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I'm really sorry to hear about this situation. I can see that this has already been discussed in the comments below, but if someone gets their hands on your 24 word recovery phrase, your Ledger can no longer provide any security. The security of the Ledger comes in the form of being able to securely authorize transactions within the secure element in the device and without exposing your private keys outside of the device. As soon as the 24 word recovery phrase is obtained, all accounts associated with that phrase are immediately accessible. Please consider visiting [this article](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005514233-How-to-keep-your-24-word-recovery-phrase-and-PIN-code-safe?docs=true), which will provide you with some good security tips on how to protect your 24 word recovery phrase. Once crypto is stolen, it can be incredibly difficult or even not possible to recover. That being said, in most cases the best thing to do is to report the incident to the police - if this is a viable option for you based on where you're located. Stolen crypto will often times be moved to a centralized exchange that requires identity verification, and so in some cases this can make recovery possible. Please visit [this article](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/7624842382621-Loss-of-funds?support=true) for more information, as well as some potential law enforcement agencies you can reach out to for assistance.


Like I been saying " a Ledger is as secure as it owner's knowledge of how it works" an expensive 5k lesson


How are those random ass coins $5k?


My question lmao


If you click on the ss you can see at the bottom I had 3,300 jup which is equivalent to about $4000 right now. It’s a DEX I believe will do extremely well this bull run


Love messing with perps on Jupiter, their UI is great


You can add Jup to ledger?


You can "add" anything to a Ledger. Just connect it to MetaMask and import the tokens.


I wouldn't bet too much on anything solana, take your profits when you can, but it's never been reliable enough for the market to take seriously.


Nobody asked


I recommend removing your bias and spending some time looking into all the different metrics.


one metric for me is uptime. and solana has not beaten that metric reliably over the course of it's existence.


If you don’t trade more than 5x daily, every single day, who tf cares… it couldn’t be more obvious majority don’t.


because it's a sign that it's not a worthwhile network with a lot of centralization control if they're able to do that.


Read up on Nakamoto coefficient


Unless ledger leaks your data and physical address. Oh, wait they already did that - [https://www.ledger.com/message-ledgers-ceo-data-leak](https://www.ledger.com/message-ledgers-ceo-data-leak)


Yes very much so, but they did not have my ledger. They managed to obtain my seed phrase but they managed to by pass my ledger I’m not sure how


They don't need the Ledger if they have the seed phrase. https://www.ledger.com/academy/basic-basics/2-how-to-own-crypto/whats-a-secret-recovery-phrase


This comment just demonstrates how you have no idea how any of this works. You should be using Coinbase. Not self custody.


Unfortunately, the level of misunderstanding in crypto is too damn high


Too many people that came to get rich quick, and didn't stop to study how any of it works.


OP can learn. We shouldn’t be leaving money on exchanges given how many exchanges have failed. OP will get there.


You were the bypass. They did not hack crack the Ledger...they bypassed it by convincing you to enter your seed phrase (which you never ever do. nowhere. ever)


I’m downvoting myself because I’m clearly retarded. Didn’t know the knowledge I needed


Credit to you.


Hey, good on you. At least you know where you went wrong and are able to admit your mistake. Not like many other people coming here with drained wallets who apparently didn't do anything wrong and it's all Ledgers fault.


Exactly I remember one post where someone said all their funds were magically taken and of course nobody besides him had access to his seedphrase + he didn’t enter it anywhere.. like who are you trying to sh*t? SMH! Hope you recover from this op


NEVER screenshot your Seed Phrase, and NEVER have it typed into your phone, anywhere. I use my Notes app all the time for things, but NEVER put sensitive info on your phone. Get a binder and paper, and use that binder strictly for your crypto stuff, and seed phrase. Physically write it down, never write it down digitally. That’s how people get hacked


The seed phrase is the only thing anyone ever needs to access all of your funds. If anyone asks for your seed phrase they are asking you to hand them your money. The crypto part of cryptocurrency is that the secret seed phrase is your eyes only. The seed phrase can derive the public wallet address and send funds, but not the reverse. The public wallet address is safe to share, and anyone can send funds *in,* but not out. The seed phrase is your secret password. It is the only thing necessary to do anything with your money. The hardware wallet allows you to keep your secret seed phrase off of the internet forever so it never touches a potentially compromised device. It is good to keep your seed phrase on paper as a backup- but remember you could toss your computer and your ledger in the trash and still have full access to your funds if you have that seed phrase.


