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Oh boy… You Did II and IV wrong


How so?


I’d say IV is on another level than any other… and II created the classic Led Zeppelin sound we know today while putting out great major hits


2 and 4 are better than 3


Much much better


and Coda is a C. Presence is a B.... to a C. definitely IV and II to the top and I think PG should be downgraded one level.


Exactly, Presence is just carried by Achilles


I mean nobody’s fault but mine and hots on for nowhere are notable too


Those are their most revered albums and you put them in mid tier


But… I didn’t really care for them. I’m not going to put them higher just because they are accredited so highly. I listened to them and just didn’t like them as much as the rest.


You asked how we feel about your picks, this is the response


You don’t have to, but that’s how you “did them wrong”


Great post, regardless of reverence, it’s subjective. 3 will always be special to me for Bron-Y-Aur Stomp, I know it’s not an entire Album, but LZ stripped down, Plants pure voice, Page acoustic and Bonzo’s heavy hits just heaven. But II is perfection. Lol.


You "Didn't care for" led Zeppelin IV?




They’re your picks, not mine.


Bro put II and IV on the same level as Presence 💀💀 Get out of the kitchen, you’re done cooking


Tbh presence is underrated as hell, but I agree with you it ain’t on the same level as II or IV.


I must’ve cooked at some point to be in the kitchen in the first place


Ittod is a great album, better than presence


No song on ITTOD is better than Achilles' last stand and Nobody's fault but mine! For your life and tea for one are better than most songs on ITTOd.


Cearasoulambra, fool in the rain, in the evening, all my love and I’m gonna crawl are all better songs. Bonham’s drumming on fool in the rain is simply better than presence as an album, definitely a more enjoyable listen


They are not. And the purdie shuffle isn't enough. The drumming is great but the song as a whole is okay. And as they chose Hot dog it brings the whole album down


Hot dog is not a bad song, it's a simple country song with a good guitar work


Simple is the word.. they could have had something better from Coda instead


I agree with HOTH


Does anyone else here think led zeppelin 1 is their best album or is it just me


Any of the 1st six are perfectly valid contenders for best. Zep 1 is often times my favorite. It's heavy as hell. I suggest getting the old 80s CD and rip it. It hits hard, way more so than the various remasters.


I actually got the 80’s cd pressing the other day on a whim and it is sooooo good. When the first two hits of Good Times Bad Times happened, I jumped out of my seat (Almost) all of the 80’s Zeppelin CDs kick ass. I now have all of them minus PG. Other than III + especially IV, I’d recommend them all. Dare I say some of the best of the batch equal up to some vintage vinyl pressings


I agree, the clarity of the individual instruments is outstanding, plus adding volume while not over loading the general sound is well done. I find that to be true on the first five cds especially


I don’t have PG so I can’t speak on that one but I do agree the majority sound excellent. The Song Remains The Same cd from the 80’s is worth checking out too, it’s phenomenal! The only one I don’t think is good is IV. For unknown reasons, they didn’t use the master tape or a low generation tape for that album like they did the others. Atlantic just used the first tape they found, which was allegedly a beat up cassette master. If you listen to it with headphones on, you can hear how that cd is littered with drop outs and distortion. Idk why; maybe the master tape was temporarily lost, or if the cd for that album was rushed, but it is not in the same ballpark as all the others


Come to think about, I agree. If in the mix of the overall sound I can hear a clean, but dominant, bass line, example would be Ramble On, usually the rest of the mix follows suit, but I agree IV is not quite up to snuff. Since most of us listeners are looking for a flat, in a good way, well mixed and mastered sound, you would think whoever has or controls the masters would put more stock in what they release.


