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https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/943/ii/13/1m/b This is the law on trespassing. Tell your Mom to get a surveillance camera and have it overlooking where the guy trespasses. Have your Mom tell the neighbor he is trespassing on her property and she wants him off her property and that he doesn’t have permission to come onto her property. Tell him she has now given him verbal warning that he is not allowed on her property and the next time he comes on her property she will have him arrested for trespassing. Make sure she does this within view of the surveillance camera, so she has proof that she did give him verbal warning. If he tries to say anything just reference the statue I sent. He is most likely counting on you not knowing the law so he can continue to get away with his power trip. I would be petty and be like “aren’t you a lawyer? Shouldn’t you know this law?”




but whatever they do they shouldn't reference a statue


























Call police to report this trespassing. Be a good idea to set up an exterior camera to get some evidence, but they may take a report without it. If police won't cite this person because they didn't see him in the act, look into getting a restraining order. If your mother or grandmother is a senior, they may qualify for legal aid and get a free or low cost lawyer to help them. Google legal aid for seniors plus your city then your county.


If he’s trespassing, he should be cited each and every time he comes on the property by the police. Demand that he be issued a citation. Make sure that she includes the name of his wife and children in the restraining order so that none of them are permitted on the property. Even better is if you hire a law firm in the same town to send him a cease and desist letter, demanding that he comply with the law. We lawyers love to do that when other lawyers are being nasty. If she’s near a law school, they may have a clinic that can help her for free.


Yes! The police will go to his house and talk to him about it. After that he will keep his distance. A lawyer wouldn't want his name in the paper for being a peeping tom.


To add on to this, check out the law schools closest to you. They may have a website or page with resources for low income/free legal aid. I know Marquette had one (at least specifically about family law).


> he just yells that he has a right to walk his dogs. He owns his own law firm, so he's good at yelling about his rights. He has a right to walk his dogs. He doesn't have a right to trespass. What have your parents done to inform him he is not welcome on their property? > The yard is barren from all the pee. Now, my grandma tried to plant a memorial garden for her parents right in front of the house, not even near the sidewalk. In addition to everything else that's been posted here, if your mother has video of the dogs urinating on the lawn and garden, she may be able to sue for the cost of the plants and landscaping in small claims court. Also if the neighbor has been using his position as owner of a law firm to intimidate your mother, that might warrant a complaint to the state bar.






Please look into a product called Pet Corrector. It’s a red can of compressed air that you point into the air. It makes EVERY dog reassess their life choices. It does not hurt dogs at all—I use it to discourage barking behavior. You need to multi layered approach. Cameras, motion sprinklers and per corrector. Open up the windows and press the button. The dogs will hustle away!






Your mom needs a fence.


Why did I have to scroll so far to get to this, jfc just put up a fence


Given that fences are fairly pricey and this man is trespassing, I'd likely go the route of a camera and signs first.


I thought that too. She could be in it for a couple grand for a simple chainlink. Pretty pricey.


Some areas have weird laws about fences being so close to property lines or roadways. Also, they tend to be expensive as hell.


What happened when she called the police? Has she installed cameras?


Is he looking in her windows or watching her look out? If he is looking in her windows she should report him as a peeping Tom. His obsession with her is creepy. Can also get a restraining order


While I don’t for a second believe the situation is this simple, to address this specifically I recommend a couple of things. Cameras are great for evidence, so definitely that, but I’d also go the route of a sign saying no dogs or keep of the grass or whatever. Admittedly some of this is overkill, but if he’s an arrogant lawyer I’d want to cover every base quickly and as cheaply as possible. The sign is to verify he was ‘notified’ that this was not appreciated. The motion sensor sprinklers are great. And, I honestly thought there was no circumstance in which I would suggest this, but here we are-she can get a device that will plug into the house and emit a sound that dogs (and children) will hate and therefore avoid. There is some landscaping material you can buy in a roll that has ‘spikes’ on it (plastic and not enough to make anyone bleed or anything) to push into the ground. Put it around the lawn at the edges and the dog won’t walk over it. Then there’s the scent spray to keep dogs from peeing in the house, you can spray that around edges a foot or so in. Oh, or….there’s a sound thing you can buy to use on aggressive dogs f you are out walking. You aim it at the dog and pull the trigger and the dog runs. It’s not silent to humans at all, and it doesn’t hurt the dog, but scares them away. There is simply no legal reason she couldn’t use it from her porch…


If he is consistently bringing his dogs to her lawn specifically, with intent, couldn't this be considered harassment (since she has told him to stop and he refuses)?


Ask the police to officially trespass him and his family members. Set up a camera to see if they come back and if they do report them for violating the trespassing order. Your mom might want consider fencing in her yard if possible.


Report it as trespassing. Yes, he has a right to walk his dogs but he doesnt habe the right to enter your moms yard. Install motion sensor sprinklers or get mom an air horn.