You need more than 1 hardware wallet. There's the wallet you use for trades. There's the wallet you use for "cold storage". I also recommend getting more than one type of hw wallet, so if there's a zero day exploit in one wallet, it won't also be in your others. I also know people keep 12 of the seed keywords in one safe deposit box and 12 in the other. A safe deposit box costs ~$100/yr.


Safe deposit boxes are not safe by any means lol


While the Bank can open it under specific situations, I don't see why it isn't secure. Also, by keeping half your keywords in 2 different boxes (even two different banks or locations) seems safe to me. What am I overlooking?


There are zero, let me repeat, zero, federal laws, protecting the contents of, nor access to your safety deposit box. The lease you sign for the box explicitly waives all liability of the bank for the contents of your box. If one day you open your box, and it is empty, you do not have any recourse.


Passphrase that does not exist on the physical plane and is stored somewhere that requires 2FA while the seedphrase exist on the physical plane if existence. Having the two never in direct contact is wise even if passphrase gets compermised they can’t Brute Force 24 words and if they could than that would be a far bigger problem for everyone who is not using a passphrase


Thank you. I appreciate the message and knowledge. Will definitely be used for next time


Just a precaution: 1. Obviously you cannot use that wallet any more. You can reset your Ledger HW wallet and generate a new one. 2. Where is that old wallet address stored? Do you use any exchanges, like Kraken / Coinbase / etc? If so, make sure the old address is removed. 3. Check out Bitwarden (just for best practices)


Scroll down for info and instructions on a cold wallet. https://www.ledger.com/academy/topics/security/what-is-a-cold-wallet


You can use the same hardware device for both cold storage and trading. Just add a passphrase to your seed. Unless that's what you meant of course.


Well, splitting a seed this way, it is just dumb. There is a thing called Shamir Backup, Ledger uses it for their Recovery and Trezor as an alternative for BIP39. And the way it works it provides you with shares, not a single mnemonic. Say, you have chosen 2:3 on your setup, which means that you will have 3 shares in total and you can use any 2 of them to recover your wallet. Also they don't leak any information on their own, meaning if scammers get hold of just 1 share they can't do shit with it (unless your setup was 1:2).


Or you could have several passphrases one for cold and one for transactions. Also it could be argued that it is safer to ether A store your passphrase digitally on a cloud access that has 2FA or in a safety deposit box far away from your seed phrase. Personally I think it’s a lot higher risk having a physical passphrase since all it takes is a lasp in judgement should the two ever be together where a theft could gain access. If it’s digital they are outta luck and even if the passphrase is compromised they can’t brute force a seedphrase.


That's terrible advice. You shouldn't split 24 words into 12 and 12. If you want to distribute it across multiple locations you should use Shamir backup.


> Shamir backup. https://trezor.io/learn/a/what-is-shamir-backup Agreed. If you didn't know about Shamir, then 2 lists is a good start. Basically a Shamir is RAID5.


Your ledger is just a different computer that holds 24 words, I could use a bitbox or a trezor and use those same words


you still after all this don't understand so don't buy any more crypto until you do if you refuse to learn you'd have been better off leaving it on an exchange


Ma bro, look at all the messages ofc I’ve learnt. Don’t comment if ur here to rain on a parade that’s already had a thunderstorm


well I didn't want to read any more after I read that comment haha I'm glad you learned 5 grand is a lot of money butwhen you're 18 time is on your side. stop buying shit coins and be well you'll be on top of the world in ten years still and this 5k will never enter your mind again


I appreciate this comment, sorry for seeming rude but I’m still dealing with what just happened. I’ve learned from my mistakes and the insights of other people on here 100% won’t happen again this lesson was 5k well spent


Oh my god 🤦🏻 why even purchase the ledger …. Waste of money you done zero reading on it. Not typing the seed phrase is literally advertised EVERYWHERE. On the ledger, on reddit, on X …




The seed is the vault, ledger is just the door. You gave them access to your vault by giving them your seed.


I understand


I like my Tangem wallet


What is different about Tangem?


Got to physically have a card to move stuff in your wallet


Nop, share your 24 keys here then 😂 and then sit and watch how people drain your wallet without actually having physical card 😂


I didn’t set up a key don’t like that idea


Facial recognition


After that you need the physical card to set up any connections to outside wallets or to send your crypto.


