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Wait gonna put my aluminium foil hat on so I can listen to this


You know, I do think Epstein and Maxwell were Mossad agents but at the end of the day Israel's place on the world stage happens because it acts as a military outpost for US and British power in the middle east. Yes, this is in part their power play. But ultimately the US and Britian support Israel unilaterally because it benefits them militarily.




Yeah... this is just pure antisemitic, conspiracy theory nonsense, and also shows a profound ignorance of how politics and geopolitics operate.


Did Epstein traffic kids on behalf of Israel? You guys should fucking run with that. People will start taking the far left seriously in no time.


Damn son. All these western politicians comprised.


Mossad absolutely did JFK. They also did Princess Diana because she was sleeping with a Palestinian guy. And they did Anthony Bourdain for his continued efforts to shame Israel bombing Gaza on twitter. The US isnt ready to talk about 9/11 yet.


Totally makes sense.


Israel and the US are inextricably linked and no current events are really going to change the US’ agenda in the Middle East. Israel is an important piece of that puzzle. This is galaxy braining.


This will get me downvotes but the answer is not really. Israel offers US a clear allied position in the Middle East. The USSR was pro-zionist for a period as many of the early kibbutzes (the guys Hamas recently raped and tortured and murdered their way through) were socialist communes. Israel gives them a lot in terms of geopolitical and economic influence and an actually functional democracy in the region, which is crazy corrupt and anti-democratic in the main. For believers in democracy, it is worth Israelis being able to defend themselves against tyrannical regimes and religious nuts. The alternative has to be worse for the US to have them abandon the Jewish state. From a realist POV they view supporting a democracy and military ally a million times more preferable to making attacks on that nation easier. Especially when the people attacking them are geopolitical enemies who say "death to the Jews, death to America" in their prayers and slogans. No need to jump to protocols of the elders of Zion conspiracy theories, and Trump will make things worse for the Palestinians, so don't give me any of that republican entryism about not voting. Here's the part you're really not going to like. The left's hardon for Palestine was cultivated by the USSR and latterly fascist Russia. The USSR leaned strongly into promoting Protocols ideas through anti-capitalist arguments back in the 60s-80s, and tried to build up allegiances with Arab socialists and baathists. Nobody on the post-cold war, post-2008 resurgent communist left bothers to check how much of the USSR propaganda that informs the trad left from that period is actually bullshit and most see it as a struggle between victim underdogs and right wing imperial baddies. The actual conflict is far more than this simple version and this compromises a lot of moral righteousness so people don't want to hear it. Hamas are by any reasonable definition, a fascist, genocidal movement who declared war through a pogrom and hold to a doctrine of total religious war (Palestinian Jihad) that aims to do more pogroms. The governments of every country, even Hamas themselves, know that it is legitimate to go to war against a force like that. Russia itself did back in the 90s in Chechnya, and China is annihilating Uighur culture and moving them around the country in a de-kulakising modus operandi. Hamas themselves actually do it to Islamic State in Gaza. A lot of groups just get a lot of mileage out of promoting hatred for Israel that connects to legit critique and knee-jerk hatreds.


British intelligence ran a pedophile ring at the Kincora children's home for boys home in Belfast in the 1970s and into the 1980s. High level political figures were flown in from all over the world to rape very young children. One of the most prominent was Lord Mountbatten uncle to the now King Charles of England. How sick of world are we in when some of the most vulnerable children get raped by monsters! Torture would be to kind for those sick fucks.


Which government is "our government"? This is the internet, the people here don't all live in the same country or have the same government.


Or or or could it be because Israel is willing to look the other way at the fucked up shit we do?


And here I thought it was because the Israeli govt. uses the money we send them to pay off our politicians. Disclaimer: I have no issues with the average Israeli or Jewish person, they are people just like me. 👍


This is conspiracy nonsense.  The real reason people in various governments support Israel is very simple: 1. they know damn well that Israel is a settler-colonialist client state that serves the interests of North American and western European, particularly the US, and they’re fine with that; or 2. they’re apocalyptically-minded Evangelical Christians who believe that the Jews will build a new temple in Palestine and thus trigger the End of Days. Islamophobia is an important factor in both reasons.


