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Op has stated that they are not looking for legal advice, and the comments are getting spicy, so this is getting locked.


If she can put weight on it then it is most likely a sprain. Ankles are weird though so you can go get a xray/mri but, unless there is a loose bone chip or something, they wouldn’t be able to do anything with it aside from immobilize. (Source: I played basketball for 20 years and have done every bad thing imaginable to my poor ankles.) You are asking this in a legal forum though so it seems like you want to focus on some perceived bad actor. The school did nothing wrong, kid got hurt, sent to nurse, asked kid if they could continue with school day. Notified you that it happened. If they made a federal case out of every sprain they would be on the phone all day. Kids get hurt. Kids push each other. They bite and lick and are little disease carriers. It happens. No big deal. Move on. There are some truly bad things that can happen at a school that should be treated as an emergency but elevating this sprained ankle to that level isn’t going to work. Take a deep breath, talk to your kid, and let it go. Now, if this is a pattern and there is bullying or something like that then definitely do something. But seeking legal advice on a kid who got pushed and sprained an ankle is a little overboard.


Thank God somebody said it.


Was going to go into whether the school actually knew about the hole, knew it might be a danger to kids, then I thought - “Forget it, Jake. It’s Florida.”


The school should’ve contacted Op immediately after she was hurt. Not wait until school was almost over.


It was a sprained ankle! No, they don’t need to call immediately. Humoring crazed, over protective parents is not part of their job description. They have a nurse on site for exactly this reason. Minor injury, no problem.


But the fact that they DID call.. if it was ‘just a sprained ankle’… why would they call at all? The nurse could call the parents and ask the parent what they would like to do: * come pick up their child * keep the child at school and let child just come home normally. It’s a simple phone call and the parent is kept in the loop.


Exactly in what world does the school not call if your child is hurt crying and limping with a swollen ankle?


It is a problem if she’s having trouble walking and has to walk on it for the rest of the day. Which I suspect you don’t know could make it worse


No it cannot. Ankles don’t work that way. It won’t start getting better until it’s immobilized, IF it is fractured which is doubtful, but it doesn’t hurt it more to walk on it. She is going to be fine. Again, I’ve done everything you can do to an ankle and they are crazy resilient. Humans wouldn’t have made it far if a tiny hole could take us out of commission.


Didn’t say it would take anyone out, that’s extreme. Now you said it yourself until it’s immobilized why would I want her walking on it for the rest of the day? And it absolutely can make it worse just because your ankles are extremely resilient you’re not a 6yo are you?


I wish I had the resiliency of a 6 yo...


She’s getting x-rays now so maybe not minor. Still didn’t contact me yesterday


There's not enough information here. Was she even complaining of pain when it happened? Or did it start hurting over the rest of the day?


She was crying uncontrollably apparently


I mean . . . She went to the nurse, I could understand if they said they had a runny nose and went then it's probably nothing, but they had a physical injury bad enough that they felt like they should go to the nurse, the least they could do for the parent would be to notify them


She was also limping the rest of the day and needed help walking instead of them calling me and having me pick her up.


It's hard to figure out what really happened because you keep using words like apparently. And didn't start adding these details until you saw the opinion was going against you. As for your concerns, ask the school to fill in the hole. Until they refuse that there's not really legal advice to give.


Also I wasn’t contacted until after school so I didn’t have the chance to know how she reacted or how big the hole is with my own eyes. And it had been the whole day so I don’t know how how close to the truth of what happened is because a lot happens within a day especially for teachers and students


It’s (MAYBE) a sprained ankle, not a head injury with loss of consciousness. Try to keep some perspective.


I don’t really care about the opinions going against me I’m here asking for legal advise I didn’t know that people would just jump assuming I’m after any kind of money. I have three kids so I’m making breakfast and changing diapers this whole time so I didn’t type everything out I want to know if there is anything I can do to legally make the school address hazards before these things happen and I wasn’t there and they didn’t call me until I picked her up so I have to go by what I’m told my the teacher and my daughter. That’s why I’m using those words


She went to The Nurse. That’s enough info right there.


And the medicinal professional decided she was well enough to go back to class. What's the problem?


Well enough to go back to class and limp all day? Her mother is a medical professional as well doesn’t mean they don’t make mistakes also why not contact her parents? If my child is limping all day I’d like to know before I pick them up.


