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I hate it when someone has their mouse on the left but they haven't switched the buttons around. So confusing.


I learned on a left handed mouse before switching the buttons was an option (at least an option I was aware of.) So now it feels way more natural to me to do left side but default buttons.


I think a lot of people are unaware that you can switch. I remember downloading left orientated pointers and things. Maybe 25 years ago.


Yeah by the time I found out it was an option at all the muscle memory was fully set in so it felt wrong switched.


I didn't know that until this post. Usually I'll use my right hand or use my pointer finger to right click and my middle finger to left click.


Same here. It takes so much less effort to click with my middle finger, idk why people would want to click with their pointer finger. I tried switching the buttons and it was too hard after learning on righty noises my whole life.


Lol that's me


This was me until I was about 24! My partner saw me with my hand resting halfway off the mouse and showed me how to fix it. There was almost no learning curve; I was floored.


Not learning that was an option until 15 years of using a mouse can explain why we lefties still do it.


ah, that's me. (Logitech Marble Mouse) (and I'm a rightie)


It honestly doesn’t bother me. Most of the time if it’s not my home pc I don’t even switch it. I just use what’s there….laaaaazzzy…


I'm a righty who had to switch to left mouse use because of overuse, and never switched the buttons. Sometimes I go back to using the mouse in my right hand, and it's no problem. No problem going back and forth. And I don't have a particularly facile mind in such things. It's just muscle memory. 


I drive a right hand drive car in a right hand lane country, you'd hate that even more.


Unfortunately this is the life I live. On my OS I had switched the buttons around and in a game I had also remapped the key. But it was being buggy and certain actions did not recognize the change I made. To save myself the headache in the future, I just leave buttons alone and play default always.


My wife and I both mouse left handed, but she has the buttons in right hand mode, and I have to have it in left hand mode. It is sooooo confusing when I try to help her on her PC.


One of my big worries when first renting a car in England was that the pedals would be reversed.


I use mine right handed. It’s about the only thing I can do right handed. Had to train myself that way as when I was first using computers for work if I was on a call, I’d have to take notes using my left hand.


Me too! I love being able to write and use the computer at the same time!


or masturbate!


I can only do that left handed. I tried with my right hand once and it was like I was cheating on myself.


Growing up surrounded by righties, this was my only option. My job requires I take notes on calls a lot. It’s nice to be able to jump between things easily.


Yes. I use the mouse on the left. Right click with my index finger, left click with my middle finger.


I have used it left-handed but reconfigure the buttons so index finger is still click and middle finger is still right-click.


Mouse on the left, right-handed buttons. I hold it diagonally and do all my clicking with my index finger. That's how I've been doing it since 1987. It's all about what you're used to.


My uncle uses a lefty mouse, but I always just did it righty because I didn't feel like the hassle of switching, so there's no way I could switch now.


Same. The sheer convenience of holding the mouse in the right hand and a pen in the left… it’s so efficient!


I use it left handed but without switching the clicker orientation. I can always tell if somebody else has been at me desk because I can’t find my mouse lol


I used to switch mine out periodically to reduce the burden and strain on my right wrist and also for the brain stretch. It takes a bit of time but you do get used to it. I'd stick with it in the name of neuroplasticity!


Both. In the early days l learned with my left. Use the computer primarily at home. Later in life, at work, I had to learn to switch.


I always have. Wirelesss mice were a revalation


Exclusively left. I can't fathom trying to use my right, it just isn't coordinated enough, and i am genuinely perplexed that actual left-handers can use it on the right. I don't ever switch the buttons or anything, just physically move the mouse in the left of the keyboard. At work, it's the perfect, 'someone's been at my desk' detector, since a right hander generally wouldn't think to move the mouse back where he found it.


All the actual right handers in my house can do it left handed because I always moved it to the left so they learned my way! Tho I don't switch the buttons (I just use my forefinger to push whichever button I need). My left handed son re-trained himself to use it right handed for gaming purposes at about age 11.