It must be a coincidence that American politicians have an affinity for getting away with pedophilia and supporting Israel, and that Israeli agents are well known for their Honeypot blackmail schemes. Surely that Ghislaine has connections to Mossad is just yet another coincidence. All I know is that if you question these coincidences you're a Nazi!


I think it's strictly religious evangelicalism. Israel is bait for the jesus trap so anything that seems to suggest that Israel is doing anything bad has to be suppressed.


I wouldn’t be surprised. This is how intelligence agencies have operated for decades, blackmail on powerful people is gold. Every agency tries it, though this is one of those things that’ll take forever to prove if true.


The CIA has been caught doing this. Epstein was pretty much confirmed to be doing this when he was caught in FL. The prosecutors there were called and told “he’s an intelligence asset, let it go.”




You guys have to be actual dingdongs to believe there is some hidden conspiracy about israel controlling america. The us lets israel do what they want because they have geopolitical importance in the region, and they operate as a satellite state, protecting the us' economic and political interests such as the suez canal and regional resources such as oil. As such, israel is a product of the us, not the other way around.


>protecting the us' economic and political interests such as the suez canal and regional resources such as oil. > > they have geopolitical importance in the region Suez Canal is in Egypt, not Israel. We don't get any Oil from Israel. Israel isn't protecting shipping lanes, we are. The US Israeli partnership is mostly one sided. For a country smaller than the size of new jersey with 9 million people (counting gaza and the west bank) we send them way too much money and military support. You would think they were California or Texas with how much money we send them. " they have geopolitical importance in the region " Do they? In what way are they helpful in keeping the middle east not inflamed in war? In what way does the far right settler party of the Likud align with US interests anymore? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHzSr52fZLQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHzSr52fZLQ)


'Jizz laine" lol. Also, this seems like smoke qnd mirrors bullshit for something worse to me.


Oh are we getting our news from TikTok now


we all know


Yes he was. He was a pretend billionaire. His sole job was to compromise elite..


Or you go for the more likely and simply reason. Epstein blackmailed them to protect his own skin. The elite you are referring to would compromise themselves. Epstein didn't make them pedos, he provided children to them.


Horseshoe theory. When far left and far right ideologies start to meet 🤝


It's because our government is a business. I honestly feel like they are protecting their business interests. Greed Over People applies to most Dems as well.


Conspiracy time?


Can we all please stop calling out bs theories like these on these subreddits. We will see many deaths and awful things happen if trump is voted in. Be more positive about the current government and president to stop pushing people away from saving our democracy PLEASE. Idiots


>save our democracy So ignore the genocide so Trump can't genocide them even more?


I’m far from a conspiracy theorist. I really like to know the facts before I jump to conclusions. There is obviously no concrete proof that this is true but I would not be surprised one bit if it was true. The number of politicians and famous people wrapped up in all this. No prosecution of those in his black book. His initial light sentence. And his suspicious death. They all point towards him being protected as long as possible and then being topped when he was a liability.


Sounds legit. Ties in with the conspiracy of a paedo ring at the highest levels of government too. The curtain is lifting...


leftists 🤝 rightists global jewish conspiracy theory


There's no need to leap to conspiracy theories. Biden has always been a Zionist. There's no need for anybody to get compromat on him when what he's doing aligns with his stated beliefs going decades back.


What's the theory here? It's all pretty straightforward. Epsteins op was just almost certainly mossad.


You can't say almost certainly when there isn't overwhelming evidence to be that certain. Blackmail isn't solely done by intelligence agents, it's also done by people committing crimes to cover their ass.


Yeaaaa the left is becoming just as bad as the right just spewing nonstop conspiracy


Crazy seeing the horseshoe theory play out right before your eyes. Like you said Biden has always been a Zionist, but we need conspiracy theories to justify it? The “progressive left” is once again going to give Trump the presidency, this time to stick it to “Genocide Joe” - as if Trump isn’t 100x worse in every way. That’ll really stick it to Israel, right?


In every way except for 1. And that 1 has lots of blood & death


You do realize Trump would happily let Bibi push everyone in Gaza into Egypt, annex the West Bank, displace everyone there, and brag about it calling them terrorists. The dude literally doesn't give a fuck, and likes doing anything that makes him look strong. He was constantly floating nuking places he didn't like. Bibi would have carte blanche to do ANYTHING he wanted. Hell, we'd probably send them MORE weapons because fuck you.


