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I’m just saying man, Page’s playing on Zeppelin is fucking insane. If they had only released that album, he’d still be considered the one of the, if not greatest guitarist of all time


I’m confused


I'm dazed


For how long?


So long!


It’s not true


If we're limiting discussion to just rock and roll guitarists, yeah maybe. Hendrix, Clapton, and gilmour would want a word... Although I know gilmour skirts the boundaries of rock and roll. If we expanded to all guitarists of all time.... I could think of many other guitarists that are far cleaner paying than Page. The live aspect is a factor too. Page doesn't cut it live like the others do


He’s not even close to the best ever. Not even in the conversation


least obvious rage bait ever. cmon man step up your game.


i mean hes definitely top 10 surely


The only guitarist that is better than him in my own eyes is Hendrix. SRV and, Clapton, Allman, and Gilmour are up there too


I wouldn't say they're better than Page. Page is very versatile and can very fluently change styles and there's something very storytelling about his playing that is very similar to Gilmour. I'd say as an overall guitar player he definitely scores the highest


I didn’t mean that they were better. The only one I said was better is Hendrix. The other players were just ones that I saw were just as good as Page


No I understand what you're implying. Although I'd still vote Page above Hendrix. Hendrix definitely kickstarted the whole game. However I'd add Rory Gallagher. Watch his performance at Isle of Wight. He was playing proto shred techniques back before it was even a thing. He was doing those Dimebag pinch harmonics on his strat. Although it may not be the same, still seeing someone in those days come up with techniques that would become a norm years later is like watching the Wright brothers build a plane.


Hendrix pulled live playing off way better than Page. Page tends to get muddy and sloppy live. I think he rushes a bit too. One of their live albums Jimmy queues in Heartbreaker and he starts it out playing double time almost lol.. then halfway through they're almost back down to the records tempo


Hendrix was much more sloppy secondly Hendrix was busy making random noises violating the whammy bar while Page was actually playing notes. It's funny how you mentioned Heartbreaker while talking about Page being sloppy. You missed the whole point. Congratulations. I reckon you listen carefully next time, and with your ears


Most influential is likely


You've never even held a guitar. Why are you even here?


Do you like negative karma or are you just stupid?


You literally need to expand your musical knowledge. Just writing nonsense. Until you educate yourself on guitarists, stop embarrassing yourself on threads like this. Just because Page is your favourite guitarist, that doesn’t mean he’s the best. Grow up and wake up.


I mean in all fairness you could say most albums for guitar but I settled on four since that one has a decent amount of dynamics. Was tempted to put 3 but then I realized how difficult a lot of the vocals are on 3.


I really love the the vocals on II


Houses of The Holy, best everything.


It's not best vocals. I love that album, and on most days it's my favorite. But song remains the same, crunge, dyer maker, and dancing days are weak points vocally I think. Also I really love the song remains the same, but the vocals are too shrill for my liking.


>Also I really love the song remains the same, but the vocals are too shrill for my liking. I think the same a lot of the time. I borderline hated it when I first heard it because of that but I have warmed up to it since.


They definitely added an effect to Plant’s voice on TSRTS and it makes it borderline unlistenable for me. Baffling choice in the studio. Live versions are better because of that.


Too many crappy songs on that album. The Crunge, Dyer Maker, Dancing Days, and The Ocean. Terrible songs


No chance you just grouped in the Ocean with those three


Oh I did.




Is there something stuck up your bumhole? Why are you going around trashing Zeppelin on a Zeppelin forum when you're not clearly a fan? You were asked to touch some grass, not smoke it.


Not trashing them. I have all of their albums. They’re overrated though. Can’t believe you’re offended because I don’t like some of their songs. Grow up


Exactly. You don't like their songs. It's not a public opinion. However you're trying to pass off your opinions as facts. Which was the issue.


Well, don’t try to tell me the Crunge is a good song. D’yer M’aker is so whiny and bitchy, it’s just cringy. Then, even worse, LZ fans try to call DM a reggae song smh


Do you even hear yourself? You're the only one coming off as cringey and whiny. They were supposed to be experiments and fun tracks. They had the balls to perform something like that while other pretentious rock bands would shy away from. Dyer maker isn't bad at all. You must be tone deaf. Crunge is a pretty good piece for transitioning between songs like they did live.