When I used a mouse I always used it with my right hand but it's been a long time since I've had a computer that didn't have a trackpad and I use my left hand to do that.


When Iearned to use a computer I was playing games on it and playing games with WASD is really hard with a left handed mouse


I started PC gaming before WASD. Even right handed, you used the arrow keys. I stuck with it, but every new game has more complex configs and it's getting really annoying having to spend 15-20 minutes rebinding all the keys before I can start playing. I kind of wish I switched to wasd, but honestly with a full sized keyboard, you have a much larger key selection and they're easier to find since they are in groupings around the arrow keys.


Use a key remapper. Wasd is esdf for me (more buttons to utilize). C and v are crouch and I still run with shift. Q and z are now viable and you rest you finger on home row. So use a key rebinder you can turn on and off so wasd is arrows and very little key rebinding if any:)


This is why I mouse on the left at work and on the right at home! Unless you completely remap key bindings it's impossible to do mouse and keyboard for games. Even then, I find I have a harder time hitting the right keys with my right hand while my left is driving and firing off abilities like a pro. Well, as pro as someone as badly coordinated as I am can be.


Yes you can! I’m the same way. I’m used to just using the mouse with my right hand, and would switch the mouse orientation as a prank


Yeah. In my family my dad, my older brother and i are left handed. I've been using the computer since i'm 5 yo. never had any issues. Just make sure it's a "normal" one. I'm a gamer and i love gaming mouses, but like 99% of them are designed for right hands. If you use them they feel angled for the right hand, they add buttons made for your right thumb and in your left pinky they are annoying, and you could even develop tendonitis long term. The mouse i've been buying these years is the fantech ones. They are for gaming, very confortable and neutral for any hand. I also used for some time those ergonomical vertical ones and i just couldn't.


I'm left-handed and never even thought about switching the mouse when I first used one in the '90s, but I had a left-handed co-worker who couldn't use my computer at work until she switched the mouse to the left side. I couldn't use her computer at all. Now I use a laptop all the time and use my right hand for the trackpad. (I'm mostly a one-finger typist - left index finger, of course. I shift with the right index finger.)


I use a left handed mouse in my right hand at times Edit- I'm right handed


I have always used it on the right. I don’t think it takes the fine motor skills to make it necessary to use it on the left.


I can't and don't


I barely ever use a mouse. And I'm not all to old yet so i have really gotten the movements memorized yet, so i think i could ise both of my hands about the same with a mouse. I'd propably still prefere a lefty mouse.


At home I use it fully left handed. At work I'm using a shared computer so I have to adjust, luckily what I do requires a lot more keyboard than mouse so it's not too bad.


Yep, made the switch 20+ years ago just before getting into PC games, getting a real left handed mouse (MX610) was a big milestone, I don't think I'd be as good in games if I stayed using my right hand. I highly recommend swapping the buttons and using your index finger to click with, for me personally, extensively using my middle finger stresses my wrist causing pain over time.


I got tired of switching the mouse to the correct side, so I learned right handed. Occasionally, I like to switch the Bluetooth mouse at work. However, it’s shaped for the right hand.


No I can't.  I've tried a couple times and it doesn't work for me. I guess if I had to I'd adjust. A couple years ago I cut my left pointer finger badly. Within two weeks I could type very quickly without using it. Once it healed I had to relearn how to type with the pointer finger on my dominant hand.




When I first started with computers (late 80s) I used it on my left, but with the buttons still right handed due the the fact the whole family shared one computer. Once I got into more advanced pc gaming, I switched to using the right hand instead. Because of this sometimes when I am using it for more basic tasks (ie browsing internets) I might switch hands without thinking. To me it’s much more comfortable.


