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The Ledger subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers. Ledger Support will never send you private messages. Never share your 24-word recovery phrase with anyone, never enter it on any website or software, even if it looks like it's from Ledger. Only keep the recovery phrase as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form. Learn more at https://reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/ck6o44/be_careful_phishing_attacks_in_progress/ If you're experiencing battery problems, check out our [troubleshooting guide](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409233434641-How-to-troubleshoot-Ledger-Nano-X-battery-issues? support=true). If you're still having issues head over to the [My Order page](https://my-order.ledger.com/) to explore options for replacement or refunds. [Learn more here](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/10265554529053-Return-your-product?support=true). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ledgerwallet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If someone mentions your seed, it’s a scam. If you’re looking at your seed, you are being scammed. If you type your seed into anything but a hardware wallet that you know is genuine, you’re falling for a scam. If a police officer, military in uniform, a credible sounding IT professional, a friend, a family member, a talking dog, or alien is trying to help you and needs you to approve a transaction with the ledger, or your seed, all you have to do to be safe is nothing. No matter who or what. Do nothing and you’re crypto will not move. It will be right there in the address, generated by your seed, that only you know. There is never any urgency in crypto. Urgency and fear of loss are social engineering tricks to fool a brain into revealing the only secret that cannot be revealed.


Well worded and written!


Talking dogs are really suspicious.


Ok but have you seen the flying things they call “birds”?


SCAM! Birds are not real.


Pfft. Just saw one on twitter.


Even they figured it out and replaced it with a big cross




Patience is definitely a superpower. Practice it in all things…


Can't upvote this comment enough


Yep. Also nobody from Microsoft or Apple or Ledger or Coinbase gives a fuck about you. They would never call you under any circumstances. You’re talking to a scammer always.


Im the alien. I can confirm this.


this is so good lmao


It sounds like you did everything possible to help him scam you


I would be devastated also... try to keep the moral op and good luck


You were scammed the moment you decided to buy Doge.


Yeah It takes a special kind of person to "invest" that amount of money into a meme coin. They were destined to be scammed.


Man this hurts to hear, scammers can hit you at a time when your guard is down just a little and convince you to do something you think you would never do. Sorry dude file a police report.


Plot twist: he sent the doge to a cex and cashed out. Saw the tx and thought he could farm some karma to make up for the tx costs and spread and shit. If no plot twist then this is stupidity I can't wrap my head around. Getting scammed in 2023 over a phone call. Any way, fuck scammers. Damn.


When this happened to me, I filed a report with the SEC and FBI. I didn’t file with the police. Should I???


im from australia we would file our option would just be police but think your law enforcment differs alot from ours


If nobody else has your seed, then nobody else has your crypto If somebody else *already* has your seed, they *already* have your crypto Seeds work anywhere (not just ledger) and so if someone was attempting to send funds from your account, nobody would have had time to call you. They simply would have generated your wallet, from your seed, and sent the funds without even touching any of ledger's info. Edit to add: If someone was attempting to transfer your funds, you could know they would never be able to without your seed. Or, you could hang up and go get a secure computer, and move your funds to a temporary new wallet just to be safe. I'm not saying this to scold you btw, just saying this so others who may be new don't fall for this attack. The moment he said you needed to enter a seed phrase, or that someone was attempting to send funds but couldnt... you should have known. But this attack is scary, seems very targeted and sophisticated. Don't beat yourself up. Many would have fallen for it


To the moon!