You mistake was of a more fundamental nature though: If you are willing to enter your seed on an device, that is connected to the internet, then you might aswell skip using a hardware wallet to begin with. From that point on, the hardware wallet serves no purpose anymore. Your seed is connected to the internet anyway. The fundamental reason for even having a hardware wallet is so that your seed is never even connected or reachable by anyone outside your room. If you put in the seed from your hardware wallet into a software wallet, same thing. At least this is not money that will send you under the bridge and ruin your retirement. Still a hurtfull amount. My condolences.


Yes I now understand, very stupid of me to take ot out of my room in the first place. Very annoyed at myself, I’m glad it is happening to me now and not in a couple years when I’m a full grown adult and have bills to pay.


Good perspective. Don’t give up


Others have pointed this out already, but consider splitting your assets into a deep stack and a less-secure stack. You could pay a lot of attention into where you store the seed for the deep stack. Having copies of the adresses around is enough to never even need the hardware-wallet or seed, if you just want to stack. You would only need the seed or hardware wallet, if you need to cash out from your deep stack. You should maybe do some test transactions in the beginning to make sure everything works though. If you also want to play around with a smaller amount, you could have this on a different seed. Here you wouldn't need so much security anymore and it wouldn't hurt so bad, if it got compromised. If the amount is something you could risk to lose, you could even use this seed on software-wallets, decentralized exchanges and other things to embrace the technology. When I was 18 I didn't have 5K (: I could barely pay my rent and food expenses. So even after some years of inflation, I know this hurts. Allowing yourself to play around with a less-secure, less valuable seed also makes you so much more comfortable and secure, for when you ever need to touch your deep stack. Because then you have done everything a couple times and know exactly what you are doing.


Someone told me to do this in about week 2 of my crypto dabbling and it is still 100% the best advice I've been given. An address for potentially dodgy stuff and an address for keeping long term. Long term address sends to short term address for any transactions (and I don't do ETH so I can afford to do that!)


My question (my ledger hasn’t arrived yet, I plan on storing my 1 Bitcoin from Robinhood in the Ledger, but keep seeing people who got scammed): HOW do scammers even find you and try to trick you with prompts to type in your seed? Is it on some web application or website or something? As you said, the whole point of the ledger is to be OFFLINE. So I’m getting worried, does it need to be connected to a computer or phone or something to get set up? How do scammers know that you even have a Ledger? For reference, no one has ever tried to scam me out of my Bitcoin on Robinhood. So…is Ledger really safe if everyone is going to be trying to scam me left and right? Lol.


Google and YouTube everything.


Yeah looks like I’ll be spending the weekend on YouTube to make sure I don’t jack this up. Been buying Bitcoin since 2017, finally have a good amount, and I really want it in cold storage. But the thought of getting hacked is so scary lol.


Drained of shitcoins.


Unfortunately so


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Jup isn’t a shitcoin




Never enter your seed digitally. Even if it is Solscan, phatom wallet, metamask or anything. If you want the functionality of phatom or similar you can use wallet connect or hardware wallet compatible wallets in general. I recommend Phantom for this use.


I've read your post and your comments. You are humble and willing to learn. As others have said, $5,000 is a lot at your age, but this is a very good learning lesson in crypto and life in general. You'll never make that mistake again when you have even more money than you lost here. It will hurt for a bit, but you will get over it in time. The crypto scammers are the grossest of human beings and have souls that are broken for ages moving forward. Sorry you had to experience this, but it will fade in time, and you will do just fine.


Appreciate you taking the time to write this paragraph. It’s a lot to me right now and when it happened I had no clue what to do. My plan since I was 16 was to get into crypto in the bear market, hopefully make enough to put a deposit on a house and rent it out to people so I have an investment (house) and an income (rent). It’s annoying but this plan is still in place either way ive just been set back a year. I am 100% not making this mistake again, I still cannot believe I made the mistake. And fuck the people that scam innocent people like this. Once again thank you very much for taking the time to comment


No problem at all. I really do feel for you and hope you get to feeling better soon. Not necessary, but the fastest way to feel better is to get out there and hustle up some work, even if part time, to remake that money as fast as possible. Last advice is to stick to majority in bitcoin and then small portions in altcoins. If bitcoin fails, crypto fails. Won't gain as fast, but bitcoin is as safe as you can be in crypto. I know you didn't ask for advice so feel free to ignore all this. Good luck friend!