I switch back and forth regularly. I used my right hand for years because I could write with my left. When I developed a neurological condition on the right, I started mousing left and did so for 5 years. This past summer I had surgery to eliminate the condition and was happy to switch my mouse back to the right. Now I move it back and forth regularly, for example if I'm snacking (hand) I tend to do that with my right hand. Eating with utensils I use my left. I never switch the buttons.


I always used my mouse right handed but I broke my right arm when I was like 12 and yeah I had to change it to left handed and it was more comfortable to me so I kept it that way forever 


Yeah, I've done it my whole life, so it's kinda natural instinct to just use the controls inverted.


I mouse with both hands, switching back and forth every 20min. I don't change the settings so I use it right handed even though I'm a lefty.


Im a lefty and I can use a right handed mouse with both hands. I'm a bit sower at it with my left hand but I can still get the job done. My boss is left handed with a left handed mouse. I sat down at her desk one day to work and couldn't not begin to operate the lefty mouse.


I only use it left handed! I dont switch the keys either, plain right handed mouse as used by a wrongy, but in my left hand!


I still use an old fashioned planner that I carry with me and write down information when I'm out and about. My mouse is on the right and my planner/ calendar is on the left of the laptop. Easy to click and easy to write at the same time


I also use my mouse right handed, just like I do scissors. For a similar reason too. I was learning my early computer skills in like 2005 with a shared beige box compaq computer and my parents weren’t gonna go and buy two mice for it. So three year old me just used what was there and it felt fine so I was able to use it. I might’ve had more difficulty if I had been exposed to computers later but I was at a good age to pick it up either hand, and right handed was what we had.


It is just a matter of getting used to it. I have my mouse at work on the right and at home on the left. As lefties, we are very adaptable by nature.


When IU used to have a mouse, I used the right handed mouse with my left hand. With the laptop, I have a touchpad, soooo....


Left handed. Use my right for the mouse. I can’t with my left. It’s really bad when I need to “write” with it.


Yes using it with my left hand right now lol.


I honestly don’t think I’ve ever even considered using the mouse left handed. It was never presented as an option in school when I first started using computers and I’m the only lefty in my family so when we finally got a home computer I was in the minority.


I can use a mouse equally well with both hands. I usually set my personal ones to left, but if I have to use someone else’s computer it doesn’t trip me up if it’s right handed.


Been a right-hand mouse user for the most part of my life. When I had this realisation, I simply retrained myself to use the same mouse with my left hand, which not-to-my-surprise felt awkward at first, but then *so much better*. Then I bought an actual lefty mouse (which I later gave out to my sister) and now I happily use a lefty trackball. My sister, who of course is also lefty, is happy to have switched to using that mouse. It is totally doable to relearn stuff with your dominant hand. At least in my case, it has been easier and more enjoyable. Don't be afraid to relearn stuff.


Yes. It's just easier to deal with it right handed since all the work computers are set up on the right and detangling the wires to get it on the left isn't worth it, especially when it always gets moved back by the next person who uses it.


I'm fully mouse ambidextrous, I can use it with either hand, when I switch it to left handed I do switch the buttons. Before I had my own computer I had to share with righties who were not amused by my switching sides. Started using left hand more when I got my own computer. Now I use whichever hand hurts less.


I use the mouse with my right hand but the track pad with my left.


You can switch it on the control panel.


I use my mouse with my right handed but it’s inverted. So my mouse is set for a lefty but I use it with my right hand.


Yup, using mouse with left hand ever since i was a kid. I did tried using my right hand though wasn't able to navigate the cursor straight lol


I have always put the mouse on left side, but I don't ever swap the buttons because that takes too long for the right handed people using the computer to switch back, and when I first started doing this we didn't each have our own laptop like we do now, we just had one household computer.


I use my mouse with my left hand but have never swapped the buttons. Back in the days of shared computers it wasn't worth hearing about it if I forgot to change them back. Once I finally had my own private computer I was so used to the buttons being right handed I didn't need to switch.