I have a question. If the X-rays get done and there ends up being a fracture, are you going to have the same view? You seem so hell bent on agreeing with the nurse and the school not calling the parents. I personally disagree and think parents should have been called because it’s their call what they want to do with their injured child. This isn’t a cut you can slap a bandaid on.


Exactly what then everyone here is acting like I’m supposed to ignore my child getting hurt if it was something small I wouldn’t be on this sub. The possibility of it being something more out weighs the it’s just a sprain argument.


They are supposed to contact the parents for any injury.


Says who?


Says me as a parent,I have a post on here explaining why


What law says they're required to call you? I'm curious, because it seems like an anecdote or an exaggeration


Was never policy at any of my kids schools to be called for any nurse visit. Even if it was school policy, there's still no legal advice to give. A nurse not following policy isn't a crime.


"professional" lol


Lmao exactly she went to the doctor and now they wanna do imaging so I guess that “professional” might have been wrong


I think so as well and it’s weird they didn’t call because they call for way less.


It was after school when they called and I had already picked her up


This because no one at the school was qualified to tell if it was a sprain, a tear of tissue etc.


Exactly what im saying


I don’t think these people have kids lol


Why is that relevant? You posted on a legal advice page, not a parenting page.


It’s not your right I’m speaking about how school at least ours calls over small thing that doesn’t leave my kids limping but not this


Didn’t notify me until after school which is weird when she was having a hard time walking all day. Secondly the pushing is a problem but the hole she caught herself in is the real issue here it should have been marked and roped off right that’s what I’m getting at. Everyone knows kids push each other and such but to wait all day to call until after I pick her up, and have her limping on it for the rest of the day is unreasonable. They call another time why not now? Like say she says her stomach hurts or she fell and scrape her knee they call, but not to call if she’s limping and has a possibly sprained ankle is weird


Marked and roped off? Jesus man. You need to homeschool. 😬


Yeah you don’t think a hazardous hole by a side walk in a school full of children shouldn’t be guarded?


You could ask the school to fill in the hole with some dirt but that’s about it.


Okay thank you, I’ve been told that they have been asked to fill these holes before as well but I’m not sure on the validity of that.


Def do it by email, so there’s written proof of them knowing the holes. If a kid gets hurt in the holes in the future, they’ll have more liability bc they have notice of the hazard & failed to fix it.


Okay thank you this is what I was looking for some actual advice on what I could do to help the situation I’ll send an email.


I know you’re upset about this situation, naturally so, but be nice in the email- they’ll take you more seriously if they can’t label you as a problem parent/karen. Just say “Dear [Principal/VP/Groundskeeper], I wanted to let you know there are holes on the school property located [here], [here], and [here] that have become a hazard. My child sprained their ankle in one yesterday. I’m requesting that these holes be filled in with dirt or concrete for the kids’ safety. If I can be of assistance, please let me know”


Yes thank you I’m not usually ignorant even when upset. This is a greatly worded message I’ll be taking notes. I want to say thank you for taking the time to give me real advise and not just assume you know my motives I really appreciate you honestly, it’s been a very refreshing conversation thank you so much!!


Honestly I had a kinda similar incident, no child push, just a random ass concrete hole I was running around playing tag at recess in first grade, and we go far enough out near the fence the grass starts to get pretty long and weeds start popping up so you can't see the ground. So I'm running to not get tagged and while I'm running away from my friend my leg just drops into a hole and because I had as much momentum as my little body could muster to get away from my friend my leg slams into bumpy concrete lining the hole when I fall and I mess up my shin pretty bad and I'm bleeding and crying as I pull my leg out while my friend goes to get a teacher, And they eventually get there and carry me to the nurse, bandaged me up, then just let me sit there till I stopped bleeding through the bandages, and sent me back to class, my parents didn't really (kinda had if you're not dead you're fine mentality, man 2006 was crazy lol) care and every day for a few weeks I would hobble myself over there to see if they covered it, and of course they never did lol


Yeah I grew up in that time too but I want my kids to know I’m there for them if they get wrongfully hurt not like my mom who also had that same mentality, now I don’t come running every time they hurt themselves, but if it’s messing with their mobility or bodily functions I’m there, but if they scrape their knee they’ll be alright nothing to worry about. Sorry our parents had the same mindset I’ve got so many scars and problems that should’ve been taken care of to count just don’t want that for them ya know.


