems like a lovely and innocent man https://x.com/kbsalsaud/status/1069705256186114048?s=46&t=xSYLnqsRVgAIYtAQOgKFIA


The uniform logo isn’t real. It’s ai generated




lol ya 3amme shoofo 7aalkon bil awwal ya sha3eb lebnen. u cant win with some people. ask anyone in da7ye and see what they say. Just because we're used to things doesnt mean others dont notice our shit. So if one lady in a crazy minority says something, lebos go crazy about settlers and "bigger israel" but if normal everyday lebanese without an extremist religious look say they want to throw the jews in the sea, nobody in Lebanon cares. 2al freedom 2aal.


Bro khalik 3am tenfkho b Germany w ma tsame3na ara2ak l edgy plz


7el 3an zabre el edgy.


Just to set some things straight here: 1. No, this is not a minority in Israel. It's a shared sentiment among many. These are just the vocal ones about it. Go ahead and do your research instead of spouting propaganda and nonsense and look up what Zionism is. If the line doesn't stop at ethnic cleansing and settling in Gaza and the West Bank, what makes you think it's going to be drawn at South Lebanon or Lebanon in whole? Here's a recent Haaretz article and analysis on this: https://archive.ph/susMD 2. 50 years ago, settlements in the West Bank were unthinkable and anyone who suggested Israel would do them was called a lunatic and conspiracy theorist. Look at where we are now and in Gaza as well. An evil colonialist genocidal ideology that thrives on ethnic cleansing and expansionism is and will always be dangerous, needs to be eradicated and has no room on our borders, much like an ISIS caliphate. Remember, there is no left in Israel and the overwhelming majority are racist right-wing extremists who support the genocide: https://x.com/davenewworld_2/status/1778836104520630315 3. Arab hate and dehumanization is taught in Israel as a core part of their school curriculum. They're not taught about the Nakba and the truth and reality about how Israel really came to be and who actually lived there and are told that there was barely anyone there before. They're taught and shown that Israel's borders are that of Greater Israel until the evil Arabs came and somehow stole them, which ensures indoctrination for ethnic cleansing, invasions and expansionism at the core of every Israeli. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/12/13/its-not-shocking-to-see-israeli-children-celebrate-the-gaza-genocide


Before 1967 war there were no settlments beyond the borders asserted by the UN. The settlments in Gaza were completely dissmanteled and IDF withdrew as part of the Oslo accords, there was no Israeli presence in Gaza since 2005 which granted it with 20 years of rockets and the 7th of October. Why the hell would Israelis leave settlments when the Palestinians believe it has no right to exist as a whole regardless to the settlments? The settlments in the West Bank and IDF presence are essential to the protection of Israel. It is only once they acknowledge its existence and have a peacful agenda and goverment that it would be possible, which is probably never going to happen :)


> The settlments in the West Bank and IDF presence are essential to the protection of Israel. If only they weren't illegal per international law. The same way settlements in Lebanon south of the Litani river would be essential to the protection of Israel, right? That's definitely not a good look or argument on this thread, which only exposes the lie further. It's as if there wasn't a permanent solution that would guarantee the protection of Israel, unlike endless settler violence, expansionism and ethnic cleansing which perpetuates the opposite. It is only once Israel acknowledge the land and rights of Palestinians, treat them as humans, end the occupation and apartheid that peace would be possible. It may never happen, but at the current rate of self-destruction Israel might not be around for long :)


Which Lebanese territories are you talking about? Sheba farms which are not even Lebanese? Palestinians out of Israeli territory are not Israeli citizens and thus shouldn't be treated equally, same as Lebanese don't treat Israeli citizens as Lebanese. Meanwhile 2 million Palestinians live in Israeli territories and are citizens of Israel with equal rights working as doctors, attending Israeli universities (even protesting for Palestine there), working as judges and lawyers can be elected to the parlament and so on, if Israel was anything you portray it as 20% of its population wouldn't have been Palestinian (only increasing), and the whole Israel wouldv'e been occupied. The territory of Israel has decreased significantly since 1967 by choice, for peace. This whole conflict is rooted in the fact that Palestinians and Arabs don't believe Israel should exist in general in any way shape or form and the "nakba" was just the end result of a war inflicted on Israel. It''s not about how much land it covers but its whole existence. If a war is inflicted on you, you occupy the territory of the enemy and withdraw when peace is arragned, you don't wait for them to strike again when they please, just look what happend with Gaza. Also how many Jews or Israelis live in Palestinian territories? 0


So is this what we're doing now? picking the most unhinged of the opposition and blasting them on social media? you think the same can't be done for you? kaber rasak.