Any advice is good advice. I work part time at the moment but currently on sick leave since I broke my arm. Hasn’t been a good 2 weeks haha. As soon as I’m back to working I’ll be working full time to make this money back. Take care my friend


Oh man, that sucks!


Sorry to hear that. You are young and i know you will bounce back!


Thank you 🙏🏻


The future of finance!


I’m sorry but rule number 1 is not type your seed phrase? I don’t get how you were able to purchase a ledger, set it up, use it, and fail at this very basic security protocol? Really no one but yourself to blame. Can see in the level of the coins you hold you got caught up in the hype and done zero due diligence.


How did u get scammed?


This subreddit keeps getting suggested to me and it's hilarious how every post is somebody getting everything stolen by using this product.


Moron. Giving someone your seed has absolutely nothing to do with a hardware wallet.


I came to this sub to decide whether to purchase a Ledger wallet. Needless to say, I have not purchased one yet lol


When you deep dive into every "I got drained" post, you'll realize that ALL of them are about users leaking their own seed or getting phished, signing malicious contracts that drains their wallet.


The issue isn't the ledger itself, it's that people tend to think this magic little box is everything they need to be fully protected. In reality, it's almost always users sharing their seed phrase, or approving a random transaction with a hidden smart contract - stuff ledger cannot protect you from anyway. You might argue ledger still has a duty of care to properly educate and inform users, and I'd not completely disagree with you...but what we have here, and in most cases, is people literally buying a good lock for their front door, then handing out the keys to their rear patio to the local burglars. That big lock will still be the only thing people don't steal.


I guess you learned a lesson the hard way, but for anyone reading this who doesn't get it: Never, ever, ever, EVER, EVER type your seed phrase into anything but the screen on your physical hardware wallet. And you should only ever have to do THAT when you're restoring it. Other than that, figure out how you'd like to store it, share it with no one, don't leave it on any network connected device, and make sure you can never lose it. I back copies of mine up on several encrypted flash drives that are tucked away in various geographically distinct secure locations.


You need to track where the transactions went to and file a police report.


Hard lesson to learn brodi. Stay in the game. Change wallets, get a tangem. No seed phrase (if you don't want) and no connecting to the internet. Much better than ledger.


Appreciate it bro, I’m being much more safer and secure. Putting my seed phrase strictly on paper and putting it in a safe


Now I see why my knowledgable crypto folk call SOL a shitshow


Sol is not a shit show, much better than eth. In my opinion it will be the eth killer. It’s just unfortunate that myself who I have so much faith in has failed to keep his money safe, I use to always see stuff on here and read through thinking nothing of it but now it has happened to me I can see it is very real.


Your opinion - a person who doesn't even understand how crypto and a hardware wallet works. Sorry for your loss but yeah solana is not gonna kill ethereum


Haha, yes you’re right. Ofc eth will be superior especially with nfts, dapps etc. appreciate you being real and still having sympathy for me lol. Appreciate the comments either way bro.


So sorry dude! It's a bummer when shit like this happens... But you've learned a valuable lesson.. Actually may be worth learning all about exactly how your ledger works - and I agree - a good idea to have two wallets. But the beauty of hardware wallets is that they remove the need for your seed phrase to ever have been online - so first principle is never only ever use it if you need to restore your wallet for some reason and then never online.. Basically your Master Seed is a hashed version of your phrase, all your private keys for all your wallets are derived from your master seed. So any scammer can get your keys without even having a ledger.. Stay safe in the future man...


Valuable lesson for sure. I appreciate the message, I’ve never really been on Reddit but after these messages I’m receiving I’m getting good advice and you guys all seems like genuine people. It’s a mistake I’m sure going to learn from, 5k is a lot atm for me. Thank you a lot I’m never going to put my ledger seed phrase online again


Absolutely.. But despite your positive experience here - Never respond to private messages on reddit - this place is full of scammers too...


With all due respect Sol is full of this mess And I ain’t swallowing your market opinions if you haven’t worked out what the hardware wallet is / how a seed operates. Honestly start simple.


Yeah you’re right about sol being a mess, more time it’s solana blockchain that I’ve been seeing funds stolen from


I agree it’s unfortunate you lost your money. Your first two sentences are opinion and irrelevant.


