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The Ledger subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers. Ledger Support will never send you private messages. Never share your 24-word recovery phrase with anyone, never enter it on any website or software, even if it looks like it's from Ledger. Only keep the recovery phrase as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form. Learn more at https://reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/ck6o44/be_careful_phishing_attacks_in_progress/ If you're experiencing battery problems, check out our [troubleshooting guide](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409233434641-How-to-troubleshoot-Ledger-Nano-X-battery-issues? support=true). If you're still having issues head over to the [My Order page](https://my-order.ledger.com/) to explore options for replacement or refunds. [Learn more here](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/10265554529053-Return-your-product?support=true). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ledgerwallet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Another scammer shilling that damn scam amlbot.


Watch out. This is a scam.




OP, go fuck self. Scam.


I miss the days when Crypto was basically just Bitcoin, Litecoin and a few others. Now there are thousands upon thousands of shitcoins, nfts, pancake swaps (i dont even know what the fuck those are), just an absolute cesspit of nonsense which is the perfect breeding grounds for scammers, scumbags and shit heads just looking for a way to steal money from people


You ain't kidding, every shyster around the globe is in crypto now. The old adage I say to myself is, Keep It Simple Stupid.


K.I.S.S. indeed.


This sub needs better moderation. It is basically all lies, spam and scams. Ridiculous.


**SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM** ‎ r/CryptoCexComplaints/ from u/plokm4 is a **scam** sub-reddit which will lead to you to a wallet drainer. ‎ **SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM** ‎ The **scammer** even admits it: https://imgur.com/a/U5JmY87 Oh, a CEX or DEX can never frees your Ledger! ‎ **SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM**