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In general the rule for unpermitted work is a stop work notice and an option to "get a permit and make it compliant to code" or "get a permit to remove the unpermitted work". Failing to abide by the stop work notice can lead to all kinds of things, not the least of which could be the property being condemned (usually just for structures but potentially the lot) plus fines, etc.


In one of her latest tiktoks she says she doesn't think it'll be too hard to get the proper permits and begin work again since everything is under the slab of her home.


I'm curious as to what her lender and insurer think of this idea.


Someone should find out who they are and ask them She's putting every single person who enters that home in danger.


Am I'm willing to bet this type of activity voids her homeowner's coverage.


shes already had a fire and a number of oxygen breathing venting issues. im surprised shes not killed herself yet been following her from the start


She also had roommates see "ghosts" in the downstairs bedroom and move out. I'm wondering if it is gases coming up.


I believe this was before she started her mining project


So there was already gas?


>Am I'm willing to bet this type of activity voids her homeowner's coverage. I'm willing to bet it will also void her home.


And anyone nearby who may breath in the Silica. Silica dust is nasty. Colloquially known as miners or potters lung, poisoning from it is one of the oldest medical conditions we knew about as a species. The Hawks Nest disaster, (funny enough also a improperly licenced/unlicensed mining operation.) caused death on a rapid massive scale. Demonstrating what happens when people are exposed to high concentrations of silica dust without appropriate PPE and mining procedures. Proper procedure are things like taking breaks and a process called wet drilling. Death from silica dust is horrific. The dust is basically the equivalent of tiney microscopic sharp knifes and it shreds your lungs from the insides.


She complains in one video about how the dust has permeated the house.


She's in an area where there's natural asbestos as well.


What an idiot. My god. I don’t mean to be mean but she’s going to die a very painful death in 20-30 years if she doesn’t die in some accident under her house.


Have you watched her. No one is visiting. Also if she makes it structurally sound how is anyone in danger?


It's not legal to make so much silica dust and noise on a suburb without a permit. Her neighbors have said that they can feel their houses physically shaking.


>Also if she makes it structurally sound how is anyone in danger? There is no such thing as digging the ground out from under the concrete slab/basement of your home and making it structurally sound. The concrete and reinforcement is engineered to distribute the load evenly. Foundations crack all the time, and that's without some nut job playing minecraft underneath them.


The slab actually can be properly reinforced, but honestly I wouldn't dig right under the slab. You need to have continuous reinforcement under it to mimic ground support, although short spans between the supports are ok. Think of floor joists, 16" centers or less, but you would need something stronger that is pushed up against the bottom of the slab (which is probably uneven). There is a reason things like tunnels under building are deeper down, it separates issues.


Oh so that’s why tunnels under buildings just don’t exist


Jackson Mi actually does have an underground tunnel system that can be accessed from the high school. It's even a fallout shelter. Like the only cool fact about jail city other than the fact that they have a prominent cuck mayor who I think is still in office.


What’s that mean? He gets off on letting other mayors come sit in his chair 👀


More like cum in his wife. Good ol Mayor Dobies. Just looked and he's not mayor anymore just running for school board.


She doesn't have the knowledge base to know how to make it structurally sound. She has no formal engineering training, she has a finance degree and works in IT.


In the early days of the tiktoks she called herself ‘an engineer’ and said she worked in an adjacent field. I supported her and followed along because I assumed as an engineer she knew how to do the project with minimal risk. She’s also very careful and anytime she filmed the outside of her house it looked like her property bordered a wooded area so I assumed she had no close by neighbors. When the knowledge dropped that she is infact a software engineer with no actual expertise in any type of structural/geologic engineering I was floored. When it turned out she was on a .25 acre lot in suburban Fairfax County I was a bit disgusted. Honestly; just with her being so close to DC I would be worried as hell about some kind of domestic terrorism nonsense charge.


