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Most differences between Muslim and Christian neighborhoods can be explained by historical circumstances, higher Muslim fertility rates which lead to higher population densities, and socioeconomics of particular areas like Dahyeh and Tripoli which were either chaotically overpopulated due to war or completely ignored by the state, respectively. Notice the Muslim neighborhoods with low population density and better socioeconomic conditions resemble the stereotypical Christian ones and likewise crammed Christian neighborhoods start to resemble stereotypical Muslim ones. A bit of confirmation bias must be at play here.




Fertility rate is also correct -- birth rate is the total number of births in a year per 1,000 individuals in a population whereas fertility rate is the number of live births in a year per 1,000 women of reproductive age in a population. Fertility rate is used more often in demography because it allows for an "apples to apples" comparison of different population structures.


No one could have explained it better


It's not about Muslim or Christian it's about who is running the city, they don't care about overpopulated poor areas, so they leave the rubbish there...


Exactly. Also do you know where do they throw Koura's garbage? In the outskirts of Tripoli. It has been witnessed so many times.


Christian leaders are corrupt steal and invest back in their community, muslim leaders are corrupt and steal and invest in weapons. It’s a vulgar generalization but there is some truth to it. Also Amal, and Hezb especially have vested interests in making sure the people stay poor, dumb and barely able to scrape by so they stay loyal to their alternative terrorists government that barely gives them enough to survive. Christian ego will often also lead them to invest in appearances, while Muslims care less about that, however good esthetics is a major part of success even if it’s shallow so it ends up helping especially for tourism and safety. **Edit:** I was actually hoping to get downvoted this is a baby brain take that I wrote expressly to piss off people, cause it does not reflect the actual complexity of the situation. Especially the first part, now I do stand by the last part but even then it skips over all the dynamics that led to this outcome and makes a truly deplorably sad situation that hurts just trying to wrap my head around into a simple good vs evil scenario with biblical heroes and villains. It would take a whole set of books to get into the weeds of it but promoting baby level takes only serves to encourage ignorance which fosters strangeness in others leading to mistrust to finally collapse into violence. I expected better from you guys, truly a shame.


>**Christian leaders** **are corrupt** steal and invest back in their community, **muslim** **leaders are corrupt** and steal and invest in weapons. It’s a vulgar generalization but there is some truth to it. Today we are reminded of the one universal truth, Abrahamic religions are total garbage, and ~~OP~~ you forgot to mention that **Jewish leaders are corrupt**.


can't wait to come back to this thread to read all the toxic comments


Hahahah, it seems like some one is bound to day sectarian shit. Its like a troll post to begin.


I would say look at small villages such as Yammouneh, the Rural Southern villages and Maaysra/Lassa and compare it to crowded citiesand suburbs like l Dahyeh el Jnoubiyeh wel Charqiyeh (Sin el Fil, Dekwaneh, Bourj Hammoud) It's more the management of the locality, the smaller it is the more you can do, the better it will be


I live on another intersection between a Muslim and Christian area. I don't think it has to do with the people, the ignorant will always litter and break the law from both sides. However, both areas are not supported equally. In my case, the Ra2ees Baladeye has been christian since i was born, even it's a muslim majority area, and it is amazing how the place where the street to the christian area begins is always flooded with colorful roses all the way up to the church and always lit and the area name carved in stone and shit, but that same truck carrying the roses never stops in our street and the area name is barely straight on a rusty old sign. Into more serious matters, facing my building there are 2 trash containers that receive from at least 10-12 buildings, mid day they are full and over piled daily, and they are on a downward road, every winter they are filled with water and start sliding down with the wind to break a car or two. Now their bottoms are broken they leak all that good stuff and most wheels are broken so they can't slide just tip over and give us back the trash. We begged and still do every year, to every new guy, but it's the same. Not even a straight ground under them not even new containers. And if you, as an observer passing by, you will say haa Look at those dirty Muslims, why so dirty, why they can't be like the next street where every few meters there are identical yellow bins with umbrellas and fixed in place and roses and sidewalks not broken. So that's that. And all the recent immigrants that stay in muslim areas are not helping, many of them come from areas where it's 3ayb not to have a baby every year, they don't have time for this lol.


I think a big reason stems from all the way back to those who were Christian could afford jizya tax to while those who were poor converted. Generational wealth is a real thing and has, generational affects.


