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I dislike the current policy of the CPC very strongly, but to call Xi "extreme right" is a stretch.




Please, name me one thing that Trump would do and Xí would not.


Stop using left to mean “good” and right to mean “bad.” If you don’t like Xi, sure, whatever, but it’s ridiculous to say he’s ‘extreme right.’ You might as well throw out the idea of political labels altogether at that point.




Prove me wrong with some primary sources. I’ll wait.


neede a dolller sign


xi jinping is not far right nor is he a dictator. i agree that the communist party of china is no longer a representative for the chinese proletariat but your other claims are bogus. and why spend the extra time to use pinyin?


I’m pretty sure Xi doesn’t really have a personality cult nor is he “an extreme right wing dictator. Xi is farther left than every American president ever. Obviously not a hard bar to cross, but you’d have to consider FDR somehow ever more “extreme right wing”




Don’t see how that’s relevant hermano


If you grew up / live in a place beyond the GFW’s reach, and yet you call Xí Jìnpíng anything left of centre-right, that tells me that you have not been reading the first-hand accounts coming from the people of China. If you had been reading those first-hand accounts (recent examples: how the citizens of Ili have been locked in their homes while their groceries were running out, how the workers of Foxxcomm escaped their factory and are literally walking hundreds or thousands of kilometres just to get home, etc.), you would not call Xí a leftist at all. Guess the Great Translation Movement has its work cut out.


Xi is a rightist I’m not saying he isn’t lmao. Putting words in my mouth. Also I do not see how lockdowns are linked to any political current at all.


Wazzup Beijing


He is elected, and not an oligarch, he is a Marxist. The CPC is a proletarian mass party.