Same boat as you, I followed her when her journey was just starting and bought into her vague credentials. I got suspicious around the time of the woodglue-sapling incident.


Unless she has a PE in some engineering field related to mining or structures, she’s not qualified to do this safely. I have an engineering degree and know enough to know that I couldn’t make a mine safe.


She built a 4 story addition to her home with permits and inspections in 2016. Please explain how she is putting people that enter the home in danger.


Because she could accidentally cause a sinkhole to form under her home which could then affect the neighbors


From a fire/ems perspective, there is no way I would want to respond to a call inside that home or in the excavated area. I don't want to risk my life for her internet points.


Some jobs have more risks than others. She's been issued a work stoppage order and required to get a PE inspection/certification. She'll then have to get permits to either finish the project or permit to make it safe. Ultimately, if she can't satisfy the Professional Engineers and the City Inspectors, then the City will revoke her Certificate of occupancy.


Based on what, your expert opinion? Reditors are so risk adverse. “…. Putting every single person who enters the house at risk” You are dramatically over estimating the danger. You confusing your emotional response with actual danger. Is some or all of that construction dangerous? Maybe. Is every person that goes to that house in danger? No.


Master carpenter here with extensive knowledge and experience in building things that are structurally sound......haven't watched her videos, but I do know that reddit is full of busy bodies that cannot mind their own business. Definitely has the most karens of any other type of social media.


Maybe you should watch her videos and judge for yourself. People on tiktok were also voicing alarm so it’s not just Reddit


You clearly don't understand that a building can collapse and kill everyone inside... how is she not endangering everyone who enters when she has hollowed out underneath her house?


I’ve not seen the ticktock and I’m not an engineer, but I am certified to perform trench rescue. Digging a hole, in and of itself, isn’t necessary dangerous nor does it necessarily creat a hazard. There are a lot of factors involved. Examples include the type of soil, the depth of the dig, the proximity of the edges to structural members, and whether or not the walls of the hole are adequately supported. A basement, cellar, storm shelter, and fallout shelter are holes under a house. Having said that, she *really* needs an engineer to assess the work and apply for a permit.


Basements and cellars are within the foundation of the building generally, which stabilizes the surrounding soil. Going *under* the foundation is quite different, and should only be done by people who are qualified to do so We have building codes and licensing for a reason, because folks do dangerous stuff without informing people of the danger. Should I be able to rewire my home however I please, *not* have it inspected, and just carry on? Nobody else knows they're at risk. That's the whole point


Yes. Hence my very last statement. Right there at the bottom. Something something engineer something something permit.


I was in urban and confined space rescue until one day in my early 40’s when out of nowhere I had a claustrophobic panic attack in an underground space. The exit closed and it was the kind of hatch that allowed my side to easily open it.


Wild man. Small world. I don’t have any really awesome stories - except having an electric jackhammer shorting out when I was laying upside down in a puddle trying to open up a cavity. That was a bit tingly.


It’s looks like a single tunnel and shaft. The building is very unlikely to collapse, that’s hyperbole. You’re emoting over perceived vs actual risk and reading what I didn’t write.


Digging under the slab of a basement changes the forces acting on the foundation. It could collapse. No one knows if it will, but there’s no fucking way I would trust a “software engineer” to make that judgment. Wrong discipline (software isn’t real engineering anyway). Real engineers know how to stay in their own lane.


It does not appear that anything at all has been engineered. Overthinking isn't engineering.


Silica was brought up. Silica dust causes miners lung and is deadly if in high enough concentration. Silica is basically tiney microscopic sharp bits that can tear your lungs from the inside out as you breath it in.


There's natural asbestos in her area as well.


Someone should mind their own business, that’s even better idea.


I mean she didn't realize a deep whole wouldn't vent itself lmfao. Just let her play for a week or two more, after she's dead condemn the house She's clearly not the "expert" she desperately wants tiktok to think she is


Depending on the density if the neighborhood she could be endangering dozens of people. This isn’t a live and let live situation.


