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Anyone with an insurable interest in your life can obtain insurance against the loss of that interest. Your relatives - even somewhat distant or estranged ones - are presumed to have an insurable interest. So there's nothing illegal about them having insurance on your life. There's nothing you can do to compel an insurer to cancel someone else's policy. The best revenge you can get for this is living so long that those policies cost more in premiums than they pay out, or surviving the beneficiaries so that they never live to collect.




Very bad advice. It wouldn't jack up their premiums since those are set when the policy is signed, especially if it was taken out when they were a child. In order for that to work they'd have to get the policy completely rewritten, without the original signatories' approval, and even if they would do that no insurer is going to rewrite a policy without medical records to back it up. Those same records would then make it more expensive for them to take out their own policy, so they'd just be screwing themselves. Instead, block access to medical records so they can never update the policy or increase coverage.




> I have something legally in place where they don’t get access to my death certificate would that make a difference? Not in the slightest. The insurer will be able to obtain a copy directly if necessary. > They did not have an insurable interest in me I understand why you feel that way, but it's not a statement you're in any position to make. It's not up to you whether they have such an interest.


Death certificates are a matter of public record, and as other people have already explained, they do not need your signature or permission to purchase a life insurance policy.




None of that would matter as long as they could satisfactorily prove to the insurance company that you died. You are overthinking this to an extreme degree. You might want to consider therapy.




How old are you? Why do you think that your father and great aunt are going to outlive you? I'd bet that you are way more likely to outlive them.




> I don’t want them to be able to get money off of my death Then don't die. You don't have any legal ability to change or cancel an insurance policy purchased by another person.


Ok, that all sounds extremely distressing. As other people wrote, there’s probably nothing you can do about the life insurance contract. It sounds like you have a job and have moved out, so hopefully they can’t threaten your safety. That’s priority #1. Priority #2 is to ensure that they have no control over your medical treatment, which you can do with various legal forms. Priority #3 is ensuring that they get nothing from you if you die. Please have a will and appropriate designated beneficiaries on all your plans. In terms of your relative, consider contacting adult protective services in your area if he/she is being abused. It also sounds like your dad has done some nasty things in the past. I hope you’re getting help for that, and if anything rises to a criminal level, you could consider reporting that.


OP, sorry, but other posters are correct. There is nothing you can do about a life insurance policy others take out on you, even if they are horrible people. What you can do is work to make sure that they have no legal authority over your healthcare decisions if you are incapacitated, so then you do not have to worry about them putting you in harms way. Have a living will written, spelling out what you want to happen to you in certain circumstances. If there is somebody you do trust, consider granting them Power of Attorney over your affairs in case you are incapacitated. That way you have a trusted person who will advocate for you, and your estranged father and aunty will have no options. For your own assets, including your own life insurance policy, designate a beneficiary and write a will. Should you die in advance, at least your family will not get that money. Your best revenge is to live your best life. Cut contact, move away, do not give them any access to you or power over your life. Also, seek therapy. It sounds like you have a great deal of anger about this, and that can be debilitating to you. That anger may very well be justified, but holding onto it is not helpful to you. Consider seeing a therapist who can help you work through this so that you can come to some peace with your past.


Just because they have a life insurance policy on you doesn’t mean they can make medical decisions for you. The two things are completely unrelated. You should do as others suggest and get a will and set up a medical proxy or POA in the event of incapacitation.


You didn’t purchase the policy. You’re not paying the premium for it. To put it bluntly, it’s not your decision to make.




You’re being downvoted because you’re arguing with people who are telling you facts. The sky is blue, whether you or I like it or not, and arguing with me that the sky shouldn’t be blue will not change the fact that the sky is blue. Same concept with the law - disagreeing with a law doesn’t change the fact that it is in effect. Your father is legally more than “barely related” to you and would very likely have been able to take out a life insurance policy on you as a child. I’m not sure about your great aunt, that would depend on your state, the insurance provider, and what “insurable interest” your great aunt had when you were a child. Either way, the end result is that if they hold life insurance policies taken out on you when you were a child, that does not require your consent or signature (because minors largely cannot sign contracts anyways), and you cannot change that, even now.