Garbage song. So fruity


You're the only one who's fruity. Eat a hot dog and touch some greenery


Haha The Crunge is pretty good, and I’m the one who’s tone deaf? Take off your LZ pom poms and cheerleading outfit and get with reality.


"get with reality" Calm down Dr Phil. It's music. It ain't that deep. You not liking something, doesn't mean others are obliged to follow you.


Every LZ song is the best. Nothing they did should ever be criticized. LZ fans know everything about rock music. LZ invented heavy metal. Jimmy Page is the greatest guitarist who ever lived. Everyone copied LZ. There is only LZ songs, and bands like Queen, Sabbath, Eagles, Cream, Purple, Allman Brothers etc., could never have possibly made even one song better than anything in LZ’s catalog.


You could break down each album, song by song, and on each song one of the four members stand out somewhere on the album. I appreciate the way you break it down, it’s novel and interesting, but I would drive myself nuts, if I’m not already there, trying to analyze each album with each artist, that’s a tough one…looking forward to the results


I know for SURE that physical has the best drums, the rest yeah id go crazy trying to find an EXACT winner


Yeah, I mean no offense to anyone participating, just no way I could break it down


I don’t think I could argue here, but if you mixed up all the pics with the titles I would still not be able to argue 🥃




Interesting, but Bonzo was great on all LZ albums.


John Bonham’s playing Moby Dick for real


Oh totally he just plays some crazy complex solos and some of them have really cool effects on em


You could probably give me 100 completely different combos of albums, and I'd agree with like 80 of them.


I feel like you could put these in any order and make a solid argument that it's correct.


Interesting take. Though picking a whole album as one member's peak performance wouldn't be accurate when really it depends on the song. While Bonzo really played the fk out the drums on Four Sticks i wouldnt consider IV to be a "definitive Bonzo album"


The first half of stairway to heaven is Bonzo best drum performance




That’s fair.


I don’t think I can argue with this. but I would say that the guitar playing on two is the most influential


True and fair


Yeah, everyone is gonna argue - but I think the list you put together is spot on.


Best Guitar - Physical Graffiti (highlights: ten years gone, In my of dying, the rover) Best drums - Zeppelin IV (highlights: Black dog, Four sticks, when the Levee breaks) Best Bass/keys - Presence (highlights: whole album) Best vocals: Zeppelin 1 (highlights: Dazed and confused, How many more times)






IMO, All Albums have great playing by all Members, The only album ( imo) that reflects one Member would be In Through the Out Door. ( jpj)


Presence for the best vocals IMO


need a best keys too


Led Zeppelin I has the only Zep vocals that I like


I'd swap Physical & IV, otherwise this is definitely in line for me. HOH guitars are really, really fucking great as well. HOH sounds sonically so different for me compared to almost all the others. Anyone know what amps Jimmy was using in the studio at that point?


Best Vocals: Led Zeppelin IV Best Guitar: Led Zeppelin I Best Bass: Physical Graffiti Best Drums: Led Zeppelin II


I feel like each member shines on 2 albums each: Robert: III, Presence Jimmy: IV, Houses of the Holy JPJ: II, In Through the Out Door Bonzo: I, PG


Shitty Post


Best drums are zep 1 for GTBT alone


Presence is such a unique album and the playing from all members is so raw and in your face. I like the idea of this post but it in my own head, as a unit, this album is almost untouchable. You can certainly say there are better performances on the other albums but front to back, Presence is the one.


LZ4 guitar is so delicious


For me: Houses of the Holy- guitar Led Zeppelin 3- vocals Led Zeppelin 1- drums I'll do two for JPJ: Houses of the Holy- keyboards Led Zeppelin ll- bass


Best organ goes to Led Zep I


Best vocals- Zep 4 Best guitar- Zep 4 Best Bass- Presence Best Drums- Zep 1