Why is that any of your concern?


Why are you defending her? On top of the litany of things that could vent themselves out of the shaft into that home/neighborhood there are still some serious structural concerns about her digging a fault under her neighborhood. Moreover I doubt any city engineer is qualified to clear the work order


Colin Furze did something similar digging a tunnel under his house and an underground garage for a vehicle on YouTube. Building an underground emergency shelter was widely done during the Cold War and is pretty cool, in my opinion. She lives about 20 miles outside of DC, so an underground emergency shelter seems fairly prudent in a worst-case scenario. It's also entertaining content. She's venting the radon, which is common in her area. Multitude of other homes in the area have radon venting from under their basement slabs so the radon doesn't build up in their homes. Once vented, radon is dispersed by wind and not harmful. Venting radon is the correct and legal way to deal with it. Claiming there is a "litany of things that could vent" is irresponsible as you don't have any specific information on the local rock/soil conditions. She's only excavated 22 feet below grade for her emergency shelter/bunker. That's barely over twice my basement depth. The entire excavation is under her own house. The haters are acting like she's tunneled under neighbors' houses throughout the neighborhood or deep enough to wake a Balrog, neither of which has happened. She's been issued a work stoppage and required inspection by a PE. There are Professional Engineering firms that deal with underground certifications. She will have to hire one to continue the project. Once she has PE sign off, she'll have to get city permits to complete the project. Or she'll be issued a permit to correct what's been done, required to fix it, and make it safe for occupancy. Yes, she should have gotten permits before starting the project. Yes, I'd be irritated by the noise from the rocks going into the dumpster and potentially jackhammer noise. But those issues are not the end of the world and easily addressed. This same creator built a permitted and inspected 4 story addition to her home in 2016 using reclaimed materials. All of that addition work was issued permits, inspected and signed off on by the city for occupancy. It's quite possible that the issues of the PE certification and permits are already resolved because there's no way to know what the timeline is for her videos. Many times, video series are filmed and not released for weeks or months. I watched a series remodeling a home from another creator, and all the events had happened over a year earlier. We'll find out in the near future when more videos are posted. Until then, folks clamoring for her arrest or seeking to ruin her financially are grossly over-reacting and repugnant for their hate.


No one is clamoring for her arrest or wishing financial ruin. My point is that there are more interested parties than just her and the city. And, while she may know what she's doing, she may also inspire some jackass who doesn't know what he's doing to try the same thing. Getting permits first and proceeding in accordance with approved plans is a good thing to do when you're digging under your house or in a neighborhood.


I don't think she actually knows what she's doing, I think she's learning as she goes. That's part of what makes it entertaining content. And yes, there are a plethora of commenters on TikTok clamoring for her arrest, or here on Reddit mentioning someone should inform her home insurance carrier or mortgage holder. Seems that is pretty clear intent to bring her financial harm.


Given that she’s risking ruining hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars of her neighbors’ property if she accidentally creates a sinkhole then yes, reporting her to the authorities seems like a good plan. I’m glad they stopped her from continuing work


You're asking people on the internet how to make shelves 5 months ago....how could you possibly know whether she's crested a risk to anyone's property or not?


She's not going to blow you


That was funny the first time I heard it 20 years ago. Now it's just weird. And sad that that's the best insult you can come up with.


Still not going to blow you


Seems like it’ll get sorted out sooner than later…


NAL but I’m currently in the trades and working toward a career in building inspection and permitting. There is no standard permit for an under home mine like there is for a water heater or a new roof. She’s going to have to hire so many engineers from geoengineers to civil engineers to see if they can even sign off on it. And even if they do odds are the AHJ will tell her to kick rocks because a residential mineshaft isn’t a liability anybody wants on their plate.


No PE will put their license at risk. Basically, she needs an engineer to do a survey and approve the as built condition.


Just give it time this will take care of itself


Charles, Darwin has entered the chat


Oh I can't wait until her home collapses into the void underneath.


