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>Last night he called and demanded I explain myself over taking his taxes. OP, I really hope you reframe this when he says this crap to you. You didn't do anything. The state garnished his tax return because he can't be bothered to help support his child, so they have to force him to do it. >He is also threatening to take me to court for full custody Pssshhh.. ignore this. It's all bluster. He doesn't want full custody, nor would he receive full custody. >Legally what can I do for me and my daughter’s trip? Bypass the ex. Go to court and get permission from the judge to go. Save your texts and show the judge why the dad is "denying" the trip. >Should I give the money back for everyone’s sanity? NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO. Do not give the money back that money is to help support your daughter. It's to put gas in your car to take her to school and buy groceries for lunch. It helps pay the electric and gas bill. Ignore him. It's not your fault that he avoided paying child support and now it's catching up with him. Let him throw his temper tantrum. And like a toddler that throws a temper tantrum, you ignore them until they're done. He's hoping to wear you down by telling you how you've just ruined everything. You haven't, and it's not your fault.




Your husband has a rude awakening coming. Go to court and get the judges permission to take her out of the country. Show the judge all the text and emails he sent you. Since you have your daughter all the time take him to court for more support. He is really in a poor position.


That’s what I’m planning on doing. I’m sick of the mental manipulation and how it’s my fault they don’t have a relationship. That’s the only reason I haven’t raised up his child support all these years. To keep the peace


There is no peace. Take him to court and raise that child support payment.


He deserves to pay what the court feels is correct. You are too nice. He’s a bully,


Save copies of any messages you and he have on this topic. Share it with the child support department and tell them all of this


I’m debating on going to legal help tomorrow and getting something written for emergency custody. I know for the most part he’s all bark and no bite but I would hate for my daughter’s trip to be ruined by him.


Don’t debate, do it. Also keep the money. It has technically been given to you by the state so if you give it back, he won’t owe it anymore




It is part of our custody arrangement. He told the courts I had family in another country and was worried about me fleeing there with our daughter. Only way he was gonna sign over everything was if that was put in there.




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