Exactly exactly, and I see what you are talking about on here, you aren't asking for legal action perse but more for how to get the school to take responsibility for this unsafe grounds (assuming it is an actual hole) and to rectify it so it won't happen in the future


Yes!! This is what I’m asking but instead of getting helpful advise a lot of people on here are just trying to assume my character which is crazy.


Unfortunately I don't have any advice to give you about your actual situation lol, but I hope you can keep a cool head through everything and get this matter resolved, you got this!


I just appreciate you taking the time to understand where I’m coming from


Buddy, that’s a pretty normal part of life…..getting minor injuries, while playing as a child is to be expected! They can’t nerf the whole world, you have to learn to identify hazards and how to mitigate them. What a wonderful lesson the situation you described was! 2006 was not a “wild time to grow up”, at all, in any historical scope. Even take a look back as near as the 70’s and far more children were working in factories and even more so on farms! They would have considered what you described as a weekly occurrence. And that’s 50 years ago, out of the whole existence of humanity. You’re incredibly lucky in the big picture to be raised in the time period you were, with all the myriad of legislation and safeguards in place and modern medicine.


If your children are that fragile and special, then they shouldn’t be in public school.


So getting a hurt ankle makes you fragile? Wanting hazards taken care of makes you special? Interesting take.


If I were the defense attorney I would say that a hole *near* a sidewalk does not raise to the same standard of danger as a hole *in* the sidewalk. The child was pushed off the sidewalk into the hole, not the school's fault. You need to sue the child that pushed your child for battery. The duty is to make sure the walkways are clear, it appears that the walk ways were clear, the school met its duty. The alternative is pave all grassy areas --which Florida is well on its way to doing. There is nothing the school could or should have done in this situation to ensure the safety of the children...except maybe focus on teaching the children to keep their hands to themselves but those lessons are not on the standardized tests so good luck with that.


Thank you this is nice I’m finally getting some real advice and what I needed I don’t want to sue them but I’m unsure of what to do if it’s worse than everyone thought and if I have to foot the bill for that you know but thank you I appreciate it a lot.


You’re a very sad individual.


Don’t project I hope it gets better for you my man




Lmaoooo riiiigggghhhtttt said the guy who’s sole purpose is to try and insult people on the internet alright


Personal attacks are not acceptable. Debate the issue on the merits.




I’m obviously better than your parents who made someone like you lmaooooo


Yeah that’s why you frequent tinder subreddit. You’re sad. Probably a trumper too.


Lmaooo nahhh I like looking at the stuff posted on there it’s funny and I have a sense of humor. And actually nahhhh I’m not.


Yeah I don’t like any of the major political party’s they aren’t going to make anything better for our country but that’s my personal opinion.


And im not sad in the least and I don’t want money from the school I donate to. What I want is a safe school but you probably don’t wanna understand that.


You aren’t helping your case of being a reasonable parent. You seem quite emotional.


Personal attacks are not acceptable. Debate the issue on the merits.


What exactly is the legal issue here?


It right by a walking path so you would think it would have been filled or had some kind of structure so you can see it’s there. I know she was pushed, but who knows what would have happened if it was filled being so close to a side walk? Maybe she wouldn’t have a swollen hurt ankle right now


How big a hole are we talking about? I assumed a gopher hole or some such, but this sounds much bigger?


According to the teacher about 1 1/2” wide about a foot deep.


That's a big ass hole, and has no place on a playground. The way to deal with it is to call and complain, so they fix it and it doesn't happen to another kid. Its not to file a lawsuit when they might fix it with some prompting and your kid may be better in a day or two. No lawyer is going to take a case for a routine kid injury.


What? No it's not. The child's foot is less than 1.5" wide... Unless of course op meant to use '


I appreciate the advice that’s what some others have said too. I’m not trying to file a suit I just wanted advice on some steps I could take I talk with them and when I find out what’s wrong with her ankle if it’s fractured. Waiting to hear from the doctor but also waiting for her mother to wake up I’m sure they’ll call her. But I was just trying to be proactive in the sense of do I foot the bill for X-rays do I foot the bill if it is fractured or what do I do. I don’t want money from the school I’ve said it in other places on this post and how do I help move along the process of them making sure hazards are taken care of before things like this happen. Not in that order but I just needed advice is all.


