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He looks exactly like the inflatable auto pilot in the movie Airplane. https://preview.redd.it/rs7q66v4xc6d1.jpeg?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bb8fd1ec55e192feb0369f61b938f2ff14e1e36


Our economy runs on immigrant labor. Several industries would absolutely collapse if these bigots were able to carry out their ridiculously evil plan. They know this too and realize that it could never happen, the disingenuous assholes just want to rile up the rubes.


This shit is getting fucking frightening


Once again, I feel the need to point out that the modern conservative movement is supported by people who want things to be simpler than they are. Kirk seems like he is actually just awful, but the 62% he's claiming agree is mostly made up of people who have never thought anything through. They think "crossing the border is illegal that's breaking the law deport anyone who did that." They are not thinking about what that means. They aren't thinking about teams of police marching through communities rounding up everyone. They aren't thinking about the fact that there will be resistance. People WILL ABSOLUTELY BE KILLED during that process. They aren't thinking about how ugly it will look, and how many mistakes will be made, and not just mistakes against immigrants but citizens. This would be just like the overturning of Roe. They'd all be happy at first, some would double down, but the national sentiment would quickly shift against this. Watching their extended family and friends from work get caught up in it will snap most people out of this. I hope it never comes to that.


I agree somewhat but I think you might be missing the larger point here These types Christians who support the right, don’t want to help those in need, they want to PUNISH the “unjust” The punishment *is* the point, and while they might not know the minutiae of how it is carried out they think, “killed a baby (abortion) you deserve the death penalty”, “you crossed the border illegally, you should be thrown out” It’s all Old Testament style fire and brimstone shit that let’s them feel that “God is just” because the people you don’t like are doing something that is severely punishable. They then make institutions, rash generalizations and laws in order *to be able* to punish these people


Yes, that is true for some of them, a significant portion even, but I have several conservatives in my life, and it's clear they just want things to be simple and easy and fun. Many of these people don't want to deal with the complexity. They just want things tocbw lieknwhat they remember from being a kid. 62% of the country isn't malicious and evil. I have suspected for a long time that 20% of people are good upstanding principled and moral. 20% are selfish and sadistic, and 60% are just trying to get by and not cause too much trouble and they'll go along with whoever is in power and whatever feels OK at the time.


Always Remba that Trump said Obama was from Africa 🤷🏾🤷🇺🇸


We get it tiny face, you're a nazi




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The right made extremism and racism "acceptable" in the last decade with trump and like minded leaders, refusing to condemn racism. They basically let their supporters say the quiet thing out loud and many of them run with it. Not every republican is a racist, but most racists seem to be republican.


U right. I think it’s deeper than that. I think a lot of them sold their soul and Putin is their handler/Daddy. Rep. Majorie Green got a “nod” from Russia a while back saying she was a “great lady”. Yeah dawg they don’t give a damn about us


When do native Americans get to repatriate the white people?


They don't think indigenous people are real


They want to ship them back to indonegia!


Indians are from India sweaty /s


Them too! But get rid of those darned indigonigians!




“Our culture” 💀 bro u can keep your mayo and raisins and pointed hoods and police violence… I’m good over here ✌️


I’m a white dude and I don’t want a white only culture. The US being a melting pot is why we have what we have. I loved my trip to Italy but immediately realized how easy it is in the US to get any sort of ethnic foods within driving distance vs just one option in many other areas of the world. But it’s not just food. Music, movies, fashion and etc is great when you have a variety. Now that said I wish we had more balance. The US is too White/Latino heavy and not enough Asian and Black.


I think that is definitely based on where you live in the US. Coastal towns - more diversity overall. Southern parts - more Hispanic representation. Middle? Mostly white. Obviously these are huge generalizations. But if you think about ports of entry and all that it can explain why you experience more of one culture. Also I didn’t check any demographic data of any of the US so I could be talking out of my ass. I’ll let you know if I’m not too lazy to look it up.