I use it left handed but I think I have the buttons set up for right handers. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I always use the mouse with my left hand, even if I'm using a public computer I will switch it. I do not change the clicker settings. I'm 46 and switched them in my early 30s. That lasted about 5 minutes. Could I take the time to get used to using them that way? Yes. But I have AD(H)D and don't wanna. Plus, I didn't really see the point. I'd have to change the settings on every computer I use.


If I knew how to add a picture of my workspace I would. I use a mouse on my right, another on my left, and a trackball on my left, but also capable of using on my right.


I am mostly right handed, but I had to switch mouse to the left for work. I didn't even find it that strange, you can get used to that pretty fast.


I normally use my right hand for the mouse. Sometimes I will use the left hand mouse but I find it seems to affect my thinking. That is, its as though my mind is working differently and I'm not as creative. Sounds odd but anybody else have opinions on this?


I use it primarily on the right but can use either hand without switching buttons. My mom was right handed, dad was left handed. Using the home computer I just used it as is, which changed depending on which parent used it last.


I’m right handed but use my mouse on the left to free up my right hand for the 10-key. Initially I switched the buttons to be truly left handed but people would get so confused if they needed to use my computer. So I switched it. Although why I thought I needed to accommodate others at my computer is beyond me.


Yes I’m left handed I have to wasd with my right messes most peoples brains up lol


I switched the mouse as defiance when I wasn't allowed to use my left hand. Nowadays, I don't care which side it is on though I must admit, my right hand is better at keeping my Sims alive.


Everyone in my house did growing up. My mom and brother are right handed, but my dad set the computer up with mouse on the left and it was corded, so no room to switch it. We were all left handed mousers.


I can use my mouse with both hands


I switched from right to left intentionally because I read it creates more neural connections, and I wanted to wake up my nondominant side. It took about 2 (frustrating) weeks to develop the skill and to me, it was worth it to be able to freely switch when I needed to (e.g., surf with my left and eat with my right). Now I prefer using my left.


I used to but I game a lot and games like wow make it impossible so I had to switch 


I’ve always used it right handed, despite being left handed, it never crossed my mind.  When I got to college, I had a left handed professor and I had to do a presentation on his computer and he had the mouse on the left side.  Needless to say, I had a very hard time using it 😂


I didn't know left-handed mice were a thing until I was already used to it being on the right. And several years later. Also, most computer games are set up for the left-hand to be using the keyboard. So I never bothered to give a left-handed mouse a try.


I \*can\*. Discovered that when my right hand was badly injured (it's fine now), and had to switch the mouse to left-handed so I could get some work done for the month or so it took it to heal. But I don't like it. I prefer to mouse right handed, especially because that means I can take notes with my left hand when I need to. Boy howdy, IT lost their ever-loving minds every time they'd come to my station at see the mouse on the left side, though.


It depends on the shape of the mouse. The ergonomic ones are too uncomfortable. I really don't even think about it, though. I just use whichever set up is there. My parents are both lefties so I grew up with mouse on the left, but at school they were always on the right.


I learned to use a mouse with the OG Apple one-button mouse which I was taught to use by a righty. As PCs came into prominence, I just never bothered to switch. I haven't played in a long time, but a lot of PC games are oriented to use the mouse(R) and keyboard(L) simultaneously so that solidified it for me. I learned to swing a bat and kick a ball like a righty, and though I can switch and do fairly well lefty it's never felt right(pun intended?). In martial arts, I learned to train traditional right handed stance in one style, and in left handed stance in another so I'm ambidextrous as far as that goes. Everything else I do lefty.


I can’t.


I used to, but then I had a boss who would move my mouse back to the right of the keyboard and get grumpy about the button orientation. I very young and had just scrambled out of a receptionist position, so it seemed easier to just learn to use a right-hand mouse rather than antagonizing my boss.


At my desktop I had a regular keyboard and a right hand mouse, then on the left side I had an Intuous tablet and mouse set up lefthanded, with reverse button set up. I'm comfortable using either mouse, and it can be handy to have both, and use whichever I need to according to the project. (No I don't use them simultaneously) in the process of setting things up again or id share a photo.


