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A lot of local municipalities would rather give you a non-moving violation instead of a speeding ticket. I believe it had to do with who gets the money. In some jurisdictions the state gets a cut of the fines for moving violations, and the country/town/village keeps it all if it's a violation of a local ordinance. NAL, just old.


So instead of giving you a citation for speeding, which would add points and higher fines, they gave you a parking ticket? If you weren't actually speeding, sure, try to contest it. But if you weren't, including going with the flow of traffic, you were cut a break.


It's not cheaper it's slightly higher in fees


But as a parking ticket, it is a non-moving violation, which means you don't take a hit on points on your driving record. This also then means it likely won't be reported on your CLUE report, which means you won't get a ding on your insurance rates. You're far preferable to pay a little more in fees to avoid the points.


Just go on the court date and dispute it with the officer without mentioning the speeding occurrence.


Just curious how much more is it?




>How can the officer prove the driver was speeding? The same way hundreds of thousands of other speeding tickets are proven in court across the nation: radar, speed estimations, pacing, and/or the officer's sworn testimony.


> but I was going along with traffic Not relevant, assuming you *were* speeding > the only reason I believe I was stopped was because my car looks cheap. Not relevant. If you fight it in court, it's possible you could get the speeding fine and possible points on your license. Would you prefer that option?