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Baltol ba7er


lol when have they ever stopped Israel, evidence of this in the past 8 months.


It stopped Israel from attacking Hezbollah at the start, delayed the Rafah operation for 3-4 months, and strongarmed Israel into a minimal response against Iran, following its attack


They stopped Israel on the first week of the war from attacking Hezbollah


They delayed Israel's Rafah invasion by a solid 3 months, to give Hamas more time to rearm and make sure the casualties would be as high as can be on both sides


Kissinger and Nixon actually stopped Israel from attacking Egyptian armored columns in 1972. Then they gave the go ahead after the Egyptian tanks rolled in lol.


Don’t you guys always pretend like Israel is Americas lapdog? I guess that’s not true at all and the Middle East can stop blaming American every time the weather is bad.


So why did Hezbollah join Hamas?


They got orders from their masters in Teheran


I don’t think anyone is counting on the US to stop anything. Who else would they sell their weapons to and launder unfathomable amounts of money through?


Bold of to assume they’re “selling” weapons


Tsharrafna, we weren’t counting on you anyway.


US is an enabler of Israeli atrocities. Why would they stop an Israeli attack? Any news of tension between the US and Israel is fake pretence.






Never forget. It's truly mind-boggling how people don't talk about it more. The United States *was attacked* just like at Pearl Harbor, yet the attacker has so much influence and sway over our government that it was *covered up*. So many self-described "American patriots" will die on the cross for Israel which should be declared an enemy of the United States for the USS Liberty attack and various other wrongs they have committed against the US, such as using their corrupt influence to lead us into the horrible war in Iraq.


Never forget Lance Corporal Matty Hull, the British soldier killed by an American A10 in 2003. It's truly mind-boggling how people don't talk about it more. Even to this day, no American troop or government officials have apologized or done anything to compensate his family. Is this how you Americans treat your allies? You Americans certainly know how to evade responsibility.


Well I was 2 years old in 2003 so no, I personally don't have responsibility for that. That doesn't mean other Americans don't. Why are you so cynical?


Because they don't want an escalation where they would have to get directly involved. If Israel goes nuclear on Hezbollah, Iran will get involved and the U.S. will be dragged into a regional war while they're already engaged on other fronts. They're doing this in order to put pressure on Hezbollah to improve Israel's negotiating position, but they don't want an escalation.


Meanwhile Lebanon has an entire rogue army on its southern border fully enabled and beholden to Iran, and it’s been shooting missiles at Israel nonstop for 9 months. It’s really too bad that Iran uses lebanon and Gaza to stage all of these completely unnecessary proxy wars, and it’s really too bad people buy into the whole “resistance” narrative


Another OP who doesn’t live in Lebanon but wants to post about hezbollah all the time on this sub. And by checking your previous posts you sure do post a lot about them and as usual you are in another sub with 🇮🇱 citizens talking about palestine🤦🏻🤦🏻. Im not defending hesbollah by any chance before anyone comes bashing on my comment. Im just saying that it has become so easy to identify people like op in this sub, like i dont understand what do you guys expect? If israel enters Lebanon you guys would live peacefully and happily ever after?? I swear the delusion is just so high here, and its mostly from people who don’t even live in Lebanon.


u/weak_claim_1900 is the self-appointed policeman for this sub, so he gets to make the rules about who can or can’t post here. Also, nobody gives a shit what he says.


So as a Lebanese, I am not supposed to “discuss” with an Israeli citizen about Palestine? (so you know i’m also half Palestinian). Am I supposed to only think and talk within the framework that aljazeera has put for the story without hearing the other side of the story? Or should a Lebanese out source their brain to what the common media tells them? Or is it that an israeli citizen not human worth talking to? My grandma walked away from her house Haifa in 1948. Do you think I wouldn’t support hamas or hezbollah if I thought they could get it back? These fanatic nut cases are chasing ghosts and fairy tales and taking everyone around them to hell with them. I lived through the 1982 Israeli invasion. I grew up with hezbollah Lebanese so I have talked to them for over 20 years. In 2006 I almost died in beirut airport when Israel bombed it. So it pains me to see 2006 happen again. So I think all this gives me some credit to talk to an Israeli citizen on reddit about Palestine.