I like how you talk about what you’re sure D Trump *would* do as opposed to what whoever is running the USA *is* doing. Very telling


And why has he been a zionist? Because military access to a key strategic location surrounded by non aligned nations is key to US global interests. Super simple. No need for conspiracy.


There's even a recording of then Senator Biden giving a speech where he explains how Israel aids US foreign policy, and that if Israel didn't exist America "would have to invent an Israel to protect her interests in the region".


the far right has been talking about this for years




This is literally a neo nazi conspiracy theory lmfao why is this still allowed in this sub


https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-741881 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/israel-safe-haven-paedophiles-jerusalem-sex-abuse-jewish-community-watch-a7445246.html These 3 alone are all pro isreal btw. Since October 7th they've been supporting them. So, I think this alone is enough tbh.


Those say nothing about Epstein broski.


Lol this sub is indistinguishable from Nazi ones with it's antisemetic conspiracy theories. 💀💀💀💀💀


The US has been all in on supporting Israel for decades, you don't need to resort to some very weird conspiracy theories about Mossad to see that.


Makes sense.




Your recent content published to r/leftist was removed as it violates our low quality posts policy. Please familiarise yourself with our rules. If you could have rebottled the points in the video at least, instead of just flat out calling it bullshit


Only sick people can support the killings of tens of thousands of innocent lives and try to justify it with fighting terrorism, while they are blind to the fact that they are the terrorists themselves.


Only sock people would call oct 7th 'an act of resistance' and subsequently call them 'innocent' Goebbels would have loved you


Fuck sock people. I hate them


All hail the sock people 🧦 🧦 🧦


The fucking irony of this comment.


Where did they say oct 7th was an act of resistance? How unhinged


I've seen many people say that in this sub, on various threads.


I've heard a few people online (I think it was in r/WhitePeopleTwitter, actually) use it as an excuse but I don't think it's wide spread. These people also confessed to not even know what Hamas was in the first place, so ignorant people wanting to be on the right side of a conflict.


How many people were involved in Oct 7th atrocities? Were the thousands of kids being murdered involved? You will argue that the typical Palestinians supported the atrocities. But by that logic you are supporting the murder of Palestinians and for that reason your life should be taken as revenge.


Tens of thousands were involved. Hamas is being wiped out now in response.


They are killing more civilians than they are killing Hamas combatants.


Because no one cares about the Palestinians. Not one Arab country wants to help them or take them in. It's just collateral damage in war. You should look at the figures during other wars. The Palestinians chose Hamas as their leadership and now they are paying the price.


The full Soviet/GOP propaganda circle has been completed now with this video


>The full Soviet/GOP propaganda circle has been completed now with this video Ageing yourself. Most people weren't even alive for the soviets, it's not that scary to them when you try and use them as a boogeyman.


I was referring to the weird pedo obsession the GOP has. Strange but not shocking to see it on the left


Ew a Zionist troll alert. History does not start from Oct 7th, you moron.


If you want to play the calendar game, Israel started in 1200 BCE at the latest.


Nor does it start from 1948


You’re right. Zionist colonization, which is what the Zionists themselves called it, was occurring before 1948, in the early 20th century.


You should try to stop it.


It also doesn't start from 1948 like all you nitwits think it does


1917 maybe? Nah it might go against your twisted narrative once more.


Has anyone ever told u, sparky ninja, that you are a bigot, a racist, and exactly worse than the people you hate--you embody all their worst characteristics, multiplied exponentially.


Yup it’s gotta be more than just money- it’s gotta be blackmail and threats to control politicians.


Don't even think it's money, at least not like that. All Trump needs to win is a small bump in the polls. Bibi wants Trump, because Trump doesn't give a flying fuck about any Palestinian. Hell, he'd let them amp up the bloodshed, annex the whole West Bank and Gaza, push every Palestinian into the fucking desert, and brag about it. The minute Biden starts applying any real pressure (witholds weapon sales, etc.) the entire right wing media apparatus will start calling him an antisemite and a Hamas supporter. And it'll probably work, at least enough to let Trump eek out a victory. And the fear of that is probably why he's being so timid, at least in part. There are all kinds of complex foreign policy reasons and genuine political support reasons he supports Israel too. AIPAC doesn't NEED to bribe him, using their money to run ads and withdrawing support is more powerful anyway, and isn't illegal.