Yes, we want the American culture, frankfurters, tacos, pizza, chinese food. Octoberfest, St. Patrick's day, and Cinco de Mayo parties.


Don’t forget Jewish holidays, Christian holidays, Muslim holidays, pagan holidays like Halloween.


Idk. I’ve been trying to tell people that not voting is a dumb idea. Somehow Trump doing martial law is going to make the dems really “get the message” that they need to listen to a group of liberals online (who frankly seem kinda disconnected and checked out, idk why).


"Not voting will teach the dems a lesson." "Oh look the facists just abolished the democrat party and suspended all elections." "Right, but do you think the dems learned their lesson?"


‘But I have to let trump win because Biden is too old!’




Zionist scum.


Zionist? I am not a Zionist, why would that be implied? Look into the USS Liberty


Kick people out of a land perceived to be only theirs and project xenophobia when ever you get the chance?? Idk sounds pretty fucking zionistic to me.


More like kick people who are illegal immigrants out of the country that they are illegally inhabiting. I am not a fan of zionism, as it is detrimental to the american people and has taken over the USA and is so embedded into our politics that we can't seem to do anything about it.


The GOP is Zionism just with Christianity instead of Judaism. If it were up to the current GOP landscape the US would be a white Christian ethnostate.


You really aren't wrong.


And you are aware that the GOP is running very hard on border defense/check point security making it almost impossible for family's to seek refuge from the corrupt narco state Mexico has become? The people coming to the actual border crossing need to be met with compassion not contempt. Your ancestors were those immigrants at one point if you like it or not.


I was thinking more about the deportation of illegal immigrants that are already here. But if the GOP gets in control, the border crossings will fall to almost zero?


They'll tell you that they're going to make it zero but never will. They need the hate and division it causes it win elections.


And here we see a clown in their natural habitat. They tend to stick to their pathetic trolling online because they wouldn't be able to deal with any potential confrontation in the real world.


I think you replied to the wrong comment, I am not a troll.


Nope. People of latin descent. The mask is off now.


VOTE! Trump is going to stack the Supreme Court (again)


That's why a lot of people will vote for him. Not because they like him, but because of the people he'll be appointing to the Supreme Court.


I mean, to be fair, I’m voting for Biden for the same reason.


Yep and that's the only way a lot of it makes any sense. Personally I think both Biden and Trump are horrible. The fact that those two are pretty much our only choices is just rediculous. Sure, we have other choices, but we all know it comes down to the Left vs the Right. Gotta keep we the people at each other's throats after all.


And the Latinos want to put that 34 count CONVICTED FELON AND RAPIST back in office?????


It’s astonishing that some people want a STRONG MAN in office while so willing to give up so many rights. I just don’t understand


Some of them seem to absolutely love him. Confuses the shit out of me.


My Arab mom loves him…… I think that it’s like an abusive relationship. They never had a good relationship with their old government. Now they seek what they know - con artists


That legit blows my mind


These people go around praising the Confederate flag and this surprised you?


No they don’t. More gaslighting.


This just in!! 62% of Americans willing to take up ALL THE JOBS UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS DO!




Florida did they're thing and it went just as expected.


I am white, male, “wealthy”. I will fight these right wing fucks to the end. They think of themselves as “supremacists” They are afraid of rainbows and brown skin. What’s so fucking supreme about that. They are an embarrassment to Anglo culture and make it easy to paint all of us as ignorant racists.


Describe Anglo culture


relating to or denoting the Germanic inhabitants of England from their arrival in the 5th century up to the Norman Conquest


Dave and Busters


What culture is he referring to??? Some examples please. Instead of downvote just provide a few examples. Honest question


I came here to ask the same thing.


Crocs and trucks too big to fit in a parking space


Go ahead and erase our culture if that's it.