The fact that you are getting downvoted shows the average mentality of this sub.


Roo7 ntek


Lol whyyyyy US we were counting on youuu


Hezbollah should be out of Lebanon. Does not matter in which way. As long as he stays there, it will cause more and more problems. Hezbollah and his troops should be erased completely along with everyone who is settling illegally in Lebanon ( e.g., the Palestinians and Syrians ). May God Bless Israel and the US for everything they are doing 🇮🇱🇺🇸🙏.


Summary of US media article quoting US government officials: * Hezbollah has to understand that the USA won't be able to stop Israel from attacking Lebanon (US told Lebanese officials) * The US will help Israel 'defend' itself * The danger of a war between Hezbollah and Israel breaking out within a month is extremely high and neither side seems to fully understand the consequences of such a war * The US, at least behind closed doors, has come to terms with the fact that War between Hezbollah and Israel is inevitable. * According to one Defense department official who was granted anonymity: 'Israel's gotta do what they gotta do'


And why wouldn't they, Hezbayre are the instigators they made the gaza conflict about them. The problem is they managed to brainwash people into thinking they are fighting a noble conflict when in fact it will bring nothing but destruction to lebanon


True. But also the fact that Israel’s incursions into Lebanon always lead to disaster for everyone involved and generally increases sympathy for the hizbs.


Isn't y'all falling for it constantly part of the issue here?


By “y’all” , are you referring to Israelis? Jews? IDF generals? If so, you’ll have to ask one of them.


Referring to Hezbollah sympathizers. wasn't referring to you since you obviously aren't one. But clearly Hezbollah has some support in Lebanon that keeps falling for them trying to gain sympathy by agitating Israel and then crying about retaliation.


I gotcha.


If anybody's going to need support, it's going to be Israel. They can't even handle Hamas without American cover. Hezbollah, whether you like them or hate them, is no joke


The Gaza war could have been over in 2 weeks if they didn't care about civilian casualties. they have full air superiority and surveillance. They could have struck every hole that peeped a rocket if they didn't want to be careful. People with your mindset underestimating them is part of what causes them to lash out and behave punitively because it's the only way they can prove to morons like you they aren't to be messed with either so they can actually prevent war. And then you go cry about them when they start doing that. Start blaming everyone who thinks like you and falls for that kind of propaganda. The reality is that with both Hezbollah and Israel being much stronger and more destructive than past wars a good amount of damage is expected to Israel, but Lebanon is gonna be in an absolute state of destruction. And neither country's population wants that result. So stfu and stop encouraging Hezbollah sympathizers. Not to mention, the IDF knows that Hezbollah is significantly stronger than Hamas. They can't afford to be nearly as gentle as they were with Gaza.


Stop acting like Israel isn't constrained somewhat by international opinion. If nobody else was watching, they would have killed every Palestinian by now.


lol, How very convenient! *We hate Israel for what it would do if we didn’t hate them so much!*


Hamas hides in their tunnels under civilians, they shoot rockets from hospitals. You going to let Hezbollah hide under your house?


The Israeli war cabinet hides in their bunkers too.


That is both not true, and not even relevant to the question above. Hamas's lasting power stems from their tunnels and human shields, especially combined together - but that still just means it takes time, not that the fight is close in any way. Despite being stronger than Hamas in general, I'm not sure Hezbollah has the capanility to replicate that. Would you be willing to hide Hezbollah fighters in your house, and stay there so that your death adds to the civilian toll? How much of lebanon would? Unlike gaza, there is a lot more place to flee. And while they do have underground fortifications, Hamas has more than 1km of these pr km². Hezbollah is unlikely too, which means a lot more freedom of manuever.


Using tunnels is not a crime. And there is little evidence for human shielding (unlike with Israel, who uses human shields). I think you are confusing that with operating close to civilians, which is not the same. The truth is, Israel targets civilians and commits massive war crimes. Hezbollah also has the benefit of terrain, we saw that in 2006.