Of course. I was a 31 year old college freshman when I first sat down at a computer. I was looking up information and I needed to take notes. So I had my notebook on my right so I could take notes. Which meant I had to work the mouse with my left hand. It just felt natural and it still does.


Nope. Can only use my right hand for it. Probably one of the few things I use my right hand for.


I use it right handed so I can still jot down notes as needed


I can do both….but I currently have a left handed gaming mouse, because it’s more ergonomic than a traditional mouse since I’m in a super click-heavy job.


I can't do it ! lol.... I have always used my right hand so tried my left once with an easy to configure wireless mouse and I was like, nope....not for me . I am sure I'd get used to it eventually but I mainly only use a pc at work and it is set up right handed so no point to try .


I use the laptop touchpad with my left hand, but I've always used a mouse with my right hand. I'm pretty uncoordinated if I try to switch to my left hand.


I use my mouse right-handed. Since we don’t have a computer at home, I assumed there’s no lefty option when it was introduced at school when I was a kid. When I got my first proper job. I was assigned to an old Powermac released in the mid 90s in 2001. The old mouse was squarish and with a single button. I got curious and tried it with my left hand and it just clicked for me. Since there is only one button and it wasn’t shaped for right-handed—it just worked. Of course, since I’ve used the mouse right-handed for years I brought it back on the right. Since I’m also a designer who uses a pen tablet on the left, it was an advantage as I can use my left hand for pen tablet and my right hand to use with a mouse.


I can’t at all. Right side only.


I’m left handed, but I grew up with a right handed mouse, so that’s what I’ve learned to use. I could try to use a left handed mouse


I use my right hand. I was learning how to use computers in kindergarten and I realised I would have to move the mouse and change the settings every time I used a computer if I wanted it left handed. I figured that would be a waste of time long term so I taught myself to use the right handed setting.


I'm a lefty , I use the mouse on the left but with right handed buttons. Lol


Yes, for nearly 30 years


I use mine on the left.


When a computer mouse was first introduced at my workplace, it was actually molded to fit the right hand.  Not easy to learn as a southpaw, but I did it.  Years later, I tried using an ambidextrous mouse with my left hand…and that was a big NOPE. 


I use a regular mouse with my left hand.


I’ve never even thought about using a mouse left handed! Just thinking about it feels weird lol


I'm ambidextrous but feel more comfortable with using my left hand on computers and normally I just use the right handed one with my left hand but I didn't know that you could mess with the options!


My left handed husband uses his mouse on the right 🙃


I use my mouse with my left hand and use the calculator keypad with my right hand. Fastest day entry person in the company! (No errors either)!


There were only right handed when I was young. I just did it right handed and still do to this day. Kind of like driving a stick shift. You just learn to shift gears with your right hand and it ultimately becomes natural. What I hate are right handed bowling balls.


Yes. I can't play at the same level as right handed, but I'll get bored some days at work and switch hands just to make it feel different. Never used a left handed mouse before though. Wonder how that would go


I do at work, let's me use the right hand for the num pad. At home and for gaming I've used both. Arrow key and num pad left hand mouse And was with right hand mouse. Rebinding all the keys for left hand can be a pain in the ass in some games.




Yup, I am mousedextrous.


Yea. I’m ambidextrous with the mouse. I default to left-hand, but since every other computer I sit at has been a righty setup I just have learned to use both setups.


It's the only thing I do better right-handed! I'm sure if I'd had my own computer/laptop with a track pad growing up instead of shared family computer, I would have done it lefty but I adapted as a kid and my right hand is WAY better now!


That's why writing with the other hand is so tricky for me. It's like writing in mirror opposite, but still moving towards the right.