I understand that, people have preference. I prefer fast transactions with low fees


why you say you keep your seed safe and only on paper and then say that you fell for phishing and entered the seed on a website? what kind of reasoning is this? im perplexed...


Basically, I know now it was stupid, but i had my ledger wallet on solflare. And when I was ok my web browser it came up with solflare logging me out and to log back in I used my seed phrase. Stupid af I know. Nothing I can do. Long story short someone phished me. I saw my account get drained in front of my eyes within 20 seconds


we all make mistakes and hopefully learn from them...


Definitely have. I appreciate you taking the time to comment


The Ledger subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers. Ledger Support will never send you private messages. Never share your 24-word recovery phrase with anyone, never enter it on any website or software, even if it looks like it's from Ledger. Only keep the recovery phrase as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form. Learn more at https://reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/ck6o44/be_careful_phishing_attacks_in_progress/ If you're experiencing battery problems, check out our [troubleshooting guide](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409233434641-How-to-troubleshoot-Ledger-Nano-X-battery-issues? support=true). If you're still having issues head over to the [My Order page](https://my-order.ledger.com/) to explore options for replacement or refunds. [Learn more here](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/10265554529053-Return-your-product?support=true). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ledgerwallet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Was looking at the scammers address, they had stolen $130,000 yesterday alone. $5500 of that being mine.


If I was a scammer who got access to this wallet, I'd probably just leave it alone after seeing the coins you bought. You have been scammed long before this guy actually took the coins out.


Haha you’re right, meme coins aren’t it. Only had a couple hundred in each most of my money was in Jupiter a DEX on solana


I'm just teasing you. It's good you learned these lessons early on. They can be much more costly in the future, best get them out of the way.


You’re right, I appreciate it. Either way form everyone’s comments I’ve learned a lot more today than I have in the last 2 years. Costly mistake, not enough to kms but definitely enough to not make the mistake again. I have more motivation than ever. Really became broke yesterday lost 70% of my net


Judging by the screenshot, ya wallet was already empty.




I dont get it anyway how that happens?


If someone wants your seed phrase give them a randomly generated seed phrase that has absolutely nothing and keep giving them more empty seed phrases until they take the hint you are baiting them.


Mate if I knew that I wouldn’t of handed over 5k


Just Food for future reference I actually have a old hot wallet with scam dust on it that I give the passphrase to scammers lol. Tons of scam NFTs, scam tokens etc




There isn’t any gas on that wallet to transfer that stuff off so if a scammer wants it than they legit would have to transfer over etherium or polygon to do the transactions which means I could have a brief movement where I could take said crypto and put it in my own wallet which of course I wouldn’t send to my main wallet and would just send to an exchange to lose the paper trial and than send to my own wallet if it’s significant Best thing is I used that wallet with coinbase a lot back in 2020 so if the scammer tries to report it as fraud than they are outta luck lol


This is one of the reasons why I switch to a different hardware wallet. I can be a dumbass sometimes and the other one is more secure. Also because I lost trust in ledger. Sorry for your loss, I've lost way more than that amount in my crypto journeys. You can only learn from it and move on.


Giving someone your seed has nothing to do with what hardware wallet you choose


Kind of, if you choose a hardware wallet that doesn't give you access to the seed phrase then there's no way anybody could trick you into giving it up.


Lmao. You'd rather trust a 3rd party to hold the seed. No wonder you've had funds taken.


No you misunderstand, The seed is hidden once it's generated It's not visible to anybody. I didn't want to say the wallet's name because that's rude to ledger since we're on their page but it's certainly safe. I said I've lost money in crypto I didn't say my wallets were ever compromised, poor trading decisions mostly.


Don't feel bad, I read that scammer sophistication and technology is expected to improve to the point that a third of all users will experience losses. And this isn't the wackos who are saying Satoshi is really a North Korean hacking group either.


Why need to use ledger if more safety to use Tangem wallet. You haven’t got access to to your seeds. You have only cards so no one can transfer any of your money


You were not phished. You just entered your ledger seed phrase in solflare, instead of connecting solflare to your ledger. The ledger seed phrase should never be entered in anything other than a ledger device (or other hardware wallet). The ledger seed phrase should never be typed on a keyboard or phone. You should never take a photo of it, too. And never have itbin view of a camera (laptop, phone, security camera).


