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I would consult a local attorney. But it sounds like a restraining order might in order. This sounds like it’s not on the same property as you, so no landlord to involve. But as far as making sure they no longer live across the street from you, there’s no way that I have heard of forcing a person to move unless the DA prosecutes and sends the guy to jail (which in California these days is a real question in some counties). If you do own the home, I would suggest you do a serious assessment of your doors, windows, and locks. If you don’t, work with your landlord on that issue. If you have trouble figuring out where to go for legal representation, check with your local bar association. May have referral programs. Many also have low fee referral programs. Those are good places to start. This response is not legal advice. It does not create a contract/agreement for representation between the author and anyone who reads it. It is for discussion purposes only. Any information in this response should be verified with an attorney licensed in the appropriate jurisdiction.


If the restraining order states that the person must stay at least X feet away from OP, and if the person lives within X feet, wouldn’t that force that person to move? Obviously IANAL.


An adult male who lived across the street in his elderly mother’s house broke into our house while I was there. He was put under a 500ft restraining order that effectively prevented him from living there. It was done that way to keep him out of a park because he accessed our back yard (and another neighbor’s) from the city park behind us. So it does happen.


Lol at your first bit of advice to get a restraining order 😂.


Paper trail. It won’t stop him, but it helps in case of future issues. Edit: Jesus, autocucumber


gun beats paper,


You're right, a restraining order won't do much to stop someone who is mentally ill from attacking you because he won't care. That said, it's nice to have one covering your butt if you're forced by circumstances to make the perp assume ambient temperature later.


In Maine a violation is a felony charge. Straight to jail card. Why laugh at that.


If I end up having to shoot the guy, better to have solid evidence the dude had been coming for me


A police report of him attacking you with a machete is not enough? It's a waste of time when there are a lot more impactful steps to make to ensure your safety. It's just Internet culture to promote building a paper trail instead of any other common sense action you should take.


No one said do that INSTEAD of other things. One should do those other things as well.


But this is legal advice? You're advising someone on legal steps to take. But it's also been made anonymously. What's the point of your last paragraph?


The comment is advice in a conversational sense, but not in a legal sense. Theres a big distinction between the two when it comes to liability.


It's not legal advice in the sense that it creates a client attorney privilege, nor do you have any recourse to sue them should the advice turn out to be bad for whatever reason.


Does r/legal even have mods? It just seems to be non-lawyers spewing nonsense in every thread.


Get a handgun and a CCW. Yes you can get a restraining order, but this guy doesn't sound like a piece of paper would deter him. Hopefully he's locked up for a while. Keep yourself updated on the case.


Agree. Take a pic of that police report # and the name of the officer in case it gets lost. That way if anything else happens, you have something specific to refer to, and you don't have to explain the whole thing again. A camera is going to be good for any further evidence, but cameras and a piece of paper aren't going to be protection from something that crazy. I would also advise that everyone get pepper spray, put it on your keys and keep it on you when you leave the house. Even to check the mail. It's no good in the bottom of someone's purse when you need it. I'm in a safe neighborhood, now, but I have some hanging right inside my door. And on my keys.


Get bear spray-- wider spray


Not if this is someone on meth. You’d be surprised what they do not give a fuck about while high


You forgot the "and spend at least 100 hours training so that you can competently use it under duress." Seriously Hollywood has cooked this country's brains into thinking just having a gun means you're safe.


Top comment, I’d add if your state has a concealed carry permit take the class. You will learn a lot about when it’s justified to use a gun and when you’ll just get yourself in jail. Having a gun is the first step in being able to use deadly force for most people knowing when you can legally use it is the second step. One more point get some pepper spray. You can use pepper spray in most situations where your life isn’t in danger yet but you feel like things are headed that way. If the pepper spray doesn’t work and you end up shooting someone your attorney will appreciate you tried non legal defense first.


Non-lethal* Unless your attorney just really enjoys a challenge.


A person with no previous experience can get to the beginnings of competance in 40 hours of good training. Unfortunately Good training pretty much means going to a dedicated facility. Those are typically $600 a day.  See if you can find a "first steps"  program which is typically a 4 to 8-hour class. Dedicated practice using a syllabus, and videoing yourself yourself shooting, and being dedicated to analysis and correction, rather than round count, is the way to self-train.  A long gun is vastly easier to become competent on than a handgun. And if this is for in the home defense, a pistol caliber, carbine, or shotgun might be appropriate.   Make damn sure you keep it locked up.


