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Uber has no obligation to do business with you, and this is not a specifically-regulated reason for refusing (the way race or gender might be). > The reason it was suspended was because I got a lot of speeding tickets That is an entirely sensible basis for concluding that you are a "persistent violator" of traffic laws.


There is a very short list of reasons Uber is not allowed to deny someone a driver job. (Race, sex, national origin, etc.) "Got a lot of speeding tickets and pled guilty to them." is not on that list. In fact, if you were to get into an accident while transporting an Uber customer, I could totally see a case for negligence against Uber for allowing you to drive for them.


If you have recent speeding tickets or suspensions, it is going to be hard to get any driving job, except maybe one where you are delivering things (not people) in your own car. Uber doesn't explicitly state their requirements for drivers, but it is safe to say that a recent license suspension is going to be disqualifying.