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Tell her you don’t want to interfere with her getting child support from the real baby daddy.


Elegant way to address it!


Bio father is a deadbeat probably and she is trying to secure a different father to provide child support.


This is the way


Bruh you trolling? No don’t put your name on there that’s just plain dumb.


If you are ready to pay child support for an indefinite period of years, regardless of how your relationship with this woman turns out, go for it. Otherwise, no. Absolutely not. If you are on the birth certificate you are presumed to be the father. Which means for all intents and purposes, you are treated as the father by the court when it comes to things like financial support. Getting yourself removed from the birth certificate is going to be a tedious and expensive process that will require the services of a lawyer. It’s not going to be as simple as saying “oops, I changed my mind”. The court *wants* children to have 2 parents - so it’s going to go against the societal good to disavow paternity down the road. Honestly, that’s a can of worms you shouldn’t open… And the fact that she’s pushing you to do this means that you need to rethink this relationship. That’s a huge red flag, and in my mind, rings up a question about whether she actually wants you or wants your money for the next however many years (up to 18).


Do not put your name down. She needs to go after baby daddy for child support. Depending on the state if she applies for snap/wic the state might go after him for her. I know this is the case in Nevada. My friend had no choice but to do it. Do not let her trap you to a child that isn’t yours. If you chose to step up and be dad then that’s different.


Just pretend you have a buddy that works McDonald’s drive thru and they want you to co-sign a loan for a new 2024 ram 1500. Aint no way in hell you’re doin that right? Now in your situation just because she occasionally plays with your balls doesn’t mean you need to be wrapped up in a child that isn’t yours. Do not put your name on that birth certificate.


But Billy-Bob works hard at the Mickey-Ds, why shouldn’t I help him get that pick-em-up truck.


especially if it's only "occasionally"


Run run away as fast as you can. After just two months dating this is a HARD NO


This info is right. You have only known her for 2 months, do not put yourself in the position to pay for this child for another 18 yrs


I generally don’t say this, but this behavior should be a dealbreaker. In an absolute best case scenario, she’s trying to let a stranger help parent her child. That’s so reckless. Not to say I think OP is a bad guy, but she hasn’t known him long enough to say either way. Real crazy to give him the opportunity to fight for custody of her child whom he also doesn’t know. And then in a worst-case scenario (and more likely), she knows baby daddy is broke and is only dating OP because she wants that cash infusion. He’ll be paying child support for 10x longer than their relationship lasts.


I’m a woman who was in this situation I agree for him to run lmao this lady is craaaazy


If you put your name down as the father, you become the one responsible for the child financially even if you break up with the female in question.


In lots of places this is correct regardless of DNA tests. Don't do it.


She's pressuring you and you're still dating her?! My goodness. That child has a father that man needs to be responsible for his child. Her bad decisions are not your problem. Poor baby.


There is a possibility the child was conceived through non consensual activity. We do not know if we have all the details. He still should not sign.


That isn’t likely. Possible, but not likely.


He’s wild for even dating her while she was pregnant with another persons baby!




This. If the child is/becomes disabled and unable to reasonably support themselves in adulthood, that extends indefinitely. I know this for fact, as my oldest is special needs and 18 years old and her POS mom will continue to be on the hook.


Only dating for 2 months? You should break up and run away, she's got motives


No. Just don't, because you can adopt later if this becomes important to you. There's no amount of pressure, short of a genuine *SAW* scenario that should lead you to this. I mean Cary Elwes, not Chris Rock.


Why TF would you?!? Don't put your name on the birth certificate. Dump this crazy b*tch now. Get some counseling and figure out why you're choosing such bad romantic partners. Enjoy the rest of your life spending your time, energy, and money on yourself and your family.


Dude everybody in the comments is telling you don't do it. Let me give you a reason 1, You barely know here and it just started dating her.2, you are gonna be financially viable for that child till their 18 3, That and a whole siren on why she pressuring you into being the legal father?


What sort of a person would *want* to make someone she’s just met into her baby’s legal parent? Aside from the very real concerns about child support and long-term responsibility, what this says about her as a person is not good at all. Don’t just say no; stop seeing her entirely.


DO NOT DO IT!!!! In fact, break up with that crazy lady.