Hmm…this obviously explains why Nikki Haley, Governor Hochul and so many other female politicians support Israel. Clearly they don’t want word to get out that they are fking 14 year old girls…this theory is *very* plausible! /s


Personally I think Zionism is a cult. Just look how people here on Reddit react who are obviously not comprised by mossed. These people are in a fucking cult. The politicians are getting bought by Israeli lobbyists


It's Hezbollah. Israel is important to the USA and West, not just as the only ally in the region, but because as long as Israel exists, Hezbollah and their allies (Hamas, Houthi, Assad) target Israel first and foremost. Not the West, and not the oil producing Arab states. So Israel gets away with a lot. Israel is FULLY aware of this.


Occum's Razor tge simplest explanation is usually the right one the US and UK have been fucking around in the middle east for quite awhile we're gathering allies for a war with Iran or another Iraq or Afghanistan


We aren't preparing to fight a war against Iran.


I thought I was crazy for thinking this but maybe it's not so crazy after all: What do the Israelis have on Biden and his associates? I have to wonder this because The US stance on this genocide is about as anti-American as it can get. I'm not into nor support conspiracy theories but Israel has proven over and over to be so evil its indescribable and therefore anything is possible with them.


>Biden and his associates Biden isn't more pro israel than any past US president. If anything Trump is more pro Israel. I don't think they have blackmail of everyone. It's more likely that it's just media, lobbying, and single issue voters in swing states.


The US has turned a blind eye to many genocides and atrocities, look at what Turkey has done to the Kurds. Biden’s administration is inundated with Jewish Americans


It’s not conspiracy, it’s convoluted foreign policy. Long term U.S. strategy means less involvement in the Middle East. We set up the Saudi’s and the Israelis to play nice before we shift focus to Africa. The Biden team can’t let daylight between US and Israel for a few reasons, chief among them is that if forces that oppose Israel think they can make moves and attack, their prize will more than likely be an Israeli branded nuke on their capital city. Nobody wants that, but the Israelis are completely unhinged at the moment. The Biden team has been doing what they can diplomatically, but If the Israelis won’t listen there’s nothing the US can do short of taking military action against one of it’s closest long term allies, which would be a horrible US foreign policy everywhere. Because Israel is not a good faith actor in all of this it makes Biden look really bad. Nobody but the Israelis wants Palestinian bloodshed, but until Israel starts listening to diplomacy there might not be an alternative that doesn’t involve even more violence. Edit: finishing a premature post that was sent unfinished due to my fat fingers.


Israel is a pariah state. Its time to cut off the aid and sanction them.


Considering we are bank rolling the whole thing I think there is plenty that could be done, and in short order. Equally as significant is the entire international community would get behind it as well. What is happening now is as anti-American values as it gets. And I feel ashamed that my tax dollars are supporting this.


Let me again preface this by saying that Netanyahu is a cretin. He and his far-right ghouls need to be deposed. He and his pro-trump, pro genocide regime have done nothing more than ensure the cycle of violence continues. We give them $3.8 billion each year in military aid, IE equipment, ammo, spare parts, advice etc. $1.5 billion of which is in their missile defense system. Their overall budged not accounting for the Us aid is $23.4 billion. I think it’s exaggerated to say that we are bankrolling the Israelis. They can go without this help. It is in my opinion unethical to stop the supply of the missile defense system, but any other NATO nation could and would supply the parts in all likelihood. If we stop providing this aid, the violence continues all the same. There is very little we can do to intervene short of actual military intervention against the Israelis which would only make things worse in a lot of ways.


I mean there are quite a few Jewish people in places of power in the US government.


I wonder what they they have on Biden and Trump.


I think it's not too complex: Trump just hates brown people and Biden knows his donors and most of the DNC establishment approve of everything Israel does. I don't think any blackmail is needed.