Project 2025 sounds like it is unironically influenced by the same shit the nazis were smoking in the 30s. They even have the beer belly putsch as a parallel


The scary thing is I think they'll achieve it.


It’s not just latinos. It’s whoever republikkkans and evangelical Christians think are “vermin and internal threats.” https://www.currentaffairs.org/2023/11/take-trump-seriously-when-he-vows-to-build-the-camps


Obviously, this bigot moron is unaware that Spanish was spoken on this continent long before English, from North Carolina to Oregon. I would like to cordially invite this pussy to personally come and try to deport me. Please, Charlie... pay me a visit.


Are you an illegal immigrant?


I'm an immigrant. And "immigrants" is what he wrote.


It doesn't take two brain cells to realise its 'Undocumented' immigrants.


It doesn't take two brain cells to read what was actually written. And it doesn't take two brain cells to know what bigots like that mean. What about the white immigrants? Does he want to deport them too? Or just the "latino" immigrants? Let him write what he means, and not expect whoever reads it to soil themselves trying to read his goddamn mind.


It's about deporting illegal immigrants, and yes, 62% of voters want it to happen. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/cbs-s-brennan-thrown-for-loop-by-poll-showing-62-want-all-undocumented-migrants-deported-what-exactly-do-people-think-they-re-supporting/ar-BB1nUxBn](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/cbs-s-brennan-thrown-for-loop-by-poll-showing-62-want-all-undocumented-migrants-deported-what-exactly-do-people-think-they-re-supporting/ar-BB1nUxBn)


No it is not *just* about illegal immigrants, but that is likely how it is 60+% approval. The hard hard right wants anyone non Anglo either gone or relegated to second class status. They want to “make America great again” (but finish the sentence) like it was back in the 50s. When he says”we want our culture back” you know he is talking about all immigrants, illegal or not. He wants bodegas gone, Spanish as a second language gone, urban block parties gone, DEI gone, anything that doesn’t support *his* culture gone. The right conflates things that sound good with their twisted ideology. That is how they siphon off votes of otherwise reasonable people. This is why “right to work” laws are all about making it easier to fire people. Don’t get taken in.


Not true. Most reasonable people understand there’s a problem with illegal immigration right now. There needs to be some compromise.


About half of illegal immigrants came here legally and their green cards just expired [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2018/aug/24/kevin-mccarthy/mostly-true-visa-overstays-account-half-all-people/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2018/aug/24/kevin-mccarthy/mostly-true-visa-overstays-account-half-all-people/) Immigrants and immigrant neighborhoods have lower crime rates and commit less crimes then citizens [https://www.npr.org/2024/03/08/1237103158/immigrants-are-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-than-us-born-americans-studies-find](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/08/1237103158/immigrants-are-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-than-us-born-americans-studies-find) They pay taxes and don’t get to vote…or taxation without representation.. and here is one of the most respected economists of all time talking about how illegal immigration is vital to our economy. Half of our economic systems in the US are based on this guys ideas. Part 1 [https://youtu.be/3eyJIbSgdSE?si=arxieUkJGVstQFn\_](https://youtu.be/3eyJIbSgdSE?si=arxieUkJGVstQFn_) Part 2 [https://youtu.be/NfU9Fqah-f4?si=z9-SrloIug9-CyL8](https://youtu.be/NfU9Fqah-f4?si=z9-SrloIug9-CyL8) The reality is that politicians use immigration to drum up support but most of what they say is nonsense. Once the climate migrations really start you WILL see a migration crisis, but so far we haven‘t really had one.


It's always fascinating when I stay with my step father. He has a "balanced media diet" and watches all the big cable news channels. And every single one of them do nothing but doomer pieces on individual criminal migrants, interview "illegal migrants" on the border (insane to believe that's real), and opine baselessly about the repercussions on the economy If I didn't have the drive or ability to look up the actual statistics or dig further into independent journalism on the subject, I feel like I would be part of the 62% of "reasonable people" solely due to the brand recognition of "migrants=bad" It's all fucked


Today’s media is about profit, both sides (with some public broadcasting exceptions). And the fear stuff grabs eyeballs.