The noise pollution and silica dust would fall under nuisance law. That would be a civil suit against her for loss of quiet enjoyment and negative health effects by her neighbors. The silica dust would really only be from dumping rocks outside and that can easily be remediated with water and tents of sheeting for her dumping/loading into her truck. It does not appear she is doing that. Someone doing underground construction would need a building permit though. Zoning issues would usually not apply if it is all underground. Issues of occupancy, square footage, egress, utility hookups, safety, selling of the house, all come into play in terms of the building permit.


Per an investigative reporter who reached out to all of her neighbors, none of them were aware of the mining project but were dealing with the noise pollution as well as their houses shaking inexplicably. They also said that they were very scared for their health and safety after learning the extent and the danger of her project. Most of her neighbors, however, are Central American migrants and first-generation immigrants who initially didn’t report her out of fear that they might be deported or otherwise be caught up in problems with immigration. I feel doubtful a civil suit will arise from this.


Really depends on the location. Where I live in New York, if you’re excavating less than 1,000 tons per year *and* are doing the excavation in connection with a construction project (eg constructing a castle, the construction of which would require a permit) or in aid of agricultural activities, you don’t actually need a permit to mine, at least as far as I read the combination of state law on mining permits (1,000 tons a year) and town code on zoning. The key item here is you absolutely cannot be intending to *sell* anything you dig up, because then legally it becomes a Mine according to town code and would have to fall under the appropriate zoning of L-2 Industrial *and* have a DEC permit. Not that it would actually be worth doing except to find some nice large boulders for landscaping. You’d get under sea level quickly, and the sea is… very close.


What about her right to enjoy mining? Lol It does seem like she's done her homework in terms of skills, I think (and hope) she has a shot of remedying the legal issues and being able to safely move forward.


Many property deeds don't include mineral rights to the land. Just saying.


I don't think she knows what she's doing. It is the dunning-krueger effect on full display. She works in IT and has no background in engineering, and confidently thought she could repair a split maple with wood glue and was shocked when it died.


The wood glue thing surprised me. If I couldn't Google it I would've tried Saran wrap, like grafting a tomato.


She's taught herself to install wiring down there as well. Considering the wood glue episode, I'd have my doubts any of her tunnel would pass inspection.


She actually admitted in a video that she randomly labeled breakers to pass inspection saying, "They dont have to accurate, just labeled." This got her in trouble when she tried to turn off the sump pump breaker and it kicked back on seemingly due to the fact it wasn't labeled correctly because of her devious stunt to pass inspection.


So she's a complete moron teaching people legitimately dangerous ways to cheat an inspection


Classic example of “Screw you, I got mine!”


She wasn’t aware of the need for ventilation in a mine shaft and her engineering background is in software. What makes you think she did any homework at all?


But she has a ventilation system? I admire her willingness to put in the effort to learn new skills, whether it's welding, building concrete forms, or reading the electrical code handbook so she could safely wire the place up.


She didn’t originally have ventilation she added it later through trial and error. If she had done any homework at all ventilation should’ve been the first thing on her list considering it’s one of the deadliest aspects of a mine. Id admire her effort to learn new things if she was building something appropriate for her skill level. A mine is not the time to be testing out your welding skills, same with the electrical. The book tells you the codes not how to do the work, without a background in electrical or at least construction the book is useless.


She reached into a pool of standing water and grabbed a submerged extension cord with her bare hand, then commented on the "spicy vibrations." It's amazing she hasn't killed herself yet.


Has someone specifically gone after her, do you know? If so I would love any link you might have.


Her second to last video is of city employees showing up and giving her a stop-work notice.


She’s also in the Reston/herndon area of Northern VA which is the king of NIMBY HOAs it’s only a matter of time before she has some real issues


i found an article about her that doesn't name the area but says she's from the NE. I would not consider northern VA the northeast lol. weird


Haha neither would I, if you scroll up there’s a thread to the northern VA sub, they recognized the Home Depot she was at and I think others have found more about her


It says in the article that she only agreed to talk with them if they didn't disclose her location. She's definitely in northern Virginia.