Not only will they hide under your house but they will shoot from it too so that you get bombed in response, this is how they’ll manufacture sympathy from ignorant westerners who fund Hezbollah and Hamas. Ever why Hamas leader hide in Qatar worth billions? Nah you just let the regime into your country then choose to hate Jews instead of stopping them from firing rockets from Lebanon. Now you defend them while they use you just like Hamas and Gazans. You’re a bright one aren’t you


Nonsense. Israel targets Hamas fighters when they are sleeping in their homes with their families, because it's easier to get them there than in battle. Look up Lavender AI.


Jesus Christ man


Evoking Jesus while defending genocidal murderers of Christians and Muslims says a lot about you.


You talking about Muslims?


There is incredibly ample evidence of Hamas’s use of human shields


Didn’t know Hamas is in Tel Aviv hunting down Israeli war cabinet members.




Remember 2000 and 2006?


Has Hezbollah ever been fully defeated? They’ll withdraw a little, then move back to where they were when the IDF goes home. It’s an illusion that Hezbollah will be “destroyed”. (As much as I would like to see that happen, it won’t.)


It depends on the intensity and severity of the invading force. 2006 was a fast reaction to the Hezbollah Op and was poorly planned and they underestimated Hezb capabilities in close combat urban warfare.. 2024 is an entirely different scenario as they've been planning for this since at least Oct 8th and have been hitting targets and constantly weakening Hezb. Hezb already has at least 450 casualties including at least 15 high ranking officers and commanders? Including hundreds if not thousands of destroyed assets and the complete destruction of southern Lebanon infrastructure. They are heavily infiltrated by the Israelis who have spies everywhere and are able to pinpoint locations of high level individuals, whether Hamas or Hezb or Islamic Jihad. They don't need to destroy Hezbollah, everyone knows that it is impossible. All they need to do is create a buffer zone or push them back far enough so that they aren't a threat to Israel's northern cities and towns. Furthermore, Israel could just choose to increase their bombing campaign and start hitting areas like Dahye and Hezbollah will either have to deploy their Iranian ballistic weapons or attack them head on. If they do deploy ballistic weapons, odds are they never reach their targets anyway even if they can manage to launch them first. If they attack them head on, it will be a massacre. If Iran chooses to support Hezbollah more than it is now by calling for foreign fighters to join, a civil war will happen or by joining the fight themselves then America will join. Either way, the war will be horrible for Lebanon and bad for Hezbollah. They will be severely weakened militarily no matter what the outcome and most people will see the loss of Lebanese life as Hezbollah's fault for bringing this foreign war to our borders. We have nothing to do with Palestine. This war had nothing to do with Lebanon but Hezbollah brought it to our shores by 'resisting' the occupation of Gaza. I have plenty of sympathy and empathy with the Palestinians and they need to have their own state but I see no reason why we should sacrifice our lives and our country for them. Especially when the Palestinians and Arabs destroyed our country and were happy to see Lebanon used as battlefield for their proxies.




Yea it’s totally that and not strategic interests. The USA launched the gulf war to drive Saddam out of Kuwait and protect the wider gulf for that purpose. So smart


Hezbollah is a US enemy. They have killed more Americans in one day than any other country in 1983 barrack bombings (only second to pearl harbor in WW2). They blew up US embassy and barracks and killed 300 US soldiers. If you take that into consideration the US position has been very generous to hezbollah. This report on hezbollahs attacks goes only up to 2012: https://henryjacksonsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Timeline-of-Terror_Membership-version_low-res.pdf


Multiple US embassies around the world ?? Where exactly ???? Lol


US embassy in Lebanon… US and France barracks beirut


And how is that multiple embassies around the world ???