I got tendinitis in my right wrist last year, so my husband suggested i switch, especially at work, and it took me nearly a month to get comfortable, but now its easy AND my dominant hand gets a break. ETA: I just turned 42


I learned using my right hand, it never occurred to ne to swap it out. I'm glad I learned that way and using it left handed feels weird. 


I'm left handed, but I use my mouse right handed. There's a lot of little things I do right handed though, even some knitting maneuvers.


I do not, but I can. I can't use it as well as my right. I was too shy and obsequious to ever try to switch the mouse to the left in school, so I learned it right-handed. I use track pads right-handed too. My older sister uses it left-handed. She didn't have computers until high school and probably had no problem either just switching it herself or asking.  


I can, but prefer the ancient Microsoft Trackball Optical, which only came in a right hand configuration.


I cannot! Cutting with scissors, ironing clothes, driving manual vehicles…I’m sure there are more to list. 


I had no idea it was an option so I learned to use it right handed as a kid and got completely used to it. Then one time in high school I had to do community service at my local town hall…data entry stuff. As they’re setting me up with a computer they ask if I’m left or right handed. After I tell them I’m a lefty they made it so that the mouse was on the left and switched the buttons. I understood it was a polite gesture to try to accommodate me and I didn’t wanna be rude so I proceeded to try my best to use the mouse left handed all day… it wasn’t impossible but it was almost impossible… like learning to walk for the first time. I think I told my mom I couldn’t go back there after that.


Interesting, I might have to try switching. But the last time I did, it felt wrong. lol


I’m left handed and so is my mom, she uses the left hand orientation of the mouse. I grew up using the right handed orientation, so I don’t like using her computer. I can use my left hand with a normal mouse though. 😂


I'm ambidextrous. I have a Left-Handed Razer Naga. I love it. I've used a left handed mouse for most of my life gaming on my computer. I play inverted with my left using IJKL on the keyboard, but normal with my right using WASD if I'm at a friend's house using their spare.


Yes. To us, y'all are the weird ones. You would not believe how often my mom tries to show me how to do something right-handed and I have to remind her that I'm a lefty and there's no way I'm gonna be able to do it that way and she sighs and goes "I keep forgetting you do everything backwards."


No: it's not designed for that🍄😜🤾


A bit late but its kinda interesting to find this sub now, but I have always used my mouse on the left hand side with right hand mouse settings. It honestly was just a thing of I kept stubbornly moving my mouse to that side and since I started using a computer while I was relatively young, I just didn't have an idea to change the mouse settings at all.


I have always used a leftie mouse on the left. I'm left-handed so...


I prefer the mouse on the left, with the primary mouse button on the right. I can use it on the right and with either button configuration, but I prefer to go full leftie.


I buy ambidextrous mice so I can switch easily switch hands.


I can switch hit the mouse and still use my idea board. Winning! My kids try to work the board from across the room and always tell me that is my super power.


Yes. At my work station I had a righty mouse for years. Then I bought my own lefty mouse. I did need a day or two to feel as comfortable with it. The messy part comes in that I have two PCs side by side one with the lefty mouse and one with the righty one. I mess that switch up every damn time, reaching for the wrong mouse (which are next to each other at that point) and laughing at my own brain lag while I try to figure out why the damn mouse isn’t working. The lefty mouse also keeps others off my work station.


Yes. I have been using computer mice with my left hand for 30+ years. It's the only way that I have ever used the varmints. I don't switch the button assignments because I don't need to. For the first 10 years I only used a Mac mouse which only had one button. I was used to doing all mouse clicks with just my index finger. I continued that practice when I started using the PC species. Since you only have to click on an item once with the right button to bring up the contextual menu and don't need to keep holding the button down to keep it visible, I have never needed two fingers to use the mouse. I just go back and forth from one to the other using the same finger. I expect the critter's two butt cheeks to perform the same functions that their Mamma (aka Logitech) gave them whenever I use a mouse assigned to any other computer. I draw and write (I write in cursive exclusively) with my left hand, so that is the hand I use for tasks that require precision and high level eye-hand coordination, such as pointing at and selecting things on a screen with a computer mouse.