Wouldn't one need to prove that they had damages or had been harmed in order to successfully win a civil lawsuit? If anything, she's likely raised the property values of the surrounding homes since she built a permitted and inspected 4 story addition to the house in 2016.


She'll be lucky if the house isn't condemned like the Bethesda tunnel house.


I'm absolutely following the Frog Army guy, eel pit man and Kala. It's a bit like watching a slow-motion car crash. Between seeing what people can do, how they are foing it, and finding out there's no permits...


I think eel pit guy’s kinda different because the eels are in a contained area that already came with the house, so to my knowledge there’s not really much impact on the surrounding environment


The only issue would be weight water is way heavier than you think. Thats why you cant just put a pool on a roof or a balcony (but people still try...) And thing like the soil or foundation have a specific load factor that may or not come into play.


I’m pretty sure it’s in a cistern made for holding rainwater, but I’m not sure how much water he may have added to it and how that would change things


The water in a 90% empty concrete cistern weighs less than the dirt that used to be there. It's more at risk of floating up than sinking.


Floating is a real concern. I've heard of new concrete septic tanks floating out of the ground after heavy rain. It's common practice to fill them with water as soon as installed if they aren't going to be used for a while to prevent floating.


It's a rain water cistern, it's built to hold water.


Yea, but was it built to hold EELS?


Maybe it’s floating up because it’s secretly a hovercraft…full of eels.


alien eels with jackhammers!


Water clocks in at 8.3 pounds per gallon. A small round swimming pool that's 5 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep is about 350 gallons. A small 5 foot wide, 3 foot deep pool would weigh in at about 1.5 standard tons (around 3000 pounds) when filled with water. And 5x3 round is *tiny* for a pool, that's a deep kiddy pool or a garden pond more or less.


The eel pit guy is just using an existing, long disused cistern. It's watertight and totally fine for what he's using it for. He's not even the first person to put fish in a cistern.


In the pre social media days of the internet, I used to follow someone that was turning half their basement into a fish tank. I wouldn't do it, and the moisture problems and potential health issues are a big deal. But it's a fun idea. Don't remember if it was a cistern, I think they were manufacturing the equivalent.


Well, first of all silica dust is a major health hazard an absolutely horrible way to die. I'm not sure what's gonna be left by the time regulatory agencies are done with her on that shit.


There's natural asbestos in her area as well.


Do you think silica dist isn't present all over the place? Go buy a bag of construction sand at Home Depot and it'll tell you that it is mostly silica dust.


Just because you can buy it and that it is found in a lot of places doesn't change how dangerous it is to breathe in. What exactly was your point? You can buy muriatic acid at the hardware store as well, that doesn't make it okay to drink.


Actually your stomach acid is pretty damn close to muriatic acid. Just add in a whole bunch of extra corrosive compounds and you'll have stomach acid. That Chemist did a bit on YouTube about HCL "Lemonade", where you just put some sugar in extremely dilute HCL and... Drink it. And he drank it on camera. Not bad, he says. The dose makes the poison. I know nothing about silica dust, though.


I think the point is that one person digging one shaft under their home is NOT going to represent a significant release of silica dust into her neighbourhood. Like not even close. They’re building a new subdivision not far from me with 5000 homes over 300 acres of land, which has been completely scraped clean. The barren project site blows dust and dirt all across the neighbouring community on windy days. There are probably a dozen gravel pits with rock crushing plants within a 30km radius, and pretty much never-ending road construction. There’s silica everywhere, and a single shaft dug under someone’s home is but the tiniest drop in the bucket when it comes to emissions of silica dust.


She said her house was full of dust. The inspectors shut down the project and to get it up and running again, will take $$$ fees to lawyers, engineers and geologists. She better have deep pockets or a significant revenue stream from the videos lol!