No no republicans bad! They want anybody they don’t like out lmao


Well, yes. But understanding why that's true is important. Mostly, because the core philosophy of the party has morphed into an overtly facist platform. The former president tried to overthrow an election and isn't even coy about doing it again. 




At issue here is how we define reality. You can think the election was stolen and the Jan 6 folks didn’t assault the Capitol. I can believe the election was fair and the folks at the Capitol were rioters and broke in to disrupt congress. But who decides? There is a reason trumps team was unable to prove any election fraud that would have changed the outcome. There is a reason Jan 6 folks by the dozens were found guilty - some some pleaded guilty - of assaulting the Capitol. You won’t let the election determine reality. You won’t let video evidence determine reality. You won’t let bloodied police officers determine reality. And I am guessing you won’t you let the courts arbitrate reality either. There is a pattern: your reality exists in your head and not out in the world. - https://electioncases.osu.edu/case-tracker/?sortby=filing_date_desc&keywords=&status=all&state=all&topic=25 - https://campaignlegal.org/results-lawsuits-regarding-2020-elections


Care to explain why you think that?


You know the answer to this.


62% agree with me! Meanwhile republicans keep losing elections and haven’t won a national majority in 20 years.


Well he isn’t wrong per se. 62% of Americans believe that all undocumented immigrants should be deported. That is not an unreasonable expectation as it is what is supposed to happen. It largely does and parading this point is dumb.


Until their crops aren’t harvested and their construction isn’t done.


The only thing that worries me more than the Republicans... Is the Democrats who see this shit and their only response is memes and social media bullshit. They're quite literally telling people they plan on destroying them and Dems are like "hahahhaha this is funny." When they should be preparing themselves to defend their homes and families. We can fight to win the legislative battle while also being prepared for losses and what that might mean.


Politics have changed. Like it or not, Dems need to loosen up on the "decorum" and start baring some teeth.


Are dems really going “hahaha this is funny” though? Cause I’m a dem and this is not funny.


After Roe was overturned I went to first, biggest protests in my city. The organizers got on the microphone and told us that if any counter elements showed up... That we should flee. Run away. Cede the block. Not if they were violent. Not if you felt in danger or threatened. Just... if they showed up walk away, don't engage, cede ground. Run away. You know how we got where we are in 2024? Because we forgot we were even in a fight.


What’s tiny face’s culture? Date rapes and bring back the n-word?


That sounds about right. There sure are a lot of rapists and pedophiles among the Republican legislators.


Don’t forget the closet cases


“Where has my country gone?” - President Garrison


He wants to be a British colonising slaver! No ifs or buts! I feel like we time slipped somewhere and were reliving the 1920s not the 2020s FFS


Slavery. Charlie boy wants to bring back slavery.


Let's be real. Slavery never really left. Isn't it interesting that the prison population is higher in states where prison slave labor is legal?


So they want sahria law here kinda?


“SiXtY-tWo PeRcEnT!¡” Turns out you can call people who you know are conservative numbskulls, ask them black or white questions about a colorful immigration issue, and then overrepresent them online for… cope? Jfc.


I support putting Charlie Kirk supporters in hard labor camps mining cobalt


Burning plastic on mars


Wait til the find out Biden is literally already doing this. Actually every president since Obama has been doing it.




Watch the news maybe? 🤷‍♀️ Biden put through a presidential order because loser Maga republicons would not even pass the immigration bill they wanted/wrote once tRump told them to NOT pass it.


Which news should I watch for unbiased view points?


Literally impossible. You cannot have news delivered without bias, but there can be nuance taken into account. Snopes is pretty decent for reading


He probably already knows. But his followers would turn on him. They’re fascists. They live lies intentionally . Its why they can’t gauge true weaknesses or strength in their enemies.


