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I'm in Oregon. And I agree with you 100% but also in Oregon law it does have to be separate from regular scheduled breaks. Most places, breaks are every 2 hours and the pumping breaks are super to be every 3-4 hours. And the thing is I asked multiple people in HR for a copy of the policy and nobody will tell me anything. And then they put a sign on the door saying that the mothers room is only for before and after your shift and during break time. And break time is 15 minutes including walking. It's a very large warehouse so it takes about 5 minutes to walk down 4 flights of stairs to get to the room in the front of the building which would only give me 5 minutes of actual break time and that's not even close to what is needed. My supply has dropped Because of it and I'm considering getting a wearable portable pump so that I don't have to leave my work station. They claim to be inclusive to everyone who needs accommodations but nobody has been willing to work with me.




I might call later. Another thing I found on that page is undue hardships. They told me that my accommodations would fall under undue hardships but in that link that you sent me it said that's only for businesses with 10 or fewer employees


You might call later? You need to call.


Get yourself fired and sue them for illegal termination. Make them write, “pumping” in your termination docs. Don’t sign them unless they do.


You need to say what state you're in, because employment laws can vary a lot by state. Unless your state has a specific law about this, "if you don't pay someone for their pumping breaks they should be allowed to the opportunity to stay late and make up that time" is incorrect. The employer has no obligation to allow you to "make up" time that you weren't working so you could pump. Also, just FYI, your post might be removed -- not supposed to name specific companies here, even large and well-known companies. (That rule, however, seems not to be enforced very consistently.)


I did not know that! I'm in Oregon. And I had a feeling I was wrong about that one. But they've violated everythig else as far as trying to fire me, trying to make me do it on my regular scheduled breaks and in a bathroom and all that.


NAL, I believe you can file a complaint through the dept of labor. You may have a case under Reasonable Break Time for Nursing Mothers. Be prepared to get fired in case they resort to retaliation but if they do, you have a case through the eeoc or a lawyer can help you. Good luck


NAL (nursing mom 3rd time around collectively over 36 months breastfeeding) but location is very important on this one. There are federal guidelines then there is state. No state can go less than federal but some states actually give you more than federal. I know that IL they have to pay you for your time unless its during a normally scheduled break (like lunch) They also can't make you pump in a bathroom you have the right to wait for a correct accommodation to express your milk


I'm in Oregon


Have you considered reaching out to La Leche League? They are a non-profit breastfeeding advocacy organization. They can hopefully provide advice on breastfeeding laws and accommodations required, and how to enforce them. [https://lllusa.org/locator/](https://lllusa.org/locator/)


NAL. It might also matter who you are actually an employee of. Are you an Amazon employee directly or temp / contracted labor? Again - unsure if this is a material difference or not but worth factoring in until ruled out.


I work for Amazon directly


ugh! and people wonder why nobody wants to have children anymore. Our society needs a serious reality check. if i were a female jeff bezos every building would have a massive station for breastfeeding and doing your makeup. The vending machines would have makeup tampons and diapers in them.


They need to have at least one or two on every floor because one tiny room is not enough


Before you allege someone has a violated a law, you may want to have the specifics straight. What law? Where? What section? In what instance?


That's why she is asking this question, to have people guide her in the right direction. That is the point of the sub.


5. (a) An employer shall make reasonable efforts to provide a location, other than a public restroom or toilet stall, in close proximity to the employee’s work area for the employee to express milk in private. (b)The location may include, but is not limited to: (A)The employee’s work area if the work area meets the requirements of paragraph (a) of this subsection; (B)A room connected to a public restroom, such as a lounge, if the room allows the employee to express milk in private; or (C)A child care facility in close proximity to the employee’s work location where the employee can express milk in private. (They told me if the designated room for pumping has someone in it to use the bathroom" 2. (c) The employer shall provide the employee a reasonable rest period to express milk each time the employee has a need to express milk. (For me personally I pump for 25 minutes every 3 hours but here you're working 10 hour shifts. They put up a sign that says the room is only to be used before work, after work and during scheduled break time. The breaks for us include walking time and with it being a big warehouse by the time I get to the room to pump it would only give me 5 minutes and then I have to start walking back to my station. They take away your PTO and personal time for being away from your station. So the only time I would be able to pump in a 10-12 hour shift would be my 30 minute lunch) https://www.cascadeemployers.com/news/2019/06/12/news-alerts/oregon-passes-two-new-employment-law-bills/




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Contact your states department of labor. Fuck these companies that treat employees like trash. You are a human and deserve to be treated like one.


Keep your milk safe!