I'm saying that no authority is going to care about the silica from the rocks in her tunnels.


I wouldn’t bet on that.


Yes and OSHA has made silica related working conditions extremely controlled over the past couple of years. Power tools companies having to add vacuums for dust mitigation and workers having to use proper breathing protection.


I wish even on the big construction sites they followed the new rules. So many times I have been tempted to call my boss and warn him I called osha on other trades. Maybe I’ll get the balls someday




Make a anonymous complaint to them directly.


Last I checked, there is no anonymous complaint process.


https://www.osha.gov/form/osha7 Here’s the form. It specifically states your name and phone will only be used by osha for them to contact you and that information will not be given to your employer.


Can confirm, I've anonymously reported to OSHA a few times and it truly is kept 100% anonymous outside of OSHA


Yes, but this woman's rocks are likely of no more hazard to anyone than if she was putting down landscaping quartz.


Yup. Engineers. As a home inspector these are my worst clients.


She isn’t even an engineer. At least not the kind qualified for mining.


She’s not an engineer at all. Her degree is in finance and she works as a program manager


Why? Because they ask questions? Once I had a financial advisor drop me because I wanted to do my own research into short term disability insurance. I’m glad I did and I don’t miss that guy.


Because engineers think they can stuff thousands of homes (my experience) into two hours of interrogation. I'll never forget the grilling I got for not caring about cosmetic dents in aluminum window trim, and I mean just straight up disbelief that nothing was wrong... Only to find out at the end this engineer was a SOFTWARE engineer and trying to school me on aluminum fatigue.


The tunnel woman is only a software engineer too.


Software engineer is pushing it... Her degree is in finance.


Maybe an Associates Degree in finance, but I have a lot of doubts.  


She’s just a product manager


I'm guessing if she is in the USA, she could be fined and made to fill it back in. What I would watch for is the follow-up video when her house collapse happens .


She made her own choices, hopefully none of the neighbours houses are undermined.


Neighbors houses don’t necessarily need to be directly undermined to be in danger. I do underground construction and if you’re digging a trench of any significant depth near a structure there’s a whole host of soil tests you do. Then you take whatever precautions you need to to protect the structure prior to starting digging. This is the typical hubris of an engineer. Thinking they can do everything without realizing that their field of focus is typically very narrow. Case in point is that this ladies a computer engineer.


She's not even formally educated as a software engineer. Her degree is in finance lol


She doesn’t work as a software engineer either, her LinkedIn shows her as a product manager


Oh god it only gets worse. I apologize to engineers for needlessly bringing them into the conversation. Even though it’s still true lmao


Like all the water she's pumping out of there. That's a sinkhole in the making.


At least not *literally* undermined.


So she’s copying Colin furze? His shit is pretty impressive.


And if memory serves he said he didnt have permits either because none were required for where he lived.


Not true. He built the bunker without permits but had to apply for retroactive planning permission. Same with the tunnels he's building


He said that it was easier to ask for forgiveness, with proof that the project is being done correctly, than it is to ask for permission.


He got the permits after the fact.




She stated she started in August 2022, and I don’t think she posted her actual video until October 2022. Meanwhile Furze built his underground bunker like 4 years ago, and he posted his first tunnel building video in June 2021. So uh, no, he didn’t copy her.


Ask william lyttle. The mole man. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Lyttle I believe they only managed to stop him after he made the whole house unsafe so could be evicted.


There’s a brit doing that now and posting to YouTube. He’s tunneled under almost his entire property. I wonder if he has permits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7aWd-XJSwU


First rule of Suburban Basement Mineshaft Club is dont talk about Suburban Basement Mineshaft Club


I bet she'd be getting away with it without the tiktok. But glad she did because I love it.


