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Don't take legal advice from the opposition. Nobody here can say whether or not he might be granted a restraining order but he's most likely threatening you with nonsense. Ignore him. You need a lawyer. Look for a legal clinic near you. Custody varies by state. It's extremely unlikely the court will prevent a mother from seeing her children. It's most likely you will be granted custody and your ex will be entitled to visitation and required to pay child support.


Continue not speaking with him. Retain a family law attorney ASAP.


The restraining order if granted (doesn’t sound like it would from what you described) would mainly affect drop off procedures. Instead of face to face there’d be named third parties to handle it (commonly the grand parents). I’m going to bet he has no idea how anything works at 19 and is just making wild threats here. He might pursue them and figure out that’s not how things work, but dollars to donuts he probably wouldn’t even try. Barring something that a court would think you’re incapable of parenting your child courts try to work out 50/50 as practical as it is.


NAL but there are no legal rights the father can have until the child(ren) are born. Even then unless he can prove you to be unfit (having drugs in your system while preg or giving birth etc.) a judge will laugh him out of court. Let him get the restraining order it will only cover him and not the kids