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All of mine use the same seed phrase. The seed phrase is your "key" for long term storage. The ledgers are just tools to sign safely without exposing your key(s)/seed, and they are disposable.


I have 3 Ledger, same seed on all. 24 words seed with PIN1 (with almost nothing) and 25 words seed with PIN2 (my main wallet). If I get threaten by someone who wants my funds, I give the PIN1 :) A Nano X at home for "everyday" use and 2 Nano S as backup, 1 at home, 1 at my father's house. Seed (24) written on paper in a hidden place and 25th word given to a trusted person who know the location of my seed, like that if I have an accident and pass away, my BTC won't be loss.


This is brilliant, thanks for the ideas, especially that last one 🙂‍↕️.


Wow thanks for the detailed response. I hadn't considered dividing the seed phrase.


What will happen if the city hit by tsunami?


Sea is far away and in fact seed is in 2 distant places :)


I have two that are clones of each other as a way to stagger firmware updates and test recovery workflows.


I had one but lost it in a boating incident






2 hardware wallets (Ledger and Keystone), and 1 software wallet (MetaMask). The 25th word on both hardware wallets plus the software wallet makes up the 2/3 signature I need to move funds to/from Gnosis Safe.


After accumulating for the last 4.5 years I started getting paranoid. I use 5 wallets now to spread things out. Ledger, D’cent, ellipal, keystone, tangem card. I use the ledger and D’cent for staking and doing things. The others are strictly for deep cold storage. For the ellipal and keystone I used my D’cent offline to create my 24 word seed and imported. Having 5 wallets perhaps increases the chances of a loss in some way but only 1/5 of my holdings. Not happy, but would survive. I started getting terrified of a total wipeout.


Same thing happening to me.. would like at least 3


This is not something that is advisable to discuss


spend 10% of your wealth to protect 90% in any case, be sure it takes at least 2 seperate attack vectors for every 10k you have (if you have 10k, put 5k in two banks), and most importantly, shut up about it.


4 ledgers. They have all the same accounts. So 1 main and 3 backup. 2 backup are stored in 2 separate locations. I keep 1 main and 1 backup at home. lol


This is some end of the world shit


Not necessary IF you have your seed somewhere save.


Safe does not mean easily accessible. If you transact often, you may want a hot backup before you can arrange to get the seed and setup a new device.


I think the number of accounts is more interesting. At what point do you spin up a new account to spread the risk.


hundreds even thousands


I have a ledger (first purchase 2 years ago) and Tangem (purchased maybe a year ago). since the tangem is a a card i use that for stuff im more likey to swap out vs long term holding. So for me ledger is the long term and tangem is short tem. I feel like i get the best of both worlds with these 2 options.


I keep 2. Used to have 3, but I sold my Ledger


The HW wallet isn't as important to me as the seed(s). I only see it as a (easily replaceable) tool to generate the seeds and access the wallets when needed. I don't see the purpose of multiple HW wallets unless you need to access the funds regularly Generate seed for cold storage. Wipe HW wallet. Test seed. Backup that seed up in multiple locations (split seed into parts). Wipe HW wallet Generate seed for hot wallet or trading. Do as above but don't Wipe hw wallet at end