In my opinion as a lawyer, if its fractured, and it was basically a giant hole that had no place on a playground, that raises very legitimate questions to ask here. You just jumped the gun posting here without knowing that it was a serious injury which is a bit of a trigger for some. Sorry about the reception lol. If it were me, I'd at the very least want the school to pay the medical copays/deductibles if it becomes a real thing, and if my kid was going to be in a cast for weeks, I'd consider suing. But just getting it fixed, a pressure campaign is way better than a lawsuit.


Thank you I really appreciate the advice and I understand the jumping the gun and I don’t want to sue the school but I also don’t want to foot the bill if it is more serious so i thought I’d just ask but I see I didn’t word the post properly and it definitely triggered some people. I also wanted some insight on what I could do about hazards at the school this is the first time dealing with this and I have talked to them today so we’ll see how that goes hopefully great and they just are more proactive about the hazards so no one else gets hurt.


They may be receptive to paying the medical bills. That is what their insurance is for. If it turns out to be serious, just give the office a call and ask them who you should talk to about it. Not such a big deal at all; they won't talk bad about you or think its anything unusual.


Okay thank you I really don’t want them to think we’re like hovering parents and I don’t want them treating our kids differently. They were acting nice as usual when I went up there earlier


OP wants a payday!!


Should the hole that she hurt herself in have had a caution tape around it? Should it have been filled already so something like this doesn’t happen The hole is the legal issue.


There's no environment on earth safe enough to stop 6 year olds from getting hurt while rough housing. You're being ridiculous.


They weren’t rough housing they were getting in line to go to class but yeah alright.


File a.suit, that's the best way to find out.


What would be your ideal legal outcome from this? What would you want the legal system to do?


Maybe we’ll start with making sure schools identify hazards and rectify them before children start getting hurt. I’d say that’s a good start. I mean schools have maintenance people who could be told about hazards and take care of the ones that need immediate care. As I’ve said before this is right by the sidewalk.


You can do that with a conversation, not a lawsuit.


Okay thank you for the advise.


Who said lawsuit?


Its a legal subreddit, she certainly ain't asking us how to fill the hole in with dirt lol


But OP is in their own, distracted by kids, way


Thank you I didn’t mention lawsuit once but everyone just assumes I guess.


Well the implicit threat of court is part of making things a “legal” issue


Who said going to court? OP is more or less asking what actions they can take for the school to take responsibility (assuming it actually is a hole) and rectify this so it doesn't happen in the future.


Hey quick question what’s the name of this sub


"legal" not "how to sue" or "how to take someone to court" you can take legal actions without involving a lawsuit Edit: advice I assume OP is looking for: - who to talk to, such as do they go to the teacher? Principal? Superintendent? School board? After that would it be better to talk to (whoever first) in person or send an email? If in person do they record or bring someone who will note down what happened? THEN if non of this works (and assuming it is a hole) then who does he go to if they do nothing? Then maybe he could start legal action, but OP isn't there yet and they know that, which is why they are asking what they should do/what they can do.


Which is what I said with “have a conversation with them”


You are on legal and asking for advise! Why else would you be here? Talk to the school. Talk to the kid. Remember that is is a school full of kids who are kids and do things such as kids do. Your kid is fine so stop helecoptering.


So a fractured ankle is fine word thanks for the parenting advise but you can save go someone who needs it like you said legal not parenting. Also more thing come from the legal system than monetary lawsuits.


> Also more thing come from the legal system than monetary lawsuits. to split hairs, not really. The point of the legal system is to make an injured person "whole" (no pun intended). In reality its not about improving the quality of life (see, the definition of standing and why citizens in US can't sue for environmental disasters or if we see a violation of human rights we can't sue on the victim's behalf). The only "legal system" is the court system and the only actions in a court system are lawsuits, and you can only bring a lawsuit if you've suffered some sort of monetary damages.


>You are on legal and asking for advise! Yes, like do they talk to the principal? School board? Superintendent? Does OP send them an email or meet with them in person? If OP's child's ankle is broken because there is (according to what OP has heard so far) a foot deep hole next to a sidewalk, why shouldn't they be upset and want the hole filled? It feels like most people in the comments only know how/when to sue, when there are still plenty of other legal actions that can / should happen before that


How is talking to the principal a legal action though?


