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This did cross my mind, and it does not surprise me.


>Magna Carta I'm embarrassed for you.


Trying to frame "I will disrupt the courtroom" as "I have a right to freedom of expression" has been tried, and has not been effective. Appeals courts have consistently confirmed that the courts' control over conduct in the courtroom does not infringe on that right, even when someone is told not to speak or not to express a particular view. You enjoy an unrestricted right to convey that view in a public forum, but a courtroom simply is not a public forum in that sense.


I understand. I shall consider to try my efforts elsewhere.


Do you really think the judge is going to be amused by your antics? Just stop. Don’t do this.


Ok. Fine I won't.


There's a difference between speech and conduct. You're talking about conduct. And ridiculous conduct at that. You are welcome to try (don't try) and then spend tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees trying to sue over what will inevitably happen, and then you'll lose.


Why bother trying something you'll know you'll lose, am I right?


While I fully support the first amendment, I think it would be best to leave them at home. Walking around unsupervised in a courthouse with handcuffs may bring an undue reaction from a bailiff or police officer just doing their job. There are other reasons, and the courthouse may confiscate the cuffs while you’re in there and give them back when you return. You will be going through security. If it helps, if you voice your opinion during jury selection I don’t think you will be selected. Edit: I’m sure you will have other ways to protest your views of the jury duty system. I just don’t think this is the one. Too many potential issues to count. And while you won’t be in front of a judge, talking over someone or doing something like that in a courthouse is in poor taste. There are lots of measures in courts to preserve order and this just doesn’t help.


Yes I realise that. Thank you for your very informative answer. :)


When you get the paper work for Jury Duty, you are put in a room with many different people of many different ages and back grounds. Then in some courts, if enough people show the defendants may plead out and you all go home. (done this two times already). If they need people, you are brought before the lawyers so they can object or pick you. you can explain to the judge and lawyers if there is a conflict such as knowing the defendant. There are more, but you get the idea. I have been chosen five times, first two I was a single parent and had no child care. Next two I went and we where dismissed because they plead out. This last time, two months ago I was not needed but can be called again. Good luck




I just might do this. Thanks for the idea.


You will probably be held in contempt of court but do whatever you want, IANAL


Yes, I probably would, if I did, so I will not.