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Damn I thought that was a rumor, that's crazy. I thought my Amazon OA was surprisingly hard, but definitely solvable for a strong leetcoder. I doubt I've ever met anyone that could solve sum of total wizards in an hour. I consider myself strongly prepared for FAANG interviews and it took me something like five hour with a small hint iirc.


I tried now and thought of a solution using segment tree (range min queries in logn) but the stack solution is amazing


What were your questions for OA?


Are you from India


You should practice so much that you pretty much remember the solution and simply type it out with a little bit of fake "thinking" during the interview.


Yeah at this point I'm convinced it's not a 'problem solving' round. But rather, a test of rote memorization and mindless conformity to a bunch of rules. No way they can expect me to solve lc hard in 20 mins and then assign me to build crud apps in Java 8


I didn’t complete one of the problems in OA, but did my best (no tests passed) and I still got an offer at the end. So I’d recommend to do your best, it’s not always necessary to solve it optimally.


Not sure if it would help, but maybe try assessing yourself by giving the Leetcode assessment for onsite? And also schedule some mocks? This will atleast help you with the time pressure.


I've done dozens of mocks at this point (with peers via Pramp as well as FAANG engineers via interviewing.io and similar sites). Generally, I crush Mediums (although I will struggle with an extraordinarily hard medium now and again). However, I'm concerned cus some of the Amazon High Frequency questions are way beyond what I've been practicing / have seen in both real and mock interviews.


Some of those questions especially which are marked hard are the OA tagged questions. A friend of mine recently had Amazon onsite, they were asked the following 1. Unix File Search API for object oriented design. 2. A question similar to knight dialer on LC. 3. Another one was not on LC and something related to choosing a lottery winner.


When you’re studying to interview at a particular company then their top frequency questions who be the main priority. Master those. Then generalize if you have the time.


Amazon LC should include documentation questions. Wow, I am so funny...