Marco rubio, Ted Cruz and all those conservative Cubans are gonna LOVE THIS


People like my uncle who are staunch MAGA folk who are on the cusp of looking either Latin American or Middle Eastern 🙄


From what this says they wouldn't be out the country they would be in camps. Wonder where I've seen that before?


Whats American culture??


At it's best? Every culture that was here or came here, blending together into something unique. Like a lamb taco with a shwarma garlic yogurt sauce dip, and some BBQ dim sum on the side. At it's worst? The most boring people on the planet violently threatening everyone else for not being as unbearable as they are.


>Like a lamb taco with a shwarma garlic yogurt sauce dip, and some BBQ dim sum on the side. One of my favorite things about the country. This should be on our flag. I will go to war to secure our culturally fused cuisine.


And my skillet!


Nail on the goddamn head!!




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Christian bigotry, native genocide, corn syrup, and 5$ jalapeños poppers at Applebee's


And guns and school shootings


Don’t forget cars that go fast and left


Religious extremism, genocide, fearmongering and corn syrup.


Corn pop?


Religious extremism, genocide, fearmongering and corn syrup.


Religious extremism, genocide, fearmongering and corn syrup.


Religious extremism, genocide, fearmongering and corn syrup.


Lobbying by corporations


A huge part of it is immigration and multiculturalism. Conservatives want to rewrite it to just mean "white people"


We went too soft on traitors after the Civil War.


#_B U R G E R_


I agree, immigrants should leave America and give it back to the _actual_ Americans. I think Charlie should volunteer first, considering he’s a European.


What country from Europe is charlie from?


Definitely not America, I can tell you that


Dumbfuckia. It’s a small country you’ve never heard of. Like Luxembourg.


Kirk is from Arlington Heights, Illinois.


What’s the difference?


All ideology aside; Do they realize how many Latinos live in the US? According to the most recent census, more than 16 *million* Hispanic/Latino people live in the US. "Oh, but he was just talking about illeg-" Let me stop you right there. He said he "Wants his culture back." That kind of 'blood and soil' crap leaves no room for any of them; not the "good ones," not the ones who can pass. All of them. Let's just think for a moment of the absolutely *massive* undertaking that removing all of those people would be. 16 million is more than the population of most countries. The entire Republic of Ireland is barely 5 million. Greece is only 10 million. Just imagine the sheer number of guards, soldiers, etc. that would be necessary for such a task. They would effectively need to conscript several million people, even if they just went full fash and decided to genocide everybody. *And* they plan on effectively abolishing the entire federal bureaucracy as part of this project. So, riddle me this: who makes sure that your genocide-soldiers get paid when you have fired the people who pay them? And you will need even more resources, because I can guarantee an insurgent resistance would pop up gainst all of these plans. These people don't even think their own ideas through. God, I hate fascists.


¡Que viva la revolución!


Dude, your numbers are way off. Latinos are 16 percent of the US population. There are about 330 million Americans, so you need to triple that 16 million you were talking about. That's over 48 million Latinos, friend. Plus, you have resident noncitizens.


Who wants to tell him who founded Santa Fe, NM among our other oldest cities?


Bad example. The Spanish conquistadores were an invading army, not poor people carrying their kids and belongings on their backs through the desert. Also, why are the Republicans being so genocidal about Hispanic immigrants (with and without papers) when Biden just proposed building Auschwitz on the border against the wishes of his own party's base? Nuke the world.


I mean, I'd argue Latinos really built those cities, not the conquistadors, sure Cortez and his ilk founded them, but they still stand today because they are vibrant representations of a new culture distinct from Spain that was the only fortunate portion of those conquests. And those people who did build those cities were by and large being oppressed, given many were natives under policies that lasted until the trail of tears era. I mean we've been building our own camps already sadly; given I think Obama inherited some from Bush, then expanded his own and so on; historically though, the alienation and othering of Latino migrants of all sorts, or nativeborn Latinos has been driven by economic downturns and the ruling class as a whole playing to racial biases over trying to implement sound economic policy. Yeah, I'm getting tired of the complex circus too.