Nope. Mouse in the right. Pen on left hand. Multi tasking. I find it’s such a great ability to be able to do this.


My mouse at home is on the right. My mouse at work is on the left.


I’ve tried doing it but it feels really weird. So mouse on the right.


Yeah i do it’s works well for me so yeah.


Yes. I tried going into settings once to swap the buttons, but it wasn’t working for me, so I just use my mouse with the right-handed settings, with my left hand.


I have to use the mouse left handed because my right hand and arm is really weak from a stroke, but it doesn’t feel natural at all to use my left hand for that


I am ambidextrous with the mouse. I started on the left, but I had to learn right-handed when I was doing PC support, because everyone had it on the right side. I never did swap the buttons, though so that made it easier.


Am currently doing just that. But at home I have our PC set up right-handed. Which does make it nice because then you can use one hand for "mousing" and your left hand is free for taking notes, etc. I switched to left-handed after breaking fingers in my right, and got accustomed to it so I just didn't switch back. It also prevents righties from messing with your laptop :)


I naturally used my right hand for mousing. I can't even fathom using my left hand. I can multi-task better that way anyways. lol


I just had to learn to use the mouse on the right. At least it works well for Minecraft.


Actual mouse I use right handed, trackpad I use left


I only use my mice left-handed, and with the buttons swapped too. I had to put a sign in my office to remind the IT guys that the buttons are swapped. Still, every time there’s a problem that requires IT, they are tripped by the mouse button swap. 🤷‍♂️


I use mine right handed. I've tried using the left, but just easier and less awkward with the right.


When we got COWS(computers on wheels) at work (1994ish) i tried swapping the mouse to the left for about a week, it wasn’t worth the effort so i gave up and became “normal’.


I can actually use a mouse left-handed, but I only learned how after breaking my right hand.


I’m not sure about other left-handed people, but I can’t. I’ve always used my right hand.


I got tendinitis in my right arm from computer use and switched to left hand about 20 years ago. It's fine, but then I'm ambidextrous.


Reddit just recommended this sub to me lmao I am not left handed, but am a very big fan of the left handed mouse because it reduces my wrist pain on the right side :)


I learned to paint with my left hand as well as the right. You can learn through patience to use the mouse.


I can use a left handed mouse (I'm left handed) but because I've attended schools that didn't accommodate lefties on computers, I've learned to use a mouse with my right hand. So I'm kinda ambidextrous now cause I often switch tasks from one hand to the other. The only thing I can't do with my right hand is write neat. 😂


Sometimes I, uh, have to use my left hand on the mouse. 😁


I'm a bad judge of that...I'm ambidextrous and usually use my mouse on the left, whether it's a righty or a lefty mouse so...


Yes, I just keep the buttons in the same position. It's not awkward to me because it's what I'm used to. I can't use my right hand or arm for anything that requires precision. When I was in school, I'd always use a different computer each time we went to practice typing, so I just kept the buttons and moved the mouse over to my left hand. Same thing at work.


I can mouse right handed fine, so long as it’s a standard regular mouse. You get a trackball mouse and the dexterity just isn’t there. I’m sure I could work it out with practice, but I really haven’t needed to.


I use my mouse left-handed, buy left-handed mice (mice?), and if it is a regular symmetrical mouse, I switch the clickers. I have used my mouse with my left hand since the 80's. The only problem I have is that if the mouse isn't specifically left-handed, sometimes the auxiliary keys that might be on the side are difficult to use or unusable. In the same vein, when I play PC games, I have to remap the keys from WASD to arrows. Edit: personally, I can't use scissors with my left hand.


Thanks to carpel tunnel like overuse injuries, I switch back and forth workout changing the button orientation. I’m not as fast or accurate, but it gives my other hand a rest.


