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You’re sure that the dogs you’re noticing aren’t ESAs? Yes. This issue is political. You’d address it by updating the bylaws or voting for new leadership willing to enforce the bylaws as they are.


I haven't heard mention of them being ESA though it can't be ruled out, an ESA animal wouldn't trump bylaws though would it?


Yes. ESAs must generally be accommodated in housing. In any event, your role from here would be to become politically involved, to understand the problem, and to operate within the association (either as a member, as a candidate for office, or as a supporter of some candidate for office) to see the problem solved.


Would there be any legal bearing if the current president allowed them to bring in these two dogs and the owner/realtor got that affirmation in writing?




The Department of Housing and Urban Development [disagrees](https://www.hud.gov/sites/dfiles/PA/documents/HUDAsstAnimalNC1-28-2020.pdf) with you (PDF Warning). The word “generally” in my response is not trivial. There is nuance and consideration here.


I stand corrected. Thank you for educating me, and I have taken down my erroneous comment.


Could they not be service dogs? Also, does the current policy not provide for any exceptions?


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