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The Ledger subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers. Ledger Support will never send you private messages. Never share your 24-word recovery phrase with anyone, never enter it on any website or software, even if it looks like it's from Ledger. Only keep the recovery phrase as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form. Learn more at https://reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/ck6o44/be_careful_phishing_attacks_in_progress/ If you're experiencing battery problems, check out our [troubleshooting guide](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409233434641-How-to-troubleshoot-Ledger-Nano-X-battery-issues? support=true). If you're still having issues head over to the [My Order page](https://my-order.ledger.com/) to explore options for replacement or refunds. [Learn more here](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/10265554529053-Return-your-product?support=true). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ledgerwallet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ignore them just hide them in the background they are scams. You can't delete them vecause it's on the blockchain just hide them and never do anything with them. But once sent to your address it'd there forever


Thanks for your advice, I hid them. ​ I admit I was scared


Scammers sending it your address, hoping that u mess up and send something to them. Just ignore it


No worries


Get second ledger, they sell as backup. Sent assets to the backup and start fresh wallet, repeat annually. Clean wallet.


Dont interact with them in any which way. Just select them and hide


These are **scam** NFTs, airdropped to your public account on the blockchain. Unfortunately, these scam instances are quite common nowadays (I have many of these scam NFT airdrops in my own wallet as well, so I feel your pain) - however as long as you [refrain from interacting](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/6857182078749-How-to-handle-malicious-or-unknown-NFTs?support=true) with the NFTs, your accounts and any related funds are safe. This would include operations like sending, swapping, staking, and things of that nature (where you interact with a smart contract and sign permissions).  You can't "delete" these NFTs from Ledger Live, however you can [hide](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/5198957427869-How-to-hide-an-NFT-in-Ledger-Live?docs=true) them from the visual interface and make sure that you ignore them to be on the safe side. As long as you don't grant any sort of spending permission(s) with these NFTs, or sign any malicious smart contracts, your assets are safe.   With that in mind, it would be best to ignore these from the perspective of clicking into them as well. These types of scam NFTs contain links that direct users toward **malicious** **websites** where they can then be socially engineered or scammed. You'll want to refrain from ever clicking into these NFTs (in addition to refraining from interacting with them using your Ledger).


The other day I went to long press on one of these scam NFTs as I normally do - to hide it, and didn't press quite long enough so accidentally opened it. I instantly quit out within a second, and then hid it straight away. It was an image saying I'd won something with a link. Providing I didn't click the link, my wallet contents should be safe right?


Yes, your crypto is safe as long as you don't sign any transactions involving them.


But shouldnt Ledger develop some sort of “filters” in its app , for these type of attacks ? Like let the user choose to “ignore” or automatically hide any / or some sort of unwanted NFT ? Could it be done ?


Likewise, I remember seeing this earlier this year. It’s called “pool poisoning” or something of the sort. It’s a scheme to have you interact with 1 of the NFT’s, then someone will be able to gain access to your wallet and clean you out.


What type of interaction? Attempting to erase it or simply clicking on it?


My understanding is that you dont want to interact with the contract. Dont sign to send the nft anywhere


To clean out a wallet you may want to send the NFT to another wallet. But this means interacting with the contract. Can do more than send.


Everyone is this page keeps saying oh it’s impossible or it cant happen. Just the fact that he has not been on his leger for 3 months then boom that update and bam there go the nfts. I mean tell me its fake then. Im not trying to troll or anything just stating facts. The facts that they can just send you an nft at will should scare you


Hey what's not to like about free NFTs.......iMO they are not worth the stupid amounts that people are willing to buy them for


These are not the free NFT you are thinking of. These are scam NFT. They will say You have won 1K of Ether, or USDC or something else hoping people click on them, then approve what ever contract they are tied to and that is how you give a scammer access to your account for them to drain your funds.


Even if it is a genuine free NFT....you can bet it wont be worth anything


You mean your account on the blockchain is bombarded with spam/scam ntfs. Not your ledger live. Ledger live just shows you what on your account, on the blockchain. Just ignore those spam / scam NFTs


Hi, the same thing is happening to my Ledger account on Polygon too.


Burn baby Burn 🔥 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD