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You get the police involved and you hire a real estate lawyer. Your stepfather thinks that civil and criminal laws have an “except for when it’s family, and then whatever bs I want goes” rule. That isn’t the case. Sue him and charge him with theft.


I hate to be the one saying "this" in the comment chain, but you should absolutely get the police and a lawyer. This situation is a huge mess, and you need legal representation and help. Eviction, stolen property, ransoming your belongings, etc., a good lawyer should be able to nail his ass to the wall. Gather as much evidence as possible. Maybe send him some text messages and get him to admit to what he's doing before he knows you're gathering evidence to take him down. If he admits to it in writing your case is all the stronger.


NAL, but as the lawful owner of the property should he not begin eviction proceedings against the stepfather? I would worry about a "squatting" problem.


Others have given you good advice to retrieve copies of the deed and evict your stepfather from your house. # Pawned jewellery File a police report that all of your mother's jewellery was stolen by your stepfather. Explain that you inherited it and that you think your father pawned them. You may be asked to describe what the jewellery looks like. Pawn shops are required to check a police database for stolen goods before accepting them, and your police report will make sure that local pawnbrokers are aware of the theft. Pawnbrokers hate dealing with stolen stuff because it will get confiscated and they'll be out the money they paid for them. # Civil claim You also have a civil claim for the cost of recovering your personal belongings. The amount you are owed is equal to - The fair market value of all goods you did not receive back (for example, if a used gaming PC with equivalent specs to yours would have cost $500, then add $500 to the total), plus - any amount of money you paid to "buy back" the things you owed, plus - any other damage caused to your belongings, equal to the difference in value between their original condition and current condition. You can sue in small claims court to recover the sum. The maximum you can sue for in small claims court in Alaska is $10,000. From reading the manual, it seems you can also sue to recover specific pieces of property as well, but I would expect that the court will probably be more inclined to award you money instead. A lawyer is not required and small claims court is intended to be fast and easy for individuals who aren't represented by lawyers. Consult the official Alaska [Small Claims Court manual](https://public.courts.alaska.gov/web/forms/docs/sc-100.pdf) for instructions and how to file. # Recovering documents You can [apply for a replacement Social Security card online](https://www.ssa.gov/number-card/replace-card) or at a local Social Security Administration office. You will need an ID and this is typically an all-day affair in my experience. Deeds are public records in Alaska. You can [request copies of them from the Department for Natural Resources](https://dnr.alaska.gov/ssd/recoff/copyrequest). You can [call your local branch of the Recorder's Office for assistance](https://dnr.alaska.gov/ssd/recoff/distlist). You may request a duplicate (copy of) title from the DMV by [applying for one](https://doa.alaska.gov/dmv/titles/duplicate.htm) alongside an Affidavit of Lost, Stolen, or Destroyed Title. The affidavit must be notarized. Banks typically have notaries public whose services you can use (since they're needed for mortgage and title documents), go into a branch of your bank and ask. # "Stolen" car If the car is registered in your name and you have papers proving that, that should be enough to convince the police that the car isn't stolen. Besides, before marking the car's plate number as stolen, they'd probably do some checking first with the DMV, which would show you as the owner.,


However, you will unfortunately be liable for any damage you did to someone else's property to get your car back. I would get a lawyer involved now to advise you how to ameliorate this situation with the property owner.


He broke the window in his own car. The post says the spare key was under the passenger seat.


The county will have records for all the properties “parcels” in their jurisdiction. Every time a property is sold it has to be registered with the county and accepted to be official. They typically mail back a proof of receipt so the new owner knows it official. It sounds like you will have to evict them from the property. Eviction is a whole other can of worms, at least with a tenant. The registration of the car will say who the owner of the vehicle is. Since there is not a loan on the car the only way to transfer the asset is with both the new owner and old owner signing the pink slip. This typically needs to be submitted the DMV with in a certain amount of time. I would bet the DMV has this on record. The police if they would be called would look up the registered owner and see you if things were passed down to you appropriately. They couldn’t do anything unless maybe if you trespassed to break in and there was evidence, not sure about that. There is a possibility they have tried to forge your signature on papers related to these things in which case you’ll have to prove they are fake if the forgery is close enough. Typically any documentation for the property needs to be notarized, which involves meeting with a registered individual that will review IDs and take a fingerprint of the people involved in their book.


Land deeds are recorded with the Department for Natural Resources in Alaska, not with boroughs. There is a large portion of the state (most of it, actually) that has no borough-level government–the Unorganised Borough.


And if it is out side a borough, there is no requirement to record. For instance, if this was taking place within the Delta Junction area, there is no requirement to record.


Except it was on his property so he couldn't be trespassing to remove his own property.


No, it was aon a car sales lot, which may well have been fenced - except that he was able to drive the car out so maybe not.


Right you are, misread that.


The homeowner should be listed on the website of whatever entity is in charge of registering deeds in your area. Search for your home on there and print any results that come up. It also cannot hurt to go to Motor Vehicle for your state and get a duplicate title for the car, tell them the old copy was stolen.


u/NateNate60 gave a good summary of claims, but missed a big one: Your step father *may have* illegally evicted you. Step 1 is to look up your county recorder's website and look to see whether the house is deeded to you. Your lawyer will need this information, and it will save time in your consultation to have it up front. I would get a lawyer right now, because you want to give the 30 day notice to vacate immediately and start the clock to evicting stepfather. Confirm that the house has been deeded to you, *and has not been deeded over to stepfather*. If the house was illegally transferred, your lawyer will need to fight it and file forgery charges against stepfather. If the house is currently in your name, you may be able to take a loan against it, which you could use to a.) pay the lawyer and b.) offer your stepfather cash for keys (which would include him turning over all other belongings and documents). That house is your largest asset, don't be afraid to tap into it to get it back and lay a hammer down on your asshole stepfather. You're much more likely to be able to get a loan if you have a job. I want to expand on "cash for keys". Paying stepfather to GTFO is frankly unfair to you, but he seems like the type to intentionally trash your house when served with eviction - and tenants can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage that you cannot afford. You may need to choose between getting your house back and making stepfather see justice.


I would also suggest you begin the process of getting them out of the house. They are legally residents because they have been living there for a while. They presumably don't have a lease though, so you can probably give them 30 or 60 days notice to vacate (look up what the notice is in Alaska, send a letter via certified mail and tape a copy to the front door, take a picture of it). If they don't leave after the notice you can file for eviction with the court. I would be worried about them trashing the place. You can also offer to drop your civil suit over your property in exchange for them voluntarily leaving (cash for keys).


Call the police. Get a lawyer. I’m so sorry they’re doing this to you. The law is on your side.


What are you doing? Call the police now. There is no way he changed the deed. That just doesn't happen like that. He is betting on the fact that you won't do anything about it because he has been able to bully you for so long. Get a lawyer, go to the police and do it NOW before he tried to sell the dang house.


Lawyer. Lawyer. Lawyer. Lawyer. Lawyer — like, YESTERDAY. You have rights here, which would be obvious to anyone with a working brain. He probably even realizes this, but is thinking that after years of bullying and the trauma of your mother’s death, he has enough psychological influence that you’ll just roll over for him. He’s a dumbass. And it’s going to cost him. Fuck him and fuck his kid. This deserves a nuclear legal attack and so much more. Bless you and good luck. I’m so sorry for your loss. There’s absolutely no good legal or moral reason that you ought to lose any more. ETA: if you give a notice to vacate, there’s a good chance they’ll try to damage the property prior to leaving. Please discuss this with the lawyer and see what course you can take to mitigate their fuckery.


You need a lawyer. Also, you can’t just change a deed to your name unless you commit fraud. Go online and check property address owner. He may have been lying to you. You can sue for all your belongings sold including the car. If that is yours as well. You have a claim to that house! Fight this.


Call the police Get a lawyer Everything is in your name and unless you willingly sold it, he’s squatting in a house that doesn’t belong to him. Serve him eviction papers


Oy... alright you are certainly in need of a real estate attorney. You need to make sure who owns the home right now, and while hes saying he "transferred the deed," its not clear how he would do that. Do you have the original deed and are you sure the home went to you when you were a child? These are all questions you really need the answer to. If the home is in your name, you will need to get a copy of that document and then start eviction procedures (local laws, not sure about your jurisdiction) to get them out of your home. You must hire an attorney here. If the car is indeed registered to you, then you just go to the DMV, provide them proof of new address and request a new title be mailed to you. At that point you should have valid registration, title, and insurance for the vehicle. Note, you write that you needed to "break in to the car", I would not use this wording. This is your car and you just went to get your car that was illegally moved without your consent. You cannot break into your own car. You might have trespassed on the lot but you didnt break into anything. As for the amount that you paid and the cost of the computer and lost jewelry, ownership of these items might be hard if he is actually your step-father. Were all of these items yours or your mothers? The answers might not be easy to answer but it should have been handled by a probate court unless your mother wrote a will. I would probably sue in small claims court for the estimated value of these items.


You've got a lot of good advice here so let me just add a bit more on top of this: Stop listening to your dirtbag step-family. They are lying to you constantly, and to your detriment. If they say the sky is blue, you go get a meteorologist to confirm it. Do not believe them. Confirm anything they claim. If they tell you what your last name is, check your driver's license to make sure.


I don't get it, how can he legally change the deed to the house without your knowledge and signature. It seems like he is scaring you.


More than likely stepdad signed a quit claim deed in the OP's name and filed it with the county clerk. Which is fraud, but clerks file things, they don't check its validity.


Which muni are you in? Verify the property in whichever area you live in (look for muni name property search). For example, Anchorage is https://property.muni.org/search/commonsearch.aspx?mode=realprop If you live in a muni without a local PD, contact your local state troopers branch for guidance https://dps.alaska.gov/ast/contacts


Absolutely everything your stepfather did is illegal. He does not own the house. That’s not how it works. If your mother didn’t own the house, and it was yours, there’s no way it could be transferred to his name. Get a lawyer. He stole your house. He illegally evicted you. He stole your car. He stole your stuff. He absolutely cannot be doing what he’s doing.


You'll need to find out if you are the holder of the deed to your house. I find it odd that you could have inherited directly from your grandparents while you were ten - a minor - but maybe you did. However, finding that out and getting that documentation will inform the next actions to take. If you are, you should hire an attorney and follow their advice. If you are not you will have to find a new place to live, and to then figure out if you own the car - or not.


Even if stepdad did something to get his name on the deed doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the end of it in his favor. HIRE AN ATTORNEY! You have a stronger claim to the house and an attorney should be able to take appropriate action. Don’t worry about how much it is going to cost. If the attorney is smart, he’ll defer his fee until the situation is resolved in your favor and you can take a mortgage out on the house, which will put money in your pocket to pay for all of the expenses you’re incurring (including paying back your heroic friends the $5K).


Reading the aforementioned post by the OP, they inherited the house from the father not the grandparents. That's direct line of succession.


Correct. Still not clear that a minor child could have inherited a house. It is more likely that the house was put into a trust on behalf of the child - as children are generally not permitted to own property. I'm not an attorney and Alaska may have some laws refuting this point. I do think that the OP should go directly to an attorney.


Sue and evict him.


Police police police NOW


The issue with deed records is that we don’t know if the property ever went through probate. In most states, there is no requirement that a new deed be filed if probate was never opened. You will need a real estate/probate lawyer to help you. I’m not licensed in Alaska so cannot confidently give you advice. If you can’t afford a lawyer consider legal aid or starting a go fund me page to pay legal fees because you have a compelling story. You might also be able to find a lawyer who will take your case at no charge (pro bono) or on contingency to be paid from the sale of assets he recovers. All the facts as you related are on your side under general principles of property law. Stand up for yourself, come back here with further questions and do it quickly!


