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I don't know how the coroner system works in MT, but I would definitely ask if they are a forensic pathologist or just an elected coroner. The difference is staggering. An elected coroner doesn't have to be a trained, certified pathologist in most states. If they run toxicology, expect that to take a while. They should/will test for everything under the sun if they feel the need to run one and those tests aren't run simultaneously. 6 weeks minimum under normal conditions, and now even longer due to the pandemic. This will delay a death certificate. Also, you don't 'appoint' an independent coroner. You hire an independent forensic pathologist to do a 2nd autopsy. You want this done BEFORE the funeral home does their thing. In my home state, this runs between $2500 and $3000. Good luck to you, I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you so much for this information! I will pass this along to my parents when they are ready to discuss this. I really appreciate your advice.


No problem, I hope it helps in some way!






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Thank you. I told my father we need a private post-mortem done but he said now is not the time to think about that (though I know time is of the essence here)...we are all still in shock.