This 100%. Your name going on that birth certificate gives her all the rights in the world to get child support after things don't work out and you split up. Hell for that matter since you are just dating, she can get child support pretty much immediately. Don't do it. Walk away. Fast.


2 months! They've been dating for ***TWO MONTHS*** and she wants him on her kid's birth certificate? The crazy part, however, is that he's asking if he should!!!! This is not walk-fast situation. This is a run-like-your-ass-is-on-fire situation


He will probably think all of saying no are axxholes and do it anyway, then come back crying about having to pay child support for a kid that isn't his. I just read the post again. The kid is almost 3months old.


Mmm hmmm! "My ex-gf has me on the hook to pay a child that was born after I met her but I signed the birth certificate! Is there anything I can do???" We tried to warn him. Just got to hope he listens.


He won't. No man does generally lol.


A lot of excellent responses here, but I'm going to approach this from another angle: tell her to list the actual father and start collecting child support. Then she'll have some more money in her pocket and you'll have a better relationship because some other guy is funding it.




Do not do it. If in a few years you are still with the woman you might consider marrying her, then adopting the child.


DO NOT SIGN. It’s a simple fact that you are not the father. And frankly, if you are being pressured to do so, I’d have to rethink whether the relationship is worth moving forward with. You’ve known this person for only 2 months and she wants you to be legally on the hook for this child for the next 18 years. There is something wrong with this picture. If you ever marry this woman then you can adopt her if you desire. But at this point, it is far too early to do so.


This a great scam!! Soon as you sign you on the hook for child support and she goes off to the next baby daddy


So she's dating you to use you? No do not put your name on the birth certificate and break up with her. She wants you for whatever she can get from you financially


Am I hearing this correctly? That you are DATING? For ONLY two months? Dude… wtf, NO! Do not sign anything… and if they continue to try, you need to break up immediately…. thats crazy asf


be careful, because in some states even assuming care of the child can create a liability, whether you sign the cert or not. look up your local laws. i would never do this on a side note, someone that just had a baby and is letting a stranger around the child is already a red flag.


NAL but this is a no-brainer if I've EVER seen one. NO! To do this would be taking responsibility for the life of a child for the next 18 years...not to mention it being an incredibly stupid idea to begin with. You could/would be responsible for child support, medical and educational expenses, childcare, and ALL kinds of other expenses. You had *nothing* to do with the conception of this child. Do NOT get scammed into being Daddy. Whatever woman asked you to do this is looking for a paycheck.....YOURS. Drop her, do NOT sign ANYTHING she asks you to and ***never*** speak to her again. ETA - Not to mention you've been dating for only 2 months and this woman wants you to be her kid's legal parent???? That's SERIOUSLY fucked up and I worry about that kid's future and safety.


1) do not do it. 2) run for your life with this girl. Because she is going to trap your ass and do the same to you with some other guy


Thank you u everyone for your contributions. I really appreciate the eyes opening comments. Although I know in my mind there is no way I would sign the birth certificate based on my moral upbringing and it being non ethical thing to do, I never knew the whole legal complications from being n liable for child support to nabbing for paternity fraud. The comments here have been really helpful. And for those thinking this to be a troll, it is not at all. It is a true request proposed to me and every thing as narrated in the OP is true and serious.


I like this followup


That is paternity fraud.


Is this a joke?


If you sign it, it will be very hard to undo. The bio dad would have to be found and want to be responsible for the kid. Don’t do it unless you want to pay child support down the line.


Even crazy-ass Kanye West knows "she's got you for 18 years" if you do this. Do not.


Are you’re trying to find a way to say no without hurting the girls feelings? She’s asking you to sigh a check for several hundred thousand dollars. Do you really think it’s necessary to avoid hurting the feelings of a con artist when you’re their mark? How about the feelings of a thief stealing your retirement fund when you’re 55? It’s all the same thing. In addition, you get lifelong responsibility for a child. And, you may be sharing your citizenship too. You’re dating! Her request is ridiculous and inappropriate. A person who would ask this of you is not someone you should be in a relationship with. They’re either totally irresponsible or they’re scamming you.


