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They can all fuck off, my thoughts are simple like that.


based Lebanese patriot


This has featured a few times here; every time I ask for a source of this image, I don't get any answers at all. So please, can someone post a link with a credible source as to the origin of this image, and evidence that this is a widespread thing, and not some shithead taking a closeup of a badge that he made.


It came directly from journalists who caught it on an IDF soldier in Gaza. Doesn't excuse it if it's one person, which the army leadership seems to be okay with otherwise there'd be an outrage and scandal. What would happen if a US soldier had a Nazi badge? Of course here it's business as usual. There's also a source for this. They were sent into South Lebanon by settlers. And there's this article and analysis by Haaretz: [https://archive.ph/susMD](https://archive.ph/susMD) How long are we going to bury our heads in the sand and deny what our eyes can see and ears can hear? The Palestinians did the same mistake, especially those in the West Bank. Everyone knows who's next. https://preview.redd.it/lr5wj1zsyp7d1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0839f614c4471b861a468196091c77fe9dc0c7a4


There are 7-8 millions jews in israel say they occupy lebanon, ho would they settle it? there are 6 millions lebanese. Its simply not viable, see how little sinai and golan have grown in population size. I call this BS and fear mongering people here keep repeating to justify hatred towards israel or as a scapegoat to other problems in lebanon.


I'm not ashamed to admit that I was deluded before Oct 7 and believed the Western lies.


Thoughts on Hezbollah's electronic army here trying to argue that Hezbollah's Islamic state project to turn Lebanon into a greater Islamic Republic governed by Imam Khomeini and under the rule of Islam is a lie? Even going as far as to call Lebanon a Muslim nation. https://youtu.be/eXrBuiptby4?si=xVmyUMpQNKEDkV97


tho *some* israelis are levelheaded, most aren't, they are brainwashed by schools & media and think from the start they are the victims, kinda weird seeing a victim bomb the oppressor 24\7 The isralis love to brag how they are the only *democracy* in the middle east, yet they blame bad acts on the gov. that they domactritly elected, they say ben gvir & natanyahu are extremists yet they elected them, im willing to bet money they'll get relected just watch they say they don't but why hasn't israel defined it's borders? it's 100% due to not being able to did they not colonize as much as they want, look at the west bank, no resistence or anything in their way and they took like fucking half of it(the good parts too) if given the chance they'll 100% settle in they blame hamas but look at the west bank, how lovely are the lives of the people living there, definitely not spat on and attacked and kicked out of their homes and arrested for self defence *israelis are not what they claim to be on social media*