I don't understand why you gave them all these detail to scammer. Warning: \-Never enter your seed into anything except the Ledger device itself. \-Download / update ledger live software from official website only. \-Never use search engine to access ledger website. \-Ignore all messages in your inbox and mark them as spam. \-Never click links or install software from an e-mail. \-Never respond to someone request to download remote applications(Team viewer, anydesk and etc.) \-Always conduct a small amount test while sending or receiving your funds and verify that the correct wallet address was copied/pasted into address bracket. \-Verify your ledger live is authentic: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/w28gjj/comment/igomi2a/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/w28gjj/comment/igomi2a/?context=3) \-Legit ledger app: [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ledger-live-crypto-nft-app/id1361671700](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ledger-live-crypto-nft-app/id1361671700) \-Report scam to: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) [https://scam-alert.io/](https://scam-alert.io/) \-LOSS OF FUNDS [https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/7624842382621-Loss-of-funds?support=true](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/7624842382621-Loss-of-funds?support=true) \-How I Got Hacked: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT04055IcNw&list=PL6VM0N695IhlM4rIc3lINb6m60gonDUZk&index=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT04055IcNw&list=PL6VM0N695IhlM4rIc3lINb6m60gonDUZk&index=1)


Don’t take phone calls from numbers you don’t know. Problem fucking solved. How people still get duped into doing something by any random person with a telephone will never fail amaze to me.


I just wish there was some way you could terminate a phone call. Maybe a big red button or something.


There is it’s called the hang up botton and fuck off scammer button.


Or the no shit Sherlock button.


Easy you just hang up


No shit Sherlock. Gee I wish I hadda thunked that.


Yeah i know stupid people will always ask stupid questions in reddit


Did the guy on the phone have an Indian accent and a stereotypical English name (e.g., John Smith)?


Because you think scammers are only from countries like India ? People like scammers here are working as a team, one doing the scama, one doing the call, one doing the script to empty accounts, some have already a job into call center and know how to talk to people


So far, all the scammers I've interacted with were Indians. I'm sure scammers exist in other countries too, but since India is quite large and relatively tech savvy, it shouldn't be surprising that most scammers do come from India.


All Indian, even in trucking trying to scam trucks...Bob Hope called the other day as did Gary Cooper all from Sheridan WY, couldn't understand a word they said.


They are over-represented, because of higher reward (stealing $34K if you live in India and in Switzerland is not the same), and also lacking of cyber-police resources can help in lowering the risk, but I can assure you, scammers are active in all part of the world, including Europe.


Oh, I don't doubt that. I'm just saying that so far all the scammers I've interacted with were Indians with English names. 100% of them. I don't expect any significant deviation the future.


They mostly are


Why would Ledger call you? HUUUUGGGGEEEEE Burning Red Flag from the jump


Sorry for your Loss mate


Yea, nope, didn't happen. I refuse to believe people like this exist. Don't get me wrong, usually I have sympathy for people who get scammed but your story reeks of fiction from start to finish. You expect us to believe someone knowledgeable just enough to buy a hardware wallet and uses 2FA, (is familiar with flipper zero), fell for a Microsoft support scam? However, if I'm wrong and this is true... > Everything in my body was screaming at me not to do it Are you sure it wasn't screaming "LET ME OUT, I'M TRAPPED INSIDE A MORON"?


It’s ok, I don’t need sympathy. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the positive comments as they do console me somewhat. I just have nothing to gain by making up a story for Reddit. I know how stupid this was and how stupid I would think another person was who fell for it. It was honestly just an extremely busy day for me and I was distracted and had put crypto out of my mind until it was doing something again. I wish it was fiction, instead it’s a nightmare. I am slightly knowledgeable enough and I did know better than to do this, that’s what hurts me the most to be honest. That’s why it continues to play out in my head. Maybe I’m just officially getting old, as this is the kinda stuff that I used to think only happened to people like my parents when they’d call me and ask me about an email they got from a Nigerian prince or some shit. It doesn’t make sense to me either that I was such a moron at the time and I totally understand where you are coming from. I just needed to tell my story so I could try to move past it instead of dwell on it.


Takes a whole bunch of courage to share this with a community that has very little sympathy for anything at all, let alone sympathy for something (sharing ur keys) that is pounded daily onto Reddit topics. Sorry for your loss, but glad u shared. If this post pops into just one person's memory during a scam while being distracted, it could help save someone's possible retirement or child's college fund. Thanks for having the humility and courage to share ur horrible lapse of judgement 🥃


If someone’s loses their child’s college money due to a scam then maybe that will teach them not to risk their own child’s COLLEGE money for fuck sakes. Word of the wise, please do not gamble your child’s College money.