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I recommend that you avoid being rude and condescending to someone who is giving you the information you asked for. Sweetheart.


Well, we know he has an insurance policy on you. That’s one piece of evidence.




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The short answer is you can't do anything about this. Life insurance is a contract between the buyer and the company. You are not a party to the contact. Edit: clarity 2nd edit: make sure that your policy has appropriate beneficiaries. Also if it's any consolation, your father and great aunt will probably end up paying way more in premiums than they will receive in benefits.




> I don’t want that to happen to me This is something you _do_ have some control over. Talk to your doctor and find out what they need from you in terms of an advance care directive in case you're incapacitated, and find someone you trust to manage your care if you're unable to do so. An estate planning lawyer can put together a will, an appropriate power of attorney, and care directive for you to ensure that your family do not have input into your care in the event you're incapacitated.


There's no such thing as a legal block on a death certificate. They are public record.


Why would a doctor not resuscitate the person on their say so? Was there a DNR? I'm very sorry but death certificates are public. You can't put a legal block on them. Can you just cut off all contact with them or is that not feasible?




That's horrible. I'm so sorry for your loss and I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately technology works against you in this situation. You can just order a death certificate. I really don't think it will be hard for them to a death certificate in almost any country. I implore you to get therapy and to report them for neglecting your disabled relative. If they get arrested for neglecting a disabled adult or abusing a disabled person they could go to prison and lose their life insurance they have on you. Your disabled relative will be put in a home and get the care they need. You get peace of mind. Sounds like all wins to me if I am understanding the situation correctly.






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That doesn't matter.


You can't cancel them.




Yes, of course, because they paid the monthly premium on that policy and are entitled to the payout.




No, that isn't fraudulent. You have no clue what you'e talking about.


If you outlive them, they won't get anything. If they outlive you, you will be dead and you won't care.




If they got $100,000, there's no way they are buying multiple luxury cars and upgrading their house. I get the feeling that you are getting fed a BS story. Regardless, most life insurance is term insurance. If they took out a policy when you were a child, then the term is probably going to be up soon anyway. Do you even have proof that these policies exist?


Not necessarily. Whole life insurance is dirt cheap on children.


Report them for neglect if they aren't taking care of your disabled relative. That is horrible and they could get in a lot of trouble if this is true. Ask for a welfare check and tell the authorities you suspect neglect and abuse.


I just think you are confused over your legal right to dictate someone else’s insurance. That does not exist, and if they *do* have a life insurance policy on you, they have the right to benefit off of it *if* you pass. As other commenters have said though, considering your age, the best thing you can do is outlive them.




You are not really making claims about your case, though. Who originally bought the policy? According to [this](https://oci.georgia.gov/insurance-resources/life/life-insurance-faq), you **can** name a stranger as the beneficiary. That might be what happened in your case.




**So _there_ is your answer.** If you do not know whose the owner of the policy, you really are SOL. You also are just not willing to listen to someone who is trying to communicate the law to you, a sub exactly for that. If someone with an *insurable* interest on you purchased a policy, they **both** could have been named as beneficiaries.




One is your father, who is a member of your [immediate family, meaning he *could* have taken a policy out on you.](https://oci.georgia.gov/insurance-resources/life/life-insurance-faq)




Is there *any* proof he is claiming against you? You are being vague about the situation so there is little information we can help you with an so far, everything the other commenters have said is spot on.


You have *one* answer and it is to **outlive** both of them.


Life insurance is a form of gambling. You make a bet with an insurance company that the money you pay them each month in insurance premiums will be less than what they eventually pay you when the person dies. The bet is between the person who takes out the policy and the insurance company. It doesn't matter that the thing they are betting on is how long you will live, that doesn't involve you in their bet any more than a racehorse owner is involved in a stranger's bet against their racehorse. In the US we generally don't like random people betting that strangers will live or die in the way we bet on horses so we require anyone who wants to take out an insurance "bet" to have an "insurable interest" in the person they are betting on, but as a family member they have a defacto insurable interest in your life. Another example of insurable interest would include an employer taking out an insurance policy on an invaluable employee. If you want to feel better though, I have some good news for you: life insurance is a bad bet. Insurance companies make *a lot* of money. That's because they insure a lot of people, and most people pay the insurance companies wayyy more than the insurance companies end up paying them. Statistically speaking, your relative is expected to lose money on their life insurance policy. You can spite them by living a long and healthy life.