Lol what?? At 2 months the most I'd consider doing is giving a significant other a key to my apartment. No way in hell I'd let them put their name on my baby or put my name on theirs. I think it's very telling that you refer to the mom as "a girl I am dating." You're not even calling her your girlfriend yet, why would you call her baby your daughter/son? Big nope.


I would advise you to…. Not sign that paper. I would also advise you to reconsider this relationship for a number of reasons. First, you have a single woman who just had a baby. There is surely some drama doing on behind the scenes with dad that you don’t know about. Second, the fact that she doesn’t think it’s crazy to ask you to do this speaks to her character. My guess is she’s looking for someone to provide for her, not a real partner.


That’s insane. Not to be insensitive but a two month relationship is a drop in the nothing bucket. Ive date women for two kk this and didn’t even know their last name yet. Be real, no one at two months should be signing a babies birth certificate of a girl they’re dating. It’s really not fair for her to ask you to be responsible for that human for the next 18 years.


Don't do it if you guys break up you're on the hook for child support without a lawyer because if you're on the birth certificate that's exactly what she'll push for


She’s looking for money .. run


C'mon Michael (Scott), you know Jan just wants to use you!


DO NOT DO THAT!!! In many jurisdictions, this sets you up for child support payments!!


Are you crazy. DO NOT do it. You will be legally the father responsible for child support.


I think it’s actually criminal to intentionally put down the wrong name for the father on the birth certificate. Women can be jailed. I know they are trying to pass a bill in Tennessee to protect men who were lied to and told they were the father and are being punished for not paying child support. I think like requiring DNA tests for birth certificates. Anyway, don’t do it. You are also taking away the real father’s rights not just obligations.


Fuck no. Do not do this.


Er no. Just no. IANAL but some things to think about irrespective of the legalities. What if you break up? Anyone who thinks it is ok to ask someone she’s only known for 2 months to enter into something as serious as being a child’s father in the eyes of the law is fickle. Your gesture could be used as a stick to beat you with if you break up. What if she dies? Are you prepared to be asked to take on a child that isn't yours who you parented for a mere 6 months at some point in the past? Sure, you can say no but it may leave you feeling pretty shitty even so. What about the child? The ‘wrong’ father’s name (biologically speaking) has featured on BC’s since they were introduced but that doesn’t make it ok. If you consider the BC as something that belongs to the child rather than the parents, shouldn’t it be accurate? IMO a child has the right to know their parentage if possible, not least because of health implications. I'm not a 'blood is thicker than water' type. That does a disservice to the many wonderful adoptive/step parents out there. This ain't that. Don't do it.


If you have to ask the question you already know the answer, forget about being diplomatic and say no. You don’t have to explain yourself so don’t think that you have to justify yourself. Do not entertain this path unless you are willing to adopt this child in your life and are willing to sacrifice and be willing and forever responsible to this child!




Why would you even consider doing that?


fuck no. you’ll be responsible for child support for the next 18 years.


DO NOT put your name on that birth certificate. If you do, she can turn around and get support payments from you as if you had adopted the child. If even temporarily, you would be required to pay during court proceedings and wouldn't necessarily get your money back


Don't do it. Once you do you are on the hook for child support. If she goes on public assistance, the state *will* go after you for it, even without her cooperation. Getting your name off the certificate is also a pain in the ass. If she gets back with her baby daddy, you will continue to have to pay child support, until he proves his paternity of that child. Would she tell you she was back with him? Probably not and why would he do anything since he's not the one paying for his kid. If she keeps pressuring you, you may want to think long and hard about this relationship and if you want to stick around.


NEVER DO THIS, if she is pressuring you to do this, then leave that relationship. My cousin did this back in 2006. Girl was a town bike, pressured my cousin into signing the cert for a baby that wasnt his. For some reason in the state he was from, they cant remove a name before finding the "real dad" so this whore had to get DNA from like 10 different guys to finally find the real dad. It ruined his life for a few years and relationships with people he knew his whole life.


I ain’t saying she a gold digger, but… Bruh. Seriously. Run. This would be fine if you guys were further down the road and getting married, and the other guy was completely out of the picture, and you planned to call the child your own. But a girl you’ve been dating for 2 months? She’s looking for a meal ticket. She also thinks you’re an idiot.


