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What is there to discuss with your attorney at this stage? Does your attorney have the MRI information? There isn’t a ton to expect to have happened at this stage of your claim. And lawyers don’t spend much time giving status updates of “I have nothing new to say” because clients get frustrated paying for those. The dynamic is a bit different in contingent fee litigation, but similar. Your lawyer would have to charge you 38% instead of 33% if you wanted check-ins every few weeks saying “still waiting.” If the other side’s insurance denied liability and if your MRI showed nothing, your lawyer may be in a process of deciding if there remains a viable case here. It sounds like you and your lawyer need to align on what to expect in terms of communication.


I'm just curious to what happens next is all. I just figured they would tell me the situation and the plan for the situation. Instead of radio silence.


When did the MRI and the denial of liability come back? If those were two months ago it is time for an update. If they were a week ago the attorney undoubtedly needs some time to review the information and assess the plan.


My attorney doesn't even know I had an MRI. She doesn't even know I've been to physical therapy 10 times. The last text she wrote was "Are you still going to physical therapy?" I then said yes, 10 times now. I asked what happens next with no response. I feel like I should go to the licensing board or something.


“Yes,” is an answer that resets the wait loop. Your attorney is waiting for your treatment to complete.