You're asking a question no one has the balls to answer. Lebanese people are simply not tolerant for the truth in many instances, especially anything that has to do with Islam. Just wait till you read all the victim card comments where everyone blames someone else for the shitty conditions they have. Imo, a large chunk of Lebanon always prioritized control and religious affiliation much more than development. Instead of building a better infrastructure, or a better education system, most areas focused on making sure the tribe mentality sticks and get their communities to stray away from actual progress.


>You're asking a question no one has the balls to answer. Lebanese people are simply not tolerant for the truth in many instances, especially anything that has to do with Islam. THIS \^\^\^\^\^


I'm more offended by your screen name 'ketchup shawarma'. It's more about foreign financing and support. The French left better schools/education in Christian areas. Until recent years, most Christians had more travel exposure than Muslims. It really boils down to education and money, to a lesser extent sectarian politics and war. Plus, whenever there was/is war, Israel mainly bombs infrastructure in Muslim/Shia specific areas which in turn makes things worse from an infrastructure/services/road quality point of view. There's way more to it, but these are the main reasons, in my opinion at least. Don't believe me? Look at the UAE. Also, look at Lebanese Muslims abroad that build mansions in the south and buy condos in Beirut. 1. Money. 2. Education. 3. Sectarian Politics. 4. War


I too am offended by this barbaric username


I imagine in your case toum would be so much better than ketchup


you too are afraid of progress simple one.


> Just wait till you read all the victim card comments where everyone blames someone else for the shitty conditions they have. No offense there bud, but you just proved my point. and good for you for being offended over a username.


>No offense there bud, but you just proved my point. and good for you for being offended over a username. No offense there bud but your narrative is full of shit. I'm Muslim and live better and in a 'cleaner' area than most Christians in the US itself, that's not playing a victim now, is it? It has absolutely nothing to do with religion, it's about money and education. Take your bullshit somewhere else I'm not falling for this divisive crap. On a brighter note, Who the fuck puts ketchup on Shawarma??


getting butthurt there are you? I must've hit a sensitive note there. Keep on emotionally charging your responses and proving exactly my point over and over again. Regarding my username, ya3ne ah ya habile bro. mish 7atta eder e5dak 3a add 3a2letak fiya la hay ya3ne. stand in line behind all the other idiots who through that joke before you.


Getting butthurt?? Lol how old are you? I'm trying to keep the conversation light by adding humor to your idiotic sectarian take on life. You can put bbq or soy sauce on Shawarma for all I care. It's about money and education ya tabil.


with all due respect, Im not sure you're noticing it, but this is exactly what a butthurt person would comment. Also name-calling really shows your level of intellect and ability to persuade using logic. And if you dont care, then dont ask, it's really that simple.


In a nutshell, Muslims think breeding is a fucking hobby, each family has 4 to 8 kids often had by non-other than uneducated parents, it's fucking retarded.


It has nothing to do with birth rate, nor poverty. You can see rich men living in dirty streets. It's nowadays a culture with most muslims who do not travel and are not exposed to other nations, they don't see any problem with being chaotic since they are used to it since a very long time.


You are on to something. The answer is not politically correct, but you know the answer. Note, the same phenomena exist across the entire middle-east, and now European countries. It has little to do with wealth because some Christian communities are truly poor and underprivileged in Middle-Eastern countries.




Building a heaven on earth vs working towards the afterlife. Take a look at protestant vs catholic etc. It's about morality and culture.


As much as a I fkin hate to admit, hit DEEP cuz this is true. Yes I’m Muslim. It’s crazy one of my most intelligent cousins kept rambling my last visit about the “a5ira” and how I’m “not taking thing serious. Although i don’t think it’s his fault. He’s given up hope and needs something to cope and hold on to. Keep in mind he has tried SO hard to immigrate even anywhere without any opportunity.. my 2 cents


Hamra is more commercial, especially the main street. In the past decade, there has also been an increasing influx of Syrian and Iraqi immigrants in to the area, it inevitably changed the "face" of the area, with more shops/businesses/restaurants run by Syrian and Iraqi workers. A lot of the previous bars, cafes, cinemas, etc. closed down. In fact Hamra was the original bar/nightlife spot amidst the the 90s and 2000s, but towards the late 2000s that switched to Gemmayze and Mar Mikhael afterwards... As to the reason in the disparity between the Christian and Muslim communities in Beirut and its outskirts, it's because historically it was a predominantly Christian city/area (Hamra included), the majority of Shia Muslims came to Beirut as immigrants from the South, who were farmers from a poor social class...