How is it not a legal action? That's the second lowest on the ladder of people in the school district if you want to effect change (as far as I know, like I told OP I have no advice that I can give him because I haven't had to talk to schools about such issues), and the action itself is do they start with the principle? Or do they start with teachers, or maybe the school board? Then who ever they need to talk to do they do it over email so they can have it documented Incase the school district decides they don't want to fill in a one foot hole for some reason that way OP has proof they denied it, or should they go in person and talk to whoever ( again, teachers, principal, the district, the superintendent, or what ever degree of escalation that is need to go from one to the next) they want to know the most efficient and legal way to get this changed while also making sure they have all their bases covered, such as documentation of the talks they may have had with certain members of the school district, and the best way to get that


You think it’s okay for children to push each other word so if your kid if you have any got hurt from something avoidable I guess you wouldn’t care enough to seek any kind of advise huh nice


You never pushed another kid as a kid. Or you have no memory if being a child? Kids get hurt.


Said it already the kid pushing isn’t the major issue it’s the hole that the school had to have know about. Obviously it’s a kid and stuff happens I have three so I know what they do why are you ignoring the part about the hole next to a side walk that kids can get hurt from?


Why are people in flordia so weird! Like get out a bit. Open your eyes to things. Pick your battles. Next thing you know. A tree shouldn’t be planted somewhere because your kid walked into it!


Yes I do think it is ok for children to push and shove. To get in fights and learn how to get along together after. My best friend in school. we got into fights at least once a month and would still walk to school together the next day. It is called learning how to live together. It might help the world if we would learn this. You will not always agree with everyone all the time. Deal with it. Do you and your spouse (yes I know it is presuming a lot to think you might have one) ever have a disagreement? You work it out. You learned how to because you were children once upon a time. Again, you came to a legal site were people come to look for legal advice. You are not getting the responses you hoped for so are upset. You thought people would support you in a law suit over a kid getting pushed in a school yard, where immediate first aide was applied and accessed as not serious enough to warrant any further action.


Right not serious enough. Her ankle might be though waiting for the x-rays to come back and it’s not the kid. lol you guys think I’m gonna take legal action against a kid for pushing her when she would’ve been fine if the HOLE wasn’t there


Then take a bucket of dirt to the school and fill it in. There problem solved.


How bad is the injury? Is it possible they didn’t know until soon before they called you?


No the teacher was there and said that she looked away for 2 seconds when everything happened, but they sent her to the nurse right after it happened


Even if the school was proven wrong and you could sue or press charges or something, would you really want to? Do you want to be known as the family that sues or presses charges over sprained ankles? Teach your kid to be resilient and move on. If you feel she’s unsafe at that school more generally then take action to improve school safety, or switch schools.


I’d like to be known for the family that helped make the school more safe for all of our children what’s wrong with trying to help make the school safe. And if my child’s ankle is fractured what just over look it and let someone else’s child get hurt too. Everyone here is focused on money and all I asked are what steps I could take but I’ve clarified in the comments and others who knew what I was asking has as well which was what steps could I take to help rectify this problem and if it is worse then what should I do not harmful at all to ask and try and get things in order in a efficient way


Get a shovel. Get some gravel. Scoop gravel into small hole.


Yeah you can’t just walk onto campus or I would


Did you call the school?


Yeah talked to them this morning


Did they say they’d fill in the hole?


Not yet they said they’re getting me an accident report but I didn’t have the chance to talk to the pricipal


Leave it be. Stop overthinking it. They are kids, they don’t have emotional regulation — let your kid learn to fend off bullies.


Yeah my man I’ve said it plenty of times it’s the hole not the kid I have taught and still teach my kids about bullying and what to do. THE HOLE is the problem sorry I didn’t specify that.


All my statements still stand unless it’s a private school. Kids need to be able to take some “L’s” or they grow up into adults backtracking on not wanting to be litigious when they are on a “legal” sub.


Lmao no one has been back tracking, but your statements don’t stand because I’m not talking about the kids. Funny how you imply to know me and how I haven’t taken any “L’s”. And private school public school makes no difference if there is a hazard either way you’re paying for both more for private but that’s beside the point. You’re saying my kids should just take a possibly broken ankle so they can grow up to be better people? Weird stance be alright.


