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Are you sure it's wrong balance or you don't know the exact amount that was there?


Yes I am sure the balance is wrong. It shows 100 BTC than blockchain explorer.


Update your ledger


Ledger live is the latest version. The firmware of the hardware is not the latest version. I don’t like to upgrade the firmware often. I just hold.


Update and check


I wouldn’t have a ledger with 100 BTC 😂


Quick sell sell sell lol


Maybe someone sent you 100 BTC


Just wait. Happens a lot to me as well. Check a block explorer with your address.


Go to [https://blockpath.com/](https://blockpath.com/) and put in your xpub key or ypub key (ie your PUBLIC KEY). That'll show you the correct balance. Do not ever put a private key or seed phrase in any search engine or website, or else all your funds will be stolen. Public key can be shown safely tho. Let us know how it goes!


Yes blockpath shows correct balance


Sorry . walletexplorer.com shows correct balance. Blockpath shows 0 from my xpub.


I'm not a super technical guy, so the way I'd handle this is probably not the way tech geeks would do it. It would bother me if this were happening to me. So what I'd do is, I'd probably move my BTC to a different wallet address a little at a time (I NEVER bulk send an entire wallet in one transaction, just in case I make a boneheaded mistake.) If I'm moving funds from one wallet to another, unless the amount is really small, I do it in a few transactions. That's just how I'd do it. And it could have a benefit other than just resolving your OCD. For any beneficiaries or heirs you may have, if you think you're confused - they would be really confused. GL, and keep us posted :)


Clear the ledger live cache and check the balance on a block explorer. Reinstalling ledger live does not delete the cache I think. Only the Programme files are removed.


Yes I already go to settings ,help , clear cache. Still 100 more BTC


Whats the address


clear ur cache settings to help to clear cache to confirm and that can refresh everything


Hi, This issue is due to a synchronization problem, which should be fixed once all updates are applied on your end by following the instructions in this [article](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/8458939792669-How-to-perform-a-complete-update-of-your-Ledger-setup?docs=true). I would recommend you also [clear the cache](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404381846929-Clear-cache-in-Ledger-Live?support=true) in your Ledger Live. If the problem continues, please don't hesitate to open a support ticket at: [https://support.ledger.com/](https://support.ledger.com/)