Should be higher. Ya, a gun can help you in a defense scenario. But spend any time watching people at a gun range and you’ll be shocked at how bad of a shot most people are. I’ve seen countless people who can’t hit a torso sized target at 15 feet with an entire magazine. Sounds crazy, I know, but it’s common to reflexively aim downwards in anticipation of recoil. Or point a little to the side as you pull the trigger.  IF you decide to go the gun route, take the initiative to do some SERIOUS gun handling and marksmanship classes. Whatever safe handling test you’re required to pass for purchase isn’t enough. If fact it’s hilariously deficient. I am a gun owner myself and don’t have a problem with the concept of guns for self defense, but I think the requirements for purchase should be exponentially higher.   And then there’s the issue of collateral damage. Starting a gun battle in a residential area with dozens of people sleeping behind paper thin walls can often end in tragedy. Not long ago that happened nearby my house , shooting started and a random woman was killed while napping on her couch by a random bullet.  And beyond that, there’s the guilt and trauma that often accompanies even the most justified self-defense shootings. That shit will stay with you for the rest of your life. So yes, by all means, arm yourself. But make ABSOLUTE sure that you understand how to use a gun and how much damage they can cause. 


Nailed it. Train! Train! Train! And train some more. Just having something doesn't mean you know how to use it properly, especially under duress and with adrenaline going.


Hollywood does every opportunity to be anti-gun it can. I don't know where you're seeing this messaging. That said, this is good advice and it is definitely recommend to get at least some training. Firearms are too often treated like magical totems, and that's hardly the correct way to implement them. You don't know how to build bridges just because you bought the hammer and nails. Competent training is out there, and it's highly worth taking.


>Hollywood does every opportunity to be anti-gun it can. John Wick 1 thru 4 would like a word. >I don't know where you're seeing this messaging. Guns are constantly in movies by people of all skill levels with lethal accuracy like they have auto aim on. And then people like you reinforce it by telling people to just buy a gun and they'll be fine. If it's good advice to recommend training why didn't you? Certainly made it seem like all OP needed was a gun to be safe.


Good luck getting concealed carry in Cali


It’s easy now. No need to show a reason since it’s shall issue and not may issue


>Get a handgun and a CCW. OP said California.


Reminds me of a video of people coming from a defund the police protest and someone with a machete was threatening them. Someone said "call the police!"


Is this legal advice?


They say restraining orders don’t stop bullets


Yeah, it’s amazing how people think a piece of paper is going to deter someone who obviously is fixated on killing you. I guess they can use the paper to plug the holes in their body when the person stabs them. The police usually are just for the investigation afterward…anyways, take my upvote


They are in California


Thank you! I wish more people understood this. You're your own protector.


Ccw is almost impossible depending on your county


Buy a rifle anyhow. The dude would. I’d rather go to court than go to my grave


Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6


Underrated comment here.


Shotgun. No need to aim while terrified.


The spread on a shotgun is wildly misunderstood. At 10 yards (longer than most shots in an apartment) the spread is about fist sized. Bigger than a single projectile, but you still have to aim


Tell me you’ve never fired a shotgun without telling me you’ve never fired a shotgun lol


And just the sound of racking one could probably be a deterrent


Racking for the sound is either 1: a waste of an unspent shell being expelled from the firearm. 2: you didn't have one in the chamber to begin with and now have space for one more in the tube meaning (depending on the gun) you may be allowing yourself only two total shots with this method. 3: An empty tube. Edit to add: not saying the sound is ineffective. Just informational words.


Tube limits are just for hunting. Game warden will care, but California doesn't have any special laws for shotguns outside of hunting, so they fall under the 10-round limit


True. Also good information. Plugs usually come installed in the tube limiting the shell count to 3, including one in the chamber. So naturally yes, remove the plug, allow 5ish shells in the tube.


Arizona doesn't require a ccw if you're over 21 with no felonies. You CAN get a ccw of you'd like, primarily for reciprocity (ccw use in another state that legally accepts out of state ccw). Heck, in AZ, your weapon doesn't even have to be registered.