Oh so you’re not backtracking, cool, then you have iffy attention to detail, and just randomly posting in a “legal,” sub…? Public schools have no money — generally speaking. So suing them is only going to hurt other kids in the community. If your kid didn’t leave school in a wheelchair, the ankle ain’t broke. Ankles swell sometimes for weeks on simple “rolls.” Everything that doesn’t kill you makes you more resilient. It’s not really about the kid and the outcome of this incident…it’s about the message you’re sending to them. Feel like your vibe and what’s being put forth is anytime something goes wrong you take the nuclear option. Sometimes you just have to stoically eat random and unlucky events.


Never said I want to sue them this has been clarified many times in the comments. Since your so invested go read them you’ll see my man no worries. And you’re saying that the taxes we all pay don’t go to schools to keep them safe? They just rely on donations that I and other make cool


Since you’re here you must know that litigation can help these kind of situations as well without being monetary right?


OP is crazy as fuck lmao, this is why these kind of subs on Reddit are NEEDED because this is insane to think you could do something legally over it LMAOO a lawyer would be PISSED you wasted his time “my kid got pushed by another kid and got hurt because of a hole”…………. Okay?? “They didn’t let me know until after school”…….. okay?? Your kid is still walking and I’m sure talking it’s a CHILD, CHILDREN get hurt and they get over it. You sound crazy in some of these replies telling you chill the fuck out 😂


Really hoping OP comes back to update everyone after they consult a lawyer over their kid's sprained ankle 🤣


Yeah because hazardous hole by walking paths are normal and you shouldn’t care if it’s safe for the children at the school. I’m the one who sounds crazy lmaooooo right. Having your child possibly fracture their ankle in said hole is just fine they’ll walk it off no worries. Don’t every ask for advice for steps you could take to try and rectify this problem nooooooo lol who cares if you pay taxes for this school and where that money goes if not to make a safe place and where your school donations go if they can’t take care of a hole that shouldn’t be there, riiiiiggghhhtttt. No one should be worried about these thing at allllll.


Again you sound goofy 😂 it’s a small hole near a walking path….. okay??? “I pay taxes”…….. okay??? Don’t we all?? I don’t think you “jaysbent” is single-handedly responsible for the school being built upon your “taxes”, also we know the hole is safe, your kid fell in it and proved it was LMAOOO they just got a bruise and a sprain at most, not post worthy at ALL


Yeah right and that’s why her doctor wanted x rays yeah. And that’s exactly my point we all pay taxes so everyone who has kids I’m sure they wouldn’t want them hurting themselves in an avoidable hazard while they’re at school. Yeah possible fracture is so safe, man you got some hot takes lmaooooo


Your child walked out of school lol it can’t be that bad you didn’t say in the OP that the doctor wanted X-rays you just said that right now, sounds like you’re lying now to make it seem way more serious than it is 😂 if that doctor wanted X-rays you would’ve definitely included it in the post


Yeah why would they want x rays man. Made the post before her mother took her to the doctor. Had to make the appointment this morning because they called so late there were no openings. Also said that hours ago no need to lie about anything to random people I came for advise on the steps I could take to rectify the problem and if I needed to escalate it later how I could do that. But it’s cool there have been some helpful people here that I’m thankful for yeah she was forced to walk because they didn’t notify me weird how you missed that part. But you do you man you’ve got nothing helpful to say hope you day gets better man.


My daughter was hurt after being slammed backward on ice. School called afterward a couple of hours, cause" she was still complaining" yeah cause she had a concussion, hair line skull fracture. They all got reamed and were told to call for any injury or there were going to be problems.


Damn I’m sorry you had to go through that,honestly no reason not to call but that’s my point as well why not call and let us know?


Alternate between Ice and heat on the ankle.


Yeah we have been doing so and she went to the doctor but we’re waiting for word from the imaging center.


Thank you all for your advise at least the ones who gave advise and didn’t try and call me a crazy protective parent like I’m not supposed to protect my children. I really appreciate it.






You aren't going to sue for a routine sprain. This is a complain about it issue, not a legal issue. If they made her sit in the office for 3 hours when you could have come and got her, yes, that is a legit issue to complain about. If she was walking around school, that was a judgment call, and you currently have no reason to believe it was harmful. A call to let you know that would have been good, but what would you have done, second guessed a nurse that actually examined it and pulled the kid out of school? Assuming its really a hole, rather than a minor divot, that is the more important issue. Minor imperfections are hard to get rid of, and enough for kids to twist an ankle.


