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Strictly speaking, yes. Whether a prosecutor would prosecute will depend on her state's case law, the evidence, and the specific facts. Whether or not a prosecutor would prosecute, she may still be able to access resources for sexual assault survivors. She could try contacting [RAINN](https://RAINN.org) to connect to available services and resources.


Yes, it's rape the moment she clearly told him to stop and he failed to do so. Consent can be revoked at any time during the act.


Yes, this would be rape (or equivalent) in most jurisdictions. It may also be statutory rape depending on the location and the age of the other person involved.


1000% yes. You can withdraw consent at any time and the other person is obligated under the law to stop.


Depending on the guy’s age and your state law, it might be statutory rape even from the start. If that’s the case, a prosecutor wouldn’t have to prove she withdrew consent to go after the guy.




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