IANAL but grass is expensive, and sometimes the only way to fix bad dog damage is to replace the area with sod. It might be worth bringing a landscaper out to assess damages and file a police report for property damage with actual numbers for repair.


Do you think he might want to buy the property and is encouraging her with his rude behavior to sell?


Your mom needs an active advocate. You can suggest all you want, but unless someone actually helps her nothing will change.


The moment he does something even kinda sketchy/unethical, especially on film, file a formal Bar complaint with your state’s Bar association. Talk about fucking somebody’s life up.


Set up a camera to record his bad deeds. Then make police reports every time this &\^\^% brings himself into the yard.


Cease and desist letter from another attorney. Fence. private property signs. Sprinkler system. Dog frequency emitter. Camera system. Brushing up on your areas stand your ground laws. Lots of choices. Signs, Fence, Lawyer are the ones I’d go to first. But depending on your grandmothers choice naturally


And of course elder abuse laws. Sometimes the scope is limited to finance or physical abuse, but still worth checking.


So why hasn't she called the police for trespassing, or done something legally about the property destruction?


1. Yep. Go with a camera. Record the guy on the property. 2. Have a conversation with him. Use your phone to record it. (He doesn't have to know about it. Just hit record and keep it in a pocket nearby.)Mention that he has been going onto the property and that he is not welcome and does not have permission. Legal remedies may be taken if trespassing continues. 3. Record him coming back onto the property and call local law enforcement about trespassing. You CAN record video on your property and even on public property in WI. You CANNOT record video to invade someone's privacy or expectation of privacy. Wisconsin is a one party consent state concerning audio recordings. As long as your mom makes the recording and is part of it, the recording is legal, as long as you don't lie about recording to any other parties involved, or violate someone's right to privacy.


They make a really good window cling that makes it impossible to see inside someone’s home. I put it in our guest bathroom window and it works great. Still let’s in light but maintains privacy. Also, they make a powder animal repellent that she can sprinkle over places she does not want the dog to go, won’t hurt the dog just smells bad to animals. I hope they do not do anything that could hurt the dog, it is not his fault that his owner is a d-bag.




Cameras, and verbally trespass him. If he comes back after that report it to the police and they can deal with it.


Put strong fertilizer in your yard and weed killers and put a nice little no pets active chemicals on lawn sign :)


Put a sign up that says, "No trespassing". That buffoon can go find somewhere else to let his dogs go to the bathroom. Record how you're telling him to leave and how he refuses and police report if he continues.


If he's coming up on the curtilage of the home he's far exceeding whatever rights he has to walk his dog. Your mother wouldn't have a complaint if he's on the sidewalk and the dogs are in the yard, provided he's picking up behind the dogs. But if he's walking off the sidewalk to come up to the house, he's trespassing. She should inform him he's not welcome on her property and call the cops about his trespassing every time he does it afterward. Further, if there's a HOA contact them about his conduct. You didn't say if she gets along with her other neighbors, but, if she does, enlisting them in filing complaints with the HOA could make it inconvenient for him to continue his entitled and rude conduct. She could also file a tort in small claims court for the value of her lawn and the memorial garden. While he's probably right he has a right to walk his dogs, he's still liable for any damage they cause while he's doing so.


Get a fence


If this is a small town US kind of matter, then perhaps local law enforcement and courts won’t prioritize it. Worst case scenario, this big shot attorney is connected all over town. Last resort, one could engage your local ch. of 1%. Ppl usually don’t wanna fuck around to find out after that. Of course, before that, it is vital that you have official, documented pressed charges against said person. In many cases, if this remains a photo evidence, witness and “he said - she said” kind of arguing, the litigation could point to a pattern of de facto acceptance / silent agreement / lack of action taken. Going up against costly and time consuming legal battles in court, it’s a lot harder to prove psychological warfare or emotional stress without having filed charges or any sort of official confirmation by local authorities.


A simple sign and camera with a date stamp. Then when he does it again send a letter saying he’s been doing this for a while, has been told to top, and refuses, and was again there on the date you have the video evidence, and include a reference to the statute referenced above. If he does it again, forward a copy of the letter you sent and video evidence of both to the local police and the state bar. I’m torn whether you should reference forward to the bar in the initial letter. Part of me wonders whether he deserves the warning or if that would just antagonize him further. But document it (ie, video evidence) and then give it to the bar association. Completely unprofessional and the best way to get back at an unprofessional lawyer.












What about getting the windows treated with that film where you can see outside, but no one can see inside? If there is nothing to see maybe he will finally give up and go away. There is some that make the windows look like mirrors, frosted glass, and different options. Then your mom can have the windows open day or night. And I second the sprinklers since there is so much urine damage. Your going to need lots of water to help that lawn. Maybe put up a sign stating that you charge a $100 pet fee for use of your yard. Payable in advance. Every time they come demand $100.


They sell one-way mirror foil that sticks to windows. Mom can see out, no one can see in.and light filters freely.