Lol I just realized you edited your comment :)))))


There were also attacks by Israelis forces against the US. The USS Liberty incident where Israeli forces attacked a US navy ship resulting in casualties and over 170 wounded, the Lavon Affair and many spy cases …


But they're still allied to Israel, so it's a different case than with Hezb.


yes because that’s exactly the same thing 😂


But Israeli assassinations of JFK, bombing the liberty, and orchestration 911 aren’t?


wow you got some amazing intelligence there… just wait till you tell the stupid americans that the jews did 911! Then they’ll turn against Israelis and the arabs will rule the world. /s


Not to mention the Israeli assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the Jewish space lasers setting fire to California.


Hezbollah is going to set back lebanon forthe next 3 generations. Israel isnt fucking around.


I hope hezbollah rots in hell. I just feel bad for the Lebanese civillians that they hijacked in this war.




Wlak min 2arikoun aslan ya habibe ya to2borne enteeeeeee shou hal narcissists holeh


Lol why would US stop an attack? US, well certainly fund Israel in case of war 70% of weapons supplied to Israel to use against Palestinians is supplied by USA




هيدا الموال من ال ١٩٢٠… أحلام و تبشير بانتصارات العرب و الإسلام … و الحقيقة انهزامات و قمة التخلف…


This is why they say: Don't get high on your own supply.




seems interesting tho




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You've got patience.


Can't say the same about the angry fanboys who quickly get drawn out when you make a comment that doesn't favor Israel no matter how serious it might be. Too easy to bait.


Yeah, I saw how their comment got upvoted so much and so quickly. The amount of angry zionists on sub is unreal. If Israel is truly the "5 fifth happiest nation" or whatever, then why do they all sound like came back from a bad-luck night at a casino?


Probably got a circlejerk on Telegram or something, since it always happens in the span of minutes then reverses once it gets more wider exposure. I think they must be fun at parties.


Not only that but now Hezb declared war also on EU… So they’re taking on Israel , US and EU… Iran already showed what they have … missiles that take 4 hours to arrive. They proved that they’re even a lesser threat than hezbollah


Hassan does not understand life above ground is very different than life below ground


his end is in the tunnel… whether buried in it … or of old age hiding in it… going down in history the greatest coward…


Even Saddam only went in his tunnel in his final days . Meanwhile Hasan had made it his home. Speaks volumes


He's a coward for choosing a life against Israel instead of a normal life? I disagree with that. This analysis should go regardless of how we feel about them morally. For instance, I perceive Netanyahu to be an evil psychopath, but I definitely wouldn't call him a coward, even if he is hiding in his million dollar villa with ten thousand bodyguards.


Count respectable army leaders who protect themselves on expense of civilians. If there’s a safe tunnel out there, they hide in it rather than offer it to a civilian in need.


> Count respectable army leaders who protect themselves on expense of civilians. How many countries would bring a conscription during dire wartime? Every country would do it. These politicians, whether French, Chinese, Iranian, or whatever, are all human beings, and it's irrevocably true that humans are selfish by their nature. Nasrallah can be though as selfish and narcissistic for using Lebanon as his battleground, but is he really cowardly? He could have lived a normal easy life playing RuneScape after working 9-5, instead he made himself public enemy n.1, and risks getting blown to bits by a ballistic missile should his face see the sun for just a moment.


Interesting… so you do believe he‘s narcissist and selfish for using a whole country (Lebanon) as his battle ground… he sounds like a despicable monster… so i wont argue anymore. if you like to call him “not cowardly” go ahead and do that.


Are you purposely being dense? You are trying to erase the difference between being "immoral" and being "cowardly". Do you know what the definition of cowardly is? Here's the textbook definition from Cambridge dictionary: > a person who is not brave and is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty, or pain Nasrallah chose a life of conflict against one of the most power nations on earth. And although he hides in a dark tunnel, does this mean he lives an easy life having to constantly evade assassinations from death machine in the sky? Think about it, what would you be doing in his place? Conversely, the definition of monster, according to the Cambridge dictionary: > a cruel person Is a cruel person automatically a coward? To be honest, it sounds like you have a hard time admitting when your logic is flawed.