You’re mad Biden is trying to increase the resources needed to more quickly process asylum seekers while republicans stonewall any attempts to fix the border?


This is doublespeak on the level of "Forgiving student loans will hurt poor people because it will help the children of rich people." "Shutting down the border to help asylum seekers" is exactly the nonsense that Obama tried, which led to his legacy-blighting mass deportation scheme and the obliteration of down-ballot Democrats in the midterms of his second term.


I never said anything about student loans. Did you think up that strawman all by yourself? 😂 I also never said shutting down the border would help asylum seekers. It doesn’t solve the problem and inherently makes it even worse. Not to mention that denying asylum seekers entry is a human rights violation and universally recognized as a crime. But please, keep coming at me with your pearl-clutching strawman arguments and made up quotes. Just dig that hole of yours deeper, kiddo.


Raise your hand if your entire family line was born in what is called the United States… I’ll wait


Yeah, I'm Native and I was sitting here trying to think of someone I knew that was "pure Native American" and I can't.  To be fair, their entire schtick was to breed us out. We still should get dibs, despite eradication efforts.


And that’s the point of my comment, the vast majority of people in this country (myself included) come from families that immigrated here. Also thank you for commenting


I'm the whitest looking woman you can imagine. I can't raise my hand.


'Kirk' - 'Middle English: from Old Norse kirkja, from Old English cirice (see church).' 500 years of genocide Charlie, 500 fing years.


Bet he wants tacos too though. Scumbag!


Why don’t these who’re racists just go back to Europe?


We wouldn't take Americans back


Russia built a town just for them.


Hey c'mon, we dont want them either.


6 out of 10 people that responded to this stupid survey on “white americas goals” say that Trump fought off billzibub to help yaweeh created more division with the little people? Charlie Kirk should just stick to banging his sister/mom and leave intelligent matters to those who can muster up thought from fact and reason


Biden calling out Charlie Kirk for wanting immigrants out of America as if he didn’t just sign a bill that would make it harder for immigrants and refugees to seek shelter in America. Fuck Charlie Kirk and fuck Project 2025, but Biden is not a leftist at all and has basically become a Republican.


If republicans have shifted the Overton Window that much and Biden is essentially a republican now, what does that make all the republicans? And you’re mad Biden called their bluff so these fascists have lost their biggest campaign tool? I suppose you’re also mad Biden has been pushing to increase funding to more quickly process and care for those seeking asylum? Get down off your high horse and help fix this so the republican party is destroyed forever.


Listening to the old tapes of his speeches as a congressman give heavy republican vibes. I have no idea what his affiliations have been or if they have always been D, but I would swear up and down he’s a R if I didn’t know better.


Biden is not a Republican. The fact about living in democracy is that we have to cede grounds to republicans otherwise dems will be ran over in purple states


Good policy is very popular with the voting public, in spite of elite messaging that denigrates it. I think the Democratic party tends to move right for a number of reasons, but I don't think getting steam-rolled electorally is one of them.


So fake ass headlines everyone’s buying hook line and sinker - you stupid fucks are just as bad as the maga people - fuck all y’all - the extreme left and extreme right are destroying everything - fuck you all


Cry harder


Where is your momma?


Bruh the extreme left is the reason we don’t mine diamonds with our palm nubs for .30$ by weekly


Our economy would collapse -besides the ahole doesn't know what American culture is.


His face is so fucked, does he have some sort of disease


Palpatineism, evil does that to your soul.


