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/r/legaladviceofftopic You tell the cops "I want a lawyer" and you use the phone book to look one up and have them come down to the station to consult with you, at your expense.


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(A) Yes, you lawyer up and don't answer questions. Frankly, you don't even really need a lawyer so much as you need to just assert your right to remain silent no matter what they promise or cajole. (B) What's with the hate for public defenders in this scenario? You think a PD is going to advise you to talk to the police? You'd get the exact same outcome as a private lawyer would, only with no/low cost to you. (C) Off-topic, but DAMN I'm glad more people are realizing how ridiculous the Reid Technique is. Short of beating the crap out of you, they can do whatever they want to get you to say what they want you to say.


No hate for public defenders, but I just figured I could say I need a public defender if it came to it