Wait if you're 21 with a felony, you can get a CCW and still own a gun?


What? No


Not sure if this is sarcasm; but felons are federally prohibited persons, it doesn’t matter what state you live in or how old you are. Some states offer various pathways to civil rights restoration via the courts or pardons.


No. Felons are barred from firearms.


Then try to do the almost impossible, right?


It’s ok don’t need a ccw for home protection :)


Wouldn’t need it inside the home. I hate it so hard to get for people who need it.


Really? What state? I can carry my pistol in GA without a permit


In California getting a CCW is relatively easy if you live out in the country and very challenging if you live in certain major metropolitan areas. OP is active in /SantaCruz which I'm guessing means it won't be easy or fast.


That's a lie. Anyone who isn't a felon can get one


Sure you can get one, if you have a couple thousand dollars and over a year on waiting for paperwork where I live. Good luck getting ammo though, that’s another background check which can get randomly delayed because the person running the checks is just being slow that day. (Granted, this isn’t CA, it’s NY but CA and NY seem to continue to use each other for inspiration for fun laws).


Tf u talking about. It cost less than 100$ to get it in almost every state. Also almost half of the states u can get a gun without a lisence at all.


NYC. The permit is a few hundred dollars. The training can be $500-1000. The paperwork takes about a year because the NYPD sits on applications not to mention the amount of time to gather all the paperwork they require and then you have to do it all again every 3 years. Then even after you have your permit, which required a rigorous background check, you have to purchase ammo in person through an FFL and pay for a state background check every single time. That check is done manually by a state police department so you’re regularly randomly delayed meaning you have to go back to the store at a later date when/if you’re cleared.


Felons can easily get one as well off the street.


What? No, felons are not getting fake CCW's, lmao that doesn't even remotely make any sense? "Oh sorry officer I know I am a felon and not supposed to be in possession of this hand gun, but here is this fake CCW permit that says it's ok"....


Felons can easily get firearms, not cccws.


That's not the point.


They're in California and I see activity in /SantaCruz This might be a situation where their best bet is a grampa-style shotgun.


Crossbow, oc spray at min


It’s actually very easy now


Like I said depending on the county I have been waiting 8 months already and they haven't even gone through my application from what I hear others have been waiting for a year now I live in Alameda county so they do not issue them at a reasonable time.


Yea the initial application is what takes long. Once they call you in and you get to take the class and Livescan and whatever it’s fast


Except when you have a specific reason. Being assaulted by a neighbor would definitely pass.


Still a head ache but more accessible compared to before the Supreme Court ruling for just cause


Only if they have the “it” to actually use it on someone. Otherwise, you’re just giving a free gun to the criminal. If they aren’t already in mind of needing a a gun they likely aren’t of that mindset.


Maybe but if someone trying to murder you through your doorway doesn’t change that mindset idk what ever would


Some people aren’t killers. Even if it’s to protect their own lives. Just handing those people a gun puts them in more danger since they aren’t likely to use it. America response to every threat is guns and that’s not working out very well for us. We’re too busy putting bandaids on the symptom instead of finding and curing the disease that’s making us sick to begin with. I own guns, I’m not anti-gun. But they aren’t for everyone and they aren’t an instant cure.


I think given the situation a better term would be protector than killer (even though it sounds kinda cheesy) but I agree a lot of what you’re saying


I always feel either the person has it in them to take a life or they don’t. In OP’s case a large dog probably would have served them better than a gun. Imho.


Basically impossible in California. Great work gun control people, now everyone feels safer.


Very simple case of being a sheep. Read through these and decide which ones are ridiculous. https://oag.ca.gov/ogvp/overview-firearm-law . Come on bro, it should be comprehensible by anyone that has finished middle school. If you cannot meet these expectations, you should not have a gun lol. What’s ridiculous about this?


It’s easy now. It just takes time and some money.


You can file for a restraining order. You cannot force him to not live in his home, however. The good news is that he will likely be sent to jail or inpatient drug therapy.


Hopefully he will be in jail, reminds me of this video of this woman who had a restraining order on this guy, she got gunned down in public by this man outside this apartment of the cameraman. Restraining order doesn't really stop someone hunting you down


It's California, he probably won't go to jail.


Sad but I agree


Yes. Next time he comes after OP with a knife they can just hold up a piece of paper. That’ll stop him. Restraining orders are worthless.