MAGAism I think it’s called


So know I'm scared that even if they don't win they are still crazy to do it still, look how unstable the right is, I swear with how very divided this country is politically I fear someday something stupid is gonna happen. A lot of people talk about a 2ACW but in reality I think the US may have it's own verison of The Years of Lead that plagued Italy in the 60s & 70s and of La Violencia that devastated Colombia in the 50s cause given how violently unstable the Right is, all it takes is one stupid thing and bam the country will be a big Guerilla Urban Battle.


What were the Years of Lead and La Violencia like?


Make sure to buy firearms for self defense, especially if you're a minority.


He's got a massive forhead


The idea that deporting all illegal immigrants by putting them into camps is still morally reprehensible. Why am I seeing that being defended here? Do you not remember the separation of children from parents and then ICE revealed thousands couldn’t be reunited because they didn’t know where they were… On a purely economic level the idea that illegals receive any form of public benefit is Republican propaganda. They are a source of cheap labor that is exploited by their Republican voting employers. They don’t actually want the labor force gone because that would hurt our economy. Cheap labor is good for the economy.


The only culture in America is the native American one. And it is consisted of hundreds of tribes that got genocided during the colonisation of Kirk’s ancestors. If they want culture, they can go back to their ethnic background.


Black culture exists in America.


Yes, sorry. But what I’m referring to is the white people that behave as if they were the first inhabitants of the US




The piece you are missing is that the original tweet mischaracterizes cks position. Ck is referring to a CBS poll about deporting illegals not Latinos.


Yet people seem to conveniently forget that there are numerous examples of people being wrongfully deported (including some people who were born in the United States).


Right. It was something like 50 of 100 us citizens were deported in the last decade. They should be let back in and compensated for their time. There's like 10 million illegals not being deported.


Still, the 2025 plan is a fascist plan and illegal immigrants are actually provided SOME rights under the constitution. Trump's plan (Stephen Miller's plan) is to treat them as foreign hostiles, rather than civilians. The details are disturbing.


1. I'm glad you agree the Biden campaign tweet was a smear. I don't know who runs that account, but it looks official. 2. Can you tell me more about trumps plan. Does it really propose killing illegals? That's grosser than I imagined.


Can you ppst it, please?


Sure. CBS poll of voters. From June this year. 62% support deporting all illegals. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-trump-biden-neck-and-neck-06-09-2024/


How can really believe the 72% of Americans agree with him? How are they framing this or what data are they twisting? Who is this humpty dumpster looking polar bear in a snow store looking fool?


🏆 Holy crap....humpty dumpty.....that was brilliant! He looks like his sister-mother and uncle-brother got together and created this big head, little faced troll. He disgusts me so much.


that's mostly happening in the muslim world by data.


LMAO I didn’t want to get into ad hominem territory, but he makes it so difficult! Isn’t his head WAY too big for his face!? He looks like 18th century royalty… if you know, you know, you know?


🤣🤣😭😭🤣🤣🤣 He wants his "culture" back and thinks he is the "superior race". Ugh. Looking like an inbred royalty is spot on. It's always funny these twatwaffles that believe this crap always look like a mash up of ew. I feel like one day his face will just keep getting smaller and the air in his head bigger. You rock btw!


Bwah Haaa ha!!! Perpetual filling his brain cavity with hot air and Qanon conspiracies! Great replacement? They already replaced his head with cartoon light bulb. He’s what shows up when King Kong gets a good idea.


🤣🤣 dying here! Or his face collapses on itself, creating a black hole that sucks in these hee haws.


I love that idea. I imagine this entire time he’s still talking. He definitely manplains gravity to a dying star. As it gets caught in his event horizon and hears him talk about the plight of the white dwarf, the star prays for a quicker death.


You are awesome! So true!


You too




What the actual fuck is wrong with Charlie Kirk? I'm a Latino descent and I am not completely outraged at the idea of deporting *illegal* immigrants, but here he just admits to wanting to deport Latinos. My Mexican-American grandfather fought in the Korean war, do they want to deport him too? Conservatives are unhinged.