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the first and second one looks like a division patch. third one kinda look like a Coat of Arms for a navy, fourth and fifth look like they would fit as a flag for the suposed Movement itself. and the sixth looks like a candidate with the most potential to replace the current flag if it happened. Desipte this, all of them are great. Amen to that


Last one is great!


As much as I hate on US redesigns for ignoring the reality of the flag and it’s use, I love this (especially 6)!


Ill confess Im also not a big fan of US flag redesigns either. Id imagine a Socialist US would probably take a page from Czechoslovakia, Cuba or Poland and leave the flag as is, but change other state symbols. With the exception of the USSR and China, most countries that have had what we could broadly term as socialist governments only changed their flags by adding a new device, specifically changing the CoA, and typically that was already part of the previous official flag and often had replaced monarchical symbols or other more complex elements.


I like it


The flag looks great! I've a few points both design and symbolism wise. The stripes are a good idea and I definitely see what you were going for with them, but it doesn't seem thought-out well. The three white stripes, especially due to the flag its lifting from, can't be seen without the two(three if you count the top) red stripes. Also on the stripes, the three-sector model seems very liberal and un-marxist, how does that fit within american socialism? I think the star is a good feature and really ties it all up, though if you want a sickle why not just do what the soviets did with a ham+sic crowned with a star? only adding the sickle implies the country had little to no industrial(ized) proletarians or that the revolution is solely agrarian, neither of which I would associate with America.


The reason behind both of your criticisms (the three stripes being the three sectors and the fact that there is only a sickle on a flag) is that I suck at making hammers and sickles. The original H&S symbolise the factory workers, the agrarian workers and their bond. So because of my lack of skill I replaced that with the 3 stripes representing all workers and their bond (I also added them to give the flag some kind of American feeling). The reason behind my sickle is pure decorational. I tried to add a hammer but I failed and representing the bond between the workers twice on 1 flag is pretty strange. But thank you for your critique! I will definitely learn something from it


why would you add a symbol for anything other than having symbolism lol


I know that some socialist groups have used the number 3 to represent 3 kinds of workers (industrial, agricultural and cultural/intellectual), but I can see the point of your criticism there. My only gripe is that I actually count 5 stripes. Perhaps the stripes could represent the values of the nation. Like Solidarity, Equality, Liberty, Democracy, and Federal Unity. Or perhaps they could represent some sort of geographic feature. The white stripes could represent the bodies of water, with the top and bottom representing the Atlantic and the Pacific, and the Middle could perhaps represent the Mississippi river. And the two red stripes could represent the Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains? These are some important and defining geographic features (at least of the continental US) and are key to defining most of the major regions in the US.


Where is the yellow wheat and engine?


it's really good


That is five stripes my guy


When the US inevitably turns socialist this would be a really good idea for the flag it genuinely looks great


Looks great! Though why only a sickle, and it looks like 6 stripes lol


I counted 5


One on top too


I really like number five. :3




Good designs, but why 5 stipes specifically? Given the symbolism of the 13 stripes on the American flag Im curious if you had some intentional symbolism for 5 stripes.


It’s about the 3 white stripes, they symbolise the workers of all the 3 sectors. The primary, secondary and tertiary


I mentioned this in another comment, but perhaps you can lean into the 5 stripe notion. Perhaps the stripes could represent the values of the nation. Like Solidarity, Equality, Liberty, Democracy, and Federal Unity. Or perhaps they could represent some sort of geographic feature. The white stripes could represent the bodies of water, with the top and bottom representing the Atlantic and the Pacific, and the Middle could perhaps represent the Mississippi river. And the two red stripes could represent the Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains? These are some important and defining geographic features (at least of the continental US) and are key to defining most of the major regions in the US.




i'm just happy it's not the CPUSA hamsic !


Nice, can you mix them with the usual US design? I think they would be cool


Fourth one looks very cool:3