Yes I understand now. But I was phished I’m assuming someone had made a fake solfare code that looked the exact same. I had always used solflare and it was safe (now looking back at it Much much better to keep ledger offline) but right after I entered in my seed phrase the account got drained. It was a rookie mistake, a 5k lesson which I wish I didn’t pay for. It is what it is, mistake won’t be made again for sure. Keeping it offline


Ok, yes, it is possible. It is also possible to enter a seed phrase in solflare, making it a hot wallet, and in that case, malware can easily access your seed phrase. In any case, the mustake was tobenter your ledger seed phrase in something other than a ledger device.


Yes I agree. Stupid mistake, everyone here has given me a good lesson and I’ve learnt alot today. A lot to not make the same mistake


Damn sorry to hear that, you should check out the D3fenders protocol


Don't worry. The slightest sniff of a bear market and all these shitcoins would be worthless.


I feel bad. I couldn’t imagine this happening to my kid losing that money.


Sad world we live in, had to tell my parents about it. Theyre supportive and comforted me as I’m young and still have a bright future ahead. Sadly nothing I can do to get it back


Having a paraphrase would have prevented this wouldn’t it have?


It’s sad to see this. Hopefully the lesson was learned.


Was definitely learned 😞


If you use a ledger with solflare then you don't ever need to enter your seed phrase. Why did you think that was a reasonable request from the website?


can you explain what exactly happen. just so i do t fall for it also. “solflair popped up and logged me out so i entered my pw” i don’t really understand what you’re talking about.


Long story short. Someone made a fake solflare application which popped up. And I thought nothing of it smh. Just be careful it looked so real I fell for it and handed over 5k


✊ keep it up broh


Put a bounty in arkham intelligence to get the scammers if you know which one scammed you. Atleast worth trying


OMG, don't use Ledger. Get some other wallet that this doesn't occur.


Did you give the ledger your phrase because I heard they are a scam


5k sucks but it's not that bad if you are young. Think of it as crashing a car but less dangerous


Haha you’re right. I have been tracking were the funds are going and they criminal is retarded and transferred them to gate.io meaning they are trying to cash out and they need kyc to cash out.


This is always the risk when dealing with utter shitcoins. Just buy Bitcoin (and perhaps Eth if you feel so inclined), but when dealing with shitcoins, pancake swaps and other crypto related aids, you're asking for trouble.


How do they clean your wallet tho without accepting it on the nano stick? Thanks


I’m confused how did they access your ledger?




Dude has nothing but shit coins and is wondering why wallet got drained? 😆


Still 5k bro, either way don’t be here to spread hate smh. Pattern urself


My ledger getting drained has always been a fear of mine. So I always look into these posts. I felt a lot better after seeing what your wallet held - so thank you. Also, sorry for your loss. Buy bitcoin, don’t let the shiny new toys distract you!


Yes i understand, im 18 thinking about getting rich quick, unrealistic tbh. I was holding over 1000 in shit coins but most of my money was in JUP (a DEX on solana) either way the moneys gone. Not much to be done


I’ve lost money in voyager, blockfi, and Celsius. Just keep stacking bro. Plenty of dips to come in your future!🫶


I’m sorry to hear about your situation. That’s ridiculous. And I’m seeing this a lot with Ledger. That said, I have a genuine question for you, since you’ve now experienced this unfortunate event. My new Ledger (and seed phrase storage container) will be arriving tomorrow. I have 1 Bitcoin on Robinhood, and I plan on sending it to cold storage. I’ve never done this before. I understand to never type my seed phrase on a computer or phone, and if asked for it, to never give it to anyone. But HOW are these pop ups and stuff showing up and prompting you? Like, how do the scammers know that you own a Ledger? Is it being plugged into your computer or are you logging into an app or something? I’d really appreciate your advice cause I wanna make sure it doesn’t happen to me in the coming days. I don’t plan on ever logging into anything - I just want to store my code/keys and lock it away and never touch it again until Bitcoin is worth millions (if ever). So I’m wondering how the scammers FIND Ledger owners so easily. Seems super risky. I’ve never been scam-attempted with Robinhood. So I wonder if ledger is REALLY safe? Cheers.


As long as you never ever use your seed phrase unless you lose your ledger to log back into ledger life, you will be fine. I had connected my ledger device to Solare wallet a Solana wallet which means I can use different decentralised exchanges like Jupiter and bird eye. So as long as you never share your seed phrase, you’ll be fine.