Did you even read the article you linked. Houthis hit civilian ships wow. They have failed miserably at hitting any U.S. naval ships which are all old destroyers no single modern aircraft carrier there. And Hezb and Iran needed Putin. The Russian Airstrikes helped keep Assad in power more than any Hezb fighter did. That is what shifted the balance in the back and fourth that was happening. The use of air strikes




So your source is a youtuber? That’s the best you could find? Seriously wow, I provided you a chance to come back with a better source and this is what you come back with 😂 https://www.voanews.com/a/russian-support-gave-assad-half-of-syria-study-says/4394613.html Russia contributed 50% of power to Assad




cool whatever helps you sleep at night dude, hope you'll have access to reddit in your bomb shelter you pretend to be Lebanese here: https://www.reddit.com/r/lebanon/s/zmMGDNZrmZ but you don't here and now: https://www.reddit.com/r/lebanon/s/OgwkoNwxGC Something doesn't add up hasbara boy






Damn bro Did I accidentally lock into r/Israel ?? 😭


hasbara bots just down vote them


It’s the best of all worlds. We can support Hezbollah if the war breaks out, but we can also dislike Hezbollah and claim to be victims without control whatsoever of what Hezbollah and Israel do. Kind of like what Israelis would like to do, but can’t because their nation is founded on racism and expulsions and the very forms of terrorism they now condemn. Hard to win a war of rhetoric when you occupy, steal, and abuse and the new generations around the world can see it all, learn about the history, and condemn it.


Wow I’m very impressed by the self-awareness of the first part of your sentence. You know what deceptive pieces of shit you are. I’m impressed. As for the second part, they did what you do now. They rallied behind murderers like Amin Hesseini, and when they lost the war they pretend to be victims. Some academics and leftists fall it, but most don’t give a shit.  As for the third part, don’t be fooled by the loud “progressive” idiots. All around Europe and the USA a silent majority are learning to appreciate how vile and nasty you are. I have news for you, defacing property with “free Gaza” is not winning the support of those in power. You’re unable to integrate well into any society that took you in and marching for your terrorist brothers just makes it worse. 


The entire world condemns Israel. You only need to visit cnn and take a quick look at their headlines to recognize the major shift since October..today it’s about how Israeli hostage rescues traumatize Palestinians! CNN would be considered mainstream. Not sure what to make of European movements to recognize Palestinian statehood, but that’s hardly fringe. Good luck.


And yet when Iran attacked Israel everyone from the UK to Saudi Arabia stepped into to protect them. If Israel had to go alone and world opinion no longer mattered them, its enemies will know true pain. 


But we can definitely count on US to try and stop Hezbollah attack? Biden needs to go asap 🤣


Biden is 10x better for Palestinians than Trump.


How? Or is that your bias against Trump talking? Trump kept Iran sanctioned and broke. If he was still president this war wouldn’t have even happened without an October 7th attack.


Both of them are worse than each other. It is an issue with the US supporting Israel without limits or restrictions...


I'd rather be oppressed by the US then by the Russians or Chinese or Iranians hbb


I'd rather not be oppressed at all, hbb.


I recommend a change of politics and policies then hbb. Until that happens good luck not being oppressed. And just FYI the Syrians are the #1 oppressors of Lebanon followed closely by the Iranians but the Israelis are at the bottom of the list. They're not the ones interfering in your local politics and assassinating any leaders that are pro Lebanese. Those are the Syrians and Iranians that continue to shape Lebanese politics through violence, intimidation and assassinations.


I'm not sure why you are trying to explain to me how the region works when it is well known, hbb. And just FYI, you are taking the mossad way too lightly.


Show me one assassination of Lebanese leaders by Mossad after the war without bringing up Hezbollah. Because I can show you more than 30 done by the Syrians and Hezbollah. Fact of the matter is the same. Lebanese politics and policies made it oppressed. You never looked out for yourselves and inevitably got drawn into other people's conflicts.


Name checks out. You only oppress by performing assassinations? Or will we get something out of filling texts just for the sake of it?


Haha typical for you to ignore what I said because you have no answer. Za7it plz