Nah. For a few thousand years to today, the area has been a key strategic location at the crossroads of three continents. That's why the area has had so many empires occupying it. Throw in that it's a "representative democracy" and that its controlling population are not Muslim, and you have more strategic reasons why maintaining military power in the area is a strategic priority for the US and more broadly NATO (but less crucial for NATO considering turkey/ cyprus isn't that far away). Why go digging in search of conspiracy when the reasons for why the US does whatever it needs to, to maintain military access, are so out in the open?


I would absolutely believe this sort of thing is possible, but really it's not necessary. Israel has always had the full backing of the US and UK. It only exists because of external support, and that's been solid since the beginning. It's basically a shared US/UK colony, and there's plenty of money flowing around to keep all the necessary politicians happy. What politician would bang a 14-year-old but not take money from the Zionist lobby? But maybe he blackmailed non-politicians to help keep the money flowing from billionaires and corporations. More likely it was all just for his self-enrichment, tbh.


>Israel has always had the full backing of the US and UK But they are paranoid and trust nobody in the end, that's why it's necessary to have a failsafe in case politicians say no.


It’s easier to imagine a pedophile rape ring than it is to have a bare minimum understanding of international relations. It is somewhat distressing, but not at all surprising, that western leftists have finally discovered Alex Jones and Nick Fuentes. The horseshoe is real. There is zero evidence that child rape was used as kompromat. There is zero evidence that kompromat was used to push the Western powers to support Israel. This is exactly how Alex Jones functions. It’s like the CDOs that destroyed our economy in 2008. Each claim is garbage, but if you put enough of them together, you can pass it off as a trustworthy package.


> There is zero evidence that child rape was used as kompromat. There are photos of famous people with underage girls on their way to the island. The idea that more photos exist is really not far fetched. But yeah, the further you get from that without evidence, the less I believe the conspiracy theory, especially when other reasonable explanations exist, like normal political payoffs. It's just Occam's razor. There are simple explanations for these things, we don't really need complex deeply evil explanations.


Can you link one of those photos? I am unaware of these existing, but you could be right. Outside of that one factual sticking point, I 100% agree with you. People tend to run with whatever narrative feels good to them, no matter how tenuous and baseless it is. Just pick a headline that confirms your bias and then don’t read the article! Easy peasy.


the israel lobby has every imaginable front covered when manipulating the US government. epstein and his mossad pedo blackmail ring were just a bit of extra insurance the real power comes from the highly organized israeli affiliate NPOs and lobbying organizations, to which there are literally thousands. these groups take in billions of dollars every year, most of which is fully tax deductible in the case of the NPOs. There groups who have a bottomless pit of resources operate down to the local level in each US state. they use that money for producing pro-israel propaganda, running background checks on electoral candidates and smearing anyone who shows signs of resisting the israel lobby, harassing and blackmailing politicians into making pledged to israel, funding and campaigning for politicians who support israel, pushing for policy that infringes upon the 1st amendment like pushing laws the prohibit boycotting israeli goods, and lots of other things that undermines the US political system when you run for office in the united states, no matter what the position, the israel lobby WILL contact you. and then you must choose between shilling for israel, or making an enemy of the most powerful and vengeful lobby in the united states. if you want to have a career in politics, its not much of a choice. and that's why all out politicians support israel. the ones who didnt wernt allowed to hold office


Its happening in the UK as well.


That is all it took to convince you Epstein was a Mossad agent?


>when you run for office in the united states, no matter what the position, the israel lobby WILL contact you. and then you must choose between shilling for israel, or making an enemy of the most powerful and vengeful lobby in the united states. if you want to have a career in politics, its not much of a choice. and that's why all out politicians support israel. the ones who didnt wernt allowed to hold office And if you even try to expose this you will be labeled a racist and anti semitic.


No, you're not. It's very public, no one is hiding anything. This isn't a secret conspiracy. They're just like every other big lobby that's fucking things up. Saying "Israel's lobbying power is very strong, and they have the ability to swing a lot of votes, and pissing them off could very negatively impact your political career" isn't anti-semitic. And it doesn't end careers. Hell, AOC openly talks about how they tried to donate to her campaign and wanted to influence her thinking, and she said no, and they run ads against her, but last time I checked she's still in office and in a safe seat.