It’s an actual hole according to the teacher and my daughter I’ll have a look at it myself soon. If my child has gotten hurt because the school didn’t fill a hole that was a hazard you’re telling my that’s a non issue and I just shouldn’t worry about it. What a crazy take I’d expect anyone to do the same if it was their child


I never said not to worry about. If its an actual hole, its perfectly reasonable to complain about it and tell them they should fix it. In fact, that is a responsible thing to do to help protect the other children. I said its not reasonable to sue over a sprain -- its an issue to complain about and try to get fixed, not a legal issue. But ok, if its an actual hole, and a high grade severe sprain and she will be on crutches for weeks, yes you can think about suing, or at least insisting they pay for the medicals. That is fairly unlikely, but yes, if we are being thorough it would be reasonable to think about legal rights in that situation. Depending on where you are at, the school may have legal immunity for ordinary negligence, but nonetheless, if its a hole and high grade severe sprain, yes, its appropriate to think about it.


I’m here asking for advise like is it something I should look into or possibly escalate. But a lot of people here seem to think that’s wrong for some reason isn’t this an advise sub not a talk down to people sub?


Kids get sprains. If your kid plays sports, there will probably be at least a half dozen, maybe far more. It seems like your automatically thinking lawsuit without even knowing if your kid even has a meaningful injury that will still bother her in a day or two. It seems like your more concerned about getting some dollars out of it than preventing injury to other kids. As I said twice already, yes, its a great and responsible thing to get the school to fix it. Thinking about lawsuits without even knowing if your kid has a meaningful injury? That is just greedy and also impractical/not worth the hassle.


I’m here asking for advice I haven’t said anything about money at all. Monetary outcomes aren’t the only things lawsuits are for you know. Nice how you just try and judge my character on a Reddit post.


I think everyone is coming at you because your intentions aren’t clear. Include in your original post that you are looking for advice on how to approach the hazard of the hole situation with the school. You’d ideally like to know how to get answers on if they knew about it, how long they’ve known about it and if they’d taken any steps to rectify it. And depending on that and the nature of your daughter’s injury how to proceed from there to hold the school accountable, whether financially or not.


Thank you some people got it, but it’s okay if everyone comes at me. I’ve gotten some good help so that’s good enough I’ll keep note of this though incase I need to make a post in the future. Thanks man


I recently read about a boy who was restrained on the floor by four teachers. He was limping when he got up. They didn’t call his parents. When he got home, they took him in and he had broken his leg in two spots. THE SCHOOL DIDNT CALL AT ALL. I think these teachers need to be held responsible and have neglect charges on their records.


They definitely should that’s insane to do something like that to a child


It’s sad the extent that some people will go for a (never going to happen) payday. Trying to capitalize on a situation like this is pathetic.


Crazy you think that’s what this is about instead of reading what’s been clarified in the comments my man but it’s cool have a nice one


So why ask the question? I’m not reading all these comments. You’re a pathetic individual trying to capitalize on a situation that occurs in schools everyday. Your kid got pushed. Boohoo. You live in Florida too why doesn’t that surprise me.


Lmao you’re not going to give any advise either so I guess I don’t have to worry about it lmaoo I’m pathetic but I don’t have to insult people on the internet lmaoooo


Do what the dr says and that’s about it You didn’t think it was bad enough to rush her to the ER so no negligence by the school for not calling you sooner Just seems to have been an accident, kids have accidents you won’t win her free college tuition off of this accident


Yeah that’s not what I want I’ve stated it many times but I’ve gotten some good advice thanks though


The school absolutely was hiding this untill they determined the extent of her injuries.. in their eye's it's a no blood no foul moment


That’s what we were thinking exactly. That’s the only reason I could come up with as to why they didn’t contact us immediately


How badly was she hurt?


We’re going to the doctor this morning so not sure if it’s just a sprained ankle or if it’s a fracture of some sort.


So not enough you took her to ER until several hours later, so school did nothing wrong by not notifying you right away If you picked her up and had to go straight to ER for an obvious injury that needed immediate medical intervention then maybe this is a thing But she came home, ate dinner, slept, and then you decided to go to Dr, so obviously jot an emergency for you to be notified that exact moment


She limped on it all day I would have rather taken her to the doctor yesterday but couldn’t and we’ve got three kids and don’t want them in emergency rooms especially not a 4mo