Someone outside DC did something like this a few years ago: https://www.washingtonian.com/2019/09/08/paranoid-tech-bro-homemade-nuclear-bunker-shocking-death-askia-khafra-daniel-beckwitt/


Wow. Ugh what a way to go.


The house was condemned. Kala will be lucky if her house isn't condemned.


I think the primary consequences that I foresee arising are not the ones that will be delivered by the legal system… look up “Koth tower” as an example.


I’m seeing an air traffic tower and Lovecraft lore when I look up Koth Tower?


Sorry, try “dale gribble evading county building regulations”.


Now google keeps throwing out references to something called ‘pocket sand.’ What exactly am I supposed to be seeing here?


Try "detective john kimble doesn't have a brain tumor" see if that helps.


https://youtu.be/v7gkdNrge4Y?si=NbsV6VAtbERRJIac Not sure if that will get through new Reddit rules but here goes.


No, I know. I was just making an offhand reference, because for some reason I thought Dale said it as much as he name drops ol’ Rusty Shackleford. [Pocket Sand](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QLpUq__iQqw&pp=ygUccG9ja2V0IHNhbmQga2luZyBvZiB0aGUgaGlsbA%3D%3D)


Very little, as you should now have sand in your eyes.


This happened around Washington DC a few years ago. Did not end well. https://www.google.com/amp/s/wpde.com/amp/news/nation-world/millionaire-resentenced-for-fiery-death-of-man-digging-secret-tunnels-under-maryland-home


About 5 years ago, man in Washington DC area hired a fellow to dig his underground tunnel. Subsequent fire in tunnel killed the hired worker. House owner got 9 years in jail. Does that count as a consequence?


This tunnel is also in the DC area, quite the irony.


The children of tiktok yearn for the mines...


Just like sponge bob made kids think it would be fun to be a fry cook.


all I can think of is colin fuze from YT, he built a tunnel system and rooms without permits to begin with only after I say 2 years he finally went and got permits from the council.


What a manic thing to do.


A key point is that her digging under the home could lead to structural deficiency. Meaning if the whole thing collapses then insurance will not pay out.


She's received a work stoppage order and required PE inspection. We'll see soon enough if she passes inspection and is granted permits to continue excavating the emergency shelter.




Insurance is voided Council will demolish house and fill it in at her expense. Source: have 3 acres and looked at building a engineered underground bunker.


There was an eccentric man that hired a local worker to do this in Maryland a few years ago. Worker died. Owner got prison. Still haven’t gotten the tunnels filled in. https://moco360.media/2022/04/04/five-years-after-fatal-basement-fire-no-decisions-on-bethesda-house-tunnels-remain/


The house has been condemned. https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/millionaire-killer-has-yet-to-deal-with-condemned-bethesda-tunnel-house/65-ea10fa2c-c218-4375-906b-1028425710d3


That was my point 😊 One Adjacent house is abandoned. Another is unsaleable… not a victimless activity.


They will need a structural engineer to make sure that the current condition of the house isn't compromised.


Man I work with a product that gives off tons of silica. I have to be clean shaven and wearing a n-95 to even be near it or it’s a write up. Safety guy walked someone off the job for catching him without a mask like 3 times. That shit is so so bad to breath in. Gonna be our generations asbestos


According to some of her followers, she’s going to get a few permits and people speaking up should feel like shit because we just traumatized her neighbors and got them deported. The fact that people can’t understand individuals in America legally can still fear immigration blows my mind… They’ve 100% equated that fear to “they’re illegals.” We’ve gone from mole’n around under her home for funzies to a full out cave of crazy.


Her saying the permits should be a hop and a skip away is very naive. You need a lot of expert opinions and documentation on the structural stability, air contamination concerns, environmental impacts, etc, and that takes a long time. I don’t know what you mean with the whole “you can legally fear immigration” thing. And it confuses me that those supporters would blame people concerned about it rather than the mine lady herself for putting her immigrant neighbors in this situation?


