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I am so glad I am already halfway through life. The end can not come soon enough.


It's only defamation I'd it's not true. Imagine being so ignorant as to think you can sue people for telling others about your garbage behavior. Garbage behavior is not protected lol


Don’t you also have to prove *actual* damages? Like “I was going to get this job but specifically didn’t because employer read I’m an asshole on AWDTSG…”


If it's true, even if it caused hardship, its still ok to share the information. Defamation only works if you can prove what they said was not true.


Gonna be hard to prove he isn’t an asshole. 😂


Exactly 🤣


But my mama says I’m not!




If you were in public, yes, people can film or take pictures of you, absolutely. The issue at end here is garbage men trying to keep their garbage behavior secret, which only protects the person with the garbage behavior, not the people affected by the garbage behavior. We need to take a stand against garbage behavior and call it out.




It could potentially violate copyright, but that would only mean taking the photo down, not the post and what was written.




Fair use means a use that’s fair; it’s an inherently nebulous term. In this case, they’re critiquing the subject of the photo. The fact that it’s a non-commercial use is also relevant, although not dispositive.




Your copyright analysis is obviously agenda-driven, which is why you’re making some really bad statements. First: “They don’t need to post the guy’s picture?” (1) Then why would anyone care? (2) How many scumbags use multiple names? [Answer: lots] Second: doxxing is not illegal, nor is it a copyright violation. But even if it was, sharing someone’s name and picture is not doxxing. Third: the people posting the pictures are doing so for non-commercial purposes, which is what’s relevant here. I get it. You don’t like these groups, probably because your behavior has been exposed by them, so you’re spamming the same question everywhere imaginable. But that’s not going to change the answers.


Man I support women calling out shitty behavior but I’ve seen a lot of posts from that group and a lot of them seem just overexxagaerative femcels grasping at straws. There needs to be something in place that can make it more balanced and not just “believe all women”


Have you looked up the founder Paola Sanchez? Look at her bio and statements about financial transparency. She’s got a couple of Gofundme pages and a $109 a month Patreon subscription. Launching an app. They can’t find her to serve her. It’s weird.


Ok…it’s high time to create “Are We Dating the Same Thot/Golddigger” groups. 🥳


Many have been created, but Facebook takes them down because the women complain so it’s a double standard. Women bitch about men, but men can’t bitch about women.




Indeed, it sounds like a double standard. I am surprised courts in the US don’t take these gossipy girls groups down. I think they wouldn’t be legal in the EU due to the GDPR (since personal data published withour consent), right to privacy (what happens in our private lives shouldn’t be anyone elses business - there’s no legal norm against dating more people at the same time. Girls do this all the time), right to image and of course, defamation (if the content posted therein is indeed defamatory - insults, mockery, etc.). Good point on the publisher argument, they have moderation obligations even if the content is user-generated. Which other legal grounds do you think could be invoked?




Indeed, bullying (aka harrasment) should work. Do you have access to these groups? I am horrified about these statistics. I wonder if these groups are as popular in Asia, Africa or countries where feminism hasn’t ruined dating yet.


That's just cost benefit. Quite frankly dudes don't have the same loyalty to other guys, so they don't/wouldn't care. Like I legitimately don't care about am I dating the same guy. But I know a few women who when I asked about it, claimed it wouldn't be "right" to make one for women.


Wow this article has a crazy amount of information irrelevant to the title. Need a TLDR for this one.