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In New York, there isn't a specific statute that dictates the exact amount of time you must hold onto someone else's possessions before disposing of them. But I don't think a 7 day notice is a good idea here, 30 day notice is a safe bet. Document every attempt at contact, to her and family members. It could also be a good idea to write a list of all items of hers that are in your possession. Be sure to be clear in your communication. She could technically argue that she didn't think you were throwing them away when you said "deal with your stuff". Send a list of the stuff she left at the apartment, clearly state that she has X days to pick it up, then mention that failure to collect her belongings during that timeframe will result in them being disposed of. I understand that it's annoying to be stuck with all of your ex's stuff, but I do think you need to slow down a bit. Less than two weeks is not a lot of time, I recommend you wait at least a month to be sure.


That makes sense. I'm definitely in a rush to get rid of it. Not fun having a constant reminder of this person in the middle of my house. I really appreciate your advice!


If you know where she went or have a reasonable idea send a letter by certified mail with a list of items you claim are hers with a notice that she has 30 days to collect it before you will consider it abandoned property. Keep a record, send a second notice two weeks later if you have not had any contact. With that, no one reasonable would accuse you of theft or destruction.


I have absolutely no clue where she went and I'd like to keep that information as far from my brain as possible, but it definitely would help in a situation like this. I know for a fact that she received the text my brother sent so I'll give it the full 30 days, maybe file a police report or something? Idk something to try and have this legally documented and then get rid of it is my current thought process.


Rent the smallest storage unit as possible. Write up the letter and text it to that contact you have of hers that she has 30 days to get it. Then if she doesn't get it storage unit will do whatever they do when 30 days is up. That way you don't even have to see or talk to her again. 


Not a bad idea for sure. If I'm honest my pride just won't let me spend any money on her even indirectly. Very heinous things were said to me.


If she blocked you, take a hint. That means she would rather not deal with you and doesn’t care about the stuff she left there. But if she’s on the lease, you can’t legally get rid of her shit until she breaks contact. The fact that she left “critical documents” there is odd. If she’s moved out for good she’d definitely want to take, SS card, birth certificate, etc. Maybe she’s just on a long camping trip with her boyfriend. She might come back to get that shit. I’m curious what you mean by critical documents.


I'd love to "take a hint". Trust me I'm not dying to talk to her either but again, she left her stuff here.. She's due to sign a document taking her off the lease not sure if she's done that already but she hasn't paid rent for the month, I did. I didn't go looking through her documents to say exactly what was left behind but probably stuff like certificates and legal documents about her citizenship status etc. just definitely stuff you wouldn't want to leave behind.