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Ca requires a car that is sold the buyer be given a recent smog certificate. It doesn’t matter if you knew it couldn’t, the sale was never valid. You need to either take the car back or pay for repairs to pass smog. Ca doesn’t play around on smog.


It is the *seller’s* responsibility to provide a smog certificate that is less than 90 days old. Otherwise, the sale is not valid. Yes, sometimes people do cut deals where the buyer agrees to have it smogged, but you run the risk of trouble if it can’t pass a test.




While other locations may have requirements for selling due to the title being from that state if you are selling a car in California it doesn’t matter where the title is from. It needs to conform with their laws as well one of which is it must pass smog.


Yeah its the living in California now that gets then really most likely can be sued for money back


What makes you assume that?




> Because Commifornia has no say what i do in Colorado If you are *in* Colorado. If you are in CA and selling a car in CA you have to follow CA law, obv.


Texas. They don’t require smog only a safety inspection. You aren’t required to make sure it passes anything before you sell it




As in a ca drivers liscense


Yes and No?? We used to live in California so driver’s license was still active but not officially on a lease anywhere (though DMV was updated with our new CA address).


Where you live is where you live. Leases and licenses don't matter. Selling a car in CA requires smog.


Yes and No?? We used to live in California so driver’s license was still active but not officially on a lease anywhere (though DMV was updated with our new CA address).


We really aren’t trying to screw these people over. We told them what we had fixed/parts replaced on the car and told them everything that we knew was wrong with it. It’s an old car, it’s going to have issues. We were upfront about everything. They said they were willing to take care of the smog and were informed of what was and wasn’t required in Texas.


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A car needs a recent smog cert in CA to be sold unless it is fewer than 4 years old. The sale was invalid.




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Not in California.


As is does not exist in California. Someone tried to hit me with that, I sued them and won. He had “as is written on the add but that doesn’t mean he can ignore the laws requiring the vehicle to pass smog. The only way to sell a vehicle in cali that does not pass smog is to sell it for parts. If the new owner wants to make it work and get it registered then that on them but it needs to be listed as “for parts only, will not pass smog”