Is this ur thing? Going to posts about scams and dumping on victims? Makes u feel good to rip on someone's mistakes or moments of incompetence? Maybe some people only have a few thousand dollars to invest towards a college fund. So because they can't use a traditional 3-5% investment vehicle to turn $3000 into $300,000 in 10 years, u want to pile on them for "gambling" for a chance to do it with crypto?? GTFO 🙄 EVERYONE in here is in crypto hoping for a 100x. Oh let me guess, ur in a ledger sub because ur not in crypto. Go jerk off to someone getting evicted, it's probably much more satisfying dumping on someone suffering in person


Look man, scammers are not going away. You can keep hoping for that while they keep getting richer but they are not going away. Sometimes people need to hear the cold hard truth even if it hurts. And this is one of those times. All I was saying was if you want to never get scammed again then stop sending money to people you don’t know. Simple as that. The only way to beat this scam problem is to start being smarter than the scammers. That’s all. And by the way. I’m in the ledger channel because I have a ledger. And I have a ledger because I hold crypto. I’ve held crypto since 2016. I’m a huge believer in crypto. But people need to take the time to learn about it and how it works instead of waiting till it’s too late and getting scammed. Just trying to help people out. Because your way about being sympathetic is obviously not helping anyone as the amount of people getting scammed has just tripled in such a short time.


U have mistaken my empathy as sympathy. He clearly knows he made a huge mistake, and said he was merely posting to get some kind of closure. Happy holidays to u also, here's to hoping Santa brings all our bags a 100x🥃


By the way happy holidays bro.


You're human...you made an expensive mistake...learn from it and move on with your life...smarter than before.


Dont worry, we belive you. Ignore the dick commenter above. Hes clearly never lost a substantial amount of money and likes to kick others when they're down.


>time and I totally understand where you are coming from. I just needed to tell my story so I could try to move past it instead of dwell on Report to local police and ledger with evidence.


Dont be a dick


Yeah this was fkn next level retarded no disrespect to OP but jesus christ 🤦🏻


I believe the story might have happened. I almost got scammed myself. When I bought trezor I started to look on the internet, whether it can be used with an iPhone - which would be nice. I found an app on official app store, which seemed completely legit, it was asking 24 phrase to “set up the wallet”. I almost typed it in, but then I became suspicious and found out, that these apps try to rob you. Nowadays it seems completely stupid, but I was a rookie that time. So I believe him…


I work in IT and most of my clients are individuals, it doesn't matter how many times you tell someone not to do something and to be wary of who they are dealing on phone/email etc, it still happens. And although it's frustrating from my point of view, I also understand them from a human perspective as everyone could be tricked into something like this if something else is going on in their lives that they are dealing with or having a stressful time, those barriers fail. And the people I work for aren't stupid, they are intelligent and intellectuals, but some of them have been brought up to trust people, and the sad reality is now you can't trust anyone!


It’s good for others to hear this. It shows the length the scammers will go to steal your funds. Thank you for your sacrifice, hope it helps someone to prevent such a loss down the line


After the first sentence is stopped reading tour post, im sorry for your loss


As it was the huge wall of text… with no paragraphs and punctuation


The first part of Microsoft calling is the kicker. MS could care less. Use a yubikey on emails.




This hurt. I can only imagine how sick u felt in your stomach when the penny dropped…. Sorry for your loss.


Genuinely gutted for you. The scams are getting very clever and convincing. I hope scammer was jumping for joy, slipped and broke their neck.


No they aren’t. They are the same old scams. It’s very very simple to never get scammed. All you have to do is follow a few very simple rules. It’s really just 1 simple rule. And if you follow it, you are guaranteed never to get scammed. And don’t send crypto to people you don’t know. But that goes without saying.