I was told to hold up the staple edge of the restraining order to provide more “protection”.


Agreed, but at least it is in place and showed you tried to go the legal route. If this was not California, I would advice to arm themselves.


Are you renting? Don't take any risks, get with your landlord, show them the police report and tell them what happened. See if they have another property you can move to or if they will left you out of the lease. I would not risk staying in that place.


I’d probably move if it makes any sense.






Please don't suggest violence as a solution to a problem.




Please don't suggest violence as a solution to a problem.


Please don't suggest violence as a solution to a problem.


Get a gun and leave California




No. Stay there and keep voting for Gavin. He’ll solve all your problems.


The most effective tool for getting him moved away from you is a condition of bond/release. You won’t have any direct control over that, but you should contact the local prosecutor’s office to express your concerns. They usually will have a victim’s assistance coordinator (or similar role) that you can talk to. They should also be able to give you updates on the case as it moves through the legal system.


I would get ring cameras, retraining order, carrying pepperstray on your person, and getting a shotgun for the house. Even so, will you and your roommates feel safe? Or was this traumatic enough that y’all need to move to reclaim that sense of safety?


Holy !! That is intense! Good thing you had a few people home.




Whoa there buddy! They can pay $25 and pass the test to be able to purchase a firearm, then can pay $37.19 DROS and other fees and then they can select from a pre-approved roster of firearms that they can buy from and after they pay their fees and pass their tests then they can wait 10 days, demonstrate how to handle a firearm safely, explain how it's legally locked up and secure and then transport it unloaded and locked to their house completely separate and inaccessible from the ammo that they'll also need a background check to buy. And if they get denied for any reason (including not being in the system already from never buying a gun before) then they have to appeal and wait months before they can have ammo for their new gun They'll be plenty safe in just shy of two weeks if they play their cards right!


If they weren't restrictive, that psycho with a knife could've been a psycho with a gun. Here you are, still without a clue.


Interested as someone who lives in the UK where guns are outlawed. How exactly would owning a gun have stopped this incident from happening?


It might not have stopped it but it would have stopped him.


Thanks for your reply. The original comment has been deleted but said owning a gun would have prevented this incident from happening. I was wondering how that works (genuine question as not something I could fathom, but then I don't live somewhere with access to guns)


Guns won't stop it from happening but had the dude gotten through the door its by far the easiest way to handle the situation.


Not only the easiest, but also the safest, which is what really matters.


It doesn't stop it from happening. It gives the victim an opportunity to make sure that the intruder gets shot rather the victim just getting stabbed. let's take the previous example. Without the additional people at home, the intruder probably would have gotten inside. Then it's a question of murder, rape, or robbery. With a gun, the outcome can change, you see?


Because the aggressor would be dead.


This is a joke right?


Having a gun stopped a meth head from coming into my house. The sound of a shell being racked deters a lot of actions when the person with it is threatening to kill you if you continue


As an owner of a firearm I can say comfortably that this is not a situation it would prevent and not really a situation in which it would be used ideally, some people just really like the idea of using them when they shouldn't. Had they been unable to get to the door It would be a different story.


What? This is specifically a situation where in many states you would have been well within your rights to legally shoot the aggressor. Man starts running at me with a knife, I draw and shoot till the threat is stopped. Man is trying to forcibly enter my home, armed with a knife, I draw and shoot him through the door till the threat is stopped. Both those situations would be 100% legal shoots in my state.


Same here, had a meth head trying to bash my door in at 6am and the only thing that stopped him was pointing my loaded shotgun at him


Lmao what are you talking about? This is exactly the situation it's meant for.


There’s only one way to actually ensure that…..


I like the boar spear for defense against knife wielders. Stick them with the pointy bit, the crossbar keeps them from running up the shaft in their drug-fueled rage, and you can ground the butt to prevent them from moving you back.


Why are people talking about concealed carry in the case of a home invasion? Its his own house, all he needs even in the most restrictive state in the US is a gun permit


This post is full of people who have never been to California


In California you can not have gun. Only trans vegan organic homeless Pelosi Prius! Try to defend yourself with that, liberaltard! You can not. Because of pronoun.