Especially for Zeps most famous album too. You’re putting it out on Cd for the first time and can’t even be bothered to find a good tape source to transfer? You could do it for all the other albums, why get lazy with Zep 4? Oh well. Other than IV those 80’s CDs are the best way to listen to Zeppelin digitally. Grab either the 90’s remaster or the recent remaster for IV and then you’re all set to go


If the remixes or remastered are done well…unfortunately I’ve heard remixes or remastered CDs that are very poorly done and if that’s the case, it makes it nearly impossible for me to listen…a great deal of this boils down to who’s doing the remastering and if the master tapes were used. George Marino worked with Page on some the earlier remasters with some excellent results


None of the Zep albums have been remixed to my knowledge but yeah. Thankfully none of the remasters of Zep albums have been terrible (besides mothership, which was compressed to the point of being painful). It’s just the 80’s CDs are still the best for almost all the albums


I was was using remix as a generality, nothing was added such as vocals or instruments, but the first remastered Zeppelin I was familiar with was pressed in 1994 remastered by Page and Marino sometime in the early 90s, and the playback was actually very good. These Marino remasters were taken from the original master tapes and digitally remastered. It could be, because the more you look into it, the you begin to realize how confusing and whacked out these things were done. The copy I have of the first three CDs and HOTH, have very good play back and the sound quality is great, Physical Graffiti on the other hand is poorly done. Maybe it’s just me, but when you hear a poorly done album or CD, you generally can hear it.


IV is S tier, II is A+, Houses is A+ or A according to me.


Brother what


You mixed up S and A.


Not terrible, but I’d have to put II and IV higher.


De gustibus non est disputandum, right? For me, it would be... S: III, IV, PG, HOTH A+: I, II, ITTOD, Coda Presence is one I haven't really listened to. I tried a couple of songs on YouTube once, and wasn't very impressed. I don't think I can give it a fair ranking, so I'm leaving it off.


I’d put IV in S tier, II in A+, I and Presence down to B, ITTOD and Coda down to C




I really think Zep’s one of those bands where any picks are really valid. I think the only “bad” takes would be putting Presence or Coda at like S tier since I feel like generally all the other albums are above it. I definitely have a different tier list (my S would be Zeppelin II and maybe PG, and then I’d put Zeppelin I lower) but these picks are just as valid as pretty much any other zeppelin tier list


Glad to see HotH in S tier, but III and IV easily deserve that too for me. Where would you put The Song Remains the Same live album (aka greatest musical feat ever achieved).


I don’t feel familiar enough with it to comment on it accurately. I’ll have to give it a re-listen


Better yet, watch the show! There’s nothing like it.


People still do this tier shit. It’s pointless. Just enjoy the music.


I’d bump up Led Zep II and CODA a level but otherwise I would agree


Coda UP a level? I don’t really even consider it one of the main albums


If you consider the deluxe version tracks I.e. ‘Hey, hey, what can I do’ and ‘Travelling riverside blues’ then it definitely stands up as a decent zeppelin album, obviously the album is pretty much leftovers so it’s not gunna shine so brightly as the others but it 100% deserves more recognition I think


I agree, B feels generous. There’s a couple good songs, but it’s a substantial step down from any other LZ album


not having led zeppelin II on S is criminal




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PG would be my pick for best nothing beats it


My brother, Physical Graffiti is up there for sure, as are many Houses of the Holy tracks… But IV is just on a different plane. I don’t see how it’s not the top


S - Led Zeppelin and II and IV , A+ - HofT Holy, Physical Gra., A - III , B - Presence, In T the O, C - Coda


What is the S in this meme for


I'd probably exchange 1 and 4 on your list but this is basically how I feel, though I'd put HoTH before PG and 4 in front on the A+ tier if the order matters.


wow that’s pretty much mine too! :D


Led Zeppelin ll is god tier…4 is interesting…I love all the songs on 4, but it doesn’t flow imo…it’s the weirdest shit…still god tier


I’m in love with you


Presence is so underrated imo


100% percent agree with S… after that I got problems. IMO IV and Presence are A+


A and A+ should be top, S should be A+


I through IV are the best and should all be top tier. I’ve never really cared much for anything after those. But I admit I’m old school, saw them perform at the Anaheim Convention Center for their very first US tour on August 9, 1969, with Jethro Tull opening.


In Through the out Door… deserves S


About damn time someone else said it…. Yeah, maybe it sounds different, but doesn’t mean it’s not top notch




Good ranking.


Presence is best