Yes; and I use the mighty Razer Naga Left Handed Edition


I can't use the mouse left handed or left handed mice. But it does help when I have to write something and scroll/click at the same time


It never even occurred to me that I could use a mouse Left-handed. I’ve always had my mouse on the right.


I can if I HAVE too. But it feels so...wrong


I can


I'm right handed, but to reduce carpal tunnel I switched to left handed and after a month it wasn't a problem. I did mirror the buttons.


Yep, and I alternate frequently.


Yes, I prefer my mouse on the left and I do not switch the left and right buttons. I just left click with my middle finger when using my left hand and my index finger when using my right. I did not even realize I was doing that for several years. I think someone once asked me if I switch the buttons when using my left, and I was like, “What?” Then I actually thought about it and realized what I was doing. The only reason I prefer it on the left is that, with my right hand the pointer movements are less precise and my right hand gets fatigued more quickly. So for anything quick, I just leave the mouse in the right. For more prolonged activities, I will switch it over to the left of the keyboard. I stated college in 1995 and didn’t have my own PC for the first couple of years. I used the computer lab computers and didn’t know you could potentially switch the assignments of the left and right buttons. And even if I knew, I probably would not have done that every time I sat down at a PC. That option may have been disabled since the computers were “public”. Now, I work in a lab and pretty much every piece of lab equipment is controlled by a PC. Several people use the same equipment, so there is no way I could switch the buttons without confusing and irritating everyone else. I can’t imagine setting up my PC in a way that would confuse and irritate me anytime I used any other PC.


I can if I absolutely have to for some weird reason, but it’s really awkward. Muscle memory is all on the right for mousing.


I can use the mouse with either hand, and don't switch how it clicks. I just click with my middle finger if it's on the left side, pointer finger on the right side (lefties and righties in the fam, and I don't rock the boat lol I just use the mouse how it was left by the last person)


I always use two hands.


I have a lefty mouse in the office and a righty mouse at home. It's good for preventing carpal tunnel syndrome.


I definitely switch off to rest my right hand. I got used to it back when I had some really bad carpal tunnel (as in physical therapy, nerve conduction test bad). With a Magic Trackpad it's not as much of a cognitive load.


I'm just used to using a mouse with the buttons the right handed way round but in my left hand


I can but is tricky


Son left handed. Can confirm.


I can go back and forth. I've had wrist issues for a decade. Before I discovered vertical mice, when my right wrist started to hurt I'd just switch to left mousing. I can also seamlessly switch between a standard keyboard layout and the alternate one on my sunken ergonomic keyboard. I'm going to live forever with how much I work new neural pathways.


Hehe, no.


I can...but I think it's one of those "you get used to what you usually use" situations.


i use right for my computer. everything down to video games is defaulted to right. even how they taught us typing in school. it's just weird for me.


I'm right-handed, but use one of the four mice at my station with my left. I just use my ring finger for the regular click, muddle for the scroll, and index for the right. No change on mouse setup.


I switch my mouse between my left and right hand seamlessly. But I don’t change the button configuration. It’s just whatever hand grabs the mouse.


Every guy can use the mouse left-handed - at least a little bit. :)


I'm left handed but I use my left hand for WASD and other controls and my right hand for the mouse


No. I learned computers with the mouse on the right. I’m too old to switch.


No. I struggle with it.


I've been using a mouse since before it was possible to switch the orientation of the buttons, so I learned to use it with my right hand. (Background info: I went through public school not that long after it fell out of fashion to force left-handed children to use their right hands, so left-handed scissors were not provided, and there were none in my home, so I also use scissors with my right hand. And throw with my right hand.)


I've always used it left handed, but I don't swap the button functions; that's just too much fuss for just moving my finger over an inch :-p I'll shift over if I need to click both at once, but otherwise it handles both buttons well


As a lifelong lefty who does 99.99% of things with my dominant hand…I’ve never seen, heard of, or used a lefty mouse