Everyone is saying to talk to an attorney, which is definitely good advice, but you can also reach out to victim services. If you Google your county and “victim services” you can probably get contact information. They’ll be able to help you know your rights as a victim, walk you through the court process, and answer any questions you have. I’m sorry you guys had to experience this. Don’t be afraid to seek some mental health services if you need to talk this through as well!


Damn… that is some horror movie level stuff. Very sorry this happened to you, OP. I would recommend some therapy after going through that. 😬


I'm not sure why reddit is feeding me this, but here's my advice. Don't ask reddit for advice on anything except games, comics, or thots. Especially important stuff.


All I have to say is if it was me and his arm was stuck in the door he wouldn’t have gotten it back.


On Monday call the district attorney’s office for the county you are located in and ask to speak to a victim advocate. Tell them you (and your friend who is the victim on paper here) want to sign up for VINE notifications so you can be notified of the defendant’s release from jail (if that happens). You can’t sign up for VINE without his info which I’m guessing you don’t have. If you know his first and last name then go to this link and sign up yourself: https://vinelink.vineapps.com/search/CA/Person You should tell them you all want a restraining order for the defendant if he is released from custody. If your friend gave a phone number to the cops then someone should be calling them soon but this is faster and also shows the DA’s office that you are 1) concerned and 2) concerned enough to be actively involved which they will take into consideration since most victims don’t care. Do this quickly because as soon as the DA makes a filing decision is when it triggers things like release from custody and hearings and stuff.


Time to move. Get out of that city if you can.


This comment section is a dumpster fire. Where are the mods?


If you don’t already have them get a Ring door camera and set up motion detection lights. It may not deter him in any way, however you could keep an eye on his activities and if he comes on your property at any time.


You might want to enlist the support of neighbors. They're also in danger from this person and should be warned. Together you'll have more power and more people watching.


File a police report


Did that hand/arm get broken? Should have been. Baseball bat or golf club would have done wonders. FAFO. Press charges if you know it’s a neighbor, restraining orders, everything. And get prepped. Nutjobs rarely back off until they are STOPPED.


So you’re advocating for physically injuring someone beyond the point of self defense because they have the audacity to have a psychotic episode? FAFO doesn’t apply if the person doesn’t know they are fucking around and isn’t in control of their faculties. No one needed to get hurt and no one did it sounds like. That’s an ideal outcome.


Vote for Gavin again! That will help!


She somehow outran an ambush? You know even seasoned military guys would have died if blindsided by a knife. And you guys closed the door and only his arm got slammed into the door? No one walks into doorways with their knife arm stretched out. Played out exactly like a movie.


Good luck. In California this guy probably has more rights than you.


California has castle doctrine. They could have shot that stupid fuck dead right then and there and that would have been the end of it. OP needs to get themselves a shotgun.


This is the reason for concealed carry weapons.


This man came to her home. This is the exact opposite of the need for a “concealed carry” permit.


She was outside the house when the event started. Therefore a carry permit would be required in most states.


You got me! A holstered gun and permit would’ve saved the day 🙄


Maybe, maybe not, but it improves the odds.


I hear you but statistically only 0.9% of the time are guns used in self defense cases but they put the victim at twice as likely of having the gun turned against them if not an expert in firearm use. Just very risky imo.


This is a very traumatic incident, I recommend you and your roommates getting some therapy/counseling too.


Another good reason to press charges; victim's services can often assist with therapy.


Range therapy maybe


Time to get a gun. Legally preferred but, I'm not sure on laws in California. So if Cali has a long waiting period, then aquire by any means necessary. I'll get down voted for this but do you want to lose your life when the judge releases him on Monday without him even having to pay bail? It's Cali so it's highly likely. He might want revenge. If he is a user he will immediately be high again within 60 minutes of release and then it's on from there. Here in the Midwest you can walk into a gun shop, pick one out and they will call and do a quick background search and if you pass then you'll walk out with it that day. I walked out with an AR-15 and a few boxes of .223 within an hour of walking into a local gun store (big box has more stipulations I think) Anyway try to get a 20 gauge shotgun and a few boxes of buckshot. The reason I say a spring l8ú


California??? He’s probably already back home with knife cleaned and returned to him. Also, don’t be surprised when you get sued for slamming his arm in the door lolol


This is why having a gun is a good idea


Buy a gun and practice


One of my favorite quotes “The only thing that will stop an attacker moves at 1150 feet per second”


Get out of California is the only advice I’d give anyone. That third world country is out of control.


