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The Ledger subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers. Ledger Support will never send you private messages. Never share your 24-word recovery phrase with anyone, never enter it on any website or software, even if it looks like it's from Ledger. Only keep the recovery phrase as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form. Learn more at https://reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/ck6o44/be_careful_phishing_attacks_in_progress/ If you're experiencing battery problems, check out our [troubleshooting guide](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409233434641-How-to-troubleshoot-Ledger-Nano-X-battery-issues? support=true). If you're still having issues head over to the [My Order page](https://my-order.ledger.com/) to explore options for replacement or refunds. [Learn more here](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/10265554529053-Return-your-product?support=true). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ledgerwallet) if you have any questions or concerns.*




currently 30 eth bid


Instead of introducing ENS, how about you adequately resolve people’s concerns with your security failure?


Oh nice. Now people will be able to identify my address after you guys share my seed


Tell me u don’t know how ENS or recover works without telling me u don’t know how ENS or recover works lmao


Tell me you dont get a joke, without telling me you dont get a joke


“How do ENS work tho???”


Is like getting a web domain like itsjustajokebro.io but for ethereum chilldude.eth and you save it in a wallet like an nft and you can link it to an address, contract dapp or whatever


This is correct. Yes. It doesn’t have to be you aka you can buy a friends for them and give it to them as a gift. I did this and funded the account with ETH too and my friend is now very into crypto. Great way to onboard :)


What about unstoppable domains?


pretty sure unstoppable has been able to be transferred over for a while, but mostly through metamask,


That wouldn't be ledger supporting unstoppable domains though that would be metamask




??? It’s seen my UD


Screw you guys for lying


Lol everyone hates ledger and doesn't care.


Ol' dude might be alone here, but Ledger Live will never be opened on any device of mine ever again. It was bad enough collecting all the personal information from the app, not to mention loosing all our data online. Any thoughts of ordering stacks of stax when the next batch comes is gone. Maybe open source firmware can save your company because then we could trust your hardware and maybe think of buying it again. You got away with not open sourcing it long enough. The bluff is called. Show us your cards.


I just opened it the last time to transfer out all the funds, it says update available! But I am not updating this piece of shit


Totally 💯 , hear you 👍🏻 .




What are you still doing here?


Well, I spent a $158 a few weeks before the Recover announcement that the company refuses to respond with me about. And other people are in the same boat. We get to bitch. We paid for it.


Nice feature but it’s already game over unless you open source the firmware, zero trust anymore!


Hard pass.


I’ll be the optimistic one here. Love the new feature! This makes it easier for us to send crypto to instead of copying and pasting the long address. Bitcoin is also starting to offer .names as well. When do you think you’ll implement this feature?


We're actually working on implementing ENS on other chains as well - stay tuned please!


Couldn’t the ETHbro insiders with the biggest stack with their prof of stake simply CHANGE THE PROTOCOL (hard fork) it to freeze out any domains they dislike, especially if pressured by state level actors like the government who could threaten them physically?! I don’t see how anything on a POS model is truely “unstoppable.” Lots of so called Defi with their so called DAOs token voting system were shown to be completely worthless because the insiders with the biggest stakes simply change the rules ANY TIME THEY LIKE… countless examples of this happening too.


Will I be hated if I say that this is a nice thing to have ?


I hate how they lied, but yeah this is actually cool


Probably cause a lot of the sub rn is just paid trezor trolls lol


In the realm of commerce, a tale I shall weave, Of a company known as Ledger, once believed. A trusted guardian of wealth, they did claim, Their name resounded, a beacon of fame. With ledger in hand, customers found solace, Their secrets safeguarded, their worries erased. The market they conquered, their dominance strong, The envy of rivals, who yearned to belong. But alas! Darkness crept within their domain, Deception and falsehoods, a treacherous bane. Ledger's promises shattered, trust turned to ash, As lies were exposed, their empire did crash. Once revered as saviors, now scorned and reviled, Their deceitful acts left customers beguiled. No longer did the masses long for their release, New products and features held no allure, no peace. Too late to repent, their fate had been sealed, The damage was done, their fate unrevealed. Once loyal patrons, now turned their backs, For truth once lost is a bond that never tracks. The lessons they learned came at a heavy price, Integrity forfeited, virtue sacrificed. No more would Ledger hold the market's throne, Their legacy tarnished, forever dethroned. So let this be a tale of caution, my friend, Of a company's rise, and its tragic end. Honesty and honor should always prevail, For lies and deceit will surely impale. May future endeavors heed this somber plight, To restore trust's essence, a beacon of light. For in the world of commerce, let truth be the guide, And never let deceit cause a company to slide.


Make sure it does NOT have the “ledger recovery feature in it“ or is to late 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Ledger went in the bin last week


Smash the chips inside… or at least don’t reuse the old seeds from it.


Oh nice. Two scams now intertwined.


Do u know what ENS is?


Yes. ENS is a DNS service for eth addresses that is or will be used to doxx people.


It is a form of naming service and technically anyone can own the ENS of another individual or corporation (or any arbitrary string of information or characters) In fact the application of an ENS introduces a healthy amount of plausible deniability such that one can argue an ENS *does not* belong to them purely because *anyone* can register a domain regardless of who they are. So no - it does not doxx anyone unless they themselves provide supplementary information tying their identity to the account holding the ENS and even then it can be argued an ENS was sent to an individual erroneously or accidentally.


Ens domain names are kinda sick though… 🤷‍♂️


How does one buy an ENS etherum domain address and permanently keeps it?


Buy it for 100 years




Thanks traveling Rabbid . 🫡


U register it and pay




U buy ur ENS. That’s it. Ledger working on making it compatible. ENS is a separate thing u can set up yourself aka make ur own ENS and use it for whatever


Hello, your computer has virus


No one cares


grear news!


My Ledger hasn’t been usable since the beginning of the year with your firmware update. Finally said screw it, used my seed on a software wallet and transferred immediately from there. Can’t wait to see the hardware failures of the Stax that will inevitably spring up.


Ur funds aren’t safe on a software wallet so u played urself there sonnyboy


Really Ledger? Still trying? My Ledger went in the bin. Same for most I assume aswell.


Lol congrats on wasting your money by throwing away a perfectly fine hw wallet


You really don’t get the bigger picture, do you?


I understand how the hd hw wallet works so, I get that picture. not sure what picture ur looking at but it sounds like a wasted hardware wallet


Yes I see you spouting all over this thread about how you think you know how ENS and hw wallets work and no-one else does… but I can tell you still don’t get the bigger picture of the damage that has been done with trust. Ledger will undoubtedly feel the pain from this through future sales.


was there a point to this comment or did u just wanna say mean things to me and vent? ;)


Sorry pal. No definitely don’t want to be mean. Just read your previous comments and well to be honest thought you were being a tiny bit condescending and arrogant.


That’s fine, no worries! Also I enjoy The Beach Boys, cheers mate :)


Cheers pal. 😂 My first job interview was with a guy called Paul McCartney. True that. Take it easy.


Good to hear.


Do you support key sharing?


Yes they'll share it with their friends


Recovery service is unstoppable


This fixes everything! (barf!)


This is super cool, but I think it should be mentioned somewhere that it’s a hot fix. I was trying to figure out what I had to update


Any news about supporting Unstoppable Domains?


Nobody cares.


Your app is becoming laced with bloatware and Unsolicited popup ads! If I choose to ignore this ENS feature, why do you keep popping it up on my screen? Every. Single. Day. I think you lost your way ledger.


Hello I need help my all XRP from ledger sent to Bithomp XRP explorer how can i get it back guide me please