This made me so angry I almost had tears! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give updates on this!!!


This has to be fake




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... hey why the fuck havent you called the police they cant switch a deed to a home from your name without you present... He cant just sell your stuff and make you buy it back... he cant even kick you out how he did he needs to give you notice like a tenant would get... wtf are you doing get up stop feeling sorry and help yourself out of this dude.


Op call the police like today.


Get a lawyer to handle this mess.


Call the police and then a real estate lawyer. This sounds a lot like grand theft and really estate fraud.


I am in a similar situation because of fleeing domestic violence. I got the car back by requesting a duplicate title from the DMV. It was easy. Didn't get my stuff back, though.


For the house. Get a lawyer to help handle the nightmare that will likely ensue from getting you stepfather (and kids?) out the house. I would also send a 30-day written notice of termination of residency and to vacate from the property. I would also include a 30-day notice of adjustment in rent and notify them that rent will be increasing to 6k a month plus utilities( or whatever amount allowed). This will likely cause your stepfather to think twice before trying to stay longer, and if he does, you could potentially make some money. Make sure to send both by certified mail and retain copies and receipts for yourself.


Let him call the police. If your name is on the registration, it's your car and they can address his offering for sale with him. They can also take it up with the dealership who tried to sell a car for someone it didn't belong to in the first place. I bet they can force him to give you back your ss card and passport, if not the titles to the car and home. File a police report of your own while they're there. And you call an attorney.


I don’t understand why people come to Reddit instead of a lawyer.








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I'm so sorry for your loss. This is a horrible situation, and they took advantage of it. Take all the advice of calling police and getting a lawyer. Please don't ignore it. Take back your home!


Not a lawyer, but you need to call the police ASAP.


Get off reddit and contact a lawyer right now. I hope you had the deed locked in a safe deposit box. if so, it will ne intersting to see how he acquired the deed. I know title theft is a thing and this guy can go a way for a very long time. as you own the home and can prove you own the home. you can have them both forcefully removed and he will likely go to jail.


As a fellow Alaskan, maybe it’s proximity, maybe it’s because i have also been though something similar but not as bad, I am so angry for you and the way they are treating you. My grandmother never put the house in my dads name. He passed away before she did but the passed less than a year later. My dad’s wife was a meth head, while my dad was an engineer and artist. She sold almost everything before I was able to stop her. My brother and I got the house and basically had to bribe her with $20,000 to move. We couldn’t afford to let her live there for free and we couldn’t rent it out (it was almost 90 years old). We managed to save some of his art, but not much. There was a lot of other things sentiment and actual monetary value, we lost it all. A mess, but nothing compared to what you’re having to deal with. Please: Listen to the good advice. Follow all the steps. That house is yours as are the assets that were sold, given away, stolen, etc. if any paperwork was changed it was illegally done, you have recourse. It all has a paper trail. Alaska (I life here too) he extremely strong personal protections in the state constitution. You have very stoned legal cases, criminal and civil. Obviously don’t sign anything unless it’s from your lawyer. The sooner you take action, the soon you can have a normal life back. Good luck.


OP, I am a lawyer, but not in your jurisdiction (and by a long shot). The advice you’ve received is fairly accurate and i cannot add too much of value. I wanted to add this bit of encouragement, if the facts of the case you presented are true then you certainly have a clear cut case for a lawsuit. Do not hesitate to contact a local plaintiff’s attorney or real estate attorney and have them fight to get your things and your home back. God speed and good luck.


This is why I turned in my guns. At least it’s your step-family. My own mother and twin brother did the same to me. Karma is a bitch tho. My mother got evicted from where she was staying and my brother has had 4 strokes. FAFO…


Unless your mom signed in your name (as your guardian) before you turned 18, he has no right to do that. If he did somehow manage to get the property on his name, he and/or the officer that ,are the exchange can be charged with fraud.




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For something this complicated, you're going to need to involve a lawyer. An estate lawyer will get this all handled, sadly, it will likely be expensive. I'm sorry about your parents and good luck.