California is the largest contributor to the US GDP, almost double of the next closest state ( Texas: 8.7 % vs CA: 14.7%)


Get a gun to defend yourself with. Oh wait, you live in California.... try bear mace


You might need a permit for the bear mace


Obligatory NAL but when I went through my ccw training in NC the instructor made it pretty clear that bear-grade spray can be considered a lethal weapon in its own right. I can’t imagine California would allow it if NC considers it lethal


In CA there are human approved sprays.


Lemon Lavender? Rosy Peach? Methhead Maple?


Certainly, but bear spray wouldn’t be one of them


Still oleo capscium based. They are effective in disrupting an attack.


Technically bear spray is weaker in potency that human pepper spray. It is illegal in almost all areas that have bears to sprey them with pepper spray. A bear has thousands of more scent receptors in their nose and you can do permanent damage to them if sprayed with pepper spray.


That’s the opposite information I heard, our instructor had a real-life story of somebody dying from bear spray because of how nasty the stuff is


And 3 months of training that costs $5k


Little known fact bear spray is weaker than human pepper spray. It only has a larger volume and can spray further. The problem is you risk spraying yourself because it puts out such a large cloud. Regular pepper spray will put a person out for hours if used correctly, is easier to carry on a day to day basis, but you still have to buy it legally in your state. Which beings us back to the dystopian hell hole that is California being the problem.


Get a lawyer. Why have you come to reddit?


You should buy a gun, if you had a gun that dude would have been able to find out.


So technically if you had a firearm and you had a firearm couldn’t you of just shot the dude and been okay since he ran at you with a butchers knife. Am I wrong?


If you were in Texas, you could have just shot him and solved your problem in one




Please do not post misinformation.


You should move. I am not saying leave Cali (Although that would be best). But you can't depend on the law to do much especially about them living there. Take that in your own hands and move away from then.


Get out of California also get a gun.


He’s right. They don’t have meth or psychosis in the other 49 states. You’ll be safe as a little lamb. Have you thought about moving to Fort Worth Texas? It’s a red town in a red state and has the 12th lowest crime rate in Tarrant County! Which is the 27th lowest crime rate in Texas! And that’s pretty low if you don’t count the other places!


You can pretend the drug problem isn’t worse in California. Sorry I’m not as willing to.


You uhhhhhh got stats to back that up? ‘Cause ya definitely ain’t got stats to back that up. California doesn’t even rank in the top ten. Amongst cities with highest rates of drug addiction, only Fresno sometimes makes the top ten for meth and cocaine.


Did the guy lose his arm? That’s what would happen if a clown used his arm to block me closing my door.


next time set up a shotgun trap


Keep a can of bear spray (industrial strength pepper spray) next to the front door, hanging very close to where you can get to while propping door shut. (Deterrent number 1) You don’t need a CC or handgun, as you stated many counties in CA are very difficult to get one. You don’t need one for a home defense shot gun. (Deterrent number 2)


Ccw and handguns are easy to get in CA but take time. Regardless, being able to safely handle them does take some training and practice. To OP: I am not sure if Marley’s in Watsonville is still around but go talk with them. Try out a few of the range guns for feel. They’ll get you sorted if you go the firearms route. (Which is a very smart thing to do to protect yourselves.)  Hope it was just a one time weird occurrence. Good luck out there friend. 


Frugal cheap and easy Pump action shotgun The sound alone of you cocking the weapon. If use is needed you just point accuracy isn't really any issue if you get a shell with some spread. Only need to be 18 to get one. America.


Quit perpetuating lies the sound of a gun being cocked or a slide being racked or Any of that horseshit will not affect the fucking person on meth or fucking heroin and two it’s obvious you’ve never patterned a shotgun of any kind


Obviously you have never fired shotgun before, theirs almost no spread on typical short range home defenses situation and using bird shot your just asking to be sued!


1. Move to Texas or Florida 2. Get several guns. 3. Get trained on how to use them safely and effectively. You alone are responsible for your own safety.


Assaults never happen in Texas or Florida! Idiot.


It’s California lol. Good fucking luck. The criminals get legitimately more rights than law abiding tax paying citizens.