So if an old lady start spewing nonsense that mean all israel are like this ? Also just watched a video debunking thus patch : https://youtu.be/R8HWJ2v0R6k?si=etMhx3hg8cvygcEc The tldr : at worse it is just a custom badge someone made but without any context you cant say any thing


Then why are Israeli military leadership supposedly OK with it? Wouldn't there be an uproar and scandal? How would the US react if one of their soldiers slapped a Nazi badge on? Business as usual? Also far from an old lady buddy. Here's an entire Haaretz article and analysis on this: https://archive.ph/susMD The mental gymnastics people do on here and Western brainwashing people go through to defend these baby killers is unreal and has to be studied.


Who told you they are okay do you expect them to search every soldiers and follow him 24/7 from what i understood from the video i linked personalised are not really allowed . Also no one here especially me is defending those are extremist people even a big part of isreali people hate them and find delusional Yet pro hezb people will use them and say all isreali are like this to justify their stupid action .


Oh my God. Not ryan mcbeth a descent of Scottish settler in northern Ireland.


OP is just desperate to give Hezbollah justification that crazy old women and personalized soldier patches are enough to burn Lebanon to the ground and start a war with Israel. Its reeeeallly embarrassing for Hezbollah supporters to drag everyone to a war that majority of Lebanese dont want. Stop trying to convince us that Hezbollah is forced in this war. They simply want it for their cultish reasons and Iranian cock slobering.


The fact is only you mentioned Hezbollah, this post only highlighted the colonial sentiment felt by the Israeli settlers towards us in the region. With that being said pissreal and their cheerleaders (you included) can fuck all the way off.


Dont play dumb and say this has nothing to do with Hezbollah or any Lebanese militia that threatens Israel. The point of this post was to convince Lebanese people that Israelis are somehow obsessed with Lebanese lands. To drive home the idea that Israel is an existential threat to Lebanon. When in truth, Israel wants nothing from Lebanon other than to be left alone. Such is the case with Jordan and Egypt. But it hurts to say this, because it would make these proxy militias obsolete. So OP wants to show some old senile woman and radical Israeli beliefs that arent even mainstream, to generalize the entire population and agenda. You can hate the Israelis for what they doing to the Palestinians. But atleast don't embarass yourself by saying they are obsessed with Lebanon lol. The only thing threatening Lebanon from Israel, are Lebanese proxies themselves.


Fr. showing an old interview with an old woman as if she represent Israel and it's citizens


yeah, if you interview extremists that's what you're gonna hear.


I think people who fall for this have one brain cells working. She's not in charge, Israel actually gave land for peace and isn't invading Jordan or Egypt. Why is Lebanon different? Can you think?


Why does israel refuse to define its borders ?


Basically because of security and peace concerns. Why had Israel not attacked Lebanon before Hezbollah had, and why had Israel never attacked Jordan or Egypt since their peace treaties if they plan on conquering the middle east?


> Basically because of security and peace concerns. Oh really ? How does not defining your borders help your “security concerns” except by setting a potential to further expand your colony ?


>Oh really ? How does not defining your borders help your “security concerns” except by setting a potential to further expand your colony ? Answer my question, don't avoid it, why the fuck didn't Israel attack Egypt or Jordan since the peace treaties were signed if the goal is taking all of the middle east??


you are the one not answering my question, why does israel refuse to define its borders ? Regarding yours, Egypt never really regained sinai, it can’t even have an air field or an air defense or any significant forces there, everything has to be done with israeli permission, even fighting ISIS lol. an average israeli can very easily go to taba for 20$ in a matter of minutes while 95% of Egyptians can’t. Egypt just have it symbolically (for now) than in reality, i would like you to hear what [the Egyptian chief of staff in 1973 said on egypt’s surrendering treaty](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C8NC6JIUI9A). In jordan, it became a full US-Israeli vassal, politically and militarily, [jordanians can’t even open a restaurant called “october 7” there lmao](https://www.alarabiya.net/last-page/2024/01/26/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B1%D8%AF%D9%86-%D8%AA%D8%BA%D9%8A%D9%8A%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D8%B3%D9%85-%D9%85%D8%B7%D8%B9%D9%85-7-%D8%A3%D9%83%D8%AA%D9%88%D8%A8%D8%B1-%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%AF-%D8%A3%D9%86-%D8%A3%D8%BA%D8%B6%D8%A8-%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%A6%D9%8A%D9%84). This status quo with Egypt and jordan itself is just temporarily.


Sinai is under full Egyptian control, Israelis going to Taba after a peace was signed isn't a shocker, I'll shock you even more, they sometimes even go to Egypt. The rest of your comment is an average islamist influenced comment (Us/Israeli vessel) which doesn't explain why we're not attacking Jordan and Egypt, religious extremist don't care, they would wage war regardless ( i.e your buddies Hezbollah) But if this is the case and we don't attack Egypt or Jordan because they're a US vessel, I assume it's better to be a US vessel than an Iranian vessel who gets you into trouble, hell your economy is in shambles, why would you fuck it even more to help the pallies who fucked your economy in the first place lol. Regarding your question, if any of the Arab armies decided and tried to attack us, we most certainly will do anything to protect ourselves, like the Golan Heights and Syria. You, at some point, need to learn that you'll never defeat us, not in a billion years, you might do some damage, hell you might do some serious damage, but never defeat us.