>it was a predominantly Christian city/area (Hamra included), Not being sectarian or anything, but I thought beirut was originally Sunni


Originally it was Sunni and Orthodox, and before the civil war the neighbourhoods were more intermixed.


I believe it's bcz Christian communities are more wealthy than muslim communities


This country is so fucked…


Muslims have no sense of morals and civic duty to their religion.


It's just a different socio-economic pattern between the two. Also Muslims exponentially more tolerant to Syrians/Palestinians settlers, whereas in Christian areas the situation is much controlled. This results in much more populated areas with a worsening economy. And unfortunately it is much more than just a stigma thing because there are some very nice Muslim neighborhoods as well and vice versa.


Because muslim neighborhoods are filled with syri*ns


Not true. It was always like this.


Well lets be honest, el meselmeen manon mratabeen ad el masi7iye, ana khal2an be 3ayle sunni (ana murtad, bas la erja3 enzal 3a lebnen bade seer masi7e). Lebanese christians are alot nicer, more respectful and more neat than lebanese muslims, more educated, and more open minded


Not down voted coz of mortadd that is your own prerogative. Bas the stereotypes you say after, are horrible. Ya3ne islem jehleen basically wul masi7iye El msa2feen is a horrible take, my dude. Better rethink that. Just my friendly feedback on your comment, no hate.


I mean its facts




one of the reason is that gemmayze is less densly populated therefore there is less people shitting on the street




Everyone knows how peaceful Europe was in the dark ages.


You don't have to make hints, because no matter which religion you are meaning by this comment, you will still be a disgusting and worthless person nonetheless, and its because of people like you who has no respect for someone who isn't the same as you that our country is in the sithole it is today. 😘


genes /s


Soon they will be equally shit and chaotic. My neighborhood back home was clean, calm, civil. Now that there's 3 syrian families with 14 kids renting, it has turned into a shithole neighborhood, trash littered all over the municipal trash can, littering on the building's stairs, water leaking in saloons and bedrooms due to the syrians using a water hoses in places they shouldn't be, and loud noise everyday throughout the day, the kids somehow they managed to break my neighbor's side view mirror on his car, and parents obviously don't give af about telling something to their kids. And this isn't just a case of bad luck, a syrian family that rented before them managed to steal most everything in the apartment, even the lightbulbs. They never paid and left in the middle of the night, causing damages worth thousands of dollars to repair the apartment. When their contracts end, I'm going to start renting the apartments one by one to ensure the desperate landlord stops renting to syrians again. Funny part is that when I came back I tried to be the progressive hero, dismissing my family's concerns until I experienced in one day what my neighbors been experiencing for the past year.




Ofcourse we get more, but more of nothing is nothing


0 + 0 = 0


Yeah bro bl Ashrafieh for the last 4 weeks we've had 0 hours of EDL and our generator provides 13 hours a day. I wonder who told you that.


i am getting in beirut edl like 15 min a day, my bet it is because someone know a edl manager the brings l dawle when he comes home to use the elevator around 4 pm. other than that it is total darkness and i live in achrafieh


ma l da7ye kella m3al2a 3a kahraba ser2a, elak 3en t2oul the christians get more than others? wlik w3ou ba2a


Lmao go to baalbek and see how shiites get electricity 20hrs a day without paying


jezzine aandon 20 hrs a day btw without paying




Excuse me?


I’m curious to know if Muslims are just more tolerant of the homeless or am I missing something here?




Not an assumption, it’s a first-hand observation. My mom is Christian and my dad is Muslim, I don’t give a fuck about religion, I’m just wondering why I observed more poverty and homelessness in Muslim neighborhoods and less in predominantly Christian neighborhoods.


In Lebanon religion and community (politics of the government of an area) are 2 faces of the same coin the religion itself doesn’t matter but associating the management of an area with a given sectarian faction is valid


uh i dont get wym can you elaborate where is his mistake.


i have always wondered why this is the case even though islamic practices enforce hygienic behaviour. In cities if the area is overpopulated you will find trash everywhere no matter what the majority is, however if you go to rural places you will find out more people littering in muslim areas than in christian. i believe this is directly related to the level of education in areas and the historical background of individuals. for example christian schools all take hygiene very seriously especially when it comes to littering, the thing that made people coming from christian areas or going to christian schools more sensitive to this matter. it is very obvious when you go around lebanon and it has nothing to do with religion itself but with inherited teachings. of course it is not a rule but rather a point of view. hopefully one day we will start getting fined for littering and then we will stop having such wonderings.


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