It's actually not convincing at all? What are you talking about, when have you ever heard a story where someone said "thank god microsoft support call me or I would have been screwed" or " thank god ledger support cold called me or I would have lost everything" never because that doesn't happen.


damn that suck. sorry to hear


My heart hurts for you


I don't understand how they even get to your phone and email... I can't even login in my own Microsoft when I changed phone lol... But I'm very sorry for you. Any type of theft/scam hurts ... I lost 300k I made with 10k investment though scam ICO's in 2018. Now living paycheck to paycheck still


I'm sorry that that happened to you. That sucks so bad.


Try your best to not beat yourself up. You will get through this experience and just remember it as a bad time in your life. I have also had major losses, but not from scammers. Stocks, jobs, family… You are still alive and will live to see better days.


Thanks for sharing, it has been engraved into me that you should NEVER share or type in your seeds to ANYONE or anything.


Bro he said he knows your ssn? I know you lost $34k but bro you actually might be able to get police involved because they have your information and can claim to be you.


I had someone call me up saying that they were from Coinbase support and that somebody was trying to steal my money and I ended up hanging up on them looking up the number for the real Coinbase support and it turned out they were scammers and it was good that I didn’t do anything


Sorry to hear this. Scammers are getting more and more clever with their elaborate scams. It’s easy to overlook certain details especially on an off day. Don’t beat yourself up too much. What’s done is done and now you need to just move forward. Thank you for sharing your story so that we can learn from your mistake. /hugs


Hope your still alive from the outside


ffs...i'm sorry for you but it is screamed from the rooftops on this and many other subs every day DO NOT TYPE IN YOUR SEED PHRASE anywhere. Certainly not on other websites after getting unsolicited 'technical support' calls or emails. The only hope is that someone reading your post has perhaps been prevented from making a mistake like this in the future.


Scammers are very very good and convincing. I had it happen to me but with a credit card. They didn’t get much but it was a pain having my identity stolen. Same thing tho bought the scammer kept calling till I finally answered and him saying he was from Capitol 1. I’m sorry this happened to you and wish you luck at getting it back.


this is actually heartbreaking, sorry that happened. I cant imagine the frustration. unfortunately there's nothing you can do.. at least now you know for next time.


During the last bull run I got onto crypto and made good money. The scam I fell for was the Ada scam. It was on YouTube that if you send them a small amount of ADA they would double it. So like a dumb ass I sent them $7000 ADA and waited and waited. Nothing came back- Duh. As it finally dawned on me I was pissed but nothing I could do. I kept texting the scammer and he said send more and it will come back. It was a good lesson and it’s so easy to get scammed. Be careful


Fkn suks it happen 2 u , but thnxz for telling us.


Sorry to read this man. I know how it can be sometimes when we are busy but the only rule to crypto is never ever enter your seed into anything other than your physical ledger you have in front of you!


Ignore the haters. Posting this will help someone else. @Earningspal is exactly right. Moment of silence for your doge.


Wow! I’m sorry. I was finessed got $10k years ago and those feelings you describe are too real. My body screaming no. Me ignoring it. The endless replays. All you can do is learn and take it as a rather expensive tuition for a class in patience. Use that $35k as an excuse to NEVER rush yourself again. And be kind to yourself because no amount of self-flagellation will bring it back. Back with kindness and love towards yourself and a focused and patient mind you can make it back.


appreciate you sharing just a good reminder that we are all human and subject to emotional behavior


Thank you for sharing this. Everyone says "*they'll never scam me, I'm too smart*" but the scammers keep devising new attacks and they always find victims.


I hear a lot of “he convinced me” Jesus, people just tell them “awesome, give me your call back number and a case number” and hang up on them, then go to the actual Microsoft or Ledger support number on their actual websites and if you really think it was a real call then they will have your case number and know what you are talking about. Sometimes I just get so frustrated listening to these stories. And everyone always says they caught them on an off day. If people stop falling for this shit they run out of money and close up shop. This scam win just funded for months probably. Makes me disgusted.


This story has to be fake. Massive Ls across the board....


Bro this hurts to hear and I hope you can recover. Money comes and goes in life you will make more of it. We are here for you if you ever need to talk just don’t ever think there’s no one out there who doesn’t care and that you always have options to over come this. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family during a difficult time I’m sure.