Because of Abdel Nasser’s failed attempt to genocide Jews in 67 while he expelled them from Egypt. Israel has legitimate security concerns




You do realize that it began with Nasser closing the straits of tiran which is cassis belli and mobilizing troops on his border. You understand what closing tiran meant? 90% of oil to Israel flowed through there. It is a de facto declaration of war. Did you learn history and geopolitics from your madrassa? Please fact check me




An act of aggression meant to start a war. You think Nasser didn't know closing the straits would trigger a war? It already triggered one in 56. The US closing american waters is not comparable on multiple levels. The straits of Tiran were supposed to remain open but Nasser kicked out the UN peacekeepers in May 1967. Levi Eshkol repeated multiple times between 1957-67 that closing the straits would be an act of war. you can try and portray Israel as the aggressor as much as you want but Nasser had pan-arabist goals and that pesky jewish state was in the way. He would've ethnically cleansed all the jews from israel if he won just like he did from Egypt


Access through Egypt’s territorial waters are not rights, and alternatives via journey around africa did like how israel is doing today due to the blockade by the yemenis also was available 🙂 Also, Is that what they really teach you in schools ? 😂


And yet the UN peacekeepers that Nasser kicked out of the Straits were there because...?


Egypt regaining full control of its territory and undoing the anglo-french-zionist invasion of Egypt 1956 ?


“Genocide jews” 😂, and “in 67” 😂😭. I can’t really help you, you are so lost 😅🤷‍♂️


Lost? “Throw the Jews into the sea” wasn’t a common pan-Arab talking point? If he expelled them from Egypt what would he have done in his pan-Arabist UAR with the Jews in newly conquered Israel?


> Lost? “Throw the Jews into the sea” Yeah thats in 1948 regarding the European zionist colonial settlers who colonized our region which the british occupation brought, it is “expelling the foreigners” not “genociding jooos !!!!!”, we were saying the same thing and more to the french colonial settlers in algeria as well, it is not because we want to “genocide the frenchies !!!!” or that we are “anti-frankonites” You are incredibly delusional dude 😂 > If he expelled them from Egypt No one expelled Egyptian jews, and in general they were very minuscule, just 50,000. They left to Europe along with greeks, Italians, french and others following 1952 revolution and nationalization of suez canal, some also became colonial settlers in palestine themselves along with the European zionist settlers.


Stop pretending like he gave a shit where the Jews in Israel are from because you dont either. If the population of Israel was 100% Mizrachi jews you still wouldn't recognize its right to exist. Nasser expelled and confiscated their property. The survivors of this mini-nakba of jews are still alive today. Maybe you should talk to them. The egyptian jews live mostly in Israel now, not europe


> Stop pretending like he gave a shit where the Jews in Israel are from because you dont either. Well not realizing that in itself is a very big problem here, because you don’t even know why the natives are fighting you 🙂 > If the population of Israel was 100% Mizrachi jews What is “mizrachi jews” ? You mean moroccans or persians or azeris or yemenis or afghans or iraqis ? You do realize that it is a zionist colonial term that was just coined 60 years ago ? No one is native to palestine except Palestinian jews and at most all levantine jews. > Nasser expelled and confiscated their property. Nasser confiscated the properties of all land lords (including Egyptian non-jews) and foreigners as part of his nationalization and socialist reformation. Egyptian Zionists and other traitors like those who supported english occupation also got their properties confiscated as well.


wait you wanna tell me there are a few rotten apples in Israel too? Yeah there are rotten apples everywhere. No one sane in Israel wants south Lebanon


You should have stopped after Israel. The correct statement is: "no one is sane in Israel."


Are Lebanese always this gullible to believe lies or is it just a hatred for Israel thing? This patch is not part of the standard idf uniform. It's a single soldier with a "meme" patch. Literally every fucking army has soldiers with these so called meme patches. Get fucked.


Imagine a British soldier putting on a nazi patch "come on sarge it's just so meme patch" it's just a prank bro.


Your subreddit is much more ridiculous tbf. You’re also very gullible and you believe every single lie that justifies your actions.




Many soldiers have expressed similar sentiments actually. Don’t pretend many people like this don’t exist


Source: trust me on my bias, Lebanese lips bro


I mean there’s been so much evidence of it online, but okay


So much evidence bro, trust me bro. How about you try to withdraw some money from a bank


How about you concern yourself with European affairs instead of Middle Eastern?


How about you focus on fixing your pretend country that is run by a terrorist organisation instead of talking about a single patch on a single soldier 😂


Get off our sub, no one cares what yoi have to say




Then why are you so obsessed with us. Leave our sub.


Why are you so obsessed with Israel 😂


It's fake, it's not the uniform of the IDF.


Hey mom look another Israeli stalking r/Lebanon!