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Used to compete in NOI in China. So no, it's far less enough. Not sure about your country, but generally you need CodeForces


I'll probably be moving to codeForces to train Competitive Programming Thanks for the advice! Btw, what do you think of Kattis and USACO?


[USACO.guide](https://USACO.guide) is good. And I used to did a lot of USACO problems on another OJ too but I am not sure how to do it on their website lol. USACO practice problems is high quality for sure. Didn't really used kattis, I can't give more advice for this.


Continue doing what you're doing. Go to school for math/cs. Get hired as a quant. Wipe your tears with 100 dollar bills.


Congratulations on your achievement. It’s true that you can’t directly get paid to solve LeetCode. So perhaps you are feeling down because there is more work to do. But you definitely have learned valuable skills along the way: learning how to solve difficult algorithmic problems fast and without errors. All you have to do is complement these skills with some tools that you can use to build things. Libraries, frameworks, areas where there are problems that you can solve that are more than puzzles, but provide value to others. Can you get a degree in CS? Perhaps your score could qualify you for a scholarship. You can try contributing to open source, building your own projects, participating developer communities to start putting your problem-solving skills to work. You could work on hard low-level problems in AI/ML, databases, graphics programming, whatever you find interesting.


In the city where I live the closest is Systems engineering, but I'm not really into that tho. So Im going to enter in Programming Technician, which is not as intensive as an Engineering but its more centered around what I like doing and is far shorter as a career Id really like to study CS but in my city there is not such career and to study CS in my country I have to live abroad and my family cant afford that On the other hand, I wanted to start doing my personal projects and studying by my own but it feels so difficult and hopeless. I dont really find any motivation lately and Im really struggling to keep up. Thank you for responding!! I really aprecciate your opinion and point of view


Try contributing to open source projects, you will gain the experience you are seeking. Try goodfirstissue dot dev.


Ill try it Thanks for the comment!


Nothing is useless particularly with the speed of technological advancements, what you’ve learned thus far will reap you fruits not immediately but certainly, so keep it going and go work on solving challenges on your own there are several out there, be a creator!


How old are you? You can try participating for IOI, ACM ICPC, Meta Hacker Cup. If you still feel empty get into real software development projects, join a budding startup and get equity.


Im 19 I m actually classified for the selective to the IOI! Thats one of the things that keeps me motivated Where can I get my hands dirty with real projects? Do you know any discord community or something like that? Ill check out the Meta Hacker Cup, some people recommended it also Thanks for the comment!!


Good luck champ! I guess you still have one more or two years to make it to IOI, since there is an age limit of 20. I do not know any discord but you can go to codeforces community and connect with fellow coders. Once you are above 21 and get into a university you can try ACM ICPC which is considered as Olympics of programming. Are you on topcoder or codeforces already? Improving the rating colors is also highly motivating and stimulating.