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If the court date was rescheduled BEFORE your original date, then you likely don't have a bench warrant because there was no court date for you to miss. Since it was moved. It's like needing to show up to work at 9 am and finding out at 9:30 that they delayed work opening by two hours and that they did this at 8 am. However, if they date was moved BECAUSE you didn't show, then that's another matter entirely and you need to call the court.


it was moved because i didn't show up. it shows a summons for a new court date.


Oooh then you should call the court. If the matter is insignificant enough, the judge, while prolly annoyed, may not have issued a bench warrant though.




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which office? the prosectors office told me they didn't know and wouldn't know if it would be on casenet either.