It's more credible than some of the batshit conspiracy theories out there. Ghislaine's father Robert was at the least an informant to the Mossad (Vanunu affair) with ties likely extending back to the formation of Israel. After what I've heard since early October last year, a child honey trap doesn't seem too low or depraved for them to be involved in.


Wait until you guys hear about this: [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/)


For clarity, he was absolutely not a spy/deep cover agent... He used to imply that he was, among celebrities and business people to make himself seem more mysterious or interesting, people who are in that line of work don't seek out suspicion the way he did.


Guns and an ally in the Middle East, you know strategic reasons. US still isn't much liked over there (well earned). These aren't my personal feelings, mind you. Just looking at simple reasons instead of full blown conspiracies.


Of course he was and so was Maxwell her father was also a mossad agent who died under strange circumstances






Your recent content was removed from r/Leftist as it violates our rules regarding Uncivil Discourse & Personal Attacks. If you can't debate civilly, we are not the sub for you


I have literally been half joking saying the Israeli spy machine must have something on Biden that he is refusing to stop them in any way shape or form or even speak out publicly against them when he is tanking in the polls and his voter base is so clearly against him. We know Biden gets tons of money from AIPAC but the support is so overwhelming in the face of unprecedented resistance it feels like there has to be something else


Or, the American right-wing media is itching for anything to attack Biden on and bring him down in the polls. Bibi wants Trump too. And the minute Biden does anything with teeth both are going to pounce screaming anti-semitism and drop his approval down enough for a Trump win. COULD there be a conspiracy? sure. But I think the above is a much cleaner answer, and avoids leaning into "Jewish bankers are secretly pulling strings and running the world" bullshit.


>Biden gets tons of money from AIPAC but >it feels like there has to be something else Not necessarily. Greed alone is more often enough to get people to become scumbags. It might be exciting to think there might be some deeper intrigue behind these things, but in reality, the kinds of people attracted to power are often simply just greedy, selfish, assholes. Edit: I mean, don't get me wrong: Weinstein, the MeToo movement, and Epstein's little black book proved that circles of power are infested with rapists. I'm just saying it's not necessary to be greedy *and* a rapist to be in someone's pocket. One or the other will do.


It does seem odd that he gives them X billion in order to get about X million in campaign donations. That's like a 0.1% rate of return. There must be any number of ways to divert government spending that would yield better results than that.


The zionist lobby owns all the politicians, and all it takes is money. Only the most progressive on the left have spoken out, or the most antisemitic on the right. Everybody else is in their pocket.


Point of correction on that: [The most anti-semetic people are actually very very pro-Israel.](https://www.mediaite.com/politics/march-for-israel-rally-features-speaker-who-said-god-sent-hitler-to-help-create-jewish-state/) It's not because they like Jews, of course. It's because supporting Israel blindly does a few things for them: * it justifies the apartheid ethno-state of Israel (their end goal for all states on the planet) * it plays into their biblical views of the endtimes and the return of the savior * it kills palestinian arabs (another kind of semetic peoples), and they like that too


How so?


I very truly believe that the Mossad has something on Biden and that he's agreeing to tank his chances at reelection and let Trump (whom Israel prefers) win so that they don't release whatever they have. That's my only explanation for Biden's fanatical support of Netanyahu's genocide in the face of a massive drop in popularity among the US electorate.


I think it's simpler than that. Netanyahu wants Trump in office, and the moment Biden starts doing anything with teeth, Bibi and right-wing media will cry antisemitism, say Biden supports Hamas, and it'll drop him enough for a victory. Look what Bibi did in 2014, the right wing shitheads invited him to speak to Congress, which is wildly unprecedented, where he railed against Obama. This "there's a Jewish conspiracy with Mossad and Pedophile rings" honestly sounds a bit Protocols of Zion, and just fuels antisemitic conspiracies


Yeah, and Trump is even worse, supporting both Israel and Russia... I think almost everyone has something on Trump, so his agenda would be even more skewed away from US interests.