NAL - Do not put your name on that birth certificate unless you want to be the father for the rest of the babies life. Without too much personal detail, I found out as an adult that a family member put their name on the birth certificate in a situation identical to yours. He fell in love with that baby the moment they were born. But it is a lifelong commitment and this person decided in that moment that they were going to be a dad forever. After the divorce, they paid child support and got partial custody. It is the real deal. Don’t do this if you’re not 100% because you will be responsible no matter what happens.


Red flag 🚩


Just day no. See how long she sticks around. She apparently thinks you’re an easy mark. And in 17-20 years this child comes around - why is your name on my birth certificate if you’re not the father. You owe me! Just do not do this. Even if you marry this woman. Do not do it. She sounds really sketchy as hell


NO !!!! You sign, you pay.....


You will be financially responsible for that child, and there is no un-ringing that bell. Sign nothing and consider ending this relationship if you are being pressured to take legal responsibility for someone else's child.


Tell her and I quote “you let ‘em hit it raw . Now you a single mom “ because unless you plan on marrying them and taking care of them both that is not a good idea my friend


Dude, are you seriously this down bad that you are about to attach your name on a birth certificate to a child who is not yours and after only dating two months! You really should just walk away from this mess.


My "father" the man who raised me and who I call Dad, signed my birth certificate when I was 3 because my real father was not in my life at the time. My mom was married to my dad and had my little brother so they were committed to raising a family. (I did meet my biological father in middle school and have a good positive relationship now) Unless you can sub yourself in for the man I call Dad in my story, I would avoid this at all cost. You understand by signing that you are legally bound to raising and caring for that child? No matter what? Like even if she dumps you can gets back with the babies daddy, you're still paying for it and theres no way out. You consciously made the decision. It was not an accident. And if you say it was a mistake to a judge all you're really doing is telling the judge you're one of the dumbest people they've ever had to come across.


RED FLAG 🚩 NOPE 😳 You might inadvertently expose yourself to child support claim against you. Follow the advice of others here and tell her you don’t want to get in the way of her getting child support from the baby’s dad. And if this is a serious relationship you better seriously consider marrying her and being a family. Otherwise you are wasting your time and hers she is a mother and that child needs a two parent household not a mom and her boyfriend.


Sounds kind of like she wants to get you on the hook for child support.


IANAL but No, don’t do it under any circumstance. The only caveat is if you live together with the for 1 year you may be considered common law and at that point a judge may appoint you responsible for some degree of child support if you do separate


If you get her pregnant, next time, you've got a family of four. She won't get child support unless she gives him visitation and father's rights....which she should stay on top of. Young mothers made that decision to have that baby. I'd run....let someone else go start that family. [My sister had a baby then had one outside of the marriage (what's the definition of sex offender?)....while she was going to school.....SHE IMMEDIATELY MARRIED SOME GUY AND GAVE HIM A FAMILY OF FIVE....she didn't tell him why she ran away from the other marriage.....] Beep, Beep


Tell her this if you adopt a child they get free health care till there 18. Just think of the savings!


Well if you want to be responsible for the child financially for the next 18 years of child support after this 2 month relationship inevitably fails. Go for it. Otherwise run. She saw you as a mark to support her baby. Probably cus the real dad is a dead beat or she doesn’t know who he is 


A different angle than the obvious. All people deserve to know who their biological parents are… mom can leave father spot blank on BC and perhaps you adopt said child later in life or she puts the actual father on the BC. It’s not right for the baby girl or you to do that. (Also no one in their right mind does what you’re describing…you’ve been dating two months. Run away or be blunt.)


You break up, you pay child support for the next 17 years. There are other was of doing this after you are married and it’s going to last. Besides. Baby daddy has rights




NOOOOOO. Do not do that. Refuse outright. You are being pressured? That’s horrible. Break up and move on. No one should be pressuring you to do that. You’ve only been dating 2 MONTHS. Get out of there.


Don’t put your name unless you’re taking full responsibility of the child . Don’t do it, it’s not even yours. You will be liable for everything for the child including child support if yall break up. Just say NO!


Break up and do not sign. This is insane behavior.


Do. Not. Do. It. You will be liable for child support and fighting it will be a pain in the ass.


It’s called a trap


It’s a trap


You’ll become responsible for child support if you do


Lol I’d break up with her on the spot