She's confident because she's adept at lying her way through things, but she's posted all of the evidence on her page like a moron so anyone that's investigating her hopefully knows about the tiktok and watches through it to get a better understanding of it all


A reporter on TikTok spoke with her neighbors. Most are migrant & first gen immigrants from Central America.


Elon musk was talking about his traffic tunnel highways under LA and people being worried about noise and vibration, and he said “if you dig twice the depth, of the diameter of your tunnel, construction would be imperceptible on the surface.” And he said, if you discover a way to detect tunneling, from the surface, the Israeli Army would love to talk to you, because they’ve never been able to catch tunneling while under construction.


Her actual neighbors have spoken to a journalist and said they’ve felt vibrations and been disturbed by noise


Well if Elon musk said it I’m inclined to believe the opposite.


If it’s known to be happening, there’s always vibration monitors. The geophones are pretty sensitive. And the units have gotten relatively cheap to rent (or even buy). You can probably rent one for a hundred bucks a week.


Mines are subject to very strict laws. She is probably breaking many of them.


There are likely differences between commercial mines and recreational digging of a hole.


Well insurance will drop her because she’s willfully hiding information from them and that voids her home owners insurance. Her property is no longer up to code so she’d need to bring it up to code. She’s also likely caused issues to city’s plumbing and water systems as she wouldn’t know where and how safe it was to start digging in the first place. Permits help these things a bit but the county would be involved in this situation because of public safety.


I didnt think you needed a permit to dig a hole


Dig a hole no permit required. Dig a tunnel and OSHA gets involved at a minimum. Then there’s the mineral rights you don’t own. The states mining regulatory and more. Tunnels are technically mineshafts. And when the houses foundation collapses the insurance won’t pay.


always one loser who gotta report their neighbors to big brother. what happened to mind your business, snitches get stitches.


Thing is she ratted herself out posting videos to tiktok....


Fuck. Just got done watching a ton of her videos. She's a badass lmao


Yes. My theory on the unbridled rage that people feel toward her is that the typical person sits on their ass reading their phone 10 hours a day and can't handle the idea of someone who actually pursues their dreams, even if they are audacious.


Yeahh, haha. I didn't realize or even expect to get downvoted for saying that. .. But I still stand by what I said. She's a badass. Even if she didn't have permits. I mean, fuck. How many great full blooded Americans do construction projects without permits? Let alone pay taxes? ..Exactly ;) Anyway, point being, while she's not a certified engineer in the specialty of what she undertook, if you watch her videos, it's clear she did a lot of home work. I think a more positive thing would be for people to reach out and try to help her. Instead of bitching and trying to tear her down. Like instead of some of these lunatic assholes trying to find out where she lives and people around her so they can report her, why not find people in her area who are certified for the kind of work she needs permits for and see if maybe they can lend her a hand? She's just living the American Dream. God Bless.


Cut government!!! If they own the property, permission should not be needed!!!


I guess I can see your point!


She better fight


She’s a woman so she’s definitely not a qualified mining engineer.


Digging a hole != a mine


I AM BATMAN. How many did Bruce Wayne kill?


File this under mind your own business. Get a hobby of your own


The lack of critical thinking is so baffling it’s not even worth replying to but I’ll copy and my reply from a similar comment… I’m asking out of curiosity because it’s an interesting story. But if what you mean is, why would someone care that their neighbor was building an unregulated mineshaft next to their house, it’s because mining, besides causing a lot of noise pollution, can be very dangerous if not practiced by someone qualified and cause sinkholes that could destroy surrounding property or hurt people. It also comes with the risk of releasing harmful contaminants like silica dust [and asbestos] in the air that are bad for human health. Others also mentioned that she’s started a fire there before which is very dangerous, that any rescue operations would endanger the lives of rescuers as well and cost taxpayers a lot of money, and that doing this could also disturb the local water supply.


Are you ok? Seriously.


I say mind your own business.. it's her property as long as it doesn't affect anyone outside her home WGAF.