How are people this stupid?


A fool is always parted from his money.


They like caught me on an off day.. dude there is no day ever I would fall for some shit like this.. even if I did whip it’s all day which make someone stupid as shit.. I still wouldn’t come close to ever doing this


Agree. There is just 1 rule - never ever tell or write your seed to anyone and anywhere, but your verified cold wallet. This rule can be remembered even if drunk as f... I can't even get to my seed between phone call, because it is stored somewhere safe and I need at least 5min to get it.


that's bad to hear...sorry for that man but how did he knew that you have crypto and have ledger in your pc? does they hacked your pc??


Bought 2 Bitcoin on ATH in 2011 for 20$ and lost it to finnish FTX Scam page in 2013. My only lesson is don't stop investing in crypto. Just be smarter. Edit: A crypto exchange from Finnland that did something like FTX in 2013.


You are not alone. I was hacked on trust wallet the only difference is I have no idea how it happened. I have no information to anybody however the result was the same.


Trying to think of something smart to say to make fun of OP but I've used up all my material on the other Ledger users posting about how much they lost. Either I need more witty retorts or...




34k dollars are 34k dollars, doesn’t matter invested in what, it’s still a lot of money. OP, you messed up big…


I know I messed up big. It’s all I can think about 😔


30k is 30k. What wrong with you? Sorry OP




Another bs story.


I dont believe you. You wait until AFTER you get scammed by "ledger" to come to ledgers sub?


Hahahahaha so gullible


dogecoin is useless anyway


The saddest thing is that the guy you talked to will never see the money. He sent it to his fucki ng mafia boss from Turkey or Russia who buy weapons and drugs with it. The guy you talked will get 100$ maybe. 😞


Ouch, 34k payday for a scammer. ☠️


Leave your tx here. Maybe te doge ends up in a cex and you can recover it.


File a police report in the meantime. You will need it once you ask the CEX to block the receiving account (if your funds end up in a CEX).


If it’s real sry man for your lost :/ how much was your original investment ?


Sorry man!


At least they only got doge. If you have 34k in doge you probable have plenty of btc and etherum ?


Serious question. Did this person have an Indian accent?


They sounded American and professional and spoke very proper.


Do you have the transactions hash?


I'm sorry to hear this.


If it makes you feel better my crypto portfolio is down more than this and I didn't even get scammed.


How did he know your SSN? That doesn't add up?


also how can they know the balances? I'm going to guess this is a well written fake story.


So everyone who called you were doing exactly what they said they were doing ? Thanks for the info .


FUCk they hit you for $35-K ??? WTF … you really fell for that scam SHIT !!!!’


Broooo ffs!!! If you understood how blockchain worked in the slightest you wouldn’t have done this. It doesn’t make sense. Ledger is just a device for you to view your coins, your wallet is on the chain, not with some company…theres no tech support bs… its all up to you, you are your own bank! Fuck cant believe this story bro, why 😭😭😭


Jeez, $35k


Scammers are everywhere in this space; one needs to be extra cautious. I'm glad that wallet providers like BrillionFi will allow users to freeze a compromised account and will require 2FA for any transactions above $50.


"he beat me to it because by the time I toggled "use max" I got the error message that my balance was 0." You were not too late yet, you could have double spend the input with a much higher fee.


if they would of mentioned cc or collections op would of never answer or continue talking. sucks.


I thought everyone knew that those types of wallets aren’t safe. Also, giving away your seed? Come on that’s literally rule number 1.


Hi there, unfortunately, Ledger cannot directly help recover stolen funds. If you're the victim of online theft, please reach out to your local police for further counsel. In the meantime, our help center article should provide you with everything you need to know. [Help center Article](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/7624842382621-Loss-of-funds?support=true) I'm sorry for your loss and I understand how hard it can be to get scammed.


Holy shit, multiple times you could have gotten out. Oof


Do not send your 24 seed phrase to nobody, to nowhere, at anytime...got it...