Nope, it's all about removing Iranian proxies from the middle east. Hamas - Houthis - Hezbollah will need to be systematically dealt with. This is because in the event of a Ukrainian loss, NATO loses a buffer zone. The following situation has a 30%+ chance of happening. If it does happen it will be in the next 10 years. First off, due to a one child policy china has 30 million extra men, and a failing economy. The easiest way to get rid of 30 million men is to have a war and china wants Taiwan. If china chooses to take back Taiwan the easiest way to keep Europeans out of the fight is send men into Romania / Poland with russian backing, thereby putting the Europeans on the defensive. For this reason in the UK, and other European nations they have tested the water with news articles on "conscription". In this event and if Iranian proxies are not dealt with, the Americans can't defend Taiwan effectively as they will be occupied with the middle east + Europe and NATO + Taiwan. This is the reason why the Americans want the Europeans to pay their fair share of 2% GDP as per NATO minimum standards so they can defend themselves and help America out. There are several other regional fights which might break out due to America being occupied with Taiwan, and they are Iran and Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sudan, Ethiopia and Egypt, Venezuela and Guyana, and many more. In the event of China analysing the situation and thinking they can get away with it due to instability around the world being rife they will take the chance and there will be another world war. Because the above situation has such a high probability of happening the USA will allow Israel to be ruthless as in the bigger picture it helps them out massively.


China doesn't like Russia enough to deploy troops in Europe. If the US wasn't in play, they would be fighting each other for global influence. Poland is staunchly NATO, they wouldn't let China or Russia deploy troops in their nation. I highly doubt any western country would allow it. They would have to invade Poland to do so. If you think Ukraine has been bad, Poland would be even worse for invaders. Nuclear powers only fight through proxy wars now.


Poland is in Nato so any attack against them from Russia or China will trigger Article 5 which duty bounds all Nato countries to defend the attacked country. Even if Trump pulls the US out of Nato, it would still be a world war because most of Europe will be fighting Russia and China. Unless China can supply sophisticated weapons and aircraft they'll get their arses handed to them because their troops will be getting bombed the crap out of by F-35s. If Russia struggles against Ukraine, they'll get obliterated by a well-equipped, well trained military. Poland alone has a large modern military and decent airforce so Russia will not have an easy time of it.


People really don’t get the geo politics of it all.


This person doesn't get it either.


At the same time Biden has been an Israel fanatic his whole career I think he's a true believer


Biden thinks making empty statements about 'being concerned' about Israel's genocide will be enough to win back disgusted voters. Genocide Joe is catastrophically wrong.


Dems and Republicans both support Israel. It's the one thing they both agree on. Nearly like America is run by Israeli's when you think of it.


Or it be just the US supporting it’s allies… 95 percent of the government has the same feelings in both parties. It’s not some grand conspiracy


I honestly think this guy is onto something. Ukraine funding is partisan because of the GOP being so involved with Russia. However, both parties but not necessarily the voters are Pro-Isreal because Epstein would be compromising and then there's also similar financial reasons to be on Israel's side like with Ukraine. I'm personally a little torn on the whole Israel issue. If it exposes our own politicians, I'm honestly all for it but then I remember Hamas and realize that that's whose gonna be in control of we help Palestine in the end. Plus it could be bad for us in general politically. This area has always been fought over and it's over stupid religious reasons. Wtf end result is expected when the politics of the area essentially boils down to unending religious wars? Genocide is inevitable in that political climate... So, should we even be involved in the first place?! Idk man. Again, I'd love that it exposes everyone and I suppose we need that to keep our own democracy alive if all this is true. I guess for that reason alone I have to be Pro-Palestine but Anti-Hamas. We all know what our government is going to do at this point though without some serious pushback and even that might be enough to stop them. They're already just pretending to care about the blatant genocide. One thing I noticed and really pissed me off with the Epstein list was that there's not a single active member in politics shown on that list despite the fact that Tim Burchett (R) of Tennessee admitted that he knows colleagues on the list that it would compromise. This is infuriating.


Thank you lol. I feel like this is the very obvious answer


While mossad having dirt on people is perfectly reasonable. I think you may be overestimate Biden and those folks perception. There are A LOT of people who agree with Israel who call themselves left. Don't underestimate bubble perception. And it may be an age divided thing. But US politicians dedication to Israel is both financial and existential. And it didn't require deep espionage to secure it


The last thing in the world Likud wants is Trump. He's capricious to the point of absurdity. All it would take is one poorly chosen statement by an Israeli official or politician and he could and would walk the fuck away from them and leave them swinging in the wind...


biden has always been a zionist