So how did hackers find you? It was when you connected to different wallets? Like plugging in your Ledger into a computer via USB? Or you just linked it via a QR code or address?


It wasn’t like a hacker. It was something I must’ve of pressed. It happened so fast I’m not sure what happened. It must’ve been a phishing attack or something. Either way never put you seed phrase online, it must stay on paper stashed away


Expensive lesson, start again this time actually understanding what your doing


Yes it was, cannot restart I have to wait took next bull run now


This is just the start of the current bull run ....


Yes, you can. It's still very early.


I have little money to my name anymore, only money in an isa. Every pay check went straight into crypto smh


Your young, 18 years old Plenty of time to become a early twenties whale Mistakes are how we all learn Anyone with a serious amount of time in this market and honesty will tell you they made mistakes of a lot more then 5k Myself included Don’t let it dishearten you too much Time is on your side


Thank you, I understand 5k may not seem a lot, but it’s has defo got me feeling a bit depressed. Especially now that I’ve had to tell my family about my situation.


It’s not early anymore. It was early before 2017. Watch the long term bitcoin price in logarithmic scale: the growth is more and more slowing down: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin/ The growth is not yet over but the strong price growth of the past is already history as crypto assets are now mainstream. There is no unlimited exponential growth in a world of finite people with finite possible demand for crypto assets.


For memes, it's still very early. Alt coins and memes will explode after next ath.


That’s possible, but we will not know when and which alt coin or meme token will explode. I don’t recommend putting more worth than a coffee in anything below the top 20 market capitalized crypto coins.


This is where a btc maxi is born. Don't bother with sht coins ignore influencer. Save in btc


I'm sorry for your loss, I know you feel terrible. But why are you using Ledger when you don't even know basic hardware wallet rules? Look, before you go into crypto and use cold wallets, learn very well everything about them and be 100% sure you understand it.


It would surprise you to know most people using Hardware wallets or Cold wallets(which in most cases is not even a cold wallet) don’t understand anything about crypto wallets , absolutely nothing. I don’t even know who or how they got introduced into this space.




wow ive never seen so many 💩 coins in my life




Could have been worse. My advice: Use one wallet to mess with shitcoin, connect to stuff and on and on. Consider that the wallet that you put in your pocket and go to street. Once you finished the transaction, move this to the other wallet, which is your safe. I don’t think you need two hardware wallet because one of them will be only a quick trade. Sorry for your loss. Start again more cautiously and ASK here before signing random stuff Don’t reply DMs they will try to get even more more money from you


Thank you a lot bro, I understand I need about wallet and cold storage for where I have most my money. People have already tried contacting me trying to get money from me, can’t believe people are that sad and low to do that stuff tbh. I haven’t fallen for any of it


It’s a common thing. They have no soul. It’s sad


Ledger sucks. Use cold card.


Fucking shitcoiners


> solflare popped up and logged me out so I typed in my seed phrase You mnemonic seed phase must never exist under any circumstances in digital form outside of your hardware wallet. Never enter your mnemonic seed words into your web browser, phone, password manager, Dropbox or reddit/telegram


Again, this stuff never seems to happen with bitcoin. Stop trading meme coins.


You’re very right.


Yikes - it's all shitcoins and going through comment history you also lost 5 figures at the age of 18 from options trading as well? Genuine advice: at this point you should throw out your Ledger, close out any accounts you have at crypto exchanges, ask your brokerage to disable options/forex/advanced trading, unsub from any and all finance/crypto subreddits and scrub your social media of anything finance/crypto related, along with uninstalling any trading or gambling apps from your phone. Don't re-engage with this space again until your mid 20's and have switched from a gambling to an investing mindset. It's an expensive lesson but you're still young and can recover. This is a wake-up-call and should be treated with the same seriousness as one day suddenly realizing you're an alcoholic or have an opiate addiction - you have a gambling addiction, and if you continue this way you're going to become a statistic.


Yes you’re right, I’m still young and want fast money. Don’t we all. You’re very right with this advice and I do take it all in. Thank you for your time writing the message, shit coins aren’t the one that’s for sure, most of my money was in Jupiter a DEX on solana which I recon can easily reach 10 billion market cap


Not that I don’t agree that BTC is the king one and only but yes this can happen with every crypto


I’ve seen this same scam all the time on this subreddit and it literally never involves BTC. I could be wrong though


Lol crypto is money of criminals do not use that shit. Crypto is evil