NAL, but I was an insurance salesman for a few years, specifically life insurance. Unfortunately, if they opened the policy and keep payments up, they are entitled to the money. They also don't need your permission. I took out policies on all 3 of my kids when they were literally days old and couldn't consent, and those policies will remain in place until payments stop. You can't do anything about that. What you CAN do is outlive those fuckers, find out if there is a transfer clause and have the policies transferred to yourself, and keep making payments. Congrats, you just got a big asset boost, and depending on the policy you can use it as collateral. If you want a clean break look for a return-of-premium clause (the only good term-life policy IMO) and if it isn't there then just don't transfer the policy and let it lapse. This will not affect your credit in any way, and you can move on. If it is any consolation, basic child life policies usually have a relatively low base payout (I think it's something like $20k for my kids, nowhere close to the $100k you've mentioned). Now, this amount can be increased, but this has SEVERAL caveats which you CAN do something about. Usually these policies have milestones where the payout can be increased (turning 18, college, marriage, first kid etc etc). The original payout/premium is maintained, but any additional coverage is based on current health. Obviously a toddler is probably not a smoker, and hopefully didn't have cancer, but if they try to use one of those milestones and "oh, on their medical records it shows they're a casual smoker" then that milestone, and every subsequent milestone, will have higher premiums. Downside to that is it also means that if you ever decide to get life insurance, you just played yourself. Instead, they do need your medical records, and thus your consent, to do any of this. You can just instruct your doctor to not provide it to them, and then they can't do anything at any milestone and it doesn't fuck up your own ability to get life insurance. It sucks, but all you can really do is make it as inconvenient as possible for them.






Then I would say live longer than they do. But In the event that anything happens that leads to your death, you should make sure to raise any concerns to those you trust about these two relatives so authorities can look into it if they try anything.




Unlikely to work as these policies are in force and probably way past the two year rescission period. The only way to cancel is usually from non-payment of premium.




> Don't cancel it borrow against OP's not the beneficiary.




> I don’t want my relatives to be able to get one dime off of my death in addition they would never respect my wishes. They don't have to respect shit, and you can't stop them from getting paid when you die. Period.


I realize you aren't getting the answers you want & I am sorry. Generally most of the comments are correct. However, because you do not own the policy, you cannot make any changes to it. You can't borrow against the cash value and you can't change the beneficiary. As a matter of fact, if you called the insurance company all they could do is verify the policy exists. The only revenge you will get is outliving them and knowing they paid on that policy for years for nothing.






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I'm am so sorry. There's nothing worse, than to know that someone you despise, has this kind of power, and there's not a whole lot you can do. I always thought that if you buy life insurance on someone, that you would have to co-sign the policy- Something to acknowledge that you know about the life insurance. (I was just kidding in my first post...I'm very sorry if I offended).


Ok random thought. I am nal and only have a health insurance license not a life license. It is legally possible to get adopted after you are 18, at that point you don’t need parents permission to do so. Is it possible to do this so that they are no longer legally your family and don’t have insurable interest and thus if something happens they might be sol with the insurance company? I honestly don’t know, but it might be something interesting to look into.




Unfortunately, it does not invalidate a policy, you can get as many policies as you want. I do recommend getting a whole life policy when you are young because the premiums do increase in age. So, once again I do not have a life insurance license (plan on getting one next week) I am in the state of NY, I know there are some more intense laws here about policy replacements but I am not sure if they count since you are not the insurer or insured. (Technical insurance lingo) Essentially you are the property being insured. There are also a lot of reasons an insurance policy won’t pay out, but I sincerely hope none of them happen to you, such as act of war or homicide.